Version 0.0.2 is available!
News since last version are:
- added commands /rehash and /restart
- command & auto-join channels when connected to server
- new commands for alias: /alias, /unalias (new section in config file)
- config is now saved automatically when quitting WeeChat, /save command added
- new commands for servers: /server, /connect, /disconnect
- added autoconnect flag for each server in config file
- added "look_set_title" option in config file
- term window title is modified with WeeChat name and version
- CTCP version returns more info (about OS)
- many bugs fixed (including nicklist display bug).
WeeChat, the fast, light and extensible IRC client, is released for the first time, version 0.0.1.
CVS is opened on Savannah page.
Warning, this is still Alpha version, all IRC commands are not yet developed and lot of work is to be done.
In this version, there is:
- Curses front-end (other front-end are not yet developed),
- almost all IRC commands from RFC1459,
- multi-servers,
- configuration file,
- completion, commands history,
- ...
(see ChangeLog and TODO files)
Note to people who wants to help us:
- we're looking for translations for WeeChat and documentation (not written today), for example german, spanish, italian,...
- we're looking too for people which knows other OS (like *BSD, GNU/Hurd, ...) to port WeeChat.
All suggestions and bug reports are welcome, look at WeeChat support page for contacting us.
IRC Client WeeChat is under development, a new screenshot is available: nick list and window for each channel.
This version is still unstable and doesn't implement all IRC commands.
Current developments are:
- IRC protocol,
- configuration file management,
- ncurses front-end (color display, window management),
- Gtk+ and Qt front-ends.
First WeeChat screenshot is available (version with ncurses interface).
This chat client is under development, first stable version will be available soon. Thanks for your patience...
WeeChat project is started.
It is a chat client, with many features like:
- irc client,
- many GUI: text, ncurses and gtk,
- multi-platforms,
- fast, light and extensible with scripts.
- ...