Version 3.2 ()

Version 3.2 is available!

Among the new features:

- use XDG directories by default (config, data, cache, runtime)
- add support of IRC SASL mechanisms SCRAM-SHA-1, SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-512
- automatically load system certificates without giving a hardcoded path to the file with certificates
- add options to customize commands executed on system signals received (SIGHUP, SIGQUIT, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2)
- add bar item "tls_version" and buflist format
- add signals "cursor_start" and "cursor_end"
- add function crypto_hmac in API
- add translated string in evaluation of expressions with "translate:xxx"
- add info "weechat_daemon"
- add Python stub for WeeChat API
- add variables "${tg_shell_argc}" and "${tg_shell_argvN}" in command trigger evaluated strings
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

IRC channels moved to ()

WeeChat IRC channels (official and non-official ones) have moved from freenode to

For more information, please look at development blog.

See you soon there!

Version 3.1 ()

Version 3.1 is available!

Among the new features:

- add options weechat.look.hotlist_update_on_buffer_switch and weechat.look.read_marker_update_on_buffer_switch
- add option sec.crypt.passphrase_command to read passphrase from an external program on startup, remove option sec.crypt.passphrase_file
- improve debug in command /eval
- add options "setvar" and "delvar" in command /buffer, rename option "localvar" to "listvar"
- add buffer local variable "completion_default_template" (evaluated) to override the value of option weechat.completion.default_template
- add option "recreate" in command /filter
- add raw string in evaluation of expressions with "raw:xxx"
- add evaluation of conditions in evaluation of expressions with "eval_cond:xxx"
- add info_hashtable "secured_data"
- add info "irc_is_message_ignored"
- add IRC server option "default_chantypes", used when the server does not send them in message 005
- add variable "${tg_trigger_name}" in command trigger evaluated strings
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Version 3.0.1 ()

Version 3.0.1 is available!

This is a bug fix and maintenance release.

For complete list of bugs fixed, please look at ChangeLog.

Version 3.0 ()

Version 3.0 is available!

Among the new features:

- add option script.scripts.download_enabled (it must be explicitly set to "on" to allow download of scripts from
- add option "-oerr" in command /exec to send stderr to buffer (now disabled by default)
- allow to send text on buffers and evaluate command with commands /allchan, /allpv and /allserv
- add option fset.look.auto_refresh
- add variable "tg_argc" in data set by command trigger and variable "tg_trigger_name" in data set by all triggers
- add argument "bytes" in API function string_dyn_concat
- add API function string_color_code_size
- add optional list of colors in infos "nick_color" and "nick_color_name"
- add pointer to irc_nick in focus of bar item "buffer_nicklist"
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Version 2.9 ()

Version 2.9 is available!

Among the new features:

- add command "handshake" in weechat relay protocol and nonce to prevent replay attacks during authentication
- add command "completion" in weechat relay protocol
- add option\_timeout, add status "waiting\_auth" in irc and weechat relay protocols
- add option "color\_bg\_inactive" in bars
- add bar items "buffer\_nicklist\_count\_groups" and "buffer\_nicklist\_count\_all"
- add key Alt+Enter to insert a newline, set default size for input bar to 0 (automatic)
- add a scalable WeeChat logo (SVG)
- add base 16/32/64 encoding/decoding in evaluation of expressions with "base\_encode:base,xxx" and "base\_decode:base,xxx"
- add case sensitive wildcard matching comparison operator ("==*" and "!!*") and case sensitive/insensitive include comparison operators ("==-", "!!-", "=-", "!-") in evaluation of expressions
- add keys Alt+Shift+B and Alt+Shift+N to toggle buflist/nicklist bars
- reload configuration files when the SIGHUP signal is received
- add API functions to complete words in command line
- evaluate option buflist.look.sort
- add support of "UTF8MAPPING" in IRC server
- display IRC "account" messages in buffers
- evaluate arguments when a trigger of type "command" is created
- enable again command "/guile eval"
- fix slow send of data to relay clients when SSL is enabled
- add CI with GitHub Actions
- run tests on plugins only if the plugins are enabled and compiled
- GnuTLS is now a required dependency
- disable build of JavaScript plugin by default, remove Debian package "weechat-javascript"
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Version 2.8 ()

Version 2.8 is available!

Among the new features:

- add variable "old_full_name" in buffer, set during buffer renaming
- add debug option "-d" in command /eval
- add functions crypto_hash and crypto_hash_pbkdf2 in plugin API
- add infos "auto_connect" and "weechat_headless"
- add pointer "window" in bar item evaluation (buflist)
- add support of fake IRC servers (no I/O, for testing purposes)
- accept hash of password in init command of weechat relay protocol with option "password_hash" (PBKDF2, SHA256, SHA512)
- reject client with weechat relay protocol if password or totp is received in init command but not set in WeeChat
- add support of Ruby 2.7
- add support of PHP 7.4
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Version 2.7.1 (security release) ()

Version 2.7.1 is available, it fixes three security vulnerabilities.
Upgrade is recommended for all users.

More information on the page with security issues.

Version 2.7 ()

Version 2.7 is available!

Among the new features:

- add option logger.file.color_lines (support of ANSI color codes in log files)
- add filters on IRC raw buffer
- add IRC server option "ssl_password"
- add option irc.look.display_pv_warning_address
- add options irc.color.message_kick and irc.color.reason_kick
- add option xfer.file.download_temporary_suffix
- add option weechat.look.nick_color_hash_salt
- add different WeeChat icons sizes
- add calculation of expression in evaluation of expressions with "calc:xxx"
- add optional default path (evaluated) in completion "filename"
- add modifier "color_encode_ansi"
- add support of Guile 2.2
- add support of Python 3.8
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Version 2.6 ()

Version 2.6 is available!

Among the new features:

- use Python 3 by default
- add support of 32767 color pairs
- add option "close" in command /window
- add infos "term_colors" and "term_color_pairs"
- add infolist "buflist" with list of buffer pointers
- evaluate option, change default value to "${env:SHELL}"
- add filters "h=xxx" and "he=xxx" to filter options by description in fset buffer (translated or in English)
- make command char optional in server option "command"
- remove default aliases /ame and /amsg
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

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