Version 3.4.1 (security release) ()

Version 3.4.1 is available, it fixes a security vulnerability.
Upgrade is recommended for all users.

More information on the page with security issues.

Version 3.4 ()

Version 3.4 is available!

Among the new features:

- improve the IRC message parser
- add command /toggle
- add user variables in evaluation of expressions with "define:name,value"
- add support of static arrays in hdata
- hide key and password in command "/msg nickserv setpass nick key password"
- add dark theme in documentation (automatic theme, following browser/desktop settings)
- add support of Ruby 3.0
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Version 3.3 ()

Version 3.3 is available!

Among the new features:

- add new plugin "typing" to display users currently writing messages on IRC channel/private buffers
- enable all IRC capabilities by default (if supported by server and WeeChat), change default value of option irc.server_default.capabilities to "*"
- implement IRCv3.2 SASL authentication, add command /auth, reconnect by default to the server in case of SASL authentication failure
- add support of capability "message-tags" and TAGMSG messages
- add command /setname, add support of message and capability "setname"
- add support of FAIL/WARN/NOTE IRC messages
- drop support of IRC DH-BLOWFISH and DH-AES SASL mechanisms
- add new keys to clear, remove and restore buffers in hotlist
- add option "certs" in command /debug
- add options "-o", "-ol", "-i" and "-il" in command "/plugin list"
- add split of string and shell arguments in evaluation of expressions with "split:number,seps,flags,xxx" and "split_shell:number,xxx"
- add "${re:repl_index}" to get the index of replacement in function string_eval_expression
- add random integer number in evaluation of expressions with "random:min,max"
- add functions string_cut and file_copy in API
- remember insertion order in hashtables
- add keys/values with tags in output of irc_message_parse_to_hashtable
- add option "-parted" in command /allchan
- allow signals "irc_raw_in" and "irc_in" to eat messages
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Version 3.2.1 (security release) ()

Version 3.2.1 is available, it fixes a security vulnerability.
Upgrade is recommended for all users.

More information on the page with security issues.

Version 3.2 ()

Version 3.2 is available!

Among the new features:

- use XDG directories by default (config, data, cache, runtime)
- add support of IRC SASL mechanisms SCRAM-SHA-1, SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-512
- automatically load system certificates without giving a hardcoded path to the file with certificates
- add options to customize commands executed on system signals received (SIGHUP, SIGQUIT, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2)
- add bar item "tls_version" and buflist format
- add signals "cursor_start" and "cursor_end"
- add function crypto_hmac in API
- add translated string in evaluation of expressions with "translate:xxx"
- add info "weechat_daemon"
- add Python stub for WeeChat API
- add variables "${tg_shell_argc}" and "${tg_shell_argvN}" in command trigger evaluated strings
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

IRC channels moved to ()

WeeChat IRC channels (official and non-official ones) have moved from freenode to

For more information, please look at development blog.

See you soon there!

Version 3.1 ()

Version 3.1 is available!

Among the new features:

- add options weechat.look.hotlist_update_on_buffer_switch and weechat.look.read_marker_update_on_buffer_switch
- add option sec.crypt.passphrase_command to read passphrase from an external program on startup, remove option sec.crypt.passphrase_file
- improve debug in command /eval
- add options "setvar" and "delvar" in command /buffer, rename option "localvar" to "listvar"
- add buffer local variable "completion_default_template" (evaluated) to override the value of option weechat.completion.default_template
- add option "recreate" in command /filter
- add raw string in evaluation of expressions with "raw:xxx"
- add evaluation of conditions in evaluation of expressions with "eval_cond:xxx"
- add info_hashtable "secured_data"
- add info "irc_is_message_ignored"
- add IRC server option "default_chantypes", used when the server does not send them in message 005
- add variable "${tg_trigger_name}" in command trigger evaluated strings
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Version 3.0.1 ()

Version 3.0.1 is available!

This is a bug fix and maintenance release.

For complete list of bugs fixed, please look at ChangeLog.

Version 3.0 ()

Version 3.0 is available!

Among the new features:

- add option script.scripts.download_enabled (it must be explicitly set to "on" to allow download of scripts from
- add option "-oerr" in command /exec to send stderr to buffer (now disabled by default)
- allow to send text on buffers and evaluate command with commands /allchan, /allpv and /allserv
- add option fset.look.auto_refresh
- add variable "tg_argc" in data set by command trigger and variable "tg_trigger_name" in data set by all triggers
- add argument "bytes" in API function string_dyn_concat
- add API function string_color_code_size
- add optional list of colors in infos "nick_color" and "nick_color_name"
- add pointer to irc_nick in focus of bar item "buffer_nicklist"
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

Version 2.9 ()

Version 2.9 is available!

Among the new features:

- add command "handshake" in weechat relay protocol and nonce to prevent replay attacks during authentication
- add command "completion" in weechat relay protocol
- add option\_timeout, add status "waiting\_auth" in irc and weechat relay protocols
- add option "color\_bg\_inactive" in bars
- add bar items "buffer\_nicklist\_count\_groups" and "buffer\_nicklist\_count\_all"
- add key Alt+Enter to insert a newline, set default size for input bar to 0 (automatic)
- add a scalable WeeChat logo (SVG)
- add base 16/32/64 encoding/decoding in evaluation of expressions with "base\_encode:base,xxx" and "base\_decode:base,xxx"
- add case sensitive wildcard matching comparison operator ("==*" and "!!*") and case sensitive/insensitive include comparison operators ("==-", "!!-", "=-", "!-") in evaluation of expressions
- add keys Alt+Shift+B and Alt+Shift+N to toggle buflist/nicklist bars
- reload configuration files when the SIGHUP signal is received
- add API functions to complete words in command line
- evaluate option buflist.look.sort
- add support of "UTF8MAPPING" in IRC server
- display IRC "account" messages in buffers
- evaluate arguments when a trigger of type "command" is created
- enable again command "/guile eval"
- fix slow send of data to relay clients when SSL is enabled
- add CI with GitHub Actions
- run tests on plugins only if the plugins are enabled and compiled
- GnuTLS is now a required dependency
- disable build of JavaScript plugin by default, remove Debian package "weechat-javascript"
- many bugs fixed.

For complete list of new features and bugs fixed, please look at development blog or ChangeLog.

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