WeeChat official scripts

This page shows a collection of WeeChat scripts written by external contributors, which can be installed directly in WeeChat with the command /script install <name>.
WeeChat developers are NOT RESPONSIBLE for problems caused by one of these scripts: you could experience problems like memory leaks, slowdowns, or even security problems, you are warned!

You can contribute by adding/updating scripts or reporting issues in the GitHub repository: https://github.com/weechat/scripts

List: XML (gz), JSON (gz)
Filter: tag = music (remove), 28 scripts.
Name / Language Description V. License Min Max Author Added Updated
Amarok 2 control and now playing script. (requires: KDE4 (qdbus), Amarok2)
0.7 GPL3 0.3.0 nils_2 2009-10-13 2012-05-08
Display which song Audacious is currently playing. (requires: audacious)
0.3 GPL2 0.3.0 DeltaS4 2006-10-02 2009-05-03
[music, py2]
Display which song clementine is currently playing. (requires: python-dbus)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.0 GPL3 0.3.0 Leigh MacDonald 2011-08-28
[music, py2]
Control Clementine from WeeChat.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.1 GPL3 0.3.0 Darth-O-Ring 2014-04-12 2014-05-18
[music, cmus, py2]
Control and now-playing script for cmus. (requires: cmus, cmus-remote)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
1.02 GPL2 0.3.0 Isaac Ross 2013-05-01 2013-09-21
[music, cmus]
Message current buffer/channel the currently listened to song.
1 0BSD 0.3.0 lan Nomar 2024-06-09
[music, py2]
Display which song DeaDBeeF is currently playing.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.9 MIT 0.3.0 mwgg 2015-06-14
Show info about current song in foobar2000. (requires: Perl 5.10, Net::Telnet)
0.6.1 ISC 0.3.0 Kovensky 2010-01-27
iTunes control and now playing script. (requires: OS X)
1.0 CC-BY-SA 0.3.0 mdszy 2012-07-30
[music, py3]
Send your latest Last.fm track to the current buffer. (requires: feedparser)
0.9 GPL3 0.3.0 Adam Saponara 2010-06-27 2022-01-25
[music, py2]
Send your latest Last.fm track to the current buffer. (requires: json)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1 GPL3 0.3.0 timss 2017-05-08
Show info about current song in moc. (requires: moc)
0.5 GPL2 0.3.0 GolemJ 2006-01-23 2009-06-20
[music, py2, py3]
Control and now-playing script for moc. (requires: moc)
1.9 GPL2 0.3.0 SuperTux88 2009-09-09 2020-06-21
[music, py2]
A now playing and control script for mpd. (requires: mpdclient)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.3 GPL3 0.3.0 resixian 2011-03-25 2013-01-03
mpdbitl.lua Set Bitlbee's status message with current MPD track. (requires: lua-socket, bitlbee, mpd) 1.2 WTFPL 0.3.5 rumia 2012-08-18 2012-10-13
[music, py2]
Display which song mpd is currently playing. (requires: mpd, mpdclient)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.5 GPL2 0.3.0 asmanian 2006-02-02 2009-05-02
Display which song mpd is currently playing. (requires: mpc, mpd)
1.0 BSD-2c 0.3.0 linopolus 2009-09-15
[music, py2]
A now playing script for players supporting the mpris dbus interface. (requires: python-dbus)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.4.3 BSD-2c 0.4.0 Mantas Mikulėnas 2015-03-31
[music, py2]
A now playing script for players supporting the mpris dbus interface. (requires: python-dbus)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.3 BSD-2c 0.3.0 Johannes Nixdorf 2011-08-28 2011-09-17
Control and now playing script for ncmpcpp. (requires: ncmpcpp)
0.2 GPL3 0.3.0 stfn 2011-08-28
[music, py2]
A now playing and control script for Quodlibet.
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.5 GPL2 0.3.0 Sharn 2009-04-15 2009-05-02
Display which song rhythmbox is currently playing.
0.5 GPL2 0.3.0 jnbek 2009-10-11 2009-11-09
Control Rhythmbox through qdbus. (requires: Gnome (qdbus), Rhythmbox)
1.0 GPL3 0.3.6 R1cochet 2012-03-06
[music, py2, py3]
Current song script for Spotify on OS X. (requires: OS X and Spotify v0.5.1.98 or newer)
0.1.2 GPL3 0.3.0 agreeabledragon 2011-08-28 2022-01-25
[music, py2]
Display which song mpd is currently playing. (requires: mpc)
⚠ Script disabled (not compatible with Python 3).
0.1.1 GPL3 0.3.0 Apprentice 2009-06-17 2010-06-22
A "now playing" script for several music players.
0.3 Apache2.0 0.3.0 Sebastian Köhler 2010-02-02 2010-08-26
Display which song spotify is currently playing. (requires: dbus)
1.1 GPL3 0.3.0 PawelP 2013-09-21 2016-03-25
Display which song xmms2 is currently playing. (requires: xmmsclient)
0.2 GPL2 0.3.0 Łukasz Michalik 2011-02-13