This page lists major features implemented in the latest releases.

Version 4.3.0 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #2066
issue #1549
Doc Commit Commit Commit Commit relay Add relay "api" (HTTP REST API), add support of extension "permessage-deflate" in websocket.
issue #2066 Doc relay Add relay "remote": connection to a remote WeeChat relay/api.
- Commit core Allow case insensitive search of partial buffer name with "(?i)name" in command /buffer.
issue #2066 Commit api Add support of base64url in encode/decode functions.
issue #862 Commit irc Add server option "autojoin_delay".
issue #2082 Commit core Add support of SGR mouse events.
- Commit Commit fset Add option "-import" in command "/fset".
- Commit api Add functions config_option_get_{string|pointer} and config_{boolean|integer|string|color|enum}_inherited in scripting API.
- Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit core Add unique identifier in buffers and nicklist (groups and nicks).
- Commit Commit core Add buffer properties "modes" and "input_prompt".
issue #2106
issue #1747
Commit Commit core Add support of XDG "state" directory.

Version 4.2.0 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #2005 Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit core, plugins Format and translate help on command arguments line by line.
issue #989 Commit irc Add option irc.look.ignore_tag_messages.
issue #2025 Commit Commit irc Add support of RGB colors in IRC messages, add option irc.color.term_remap.
- Commit irc Add option irc.look.list_buffer.
issue #1039 Commit irc Add IRC server option "anti_flood" (now in milliseconds), remove server options "anti_flood_prio_{high|low}".
issue #649 Commit Commit Commit Commit core Add microseconds in buffer lines.
issue #2040 Commit Commit Commit core Add incremental search in commands history with Ctrl+R, add key Ctrl+O to send command found and insert next one in history.
issue #2042 Commit Commit Commit Commit core Add syntax highlighting in evaluation of expressions with "raw_hl:string" and "hl:string", add option weechat.color.eval_syntax_colors.

Version 4.1.0 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1953 Commit trigger Add options -o, -ol, -i and -il in command /trigger list.
issue #1973 Commit Commit core Add "enum" type in config options.
issue #1974 Commit Commit Commit Commit irc Create options irc.ctcp.* by default, evaluate options, remove CTCP FINGER and USERINFO, remove GIt revision and compilation date from CTCP VERSION, build dynamic list of CTCP in reply to CTCP CLIENTINFO.
issue #1972 Commit irc Add buffer for /list reply.
issue #194 Commit Commit irc Compute color in case insensitive way, reintroduce infos "irc_nick_color" and "irc_nick_color_name", add support of server name, add infos "nick_color_ignore_case" and "nick_color_name_ignore_case".
issue #97 Commit irc Add count for all nick modes in output of /names.
issue #98 Commit irc Add count and mode filter in command /names.
issue #1066 Commit api Add support of path to variable and hashtable comparison in function hdata_compare.
issue #1282 Commit core Add parameters and key bindings to move to edges of current area with commands "/cursor go" and "/cursor move".
issue #352 Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit core Add options weechat.buffer.* to save buffer properties set by user, add option "setauto" in command /buffer.
issue #2007 Commit Commit core Evaluate command given to /repeat with contextual variables.
- Commit Commit core Ignore key bindings with empty command, add support of quotes in commands "/key bind" and "/key bindctxt".
issue #985 Commit Commit core Add command /sys to show resource limits/usage and suspend WeeChat process, add key Ctrl+z to suspend WeeChat.
issue #1723 Commit core Add function hook_url, add option "url" in command /debug.

Version 4.0.0 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1860 Commit core Remove build with autotools.
issue #1872 Doc Commit core, plugins Make most WeeChat identifiers case sensitive.
issue #1875 Commit core Force Control keys to lower case.
issue #1877 Commit core Display similar command names when a command is unknown.
issue #7 Commit irc Add command /knock.
issue #1864 Commit irc Add command /rules.
issue #1888 Commit core Add access to hashtable properties in evaluation of expressions.
issue #1238
task #10317
Doc Commit Commit core Use human readable key bindings, separate keys with comma in combos, remove modifier "meta2-".
task #12427
task #11783
Doc Commit Commit core Make keys normal options, so they are shown and can be updated with /set and /fset commands.
issue #1238 Doc Commit api Add function config_set_version.
issue #1890 Doc Commit core Adopt a "practical" semantic versioning.
- Commit core Add command /reset.
issue #1502 Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit core Insert multiple pasted lines in input, instead of sending immediately.
issue #1503 Commit Commit Commit core Implement commands for operating on a single input line.
issue #1903 Doc Commit Commit Commit Commit core,irc,relay Rename "ssl" to "tls", connect to IRC servers with TLS and port 6697 by default.
issue #1908
issue #1909
issue #1914
Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit core Render newline characters in chat line messages.
issue #1920 Commit core Use 256 colors by default and always allow 256 colors, find nearest color if less colors are available in terminal.
issue #1292 Commit irc Add support of IRC capability "batch".
issue #1923 Commit irc Add support of IRC capability "draft/multiline".
issue #1927 Commit irc Add support of "LINELEN" in IRC message 005 (max message length in bytes).
issue #1688 Commit irc Implement the UTF8ONLY IRCv3 specification.
issue #1942 Commit logger Add option logger.file.log_conditions.
issue #139 Commit Commit irc Add support of IRC capability "echo-message".
issue #201
issue #1577
Commit irc Add command /action.
- Commit relay Add modifiers "relay_client_irc_in", "relay_client_irc_out1" and "relay_client_irc_out"
issue #1949 Commit irc Add infos "irc_server_cap" and "irc_server_cap_value".
issue #1949 Commit relay Add support of capability "echo-message" in irc protocol.
- Commit core Add handshake option "escape_commands" in weechat protocol.
- Commit irc Add option irc.look.display_host_notice.
issue #1950 Commit core Add support of escaped chars in text or commands sent.

Version 3.8 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1510 Doc Commit trigger Add translation of chars in trigger regex.
issue #1848 Commit core Add signals "buffer_user_input_xxx" and "buffer_user_closing_xxx" for buffers created with "/buffer add".
issue #901 Commit core Add identifier in buffer lines.
- Commit core Add option "unicode" in command /debug.
issue #1659
issue #1669
issue #1770
Doc Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit Commit core Display chars the same way in chat and bars, replace tabulations by spaces in bars, display chars < 32 with letter in chat, do not display soft hyphens, zero width spaces and all non-printable chars.
issue #1855 Commit core Add color attributes "blink" and "dim" (half bright).
issue #258 Commit core Improve case convert and insensitive char comparisons.

Version 3.7 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
- Commit core Add info "uptime_current".
- Commit buflist Add buflist: variable "${hotlist_priority_number}".
issue #1630 Commit core, irc, relay, xfer Add option "-save" in command "/upgrade".
issue #1798 Commit core Add option weechat.look.highlight_disable_regex and buffer property "highlight_disable_regex".
- Commit Commit api Rename API function "string_build_with_split_string" to "string_rebuild_split_string", add arguments "index_start" and "index_end".
issue #1805 Commit irc Display SETNAME command in channels and private buffers, add options irc.color.message_setname and irc.look.smart_filter_setname.
issue #1806 Commit trigger Add elapsed time for trigger execution on monitor buffer when trigger debug is set, add option trigger.color.identifier
issue #1695 Commit core Sort filters by name.
- Commit api Add function crypto_hash_file.
issue #1821 Commit api Add support of priority in function hook_line.
- Commit irc Add option irc.look.display_pv_nick_change.
issue #1699 Commit spell Allow special dict value "-" to disable spell checking on a specific buffer.
issue #559 Commit core Add key alt+backspace, change behavior of ctrl+w (delete previous word until whitespace).
issue #314 Commit logger Add options to rotate and compress log files.

Version 3.6 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1700 Doc core Add spacer item in bars to align items.
issue #808 Commit Commit core Add command /item to create custom bar items.
issue #1778 Commit core Add case conversion in evaluation of expressions with "lower:string" and "upper:string".
issue #1780 Commit core Allow to catch multiple signals in functions hook_signal and hook_hsignal.

Version 3.5 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
- Commit relay, weechat-relay Add Zstandard compression in relay plugin (much faster, better compression).
issue #1680 Commit Commit irc, trigger Add IRC message tags in messages displayed.

Version 3.4 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
- Commit core Add user variables in evaluation of expressions with "define:name,value".
- Commit core Add command /toggle.
- Commit doc Add dark theme in documentation.
issue #1666 Commit irc Improve parsing of parameters in all IRC messages.

Version 3.3 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1653 Doc Commit Commit Commit irc Add support of "setname" capability.
issue #320 Commit Commit Commit irc Enable all capabilities by default, add options irc.look.display_account_message and irc.look.display_extended_join.
issue #1654 Doc Commit Commit Commit Commit irc Add support of "message-tags" capability.
issue #413 Doc Commit irc Implement IRCv3.2 SASL authentication, add /auth command to (re-)authenticate with SASL.
issue #1667 Commit api Add function file_copy.
- Doc Commit Commit Commit typing, irc Add support of "typing status": send own status, display other users typing.
- Commit core Add random integer number with "random:min,max" in evaluated expressions.
issue #1599
issue #1668
Commit php Add support of PHP 8.
issue #1685 Commit irc Add option "-parted" in command /allchan.
issue #1689 Commit core Add "${re:repl_index}" to get the index of replacement in function string_eval_expression.
- Commit core Add keys to restore hotlist in current or all buffers (alt-h alt-r, alt-h alt-shift-R) and key to remove current buffer from hotlist (alt-h alt-m).

Version 3.2 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1285 Doc Commit core Follow XDG directories by default.
issue #1628 Doc Commit core Add support of SASL mechanisms SCRAM-SHA-1, SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-512.
issue #1628 Commit api Add function crypto_hmac.
issue #1595 Commit core Add options to customize commands executed on system signals received (SIGHUP, SIGQUIT, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2).
issue #1377 Commit python Add Python stub for WeeChat API.
issue #1624 Commit trigger Add variables "${tg_shell_argc}" and "${tg_shell_argvN}" in command trigger evaluated strings.
issue #1622 Commit core Add bar item "tls_version".
issue #1622 Commit core Add translation of string with "${translate:…}" in evaluated expressions.
- Commit core Add info "weechat_daemon".
- Commit core Add signals "cursor_start" and "cursor_end".
- Commit core Add option, rename option to

Version 3.1 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1582 Commit core Add evaluation of condition with "${eval_cond:...}" in evaluated expressions.
issue #1580 Commit trigger Add ${tg_trigger_name} in evaluation of trigger command decription/args/desc.args/completion.
- Commit irc Add info "irc_is_message_ignored".
- Commit core Add info_hashtable "secured_data".
issue #1611 Commit core Add raw string in evaluation of expressions with "raw:xxx".
- Commit core Add option "recreate" in command /filter.
issue #1600 Commit core Add buffer local variable "completion_default_template".
- Commit core Add options "setvar" and "delvar" in command /buffer, rename option "localvar" to "listvar".
- Commit core Improve debug in command /eval: display more verbose debug with two "-d", add indentation and colors.
issue #141 Commit core Add option sec.crypt.passphrase_command to read passphrase from an external program on startup, remove option sec.crypt.passphrase_file.
issue #992
issue #993
Commit core Add options weechat.look.hotlist_update_on_buffer_switch and weechat.look.read_marker_update_on_buffer_switch.

Version 3.0 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1536 Commit Commit irc Evaluate command and allow to send text on buffers with commands /allchan, /allpv and /allserv.
issue #1553 Commit fset Add option fset.look.auto_refresh.
- Commit api Add argument "bytes" in function string_dyn_concat.

Version 2.9 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1472 Commit trigger Evaluate arguments of command when the trigger is created.
issue #1358 Commit relay Add client status "waiting_auth" for connected clients still not authenticated.
- Commit relay Add option to automatically disconnect clients not authenticated after this amout of time.
issue #1474 Commit relay Add command "handshake" in weechat relay protocol and nonce to prevent replay attacks.
issue #1484 Commit relay Add command "completion" in weechat relay protocol to perform a completion on a string at a given position.
- Commit buflist Add options enable/disable/toggle in command /buflist.
- Commit buflist Add default key alt-shift-B to toggle buflist.
- Commit core Add default key alt-shift-N to toggle nicklist bar.
issue #1484 Commit api Add functions completion_new, completion_search and completion_free.
issue #1484 Commit api Add hdata "completion_word".
issue #1476 Commit core Reload configuration files on signal SIGHUP.
issue #1475
issue #1477
Commit Commit core Add command line option "--stdout" in weechat-headless binary.
issue #1063 Commit core Add an option for multiline input in a buffer.
issue #369 Commit weechat-relay Decode WeeChat messages.

Version 2.8 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1435 Commit relay Reject client with weechat protocol if password or totp is received in init command but not set in WeeChat.
- Commit Commit api Add functions crypto_hash and crypto_hash_pbkdf2.
- Commit relay Accept hash of password in init command of weechat protocol with option "password_hash" (PBKDF2, SHA256, SHA512).
issue #1433 Commit api Add info "weechat_headless".
issue #1453 Commit api Add info "auto_connect".
- Commit irc Add support of fake IRC servers (no I/O, for testing purposes).

Version 2.7 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #916
issue #956
Commit Commit Commit core CMake error on missing dependency.
issue #997 Commit core Calculate result of expression with "${calc:...}" in evaluated expressions.
issue #1098 Commit guile Add support of Guile 2.2.
issue #528
issue #621
Commit Commit Commit logger Add support of ANSI color codes in log files, display colors in backlog.
issue #1237 Commit xfer Add a temporary suffix to files received via DCC.
issue #60 Commit api Add modifier "eval_path_home".
issue #60 Commit core Add support of modifiers in evaluation of expressions with "modifier:name,data,string".
issue #60 Commit core Add optional default path (evaluated) in completion "filename".
issue #60 Commit irc Use path from option xfer.file.upload_path to complete filename in command "/dcc send".
issue #892 Commit irc Add option irc.look.display_pv_warning_address to display a warning in private buffer if the remote nick address has changed.
issue #1389 Commit python Send string with type "bytes" to Python 3 callbacks in case of invalid UTF-8 data.
issue #1000 Commit irc Add filtering of messages in the IRC raw buffer.

Version 2.6 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1264 Commit core Fix color code ${color:fg,bg} that can cause bugs in evaluated strings.
- Commit api Add argument "strip_items" in function string_split.
issue #853 Commit core Add option "close" in command /window.
issue #1343
issue #1345
Commit core Support 32767 ncurses color pairs.

Version 2.5 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #733
issue #1333
Commit relay Add support of UNIX socket.
- Commit core Use getopt to parse command line arguments.
issue #1127 Commit core Add option weechat.look.buffer_time_same.
- Commit Commit Commit core Improvements on command /repeat: use seconds by default, allow unit for the interval, allow text in addition to a command.
issue #1055
issue #1312
Commit core Add option "addreplace" in command /filter.
- Commit api Return allocated string in hook_info callback and function info_get.
issue #1322 Commit api Replace argument "keep_eol" by "flags" in function string_split.
issue #928 Commit api Add function command_options.
- Commit api Add function string_match_list.
- Commit irc Add bar items "irc_nick", "irc_host" and "irc_nick_host".
- Commit irc Add variable "host" in server structure.
issue #928 Commit relay Add option relay.weechat.commands.
- Commit script Use SHA-512 instead of MD5 for script checksum.
issue #1299 Commit spell Rename aspell plugin to spell.
- Commit Commit trigger Add hooks "info" and "info_hashtable".
issue #269 Commit xfer Rename option to, add option

Version 2.4 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
- Commit core Add command line option "-t" (or "--temp-dir") to create a temporary WeeChat home (deleted on exit).
- Commit api Add functions string_base_encode and string_base_decode, remove functions string_encode_base64 and string_decode_base64.
- Commit api Add support of Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP), add infos "totp_generate" and "totp_validate".
- Commit relay Add support of Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) as second authentication factor in weechat protocol.
- Commit exec Add option to customize the shell used with /exec -sh.
issue #1281 Commit relay Add support of close frame in websocket connection.

Version 2.3 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
- Commit core Add a new hook to change line data before it is printed (buffer, date, tags, highlight, prefix, message).
- Commit trigger Allow creation of temporary variables with the regex.
- Commit core Add option "-P" (or "--plugins") to customize the plugins to load at startup.
issue #1248 Commit core Allow multiple options "-r" ("--run-command") in command line arguments.
issue #958 Commit core Add repeat of string in evaluation of expressions with "repeat:count,string".
issue #1256 Commit relay Add real IP in client description.

Version 2.2 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
task #11374
task #10876
issue #597
Commit irc Indexed ban list, completion for /unban and /unquiet.
issue #623 Commit irc Add support for IRCv3.2 Client Capability Negotiation.
issue #639 Commit irc Add support for IRCv3.2 invite-notify.
issue #640 Commit irc Add support for IRCv3.2 chghost.
issue #219
issue #826
Commit core Add support of HTTP headers and lists in CURL options.

Version 2.1 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #1075 Commit scripts Add option "version" in script commands.
issue #128 Commit Commit scripts Add "eval" option in script commands and info "xxx_eval" (python, perl, ruby, lua and guile).
issue #1132 Commit logger Add option logger.look.backlog_conditions.
issue #1145 Commit logger Add option logger.file.fsync.
- Commit irc Add server option "split_msg_max_length".
- Commit core Add option weechat.completion.partial_completion_templates.
issue #1113 Commit Commit core Add a way to create new buffers in commands /buffer and /print.
issue #1120 Commit core Add a headless mode (with option to daemonize the process).

Version 2.0 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
- Commit fset Fset plugin.
issue #909 Commit php Add PHP scripting support.

Version 1.9 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #332 Commit buflist Add option buflist.look.auto_scroll.
- Commit buflist Add keys F1/F2 and alt+F1/F2 to scroll the buflist bar.

Version 1.8 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #893
task #11461
Commit core Add resize of window parents with /window resize [h/v]size.
- Commit api Add dynamic string functions in the C API.
- Commit api Add arraylist functions in the C API.
- Commit core Add ternary operator in evaluation of expressions.
- Commit buflist New plugin buflist: bar item with list of buffers.
issue #608
issue #611
Commit core Add wildcard matching in evaluation of expressions.
issue #981 Commit core Add option weechat.completion.nick_case_sensitive.

Version 1.7 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #377
issue #820
Commit Commit Commit irc Add server option "usermode".
issue #840 Commit irc Add tag "self_msg" on self messages.
issue #850 Commit fifo Add configuration file "fifo.conf".
issue #850 Commit core Add info "pid" (WeeChat PID).
- Commit core Add optional arguments in completion template, sent to the callbacks.
issue #411
issue #802
Commit core Add option "weechat.look.align_multiline_words" to not align multiline words.

Version 1.6 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
- Commit irc Evaluate server options "msg_*".
issue #399
issue #509
Commit core Add support for one-time triggers.
issue #534 Commit core Add "extra" argument to evaluate extra variables in function string_eval_expression().
- Commit core Add option "cycle" in command /buffer.
- Commit core Add optional argument "lowest", "highest" or level mask in command /input hotlist_clear.
issue #722 Commit core Switch to asciidoctor to build docs and man page.

Version 1.5 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #406 Commit api Add pointer in callbacks used by scripting API.
issue #692 Commit core Move bar item "away" to core.
issue #262 Commit core Move nick coloring to core.

Version 1.4 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
- Commit irc Add hex dump of IRC messages in raw buffer (when debug is enabled).
issue #8 Commit irc Add /cap command.
- Commit script Add option script.scripts.download_timeout.
issue #347 Commit relay Add option relay.irc.backlog_since_last_message.
issue #182
issue #477
Commit irc Add support of "cap-notify" capability.
issue #543 Commit core Add option weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline.
issue #620 Commit irc Add support of SNI (Server Name Indication) in SSL connection to IRC server.
issue #629 Commit core Add parent name in options (show IRC server option inherited values in /set and /iset).
issue #633 Commit core Move option into servers (

Version 1.3 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #76
issue #393
Commit core Search start position + stop search at point.
issue #463 Commit core Add option weechat.look.confirm_upgrade.
issue #452 Commit core Allow ctrl-C to exit WeeChat when the passphrase is asked on startup.
- Commit core Add support of evaluated sub-strings and current date/time in function string_eval_expression() and command /eval.

Version 1.2 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
issue #251 Commit irc Add SASL mechanism ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE.
issue #11
issue #246
Commit irc Add support of "account-notify" capability.
- Commit javascript Add Javascript plugin.
issue #55
task #9459
Commit core Add option to customize word boundaries (highlights, input).
issue #318 Commit core Display an help/welcome message on first WeeChat run.
issue #281 Commit irc Add support of SHA-256 and SHA-512 for SSL fingerprint (SHA-1 is insecure).
issue #403 Commit core Add options to customize quoted messages in cursor mode.
issue #114 Commit core Add signals "signal_sigterm" and "signal_sigquit".

Version 1.1 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
task #5419 Commit core Understand incomplete commands if unambiguous.
issue #224 Commit trigger New regex format for trigger (evaluate and replace regex groups at same time).
issue #234 Commit Commit relay Add option to configure SSL priorities and disable SSLv3.
issue #248 Commit irc Disable SSLv3 by default in server SSL priorities.
issue #188 Commit irc Display own nick changes in server buffer.
issue #143
issue #212
Commit irc Add support of "extended-join" capability.
issue #228 Commit irc Add support of color codes 16-99 in IRC messages.
issue #244 Commit core Add signals for mouse enabled/disabled.
issue #247 Commit core Add bar item "mouse_status".
task #12491 Commit core Complete commands inside command line (not only at beginning).
task #12204
issue #265
Commit Commit irc Add option to stop connection if SASL authentication fails.
issue #216 Commit irc Open channel buffers before the JOIN is received from server (autojoin and manual joins).
issue #229 Commit irc Add /server reorder (reorder list of servers and therefore the autoconnect to servers).

Version 1.0 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
- Commit trigger Add trigger plugin.
- Commit core Bare display mode (for easy text selection and click on URLs).
issue #2 Commit relay Add signals on clients connection/disconnection.
- Commit exec Add "/exec" plugin.
task #13111 Commit irc Add command /allpv.
task #13051 Commit core Allow search of text (ctrl-R) in buffers with free content.
issue #12 Commit irc Add support of capability "away-notify".
issue #17 Commit core Key alt+'-' to toggle filters in current buffer.
- Commit core Hidden buffers.
issue #67 Commit core Add a command to send text on a specific buffer.
task #10882 Commit core Add bar item "buffer_short_name".
issue #104 Commit core Add unit tests.
- - Pop the champagne!

Version 0.4.3 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
- Commit core Options to customize default text search in buffers.
task #12777 Commit irc Configurable default kick reason.
- Commit core Add support of italic text (requires ncurses >= 5.9 patch 20130831).
task #12766 Commit core Add option to disable auto renumbering of buffers (allow gap in buffer numbers).
bug #26571 Commit Commit irc Add option to customize default ban mask.
- Commit core Logical and/or for tags in /filter and options with tags.
- Commit core Logical and/or for tags in function hook_print.
task #12499 Commit irc Add option to smart filter modes messages (all or by mode).
patch #7963 Commit xfer Automatically check CRC32 file checksum if it is found in the filename.
patch #7992 Commit xfer Support IPv6 xfers.
task #10847 Commit core Control stdin of forked process (with hook_process_hashtable).
task #11661 Commit core Tab width setting.
- Commit core Add command /print.
task #12724 Commit irc Add server option "ssl_fingerprint".
task #11477 Commit irc Use MONITOR instead of ISON for /notify (when available on server).

Version 0.4.2 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
- Commit core Add infolist and hdata for layout.
patch #8062 Commit irc Better hash function for computing nick colors (with option to choose the hash used).
patch #6858 Commit core Add support of Enchant lib in aspell plugin (replaces aspell lib).
task #12651 Commit core Option for default proxy (used for downloads with Curl).
task #12689 Commit relay Add command "ping" in weechat protocol.
task #6745 Commit core Add a scroll beyond the end of buffer (/window scroll_beyond_end).
task #9221 Commit irc Add support of wildcards in commands (de)op/halfop/voice.
task #7395 Commit core Move passwords in a separate config file (sec.conf), with optional encryption.
task #11027 Commit core Rename binary and man page from "weechat-curses" to "weechat".
- Commit core Emphasize text when searching text in buffer.
- Commit core Search regex in buffer.
task #12717 Commit core Allow items of root bars to show content for a given buffer.
task #12775 Commit core Display day changed message dynamically (do not store it inside buffers).
- Commit core Add shared strings to reduce memory usage.

Version 0.4.1 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
bug #38070 Commit irc Add nick colors in output of /names #channel when it is displayed on server buffer (channel not joined).
- Commit aspell Optimize internal management of spellers (do not create them for each input analyzed, for example with split of windows), re-introduce local var "aspell_dict" in buffers.
- Commit relay WebSocket server support (RFC 6455) (for irc and weechat protocols).
task #12405 Commit irc Unmask join if nick speaks some minutes after the join.
- Commit relay Allow multiple clients on same port for irc protocol.
task #12393 Commit script Add control of autoload for scripts.
- Commit relay Send nicklist diff for nicks added/removed/changed instead of whole nicklist (reduce data exchanged with clients).
task #11274 Commit core Support of multiple layouts.
task #11924 Commit irc Automatic merge of private buffers (by server or all).
task #10895 Commit irc New option irc.look.display_join_message to disable some messages after joining a channel.
task #12576 Commit irc Add tag for "back on server" messages in queries.
task #9353 Commit irc Add support of UHNAMES.
bug #37531 Commit core Move nick prefix/suffix options from irc plugin to core (making it dynamic).
patch #8020 Commit irc Implement DH-AES SASL encryption method for SASL.

Version 0.4.0 ()

Tracker Spec Git Plugin Description
task #12275 Commit irc Add option "-noswitch" for command /join.
task #11205 Commit core IPv6 preferred, IPv4 as fallback.
task #12270 Commit relay Support of IPv6 in relay plugin.
task #12061 Commit aspell Add aspell suggestions.
task #12255 Commit irc Add support of "server-time" capability.
task #9555 Commit core Add color support in prefixes options.
task #12076 Commit relay Add backlog for irc protocol in relay plugin.