Version 0.0.9 is available!
News since last version are:
- auto reconnection to server when disconnected (and fixed bug: 100% CPU usage after disconnection),
- new "/buffer close" command (lets you close a server buffer),
- "/notice" command fixed,
- colors delete in incoming messages (existing option "look_remove_colors_from_msgs"),
- new keys Ctrl-A, Ctrl-E, Ctrl-W, Alt-S, Alt-X,
- new setup options: server_autoreconnect, server_autoreconnect_delay, server_command_delay.
Version 0.0.8 is available!
News since last version are:
- DCC incoming file,
- away announced in channels,
- logging buffers to disk (optional),
- auto-join when kicked (optional),
- Ctrl-L key: redraw terminal,
- Alt-R key: clear hotlist,
- improved or fixed commands: /buffer, /query, /kick,
- many bugs fixed.
Version 0.0.7 is available!
News since last version are:
- new channels management, with numbered buffers,
- multi-windows management with /window and /buffer commands,
- auto jump to buffers with activity (Alt-A),
- jump to buffers by number (Alt-number),
- unique color for each nick (based on nickname),
- history limit (saves memory).
WeeChat has many new important features since some weeks:
- multi-windows management (with horizontal and vertical window split)
- buffers managed by number, with direct access by Alt+digit key or with new /buffer command
- auto jump to buffers with activity (Alt-A)
All new features are in CVS and development version. /window and /buffer commands are still under development.
Feel free to report any problem or suggestion to improve navigation between buffers/windows.
Version 0.0.6 is available!
News since last version are:
- improved channel highlight (priority to message vs join/part)
- fixed bug when opened private win and remote user changes his nick
- /query command added (starts private conversation)
- IRC messages 476, 477 added
- /mode command is now ok and channel flags are displayed in status bar
- fixed display bug (text was blinking when scrolling)
- CTCP Version reply is now in english only and doesn't show host (security reason).
Version 0.0.5 is available!
News since last version are:
- info bar with highlight from other channels, can be modified by Perl scripts
- /set command (configuration can be modified while WeeChat is running)
- new command line parameter: "-c" to see config options
- nick is now un*x username in default config
- secured code to prevent any buffer overflow
- many bugs fixed.
Version 0.0.4 is available!
News since last version are:
- Perl scripts support, with auto-load
- highlight
- Ctrl-C now intercepted (ignored)
- debug messages can be enabled via ./configure --enable-debug option
- many bugs fixed.
WeeChat scripts page (today Perl scripts only) has been added.
On this page you can submit your script (need to be approved by WeeChat development team).
Note: Perl scripts require version of WeeChat > 0.0.3, so today you must download development version.
Version 0.0.3 is available!
News since last version are:
- script ./configure to build WeeChat
- french translation
- new commands: stats, service, squit, motd, lusers, links, time, trace, admin, info, servlist, squery, who, whowas, die, summon, users, wallops, userhost, ison, ctcp ping
- many bugs fixed.
First version of WeeChat users guide is available. Many formats: PDF, html, text and texinfo (source document).
Note: this documentation is not finished and we're still looking for translators, feel free to contact us ;)