Version 2.2 ()

Version 2.2 is available!

Among the new features:

- add support of list options in curl
- allow merge of buffers by name in command /buffer
- add reverse of string in evaluation of expressions with "rev:"
- add indexed ban list and completion for /unban and /unquiet (IRC plugin)
- add support for IRCv3.2 Client Capability Negotiation
- add support for IRCv3.2 invite-notify
- add support for IRCv3.2 chghost, add options irc.look.smart_filter_chghost and irc.color.message_chghost
- add option
- add support of Python 3.7
- fix memory leaks scripting plugins
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Happy birthday WeeChat, 15 years old! ()

15th birthday for WeeChat!

Happy birthday!

Transition to Python 3 for scripts ()

The Python 3 porting party for WeeChat scripts started!

There are 173 scripts to port to Python 3 (for now compatibility with Python 2.7 must be preserved).
You can help us to reach the goal of 100% Python3-compatible scripts at the beginning of 2020!

More info on the transition page.

New design for ()

The WeeChat site has been improved with many changes. It is now fully responsive, using Bootstrap toolkit.

Hope you enjoy the new version :)

There is more info in the development blog.

Version 2.1 ()

Version 2.1 is available!

Among the new features:

- add a headless mode (new binary: "weechat-headless")
- add options "-newbuffer", "-free", "-switch" and "-y" in command /print (with support of buffers with free content)
- add option "add" in command /buffer
- add option weechat.completion.partial_completion_templates to force partial completion on specific templates
- add IRC server option "split_msg_max_length"
- add option logger.file.fsync
- add option logger.look.backlog_conditions
- add configuration file for each script plugin ("python.conf", "perl.conf", ...)
- add "eval" option in script commands and info "xxx_eval" (python, perl, ruby, lua and guile)
- add infos "xxx_interpreter" and "xxx_version" in script plugins
- add option "version" in script commands
- display the script name in stdout/stderr output from scripts
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Donations via Liberapay ()

WeeChat project now accepts recurring donations via Liberapay, which has very low fees (see the differences between Liberapay and other recurrent crowdfunding platforms).

Version 2.0.1 ()

Version 2.0.1 is available!

This is a bug fix and maintenance release.

For complete list of bugs fixed, please look at ChangeLog.

Version 2.0 ()

Version 2.0 is available!

Among the new features:

- new plugin "fset" (fast set of WeeChat and plugins options)
- new plugin "php" (support of PHP scripts)
- add option buflist.look.add_newline
- add two new bar items "buflist2" and "buflist3" using the same format configuration options
- add flag "input_get_empty" in buffer
- add signals "buffer_filters_enabled" and "buffer_filters_disabled"
- support loading of plugins from path in environment variable "WEECHAT_EXTRA_LIBDIR"
- add infolist "alias_default" (list of default aliases)
- make value optional in command /buffer set
- support of floating point and hexadecimal numbers in comparison of evaluated values
- add option weechat.look.save_config_with_fsync
- add support of prefix "quiet:" in function key_unbind() to quietly remove keys
- add argument "recurse_subdirs" in function exec_on_files()
- add local variable "filter" in the script buffer
- remove recursive evaluation of extra variables in buflist
- change type of arguments status/gnutls_rc/sock in hook_connect() callback from string to integer (in scripting API)
- change type of argument fd in hook_fd() callback from string to integer (in scripting API)
- fix display bugs with filtered lines
- fix display of nicks in nicklist when they are in a group with sub-groups
- call the config hook when options are renamed or removed
- fix parsing of CAP command in relay/irc
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Version 1.9.1 (security release) ()

Version 1.9.1 is available, it fixes a security problem: a crash can happen in logger plugin when converting date/time specifiers in file mask. Two other bugs are fixed as well in buflist and relay plugins.
Upgrade is recommended for all users.

More information on the page with security issues.

Version 1.9 ()

Version 1.9 is available!

Among the new features:

- improve speed of nicklist bar item callback
- add auto scroll of buflist bar with new option buflist.look.auto_scroll
- add option
- add variables ${format_name}, ${current_buffer} and ${merged} in buflist
- display a warning in buflist when the script is loaded
- add server/channel pointers in trigger IRC callbacks
- add API functions config_option_get_string and hdata_compare
- fix bind of Space key
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

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