Version 0.1.8 ()

Version 0.1.8 is available!

News since last version are:
- added IRC raw data buffer (new key: alt-J + alt-R)
- keys alt-{home|end} to scroll top/bottom, alt-{f11-f12} to scroll nicklist top/bottom
- added new scroll keys for a few lines up/down (default: alt-pgup/pgdn)
- added Lua script plugin
- improved Ruby plugin
- added functions in plugins API: get_server_info, free_server_info, get_channel_info, free_channel_info, get_nick_info, free_nick_info
- added special names for plugin message handlers: weechat_pv, weechat_highlight, weechat_ctcp, weechat_dcc
- script plugins now load scripts in WeeChat system share directory
- added inactivity time, available for plugins via get_info("inactivity")
- added new plugins functions: add_timer_handler, remove_timer_handler, remove_infobar
- many commands allowed for aliases
- many commands allowed when connecting to server
- added options "irc_show_away_once", "look_nick_complete_first", "look_open_near_server", "irc_away_check_max_nicks"
- added new command line argument for setting WeeChat homedir (-d or --dir)
- added partial hungarian translation
- improved alias completion (now uses target command for completion)
- /msg command does not open any buffer any more (use /query for opening private buffer)
- fixed crash when using global history (when older entry is removed)
- fixed bug with /upgrade and servers buffer
- fixed bug with "get_dcc_info" plugin interface function
- many other bugs fixed.

Version 0.1.7 ()

Version 0.1.7 is available!

News since last version are:
- new commands: /upgrade, /uptime, /history
- removed "irc_default_msg_away" setting, for RFC 2812 conformity (/away command wihtout argument only removes away status), new values for "irc_display_away" (off, local, channel)
- replaced Texinfo doc by XML Docbook
- added color for window separators
- added completion system for plugins/scripts commands
- added charset by server and channel, new command: /charset
- added Ruby script plugin
- added ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for DCC files
- /nick command is now allowed when not connected to server
- added server/channel arg to /buffer command for jumping to buffer
- added new keys for switching to other windows: alt-W followed by alt-arrow
- added new keys for scrolling to previous/next highlight: alt-P / alt-N
- added "read marker": an indicator for first unread line in a server or channel buffer (new key alt-U to scroll to marker)
- new window maganement: custom size for windows, auto resize when terminal is resized
- fixed: plugins autoload and unload, some display bugs.

Version 0.1.6 ()

Version 0.1.6 is available!

News since last version are:
- new plugin management: now WeeChat loads/unloads dynamic libraries (.so files under GNU/Linux). Perl and Python become two plugins (script type). Many changes were made, there's some incompatibilities with old scripts, thanks for reading release notes (file NEWS or link below)
- config file for plugins
- color management in IRC messages (compatible with other IRC clients, including mIrc)
- full UTF-8 support
- smart hotlist
- server mixed on one window (optional)
- partial highlights
- improved completion, customizable.

Version 0.1.5 ()

Version 0.1.5 is available!

News since last version are:
- added /ame command (send CTCP action to all channels of all connected servers),
- added setting "irc_notice_as_pv" to see notices as pv,
- added nicks colors in setup file,
- added /ignore and /unignore commands,
- signal SIGQUIT is now ignored,
- jump to next server now saves current channel buffer for each server,
- ctrl-up/ctrl-down keys added to call previous/next command in global history (common to all buffers),
- many major bugs fixed.

Donations via Paypal ()

WeeChat project now accepts donations via Paypal account, with secured payment.

Version 0.1.4 ()

Version 0.1.4 is available!

News since last version are:
- new keyboard management, fully customizable
- DCC timeout and auto resume failed transfers
- new color for private messages (in hotlist)
- new colors for join and part/quit (arrows)
- customizable highlights with irc_highlight var
- command /amsg added
- channels auto-prefixed by "#" for /join command
- added time with seconds in infobar
- many bugs fixed.

Version 0.1.3 ()

Version 0.1.3 is available!

News since last version are:
- IPv6 added
- SSL added
- proxy support added (http, socks4, socks5)
- /set command now completed
- channels notify now saved in config file
- many bugs fixed.

Version 0.1.2 ()

Version v0.1.2 is available!

News since last version are:
- Python plugin support, Perl interface improved
- nicklist scroll keys (Alt+{home/end/pgup/pgdn} or F11/F12)
- DCC files transfer rate
- buffers timestamp can now be changed
- compile is ok under *BSD and Mac OS X
- missing IRC commands added (307, 341, 485, 671)
- fixed some bugs: crash when purging old DCC, crash with 64-bits arch (like AMD64) when converting UTF-8, nicklist sort.

Add-on, 2005-05-24 : fixed crash at startup and Perl/Python detection, version is now

Version 0.1.1 ()

Version 0.1.1 is available!

News since last version are:
- new display engine: doesn't cut words at end of lines
- DCC send (file) and DCC chat
- FIFO pipe for remote control
- connection to IRC server is now made by child process (non blocking)
- nicks count for channel buffers
- crash dump when WeeChat receives SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault)
- new commands: /ban, /unban, /kickban, /halfop, /dehalfop
- UnrealIrcd IRC servers support
- spanish translation
- bugs fixed (display and commands).

Version 0.1.0 ()

Version 0.1.0 is available!

News since last version are:
- improved /window command: now split and merge are ok
- away nicks are now displayed with another color (new option: "irc_away_check")
- added away indicator in status bar
- added lag indicator (and auto-disconnect after a delay if important lag)
- improved completion: now completes commands arguments (IRC and internal)
- improved /set command: empty strings are allowed, new colors, server options can be changed while WeeChat is running
- added default away/part/quit messages in config file
- new [irc] section in config file
- added new options for charset (UTF-8 support)
- fixed many memory leaks
- fixed commands: /op, /deop, /voice, /devoice, /me, /away
- many bugs fixed.

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