WeeChat official scripts

This page shows a collection of WeeChat scripts written by external contributors, which can be installed directly in WeeChat with the command /script install <name>.
WeeChat developers are NOT RESPONSIBLE for problems caused by one of these scripts: you could experience problems like memory leaks, slowdowns, or even security problems, you are warned!

You can contribute by adding/updating scripts or reporting issues in the GitHub repository: https://github.com/weechat/scripts

List: XML (gz), JSON (gz)
Filter: language = python2-only (remove), 56 scripts.
Name / Language Description V. License Min Max Author Added Updated
[irc, py2]
Encrypt/decrypt IRC messages using axolotl ratchet and GPG. (requires: https://github.com/rxcomm/pyaxo)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.1 GPL3 0.3.0 rxcomm 2014-04-13 2021-05-11
biditext.py Display right-to-left text in chat with fribidi. (requires: python-pyfribidi)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1 GPL3 0.3.0 spacepluk 2012-12-04
[buffer, key, py2]
Bind meta-<key> to the current buffer.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0 GPL3 0.3.0 Trevor 'tee' Slocum 2017-05-08
chanpriority.py Set channel priority.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.5 GPL3 0.3.0 Paul Barbu 2011-08-28 2012-01-04
[music, py2]
Display which song clementine is currently playing. (requires: python-dbus)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0 GPL3 0.3.0 Leigh MacDonald 2011-08-28
[music, py2]
Control Clementine from WeeChat.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.1 GPL3 0.3.0 Darth-O-Ring 2014-04-12 2014-05-18
[irc, clone, py2]
Detect multiple nicknames from the same host on irc channels.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.4 MIT 0.3.0 FiXato 2011-09-18 2015-03-07
[music, cmus, py2]
Control and now-playing script for cmus. (requires: cmus, cmus-remote)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.02 GPL2 0.3.0 Isaac Ross 2013-05-01 2013-09-21
[irc, crypto, py2]
Encrypt/decrypt messages using openssl. (requires: openssl)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.4.5 GPL3 0.3.0 Nicolai Lissner 2008-08-29 2021-05-11
[music, py2]
Display which song DeaDBeeF is currently playing.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.9 MIT 0.3.0 mwgg 2015-06-14
[notify, py2]
Notifications through Growl. (requires: Growl, Growl Python Bindings)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.2 GPL2 0.3.0 tobypadilla 2009-10-12 2009-10-14
[notify, py2]
Growl notifications using python-gntp. (requires: python-gntp)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.2 GPL3 0.3.0 ofan 2012-04-13
gribble.py Automatically authenticate to gribble for Bitcoin OTC exchange.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1 Apache2.0 1.0 fluter 2017-06-04
[notify, py2]
Send Growl notifications upon events. (requires: Growl)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0.7 MIT 0.3.0 sorin 2011-10-04 2021-05-11
[notify, py2]
Relay highlighted and private messages over XMPP (Jabber). (requires: sleekxmpp)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.5 GPL3 0.3.0 jpeddicord 2009-09-16 2015-12-31
hl2file.py Generate a file with highlights for external programs as conky.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.3 GPL3 0.3.6 nesthib 2012-03-13 2021-05-11
hl_nicks.py Generate a list of nicks in input by selecting nicks using flags and patterns.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.1 GPL3 0.3.0 nesthib 2012-01-22 2012-01-22
[irc, py2]
Format identi.ca bot messages.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.4.3 GPL3 0.3.0 fauno 2009-07-27 2020-05-09
[notify, py2]
Push notification to im.kayac.com.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.3 MIT 0.3.0 Gosuke Miyashita 2012-01-05 2014-05-10
im_rename.py Rename Facebook/Google+ usernames when using Minbif.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.2 Public_domain 0.3.0 crwl 2010-02-19 2014-10-04
jisearch.py Query JiSho's API to fetch translations for kanji to english or the other way round.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1 MIT 0.3.5 ark 2016-10-30
[music, py2]
Send your latest Last.fm track to the current buffer. (requires: json)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1 GPL3 0.3.0 timss 2017-05-08
memon.py Freenode memo notifications. (requires: libnotify)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.3 GPL3 0.3.0 Paul Barbu 2012-01-04 2012-01-14
[music, py2]
A now playing and control script for mpd. (requires: mpdclient)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.3 GPL3 0.3.0 resixian 2011-03-25 2013-01-03
[music, py2]
Display which song mpd is currently playing. (requires: mpd, mpdclient)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.5 GPL2 0.3.0 asmanian 2006-02-02 2009-05-02
[music, py2]
A now playing script for players supporting the mpris dbus interface. (requires: python-dbus)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.4.3 BSD-2c 0.4.0 Mantas Mikulėnas 2015-03-31
[music, py2]
A now playing script for players supporting the mpris dbus interface. (requires: python-dbus)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.3 BSD-2c 0.3.0 Johannes Nixdorf 2011-08-28 2011-09-17
msg_command.py Run chat received in a buffer as commands.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.2 GPL3 0.3.0 xt 2010-11-05 2010-11-08
[notify, py2]
Receive notifications in Notify My Android (android phone app). (requires: pynma.py: https://github.com/uskr/pynma)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0.7 GPL2 0.3.0 sitaktif 2011-10-04 2014-05-10
[notify, py2]
Notify events through desktop notifications and an optional status icon. (requires: PyGTK, notify-python for the GTK 2 UI; GObject Introspection bindings for glib, GDK-PixBuf, GTK 3, libnotify for the GTK 3 UI; PyQt4 for the Qt 4 UI; PyQt4, PyKDE 4 for the KDE 4 UI)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1 GPL3 1.0 Guido Berhoerster 2017-05-08
[notify, py2]
Push notification to iPod touch/iPhone with notifo. (requires: notifo)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0 MIT 0.3.0 SAEKI Yoshiyasu 2010-07-05
[notify, py2]
Notifications on iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad with Prowl.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
3.1 GPL3 0.3.7 kidchunks 2013-01-24 2014-05-10
[notify, py2]
Send highlights and mentions through Pushjet.io.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.1 MIT 1.0 p3lim 2017-05-08 2021-04-05
[music, py2]
A now playing and control script for Quodlibet.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.5 GPL2 0.3.0 Sharn 2009-04-15 2009-05-02
[info, py2]
Displays sensor data. (requires: sensors)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0 GPL3 0.3.0 0x1cedd1ce 2010-10-06
[irc, py2]
Replace text from specified IRC users with random or preset text.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.2 GPL3 0.3.6 FiXato 2014-03-07 2014-04-19
[away, py2]
Set away status if slock (X display locker) is running. (requires: slock)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1 GPL3 0.3.0 Peter A. Shevtsov 2011-10-14
smile.py Print a random ASCII smiley.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1 GPL3 0.3.0 Vlad Stoica 2015-03-22
[irc, buffer, py2]
Sort buffers by server and alphabetically.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1 GPL3 0.3.9 KokaKiwi 2013-10-19
[notify, py2]
A notify script which uses ssh. (requires: notify-send)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.2.3 GPL3 0.3.0 delwin 2011-10-31 2014-05-10
[file, py2]
Tail any number of files and run any command with line appended.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1 GPL3 0.3.0 xt 2010-11-08
[teknik, py2]
Interact with the Teknik services, including file uploads, pastes, and URL shortening. (requires: teknik)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0.0 BSD 1.5 uncled1023 2017-10-14
telnot.py Send notifications over Telegram.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0 MIT 0.3.0 Frantisek Kolacek 2018-12-14
terminal_title.py Display user defined information in the terminal title.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1 GPL3 0.3.0 Guido Berhoerster 2017-05-08
[notify, py2]
Notifications for twmn.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.3 GPL3 0.3.0 epegzz 2012-01-27 2014-05-10
[input, py2]
Transform all your input to uppercase (useful for INTERNATIONAL CAPSLOCK DAY).
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.2 GPL3 0.3.0 xt 2010-01-14 2013-10-22
[music, py2]
Display which song mpd is currently playing. (requires: mpc)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.1 GPL3 0.3.0 Apprentice 2009-06-17 2010-06-22
weenetsoul.py Netsoul protocol.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.3 WTFPL 0.3.0 godric 2011-09-17 2014-10-30
[notify, py2]
Send push notifications to your mobile devices using Pushover.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1 MIT 0.3.0 adtac 2018-09-21
weestreamer.py Streamlink companion for WeeChat. (requires: streamlink)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.4.2 GPL3 0.3.0 Miblo 2015-06-14 2017-03-19
[sms, google, py2]
SMS Text Messaging using Google Voice. (requires: pygooglevoice: https://github.com/rxcomm/pygooglevoice)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.3 GPL3 0.4.3 rxcomm 2014-01-14 2021-05-11
[ip, py2]
Display external ip address.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.2 GPL3 0.3.7 sontek 2010-11-18 2012-11-18
whatsapp.py WhatsApp protocol. (requires: yowsup)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.2 GPL3 0.3.0 jspricke 2017-05-08 2022-07-30
[notify, py2]
Add alerts to the message menu in Ubuntu. (requires: python-dbus, python-indicate, wmctrl)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.0.4 GPL2 0.3.0 Leon Bogaert 2010-09-30 2014-05-10
[window, py2]
Scroll by fractional screens.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1 GPL3 0.3.0 paulguy 2016-04-09
[irc, znc, py2]
Convert ZNC status PRIVMSGs to NOTICEs.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0.0 MIT 1.5 Hugo Landau 2016-10-30