WeeChat official scripts

This page shows a collection of WeeChat scripts written by external contributors, which can be installed directly in WeeChat with the command /script install <name>.
WeeChat developers are NOT RESPONSIBLE for problems caused by one of these scripts: you could experience problems like memory leaks, slowdowns, or even security problems, you are warned!

You can contribute by adding/updating scripts or reporting issues in the GitHub repository: https://github.com/weechat/scripts

List: XML (gz), JSON (gz)
Filter: tag = irc (remove), 85 scripts.
Name / Language Description V. License Min Max Author Added Updated
[irc, buffer, py2, py3]
Automatically keep buffers grouped by server and sorted by name.
3.10 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Maarten de Vries 2014-01-25 2023-12-31
*highmon.pl Adds a highlight monitor buffer. 2.7 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 KenjiE20 2009-08-03 2020-06-21
[irc, color, py2, py3]
Use the weechat nick colors in the chat area and command line.
32 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 xt 2010-03-05 2023-10-30
[irc, nick]
Tab complete nicks when prefixed with "@".
0.001 Apache-2.0 0.3.0 xdg 2016-10-29
[irc, sasl]
Automatically authenticate with NickServ using SASL username/password.
0.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Shawn Smith 2014-04-04 2014-05-30
[irc, py2, py3]
Permits to auto-authenticate when changing nick.
1.3 GPL-2.0-or-later 0.3.0 kolter 2011-10-04 2021-11-07
autoconnect.py Reopen servers and channels opened last time WeeChat closed. 0.3.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.2 arno 2011-08-28 2019-10-06
autojoin_on_invite.py Auto joins channels when invited. 0.9 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 xt 2009-10-28 2022-10-25
[irc, mode, py2, py3]
Auto op/voice users when they join IRC channel.
0.1.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 m4v 2010-11-27 2019-03-17
[irc, nick]
Change "nick:" prefix if the nick is changed while you're still editing.
1.00 Public-domain 0.3.0 Juerd 2018-09-21
[irc, away, log]
Log highlights/private messages when you are away.
0.8 GPL-2.0-or-later 0.3.0 GolemJ 2005-07-21 2010-08-01
[irc, py2]
Encrypt/decrypt IRC messages using axolotl ratchet and GPG. (requires: https://github.com/rxcomm/pyaxo)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 rxcomm 2014-04-13 2021-05-11
Securely authenticate with QuakeNet by using CHALLENGEAUTH. (requires: OpenSSL)
0.0.1 MIT 0.3.0 Dominik Honnef 2013-05-01
[irc, py2, py3]
List shared channels with user on command or WHOIS.
1.2 MIT 1.3 Jos Ahrens 2016-04-09 2023-02-05
[irc, buffer]
Adds a channel monitor buffer.
2.7 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 KenjiE20 2009-06-10 2021-10-03
[irc, py3]
Helper script for IRC channel operators.
0.3.5 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.2 m4v 2009-11-02 2023-02-05
chanpriority.py Set channel priority. 0.5 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Paul Barbu 2011-08-28 2012-01-04
[irc, item]
Bar item with chatters (non idle people).
0.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.6 Asido 2012-05-15 2013-02-10
[irc, clone, py2, py3]
Detect multiple nicknames from the same host on irc channels.
1.5 MIT 0.3.0 FiXato 2011-09-18 2024-08-18
collapse_channel.py Collapse channel buffers from servers without focus. 1.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 1.0 nils_2 2019-06-14 2024-11-24
[irc, color]
Color the channel text with nick color.
4.0.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.4 nils_2 2010-05-27 2023-06-28
[irc, color]
Interpret mirc formatting codes in the command line and show a color popup when needed.
0.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Nei 2013-01-09 2015-12-13
[irc, clone]
Analyze channels nicklists to find common lurkers.
0.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Al-Caveman 2015-06-14 2015-06-22
[irc, crypto, py2]
Encrypt/decrypt messages using openssl. (requires: openssl)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.4.5 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Nicolai Lissner 2008-08-29 2021-05-11
[irc, dcc]
Forward DCC SEND requests to a different client.
0.0.1 MIT 0.3.4 Dominik Honnef 2012-03-10
[emoji, irc, py3]
Replace emoji characters with ascii text and vice versa.
0.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.7 eyjhb 2021-05-29
[emoji, irc, py3]
Convert emoji shortcodes to unicode. (requires: emoji)
1.0.1 CC0-1.0 1.3 Thom Wiggers 2021-04-11 2023-10-06
[irc, exec, py2, py3]
Run remote commands via IRC messages.
1.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 TxGVNN 2018-09-29
fish.py FiSH encryption/decryption. (requires: pycryptodome) 0.15 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 David Flatz 2012-03-27 2023-10-23
[irc, nick, py2, py3]
Force nick change on channels which disallow it.
0.5 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Simmo Saan 2017-02-04 2018-06-19
Convert usernames of gateway connections to their real names.
1.2.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Zephyr Quarto-Pellerin 2016-10-30 2017-04-06
[irc, item, py2, py3]
Show hats (user modes like "@" or "+") in a bar item.
1.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 GermainZ 2015-06-14 2015-07-25
[i3, i3lock, away, irc, py2, py3]
Set away status if i3lock (X display locker) is running. (requires: i3lock)
0.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 bebr 2017-06-10 2020-03-08
[irc, py2]
Format identi.ca bot messages.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.4.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 fauno 2009-07-27 2020-05-09
irccloud_avatar_link.py Add IRCCloud avatar image link to WHOIS response. 1.0 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Jesse McDowell 2024-10-20
[irc, crypto, py2, py3]
Secure encryption layer for the IRC protocol based on OpenPGP. (requires: GnuPG)
1.0 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.8 IRCrypt team 2016-04-09
[irc, away, log, py2, py3]
Log highlights/private messages when you are away.
0.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 henrik 2013-12-02 2023-02-11
jnotify.pl Start command/program if a user joins a channel you are in. 1.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.1 nils_2 2009-09-16 2021-05-11
join2fast.pl Automatically join channels on UnderNET that get throttled due to "Target change too fast". (requires: perl >= 5.10) 0.8.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.2 Ratler 2012-11-26 2013-07-27
[irc, py2, py3]
Kickban nick and unban after some seconds.
0.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 kinabalu 2009-05-03 2022-01-25
[irc, nick, py2, py3]
Keep your nick and recover it in case it's stolen.
1.7 GPL-3.0-or-later 1.3 nils_2 2012-02-09 2023-06-14
[irc, kick, ban]
Customizable kickban command with unban timer and mask resolver.
0.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 ArZa 2011-07-08 2014-03-24
Send a colored "kikoo" on current channel.
0.2 GPL-2.0-or-later 0.3.0 mRk 2009-10-15
[notify, irc, py3]
Pass highlights and private messages as OS notifications via the Kitty terminal (OSC 99).
1.0.0 MIT 0.3.0 Emma Eilefsen Glenna 2024-10-20
[irc, list, py2, py3]
Show /list results in a common buffer and interact with them.
0.8.2 MIT 0.3.0 FiXato 2011-09-17 2019-07-05
[irc, list]
Sort the output of /list command by user count.
0.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.4 ArZa 2011-07-08
[irc, notify, py2, py3]
A libnotify script. (requires: pynotify)
0.3.5 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 kevr 2010-09-19 2019-06-14
luanma.pl Charset replacement for IRC, recode past message. 0.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.9 Nei 2013-03-11 2021-05-11
[irc, mode, mask, py2, py3]
Display who is affected when a mode with a hostmask argument is set.
1.4 MIT 1.3 Jos Ahrens 2016-04-24 2016-11-05
[irc, nick]
Change nick on multiple servers using custom masks.
0.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 CrazyCat 2014-04-01 2019-09-22
[irc, py2, py3]
Give operator status to everyone in the current channel.
0.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Adam Saponara 2016-10-29
[irc, nick]
Automatically attempts to regain IRC primary nick.
1.1.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 KenjiE20 2009-10-20 2010-12-13
[irc, color, py2, py3]
Remove IRC colors from selected buffers.
0.4 Public-domain 0.3.0 Fredrick Brennan 2012-11-26 2020-05-09
[notify, irc, py2, py3]
Notifications through OS X notification center. (requires: OS X, pync)
1.5.2 MIT 0.3.0 Sindre Sorhus 2012-09-23 2021-09-04
Op everybody on a channel using chanserv instead of /mode.
0.1 WTFPL 0.3.0 gagz 2019-07-06
[irc, crypto, otr, py2, py3]
Off-The-Record IRC messaging. (requires: https://github.com/afflux/pure-python-otr)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.9.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Matthew M. Boedicker 2012-05-26 2021-05-11
parse_relayed_msg.pl Proper integration of remote users' nicknames in channel and nicklist. 1.9.7 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 w8rabbit 2012-11-26 2022-10-21
[irc, py2, py3]
Postpone written messages for later dispatching if target nick is not on channel.
0.2.5 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Alexander Schremmer 2010-05-27 2021-04-05
[irc, whois]
Add a bar in query buffers with whois information.
0.0.6 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.4.0 ff0x 2018-09-21 2020-06-21
[irc, query, spam]
Simple blocker for private message (i.e. spam).
1.7 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.1 rettub 2010-01-10 2025-03-21
[irc, query, py2, py3]
Save and restore query buffers after /quit.
0.6.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.7 nils_2 2013-08-02 2023-08-01
[irc, nick, color, py2, py3]
Quickly add/del/change entry in option irc.look.nick_color_force.
0.6.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.4 nils_2 2012-02-06 2017-08-27
read_marker.py Support of draft/read-marker IRC extension. 0.2.0 AGPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.6 Simon Ser 2022-11-11 2023-07-07
Recover channel operator in empty channel.
0.1.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Ryuunosuke Ayanokouzi 2012-05-24 2023-07-10
[irc, mode, py3]
Automatically op/voice users using reop and invite lists.
1.0.0 MIT 2.3 Jeroen F.J. Laros 2022-02-09
Slaps with random messages.
1.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 KenjiE20 2009-07-20 2021-05-11
[irc, nick]
List multiple occurences of the same nick(s) in a set of channels. (requires: Ruby::OptionParser, Ruby::Shellwords)
0.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.4.1 Hendrik 'henk' Jaeger 2013-10-19 2021-11-07
[irc, server, py2, py3]
Cycle to currently used server (for merged buffers).
0.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.6 nils_2 2012-01-27 2013-01-29
[irc, py2]
Replace text from specified IRC users with random or preset text.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.6 FiXato 2014-03-07 2014-04-19
soju.py Soju bouncer integration. 0.5.0 AGPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Simon Ser 2021-06-12 2023-07-07
[irc, buffer]
Sort channels inside networks.
1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 ArZa 2015-06-14
[irc, buffer]
Sort irc buffers alphabetically.
0.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 nils_2 2011-08-28 2013-11-24
[irc, buffer, py2]
Sort buffers by server and alphabetically.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.9 KokaKiwi 2013-10-19
[irc, ctcp, sound]
Play a sound for IRC "CTCP SOUND" message.
0.7 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 FlashCode 2005-02-12 2009-05-02
Record and correlate nick!user@host information. (requires: DBD::SQLite)
1.6.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.4 nils_2 2013-05-01 2021-11-06
[irc, topic, py2, py3]
Show differences between old and new topics.
0.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 daf 2011-08-28 2019-09-22
[irc, topic, py2, py3]
Display topic with changes highlighted. (requires: python-diff-match-patch)
1.01 Public-domain 0.3.0 Juerd 2018-09-21
[irc, topic]
Edit channel topics by perl regular expressions or in input-line.
0.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 nils_2 2011-09-17
undernet_challenge.rb Respond to undernet challenge when there's no identd. 0.1.0 BSD-2-Clause 0.3.0 Daniel Bretoi 2013-10-22
undernet_totp.py UnderNET's X OTP (OATH-TOTP) authentication. 0.4.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.4.2 Ratler 2014-01-14 2021-04-05
weefish.rb FiSH encryption/decryption. (requires: crypt/blowfish) 0.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 tp 2010-09-19 2012-02-08
[irc, whois, py2, py3]
Send "whois" on nick when receiving new IRC query.
0.6.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.2 FlashCode 2009-02-08 2017-06-03
[irc, whowas, py2, py3]
Display a human-readable time string for WHOWAS data.
1.2 MIT 1.3 Jos Ahrens 2016-04-24
[irc, znc, py2]
Convert ZNC status PRIVMSGs to NOTICEs.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0.0 MIT 1.5 Hugo Landau 2016-10-30
[irc, znc, py2, py3]
Add support for the ZNC Playback module.
0.2.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.2 jazzpi 2016-10-30 2022-02-05