WeeChat official scripts

This page shows a collection of WeeChat scripts written by external contributors, which can be installed directly in WeeChat with the command /script install <name>.
WeeChat developers are NOT RESPONSIBLE for problems caused by one of these scripts: you could experience problems like memory leaks, slowdowns, or even security problems, you are warned!

You can contribute by adding/updating scripts or reporting issues in the GitHub repository: https://github.com/weechat/scripts

List: XML (gz), JSON (gz)
Filter: tag = notify (remove), 52 scripts.
Name / Language Description V. License Min Max Author Added Updated
Send private messages and highlights to an AMQP exchange. (requires: bunny rabbitmq server)
0.1 BSD-3-Clause 0.3.3 mahlon 2011-01-12
[notify, py2, py3]
Notifications of private messages, highlights, DCC send/receive and more. (requires: libnotify)
1.0.2 MIT 0.3.0 magnific0 2012-11-26 2020-05-16
[notify, py3]
On screen display notification.
4.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.4.0 Blackmore 2016-03-25 2024-07-08
chanact.py New hotlist, use names and keybindings instead of numbers. 1.0 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 xt 2009-05-18 2020-06-10
Highlight some channels on each message.
0.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Karvur 2009-04-21 2009-05-02
[notify, py2, py3]
Call notify-send when a message is received. (requires: libnotify)
0.1.0 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 manzerbredes 2018-11-11
Notify dzen when a private message is received. (requires: IO::Handle)
0.2 Artistic-2.0 0.4.3 apendragon 2015-06-14
[notify, py2]
Notifications through Growl. (requires: Growl, Growl Python Bindings)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.2 GPL-2.0-or-later 0.3.0 tobypadilla 2009-10-12 2009-10-14
Growl notifications using ruby-gntp. (requires: ruby_gntp)
1.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 tinifni 2011-11-01 2012-02-08
[notify, py2, py3]
Growl notifications using python-gntp. (requires: python-gntp)
0.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 ofan 2012-04-13
[notify, py2]
Send Growl notifications upon events. (requires: Growl)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0.7 MIT 0.3.0 sorin 2011-10-04 2021-05-11
Notifications through Net::Growl. (requires: Net::Growl)
0.5 GPL-2.0-or-later 0.3.0 kinabalu 2009-04-21 2009-05-02
[notify, py2]
Relay highlighted and private messages over XMPP (Jabber). (requires: sleekxmpp)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.5 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 jpeddicord 2009-09-16 2015-12-31
[notify, py2]
Push notification to im.kayac.com.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.3 MIT 0.3.0 Gosuke Miyashita 2012-01-05 2014-05-10
irssinotifier.py IrssiNotifier push notifications with end-to-end encryption. (requires: openssl) 0.9 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.7 Caspar Clemens Mierau 2013-01-18 2018-11-11
jnotify.pl Start command/program if a user joins a channel you are in. 1.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.1 nils_2 2009-09-16 2021-05-11
[irc, notify, py2, py3]
A libnotify script. (requires: pynotify)
0.3.5 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 kevr 2010-09-19 2019-06-14
memon.py Freenode memo notifications. (requires: libnotify)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Paul Barbu 2012-01-04 2012-01-14
[notify, py2, py3]
Mail notifications of private/highlight/DCC and more.
0.6 Beerware 0.3.0 maker 2013-10-19 2019-04-13
[notify, py2, py3]
Send notifications using the MQTT protocol. (requires: paho-mqtt)
0.5 WTFPL 1.0 maethor 2016-10-30 2018-06-02
[notify, py2]
Receive notifications in Notify My Android (android phone app). (requires: pynma.py: https://github.com/uskr/pynma)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0.7 GPL-2.0-or-later 0.3.0 sitaktif 2011-10-04 2014-05-10
[notify, py2]
Notify events through desktop notifications and an optional status icon. (requires: PyGTK, notify-python for the GTK 2 UI; GObject Introspection bindings for glib, GDK-PixBuf, GTK 3, libnotify for the GTK 3 UI; PyQt4 for the Qt 4 UI; PyQt4, PyKDE 4 for the KDE 4 UI)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1 GPL-3.0-only 1.0 Guido Berhoerster 2017-05-08
[notify, py2, py3]
Notifications through OS X notification center. (requires: OS X, pync)
1.5.2 MIT 0.3.0 Sindre Sorhus 2012-09-23 2021-09-04
[notify, py2]
Push notification to iPod touch/iPhone with notifo. (requires: notifo)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0 MIT 0.3.0 SAEKI Yoshiyasu 2010-07-05
[notify, py2, py3]
Notification on screen for highlights and private messages. (requires: python-notify2)
0.0.9 GPL-2.0-or-later 0.3.0 lavaramano 2009-04-16 2020-05-10
Highly configurable send-notify script for user, channel and server messages.
1.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.4 dmitescu 2017-05-08 2019-04-13
Send libnotify notifications with smart delays to avoid spam. (requires: notify-send)
1.5 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 shmibs 2013-03-11 2017-04-25
[notify, py2]
Notifications on iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad with Prowl.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
3.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.7 kidchunks 2013-01-24 2014-05-10
[notify, sms]
View/send SMS via pushbullet.
1.0 MIT 0.3.0 yazgoo 2018-11-11
[notify, py2]
Send highlights and mentions through Pushjet.io.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.1 MIT 1.0 p3lim 2017-05-08 2021-04-05
Send push notifications to your mobile devices using Pushover.
2.0 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.7 stfn 2013-03-11 2017-03-19
Send private/highlight messages to Android, iOS and Windows 10 devices via Pushsafer. (requires: Ruby OpenSSL, RubyGems)
0.1 Apache-2.0 0.3.0 appzer 2017-05-08
[notify, py2, py3]
Send notifications to remote client using ssh and libnotify. (requires: libnotify)
1.1 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Krister Svanlund 2012-05-28 2018-11-11
Sends highlights to (remote) client using libnotify. (requires: libnotify)
1.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Gotisch 2010-01-06 2015-12-31
Snarl notifications for highlights.
0.6.1 GPL-2.0-or-later 0.3.0 Eric Harmon 2010-02-13
[notify, py2, py3]
Play sound when messages are printed in buffers.
0.1.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Mrokii 2010-10-23 2022-01-25
Send highlights and private messages to a unix socket.
0.0.1 MIT 0.3.0 kelsin 2015-03-22
[notify, py2]
A notify script which uses ssh. (requires: notify-send)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.2.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 delwin 2011-10-31 2014-05-10
Monitoring of highlights/tags/buffers/nicks with sound/osd notifications.
0.5.4 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Stravy 2010-01-01 2017-10-28
telnot.py Send notifications over Telegram.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0 MIT 0.3.0 Frantisek Kolacek 2018-12-14
Thinklight blink on highlight/private message. (requires: thinkpad-acpi)
0.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 trenki 2010-10-31 2011-04-24
[notify, py2]
Notifications for twmn.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.3 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 epegzz 2012-01-27 2014-05-10
Ubus notification. (requires: ubus)
0.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 aep 2010-04-02 2011-02-14
[notify, py3]
Push notifications of highlights and private messages to Join. (requires: Python)
1.0 BSD-2-Clause 2.0 KittyKatt 2020-12-30
weenotifier.py Notifier using IrssiNotifier. 0.0.1 BSD-2-Clause 0.3.0 Mohan R 2021-10-03
[notify, py2, py3]
Client/server to send/receive notifications and display them. (requires: dbus, notify2)
0.4 BSD-2-Clause 2.0 Armageddon 2018-11-11
[notify, py3]
Prowl notifications.
0.8 GPL-2.0-or-later 0.3.7 Josh Dick 2013-10-19 2021-03-06
[notify, py2]
Send push notifications to your mobile devices using Pushover.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1 MIT 0.3.0 adtac 2018-09-21
[notify, py2]
Add alerts to the message menu in Ubuntu. (requires: python-dbus, python-indicate, wmctrl)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.0.4 GPL-2.0-or-later 0.3.0 Leon Bogaert 2010-09-30 2014-05-10
Wmii statusbar notification for highlights.
0.3 Apache-2.0 0.3.3 Sebastian Köhler 2010-08-27 2011-01-18
Show highlights and private messages with OSD. (requires: xosd, tclxosd)
0.2 GPL-3.0-or-later 0.3.0 Karvur 2010-09-30 2013-04-14
Send notifications to a ZMQ socket. (requires: zmq)
0.1 BSD-3-Clause 0.3.0 Mahlon 2011-11-15