Marco Paolone <>, 2009-2012
Questo manuale documenta il client di chat WeeChat, ed è parte del programma stesso.
Latest version of this document can be found on this page ↗.
1. Introduzione
WeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat) è un client di chat libero, veloce e leggero, realizzato per diversi sistemi operativi.
1.1. Caratteristiche
Le principali caratteristiche:
multi-protocollo (mainly IRC)
connessione a server multipli (con TLS, IPv6, proxy)
piccolo, veloce e leggero
personalizzabile ed estensibile con plugin e script
conforme alle RFC di IRC 1459 ↗, 2810 ↗, 2811 ↗, 2812 ↗, 2813 ↗ e 7194 ↗
IRC proxy and relay for WeeChat and remote interfaces
multi-piattaforma (GNU/Linux, *BSD, macOS, Windows ed altre)
100% GPL, software libero
The list of all features can be found on this page ↗.
1.2. Requisiti
Per poter installare WeeChat, è necessario:
un sistema GNU/Linux in esecuzione (con gli strumenti di compilazione per i sorgenti), oppure OS compatibile
privilegi di root (per installare WeeChat in una directory di sistema)
some libraries (see dependencies).
2. Installazione
2.1. Pacchetti binari
I pacchetti binari sono disponibili per molte distribuzioni, incluse:
Arch Linux:
pacman -S weechat
Cygwin (Windows): select WeeChat packages in setup.exe
Debian/Ubuntu (o qualunque distribuzione compatibile):
apt-get install weechat-curses weechat-plugins
For latest versions and nightly builds: Debian repositories ↗ -
Fedora Core:
dnf install weechat
pkg install weechat
emerge weechat
Mandriva/RedHat (o qualunque distribuzione compatibile con RPM):
rpm -i /path/per/weechat-x.y.z-1.i386.rpm
zypper in weechat
cast weechat
macOS (with Homebrew ↗):
brew install weechat
(for help:brew info weechat
Potrebbero risultare utili alcuni pacchetti addizionali, come weechat-plugins.
Per altre distribuzioni, consultare il manuale per le istruzioni di installazione.
2.2. Containers
Containers with WeeChat can be built or installed directly from the
Docker Hub ↗.
For more information, see the README in the
weechat-container ↗
2.3. Sorgenti
WeeChat must be built with CMake.
On macOS, you can use Homebrew ↗:
brew install --build-from-source weechat .
The following table shows the list of packages that are required to build WeeChat:
Pacchetto (1) | Versione | Features |
C compiler (gcc / clang) |
Compile C sources. |
cmake |
≥ 3.0 |
Build. |
pkgconf / pkg-config |
Detect installed libraries. |
libncurses-dev |
Interfaccia ncurses. |
libcurl4-gnutls-dev |
Trasferimento URL. |
libgcrypt20-dev |
Secured data, IRC SASL authentication. |
libgnutls28-dev |
≥ 2.2.0 (2) |
IRC plugin: support of TLS connections, IRC SASL authentication (ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE). |
zlib1g-dev |
Logger plugin: compression of rotated log files (gzip). |
(1) Name comes from the Debian GNU/Linux Bookworm distribution, version and
name can be different in other distributions. (2) GnuTLS ≥ 3.0.21 is required for IRC SASL authentication with mechanism ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE. |
The following table shows the list of packages that are optional to compile WeeChat:
Pacchetto (1) | Versione | Features |
C++ compiler (g++ / clang++) |
Build and run tests, plugin JavaScript. |
gettext |
Internazionalizzazione (traduzione dei messaggi; la lingua base è l’inglese). |
ca-certificates |
Certificati per le connessioni TLS. |
libcjson-dev |
Relay plugin: protocol "api" (HTTP REST API). |
libzstd-dev |
≥ 0.8.1 |
Logger plugin: compression of rotated log files (zstandard). |
libaspell-dev / libenchant-dev |
Plugin spell. |
python3-dev |
≥ 3.0 |
Plugin python. |
libperl-dev |
Plugin perl. |
ruby3.1, ruby3.1-dev |
≥ 1.9.1 |
Plugin ruby. |
liblua5.4-dev |
Plugin lua. |
tcl-dev |
≥ 8.5 |
Plugin tcl. |
guile-3.0-dev |
≥ 2.0 |
Plugin guile (scheme). |
libv8-dev |
≤ 3.24.3 |
Plugin javascript. |
php-dev |
≥ 7.0 |
Plugin php. |
libphp-embed |
≥ 7.0 |
Plugin php. |
libxml2-dev |
Plugin php. |
libargon2-dev |
Plugin php (if PHP ≥ 7.2). |
libsodium-dev |
Plugin php (if PHP ≥ 7.2). |
asciidoctor |
≥ 1.5.4 |
Build man page and documentation. |
ruby-pygments.rb |
Build documentation. |
libcpputest-dev |
≥ 3.4 |
Build and run tests. |
(1) Name comes from the Debian GNU/Linux Bookworm distribution, version and name can be different in other distributions. |
If you are using a Debian/Ubuntu based distribution, and if you have some "deb-src" source entries in your file /etc/apt/sources.list, you can install all dependencies with the command:
sudo apt-get build-dep weechat
Installazione nelle directory di sistema (richiede privilegi di root):
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Installazione in una directory personalizzata (for example your home):
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/della/directory
make install
Options can be used for CMake, with format: -DOPTION=VALUE
List of available options:
Option | Values | Default value | Description |
The type of build: |
directory |
The directory where WeeChat will be installed. |
directory |
The default home directory when running WeeChat. |
Compile Alias plugin. |
Compile Buflist plugin. |
Compile Charset plugin. |
Support of JSON with cJSON ↗ library. |
Build man page. |
Build HTML documentation. |
Force build of documentation even if some plugins are not compiled (not recommended: docs will be incomplete). |
Compile Spell plugin with Enchant. |
Compile Exec plugin. |
Compile Fifo plugin. |
Compile Fset plugin. |
Compile Guile plugin (Scheme). |
Compile headless binary. |
Compile IRC plugin. |
Compile JavaScript plugin. |
Support of large files. |
Compile Logger plugin. |
Compile Lua plugin. |
Compile Ncurses interface. |
Enable NLS (translations). |
Compile Perl plugin. |
Compile PHP plugin. |
Compile Python plugin. |
Compile Relay plugin. |
Compile Ruby plugin. |
Compile Script plugin. |
Compile script plugins (Python, Perl, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, Guile, PHP). |
Compile Spell plugin. |
Compile Tcl plugin. |
Compile Trigger plugin. |
Compile Typing plugin. |
Compile Xfer plugin. |
Enable Zstandard ↗ compression. |
Compile tests. |
Compile with code coverage options. |
The other options can be displayed with this command:
cmake -LA
Or with Curses interface:
ccmake ..
2.4. Sorgenti Git
Attenzione: i sorgenti Git sono per gli utenti avanzati: potrebbero non compilare o essere instabili. Siete avvisati!
Per ottenere i sorgenti Git, dare il comando:
git clone
Poi seguire le istruzioni per i sorgenti (consultare sorgenti).
2.5. Segnalare gli errori
Nel caso in cui si verifichino errori, o si desideri segnalare qualsiasi errore futuro di WeeChat, è necessario:
compile with:
informazioni di debug (o installare il pacchetto binario con le informazioni di debug)
address sanitizer (optional)
abilitare i file core sul proprio sistema
installare gdb
Address sanitizer
You can additionally enable the address sanitizer, which causes WeeChat to crash immediately in case of problem:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fsanitize=address -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fsanitize=address -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-fsanitize=address
You should enable address sanitizer only if you’re trying to cause a crash, this is not recommended in production. |
Then once compiled and installed, you must run WeeChat like this:
ASAN_OPTIONS="detect_odr_violation=0 log_path=asan.log" weechat
In case of crash, the backtrace is in file asan.log
File core
To enable core files, you can use option weechat.startup.sys_rlimit:
/set weechat.startup.sys_rlimit "core:-1"
For WeeChat ≤ 0.3.8 or if you want to enable core files even before WeeChat
starts, you can use ulimit
Ad esempio su Linux con la shell bash, aggiungere questa riga al proprio
ulimit -c unlimited
Oppure impostare una dimensione massima:
ulimit -c 200000
Ottenere un backtrace con gdb
When WeeChat crashes, your system will create a file core or core.12345 (12345 is process id) if the option is enabled. Questo file viene creato nella directory in cui è in esecuzione WeeChat (e non la directory dove WeeChat è installato!).
On some systems like Archlinux, core dumps could be in another directory like
/var/lib/systemd/coredump and you must use the command coredumpctl to read it.For more information, see this wiki page ↗. |
Ad esempio, se weechat è installato in /usr/bin/ ed il file core si trova in /home/user/, allora eseguire gdb con questo comando:
gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/user/core
All’interno di gdb, usare il comando bt full
per visualizzare
il backtrace. Verrà mostrato qualcosa di simile a questo:
(gdb) set logging file /tmp/crash.txt (gdb) set logging on Copying output to /tmp/crash.txt. (gdb) bt full #0 0x00007f9dfb04a465 in raise () from /lib/ #1 0x00007f9dfb04b8e6 in abort () from /lib/ #2 0x0000000000437f66 in weechat_shutdown (return_code=1, crash=1) at /some_path/src/core/weechat.c:351 #3 <signal handler called> #4 0x000000000044cb24 in hook_process_timer_cb (arg_hook_process=0x254eb90, remaining_calls=<value optimized out>) at /some_path/src/core/core-hook.c:1364 hook_process = 0x254eb90 status = <value optimized out> #5 0x000000000044cc7d in hook_timer_exec () at /some_path/src/core/core-hook.c:1025 tv_time = {tv_sec = 1272693881, tv_usec = 212665} ptr_hook = 0x2811f40 next_hook = 0x0 #6 0x000000000041b5b0 in gui_main_loop () at /some_path/src/gui/curses/gui-curses-main.c:319 hook_fd_keyboard = 0x173b600 tv_timeout = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0} read_fds = {fds_bits = {0 <repeats 16 times>}} write_fds = {fds_bits = {0 <repeats 16 times>}} except_fds = {fds_bits = {0 <repeats 16 times>}} max_fd = <value optimized out>
Bisogna riportare l’errore agli sviluppatori, e specificare quale azione ha causato l’errore.
Grazie per il vostro aiuto!
Debug di WeeChat durante l’esecuzione
Per eseguire il debug di un’istanza di WeeChat in esecuzione (ad esempio se WeeChat sembra sia bloccato), è possibile usare gdb con l’id del processo (sostituire 12345 con il PID del processo weechat):
gdb /usr/bin/weechat 12345
Poi, come per un crash, usare il comando bt full
(gdb) bt full
3. Esecuzione di WeeChat
Per avviare WeeChat, digitare questo comando:
When you run WeeChat for the first time, the default configuration files are created in ~/.config/weechat with default options and values (see Files and directories).
3.1. Command line options
- -a, --no-connect
Disabilita la connessione automatica ai server all’avvio di WeeChat.
- -c, --colors
Mostra i colori prefefiniti nel terminale.
- --daemon
Run WeeChat in background, as a daemon (works only with the command weechat-headless).
- --stdout
Display log messages on standard output instead of writing them in log file (works only with the command weechat-headless, not compatible with option "--daemon").
- -d, --dir <path>
Force a single directory for all WeeChat files (directory is created if not found). Four directories can be given, separated by colons (in this order: config, data, cache, runtime). If this option is not given, the environment variable WEECHAT_HOME is used (if not empty).
- -t, --temp-dir
Create a temporary WeeChat home directory and delete it on exit (incompatible with option "-d").
The name of the directory is automatically built by WeeChat, with this template: "weechat_temp_XXXXXX" (where "XXXXXX" is random). It it created in the first available directory in this list: environment variable "TMPDIR", "/tmp" (may be different according to the operating system), environment variable "HOME", current directory.
The temporary home directory has permissions 0700 (only owner can read, write and execute). - -h, --help
Mostra l’aiuto.
- -i, --build-info
Display build information and exit.
- -l, --license
Mostra la licenza di WeeChat.
- -p, --no-plugin
Disabilita il caricamento automatico dei plugin.
- -P, --plugins <plugins>
Load only these plugins at startup (see /help weechat.plugin.autoload). If this option is given, the option weechat.plugin.autoload is not used.
- -r, --run-command <command>
Run command(s) after startup; many commands can be separated by semicolons, this option can be given multiple times.
- -s, --no-script
Disabilita il caricamento automatico dei script.
- --upgrade
Upgrade WeeChat using session files generated with command
/upgrade -quit
. - -v, --version
Mostra la versione di WeeChat.
- plugin:option
Opzione per il plugin.
Some extra options are available for debug purposes only:
Do NOT use any of these options in production! |
- --no-dlclose
Do not call the function dlclose after plugins are unloaded. This is useful with tools like Valgrind to display stack for unloaded plugins.
- --no-gnutls
Do not call the init and deinit functions of GnuTLS library. This is useful with tools like Valgrind and electric-fence, to prevent GnuTLS memory errors.
- --no-gcrypt
Do not call the init and deinit functions of Gcrypt library. This is useful with tools like Valgrind, to prevent Gcrypt memory errors.
3.2. Environment variables
Some environment variables are used by WeeChat if they are defined:
Name | Description |
The WeeChat home (with configuration files, logs, scripts, …). Same behavior as CMake option |
The passphrase used to decrypt secured data. |
An extra directory to load plugins (from the "plugins" directory in this path). |
3.3. Colors support
WeeChat può usare fino a 32767 coppie di colore per visualizzare il testo nelle barre e nell’area di chat(il terminale deve supportare 256 colori per essere utilizzati in WeeChat).
In base al valore della variabile di ambiente TERM, potrebbero verificarsi i seguenti limiti per i colori in WeeChat:
$TERM | Colori | Coppie |
"rxvt-unicode", "xterm", … |
88 |
32767 |
"rxvt-256color", "xterm-256color", … |
256 |
32767 |
"screen" |
8 |
64 |
"screen-256color" |
256 |
32767 |
"tmux" |
8 |
64 |
"tmux-256color" |
256 |
32767 |
È possibile eseguire weechat --colors
o utilizzare il comando /color
WeeChat per visualizzare i limiti del proprio ambiente.
Alcuni valori raccomandati per TERM se si desiderano 256 colori:
con screen: screen-256color
under tmux: screen-256color or tmux-256color
outside screen/tmux: xterm-256color, rxvt-256color, putty-256color, …
Potrebbe essere necessario installare il pacchetto "ncurses-term" per usare questi valori nella variabile TERM. |
Se si sta utilizzando screen, è possibile aggiungere questa riga al proprio ~/.screenrc:
term screen-256color
If your TERM variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, you can change it with these two commands:
/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade
3.4. Files and directories
XDG directories
WeeChat uses XDG directories by default (according to the
XDG Base Directory Specification ↗).
A single home directory for all files can be forced by CMake option WEECHAT_HOME
the environment variable WEECHAT_HOME
or the command-line option -d
/ --dir
When a single WeeChat home directory is not forced, XDG directories are used and set like this:
Directory | Default value | Fallback value if $XDG_XXX is not defined |
config |
data |
cache |
runtime |
Same as cache directory |
The configuration files are created with default values the first time you run WeeChat.
WeeChat directories
The WeeChat directories are:
Path (1) | Description |
WeeChat configuration files: |
WeeChat data files: logs, scripts, scripts data, xfer files, etc. |
Log files (one file per buffer). |
Python scripts. |
Python scripts auto-loaded on startup (2). |
Perl scripts. |
Perl scripts auto-loaded on startup (2). |
Ruby scripts. |
Ruby scripts auto-loaded on startup (2). |
Lua scripts. |
Lua scripts auto-loaded on startup (2). |
Tcl scripts. |
Tcl scripts auto-loaded on startup (2). |
Guile scripts. |
Guile scripts auto-loaded on startup (2). |
JavaScript scripts. |
JavaScript scripts auto-loaded on startup (2). |
PHP scripts. |
PHP scripts auto-loaded on startup (2). |
WeeChat cache files: scripts cache. |
WeeChat runtime files: FIFO pipe, Relay UNIX sockets. |
(1) XDG directories may be different according to your environment variables XDG_* .(2) This directory often contains only symbolic links to scripts in parent directory. |
WeeChat files
The files in the WeeChat home directory are:
File | Description | Sensitive data |
Main WeeChat configuration file |
Possible (example: list of channels in a saved buffers layout). |
Configuration file with secured data |
Yes, highly sensitive: this file must never be shared with anyone. |
Plugins configuration file |
Possible, depends on plugins/scripts. |
Configuration file for alias plugin |
Possible, depends on aliases. |
Configuration file for buflist plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for charset plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for exec plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for fifo plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for fset plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for guile plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for irc plugin |
Yes: it can contain passwords for servers, nickserv and channels (if not stored in |
Configuration file for javascript plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for logger plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for lua plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for perl plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for php plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for python plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for relay plugin |
Yes: it can contain relay password and TOTP secret (if not stored in |
Configuration file for ruby plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for script plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for spell plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for tcl plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for trigger plugin |
Possible, depends on triggers. |
Configuration file for typing plugin |
No. |
Configuration file for xfer plugin |
No. |
WeeChat log file |
No. |
It is not recommended to edit configuration files by hand because WeeChat
may write them at any time (for example on /quit)
and after any change you must run the command /reload
(with the risk of losing other changes that were not yet saved with
/save). You can use the command /set, which checks the value and applies immediately the changes. |
4. Upgrade
If a new stable version of WeeChat is released, this is time for you to switch to this version.
First of all, you must install the new version of WeeChat, either with your
package manager or by compiling yourself, so that the weechat
binary and all
required files are in the same paths.
This can be done while WeeChat is running.
4.1. Upgrade command
WeeChat can restart the new binary, in place, using the
/upgrade command: the buffer contents and non-TLS
connections are preserved.
The TLS connections are lost during upgrade and are restored automatically
after the upgrade (reload of TLS sessions is currently not possible
with GnuTLS).
The command can also be used if you have to restart the machine, for example to upgrade the kernel or to move your WeeChat to another machine:
/upgrade -quit
This saves the current state in *.upgrade
files. You can then either reboot
or move the whole WeeChat directories (config, data, cache) to another machine,
and restart WeeChat later with this command:
weechat --upgrade
4.2. Restart after upgrade
Upgrading notes
After an upgrade, it is strongly recommended to read the file ↗ which contains important information about breaking changes and some manual actions that could be required.
You must read the versions between your old (excluded) and your new version (included).
For example if you switch from version 4.0.0 to 4.3.0, you must read versions
4.0.1 to 4.3.0.
Configuration upgrade
WeeChat has an automatic upgrade of configuration files (*.conf
new options are silently added with default value
obsolete options are automatically discarded and WeeChat displays a warning with the value read from file.
Example of warning when an option has been removed:
=!= Attenzione: /home/user/.config/weechat/sec.conf, riga 15: opzione sconosciuta per la sezione "crypt": passphrase_file = ""
That means the option sec.crypt.passphrase_file
has been removed, and you
had value set to empty string, which was the default value in the previous version
(in this case no manual action is required).
5. Interface
5.1. Layout dello schermo
Esempio di terminale con WeeChat:
▼ bar "buflist" ▼ bar "title" ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.libera │Welcome to #test, this is a test channel │ │ weechat│12:52:27 --> | Flashy ( has joined #test │@Flashy│ │2. #test│12:52:27 -- | Nicks #test: [@Flashy @joe +weebot peter] │@joe │ │3. #abc │12:52:27 -- | Channel #test: 4 nicks (2 ops, 1 voice, 1 normal) │+weebot│ │4. #def │12:52:27 -- | Channel created on Tue Jan 27 06:30:17 2009 │peter │ │5. #ghi │12:54:15 peter | hey! │ │ │ │12:55:01 @joe | hello │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 2:#test(+n){4}* M [H: 3:#abc(2,5), 5] │ │ │[@Flashy(i)] hi peter!█ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ▲ bars "status" and "input" bar "nicklist" ▲
By default, the screen is divided up into the following areas:
area di chat (centro dello schermo) con le righe di chat, e per ogni riga:
prefisso (prima di "|")
messaggio (dopo di "|")
barre che circondano l’area di chat, quelle predefinite sono:
barra buflist, on the left
barra titolo, in alto rispetto all’area di chat
barra stato, in basso rispetto all’area di chat
barra input, in basso rispetto alla barra di stato
barra nicklist, sulla destra
La barra buflist ha i seguenti elementi predefiniti:
Elemento | Esempio | Descrizione |
buflist |
List of buffers. |
La barra title ha i seguenti elementi predefiniti:
Elemento | Esempio | Descrizione |
buffer_title |
Buffer title. |
La barra status ha i seguenti elementi predefiniti:
Elemento | Esempio | Descrizione |
time |
Ora. |
buffer_last_number |
Number of the latest buffer (can be different from |
buffer_plugin |
Plugin del buffer attivo (il plugin irc può aggiungere il nome del server irc usato dal buffer). |
buffer_number |
Numero del buffer corrente. |
buffer_name |
Nome del buffer attivo. |
buffer_modes |
Modalità canale IRC. |
buffer_nicklist_count |
Number of nicks displayed in nicklist. |
buffer_zoom |
! |
buffer_filter |
Indicatore filtraggio: |
mouse_status |
Mouse status (empty if mouse is disabled), see command /mouse and Toggle keys. |
scroll |
Indicatore di scorrimento, con il numero di righe sotto l’ultima riga visualizzata. |
lag |
Indicatore ritardo, in secondi (nascosto se il ritardo è basso). |
hotlist |
Elenco dei buffer con attività (messaggi non letti) (nell’esempio, 2 notifiche e 5 messaggi non letti su #abc, un messaggio non letto sul buffer #5). |
typing |
Typing notification, see typing notifications. |
completion |
Elenco di parole per il completamento, con il numero di completamenti possibili per ogni parola. |
La barra input ha i seguenti elementi predefiniti:
Elemento | Esempio | Descrizione |
input_prompt |
Prompt per l’input, for irc: nick and modes (mode "+i" means invisible on libera). |
away |
Indicatore di assenza. |
input_search |
Search indicator (see below). |
input_paste |
Chiede all’utente se incollare le righe. |
input_text |
Testo in input. |
There are two search modes:
search in lines, for example
[Search lines (~ str,msg)]
, with the following info:-
: case-insensitive -
: case-sensitive -
: search string -
: search regular expression -
: search in messages -
: search in prefixes -
: search in prefixes and messages.
search in commands history, for example
[Search command (~ str,local)]
, with the following info:-
: case-insensitive -
: case-sensitive -
: search string -
: search regular expression -
: search in buffer local history -
: search in global history.
La barra nicklist ha i seguenti elementi predefiniti:
Elemento | Esempio | Descrizione |
buffer_nicklist |
List of nicks on current buffer. |
Other items available (not used in bars by default):
Item | Example | Description |
buffer_count |
Total number of buffers opened. |
buffer_nicklist_count_all |
Number of visible groups and nicks in nicklist. |
buffer_nicklist_count_groups |
Number of visible groups in nicklist. |
buffer_short_name |
Current buffer short name. |
buflist2 |
List of buffers, second bar item (see option buflist.look.use_items). |
buflist3 |
List of buffers, third bar item (see option buflist.look.use_items). |
buflist4 |
List of buffers, fourth bar item (see option buflist.look.use_items). |
buflist5 |
List of buffers, fifth bar item (see option buflist.look.use_items). |
fset |
Help on currently selected option on fset buffer. |
irc_channel |
Current IRC channel name. |
irc_host |
Current IRC host. |
irc_nick |
Current IRC nick. |
irc_nick_host |
Current IRC nick and host. |
irc_nick_modes |
IRC modes for self nick. |
irc_nick_prefix |
IRC nick prefix on channel. |
spacer |
Special item used to align text in bars, see Spacer item. |
spell_dict |
Spelling dictionaries used on current buffer. |
spell_suggest |
Spelling suggestions for word under cursor (if misspelled). |
tls_version |
TLS version in use for current IRC server. |
window_number |
Current window number. |
5.2. Riga di comando
La riga di comando di WeeChat (nella parte inferiore della finestra) consente di inserire i comandi o di inviare del testo sul buffer.
I comandi iniziano con il carattere "/", seguito dal nome del comando. Ad esempio, per consultare un elenco di opzioni:
Il testo inviato ad un buffer è qualsiasi testo che non comincia con il carattere "/". Per esempio, per inviare il testo ciao sul buffer attivo:
Ad ogni modo, è possibile iniziare con il carattere "/", aggiungendone
poi un altro. Ad esempio, per inviare il testo /set
sul buffer attivo:
Codici colore
Per alcuni plugin come IRC, è possibile usare codici colori ed attributi, come segue (digitare Ctrl+c poi la lettera che segue, con il valore opzionale):
Key | Description |
Ctrl+c, b |
testo in grassetto. |
Ctrl+c, c, xx |
colore del testo |
Ctrl+c, c, xx, ,, yy |
colore del testo |
Ctrl+c, d, xxxxxx |
Text color |
Ctrl+c, d, xxxxxx, ,, yyyyyy |
Text color |
Ctrl+c, i |
italic text. |
Ctrl+c, o |
disabilita colori ed attributi. |
Ctrl+c, v |
video inverso (inverte il colore del testo con quello di sfondo). |
Ctrl+c, _ |
testo sottolineato. |
The same code (without number for Ctrl+c, c and Ctrl+c, d) can be used to stop the attribute. |
I codici colore per Ctrl+c, c sono:
IRC color | WeeChat color |
white |
black |
blue |
green |
lightred |
red |
magenta |
brown |
yellow |
lightgreen |
cyan |
lightcyan |
lightblue |
lightmagenta |
darkgray |
gray |
52 |
94 |
100 |
58 |
22 |
29 |
23 |
24 |
17 |
54 |
53 |
89 |
88 |
130 |
142 |
64 |
28 |
35 |
30 |
25 |
18 |
91 |
90 |
125 |
124 |
166 |
184 |
106 |
34 |
49 |
37 |
33 |
19 |
129 |
127 |
161 |
196 |
208 |
226 |
154 |
46 |
86 |
51 |
75 |
21 |
171 |
201 |
198 |
203 |
215 |
227 |
191 |
83 |
122 |
87 |
111 |
63 |
177 |
207 |
205 |
217 |
223 |
229 |
193 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
153 |
147 |
183 |
219 |
212 |
16 |
233 |
235 |
237 |
239 |
241 |
244 |
247 |
250 |
254 |
231 |
default |
To show all available colors in your terminal, you can do /color then
Alt+c in WeeChat or run this command in terminal: weechat --colors .
Esempio: visualizza "ciao Alice!" con "ciao" scritto in blu chiaro grassetto e "Alice" in rosso chiaro sottolineato:
^Cc12^Cbciao ^Cb^Cc04^C_Alice^C_^Cc !
Ctrl+c c 1 2 Ctrl+c b
c i a o Space
Ctrl+c b Ctrl+c c 0 4 Ctrl+c _
A l i c e
Ctrl+c _ Ctrl+c c
Nel plugin irc, si possono riorganizzare i colori usando l’opzione irc.color.mirc_remap. |
5.3. Buffer e finestre
Un buffer è composto da un numero, un nome, delle righe visualizzate (e altri dati).
Esempi di buffer:
buffer core (creato by WeeChat all’avvio, non può essere chiuso)
server irc (mostra i messaggi dal server)
canale irc
query irc
Una finestra (o window) è un’area dello schermo in cui viene visualizzato un buffer. È possibile dividere lo schermo in più finestre (examples below, see the /window command for details).
Ogni finestra visualizza un buffer. Un buffer può essere nascosto (non visualizzato da una finestra) o visualizzato da una o più finestre.
Screen layouts and the association between windows and buffers can be saved and restored.
Esempio di split orizzontale (/window splith
▼ window #2 (buffer #4) ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.libera │Welcome to #def │ │ weechat│12:55:12 Max | hi │@Flashy│ │2. #test│12:55:20 @Flashy | hi Max! │Max │ │3. #abc │ │ │ │4. #def │ │ │ │5. #ghi │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 4:#def(+n){2} │ │ │[@Flashy] │ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │Welcome to #abc │ │ │12:54:15 peter | hey! │@Flashy│ │ │12:55:01 @joe | hello │@joe │ │ │ │+weebot│ │ │ │peter │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 3:#abc(+n){4} │ │ │[@Flashy] hi peter!█ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ▲ window #1 (buffer #3)
Esempio di split verticale (/window splitv
┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.libera │Welcome to #abc │Welcome to #def │ │ weechat│12:54:15 peter | hey! │@Flashy│12:55:12 Max | hi │@Flashy│ │2. #test│12:55:01 @joe | hello │@joe │12:55:20 @Flashy | hi Max! │Max │ │3. #abc │ │+weebot│ │ │ │4. #def │ │peter │ │ │ │5. #ghi │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 3:#abc(+n) │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 4:#def(+n) │ │ │[@Flashy] hi peter!█ │[@Flashy] │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ▲ window #1 (buffer #3) ▲ window #2 (buffer #4)
Esempio di split orizzontale + verticale:
▼ window #3 (buffer #5) ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.libera │Welcome to #abc │Welcome to #ghi │ │ weechat│12:54:15 peter | hey! │@Flashy│12:55:42 @Flashy | hi │@Flashy│ │2. #test│12:55:01 @joe | hello │@joe │12:55:56 alex | hi Flashy │alex │ │3. #abc │ │+weebot│ │ │ │4. #def │ │peter │ │ │ │5. #ghi │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 5:#ghi(+n) │ │ │ │ │[@Flashy] │ │ │ │ │──────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ │ │Welcome to #def │ │ │ │ │12:55:12 Max | hi │@Flashy│ │ │ │ │12:55:20 @Flashy | hi Max! │Max │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 3:#abc(+n) │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 4:#def(+n) │ │ │[@Flashy] hi peter!█ │[@Flashy] │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ▲ window #1 (buffer #3) ▲ window #2 (buffer #4)
Bare display
A special display, called "bare display" can be used for easy click on long URLs and selection of text (using the mouse).
The bare display has following features:
it displays only the content of current buffer: no window split neither bars (no title, nicklist, status, input, …)
the WeeChat mouse support is disabled (if it was enabled): you can use your mouse like you do in the terminal to click on URLs and select text
ncurses is not used, therefore URLs are not cut at the end of lines.
The default key to enable bare display is Alt+l (L
), and same key to exit
(or by default anything changing the input will exit the bare display, see option
The time format can be customized with the option weechat.look.bare_display_time_format.
The bare display can be enabled for a specific delay using the command /window.
If WeeChat looks like that:
┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.libera │Welcome to #abc │ │ weechat│12:52:27 --> | Flashy ( has joined #abc │@Flashy│ │2. #test│12:52:27 -- | Nicks #abc: [@Flashy @joe +weebot peter] │@joe │ │3. #abc │12:52:27 -- | Channel #abc: 4 nicks (2 ops, 1 voice, 1 normal) │+weebot│ │4. #def │12:52:27 -- | Channel created on Tue Jan 27 06:30:17 2009 │peter │ │5. #ghi │12:54:15 peter | hey! │ │ │ │12:55:01 @joe | peter: hook_process: │ │ │ │ | /weechat/devel/weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_weechat │ │ │ │ | _hook_process │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 3:#abc(+n){4} │ │ │[@Flashy(i)] hi peter!█ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
The screen will look like that in bare display:
┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │12:52 --> Flashy ( has joined #abc │ │12:52 -- Nicks #abc: [@Flashy @joe +weebot peter] │ │12:52 -- Channel #abc: 4 nicks (2 ops, 1 voice, 1 normal) │ │12:52 -- Channel created on Tue Jan 27 06:30:17 2009 │ │12:54 <peter> hey! │ │12:55 <@joe> peter: hook_process:│ │plugin_api.en.html#_weechat_hook_process │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
So you can click the URL from joe without any problem in your terminal (of course this supposes that your terminal supports click on URLs).
5.4. Buffers
Format of lines
Lines displayed in formatted buffers have following fields:
Field | Displayed | Description |
date/time (message) |
Yes |
Date/time of message (may be past). |
date/time (print) |
No |
Date/time when WeeChat prints the message. |
prefix |
Yes |
Prefix of message, commonly a nick. |
message |
Yes |
The message itself. |
displayed |
No |
Boolean: true if line is displayed, false if line is filtered with command /filter. |
highlight |
No |
Boolean: true if line has a highlight, false otherwise. |
tags |
With |
Tags associated with the line (see lines tags). |
The display of lines can be customized with many look options (weechat.look.*) and color options (weechat.color.chat_*).
Lines tags
WeeChat uses tags in lines for different purposes:
notify level
use of command /filter
Tags can be displayed with the command /debug tags
(same command to hide them).
Tag usati di frequente (elenco non esaustivo):
Tag | Descrizione |
La riga non può essere filtrata. |
Evidenziazione non possibile sulla riga. |
La riga non viene scritta nel file di log. |
Livello di log per la riga (see the /logger command). |
The line must not be added to hotlist. (1) |
The line is a user message. (1) |
The line is a private message. (1) |
The line is a message with highlight. (1) |
Self message. |
Il messaggio viene dal nick "xxx". |
Il prefisso è un nick con il colore "ccc". |
Username and host in message. |
Messaggio IRC "xxx" (può essere un comando o un numero di 3 cifre). |
Messaggio IRC numerico. |
Errore dal server IRC. |
Azione da un nic (comando |
Messaggio CTCP. |
Risposta ad un messaggio CTCP. |
Messaggio IRC filtrabile tramite lo "smart filter" (filtro intelligente). |
Messagio con informazioni sull’assenza. |
(1) When no tag "notify_xxx" is present, the default level is "low". If a tag "notify_xxx" is present, the real notify level can be different, for example if a max hotlist level is used for a nick, the notify level can be lower than the value in the tag. |
Local variables
Local variables can be defined in all buffers.
A local variable has:
a name (string)
a value (string, can be empty).
Local variables can be set by WeeChat, plugins, scripts, or manually on the command line in the buffer.
For example to add the local variable "completion_default_template":
/buffer setvar completion_default_template %(my_completion)
To list local variables in the current buffer:
/buffer listvar
To remove the local variable "completion_default_template":
/buffer delvar completion_default_template
By default WeeChat and its default plugins interpret these variables:
Name | Value | Description |
any string |
Away message on the server, set by irc plugin. |
any string |
Channel name, set by irc/xfer plugins and debug buffer of relay/trigger plugins. |
any string |
Charset modifier for the server buffer, set by irc plugin. |
any string |
Default completion template for the buffer, overriding the option
any string |
Filter defined on some buffers like |
any string |
Self host (if known), set by irc plugin. |
any string |
Lag on the server, set by irc plugin. |
any string |
Buffer name (be careful, this is not the full name and this name is not enough to identify or search a buffer). |
any string |
Self nick, set by irc and xfer plugins. |
If set, the logger plugin does not log anything for the buffer. |
any string |
Name of plugin which created the buffer ( |
any string |
Close callback defined by a script for a buffer. |
any string |
Data for close callback defined by a script for a buffer. |
any string |
Input callback defined by a script for a buffer. |
any string |
Data for input callback defined by a script for a buffer. |
any string |
Name of the script which created the buffer. |
any string |
Server name, set by irc plugin and debug buffer of relay/trigger plugins. |
any string |
Misspelled word and suggestions (format: "misspelled:suggestions"), set by spell plugin. |
any string |
Trigger filter, set by trigger plugin. |
any string, for example:
Type of buffer, set by WeeChat and many plugins. |
External plugins and scripts can define and use other local variables. |
5.5. List of buffers
Buflist plugin displays a list of buffers in a bar item called "buflist"
(four other bar items "buflist2", "buflist3", "buflist4" and "buflist5" are
available as well).
A default bar "buflist" is created on startup with this item.
: bar item with list of buffers
/buflist enable|disable|toggle bar refresh [<item>[,<item>...]] enable: enable buflist disable: disable buflist toggle: toggle buflist bar: add the "buflist" bar refresh: force the refresh of some bar items (if no item is given, all bar items used are refreshed, according to option buflist.look.use_items) The lines with buffers are displayed using string evaluation (see /help eval for the format), with these options: - buflist.look.display_conditions: conditions to display a buffer in the list - buflist.format.buffer: format for a buffer which is not current buffer - buflist.format.buffer_current: format for the current buffer The following variables can be used in these options: - bar item data (see hdata "bar_item" in API doc for a complete list), for example: - ${} - window data, where the bar item is displayed (there's no window in root bars, see hdata "window" in API doc for a complete list), for example: - ${window.number} - ${window.buffer.full_name} - buffer data (see hdata "buffer" in API doc for a complete list), for example: - ${buffer.number} - ${} - ${buffer.full_name} - ${buffer.short_name} - ${buffer.nicklist_nicks_count} - irc_server: IRC server data, defined only on an IRC buffer (see hdata "irc_server" in API doc) - irc_channel: IRC channel data, defined only on an IRC channel buffer (see hdata "irc_channel" in API doc) - extra variables added by buflist for convenience: - ${format_buffer}: the evaluated value of option buflist.format.buffer; this can be used in option buflist.format.buffer_current to just change the background color for example - ${current_buffer}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if this is the current buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${current_buffer}?...:...} - ${merged}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if the buffer is merged with at least another buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${merged}?...:...} - ${format_number}: indented number with separator (evaluation of option buflist.format.number) - ${number}: indented number, for example " 1" if there are between 10 and 99 buffers; for merged buffers, this variable is set with number for the first buffer and spaces for the next buffers with same number - ${number2}: indented number, for example " 1" if there are between 10 and 99 buffers - ${number_displayed}: "1" if the number is displayed, otherwise "0" - ${indent}: indentation for name (channel, private and list buffers are indented) (evaluation of option buflist.format.indent) - ${format_nick_prefix}: colored nick prefix for a channel (evaluation of option buflist.format.nick_prefix) - ${color_nick_prefix}: color of nick prefix for a channel (set only if the option buflist.look.nick_prefix is enabled) - ${nick_prefix}: nick prefix for a channel (set only if the option buflist.look.nick_prefix is enabled) - ${format_name}: formatted name (evaluation of option - ${name}: the short name (if set), with a fallback on the name - ${color_hotlist}: the color depending on the highest hotlist level for the buffer (evaluation of option buflist.format.hotlist_xxx where xxx is the level) - ${format_hotlist}: the formatted hotlist (evaluation of option buflist.format.hotlist) - ${hotlist}: the raw hotlist - ${hotlist_priority}: "none", "low", "message", "private" or "highlight" - ${hotlist_priority_number}: -1 = none, 0 = low, 1 = message, 2 = private, 3 = highlight - ${format_lag}: the lag for an IRC server buffer, empty if there's no lag (evaluation of option buflist.format.lag) - ${format_tls_version}: indicator of TLS version for a server buffer, empty for channels (evaluation of option buflist.format.tls_version)
Sections in file buflist.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Formats used to display list of buffers. |
Look and feel. |
descrizione: format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist); example: standard format for bar item "buflist" and only the buffer number between square brackets for other bar items ("buflist2" to "buflist5"): "${if:${}==buflist?${format_number}${indent}${format_nick_prefix}${color_hotlist}${format_name}:[${number}]}"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for the line with current buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
" ${color:green}(${hotlist}${color:green})"
descrizione: format for a buffer with hotlist level "highlight" (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for a buffer with hotlist level "low" (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for a buffer with hotlist level "message" (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for a buffer with hotlist level "private" (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: string displayed to indent channel, private and list buffers (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
" "
descrizione: format for lag on an IRC server buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
" ${color:green}[${color:brown}${lag}${color:green}]"
descrizione: format for buffer name (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for nick prefix on a channel (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for buffer number, ${number} is the indented number (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"${color:green}${number}${if:${number_displayed}?.: }"
descrizione: format for TLS version on an IRC server buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
" ${color:default}(${if:${tls_version}==TLS1.3?${color:green}:${if:${tls_version}==TLS1.2?${color:yellow}:${color:red}}}${translate:${tls_version}}${color:default})"
descrizione: add newline between the buffers displayed, so each buffer is displayed on a separate line (recommended); if disabled, newlines must be manually added in the formats with "${\n}", and the mouse actions are not possible anymore
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: automatically scroll the buflist bar to always see the current buffer (this works only with a bar on the left/right position with a "vertical" filling); this value is the percent number of lines displayed before the current buffer when scrolling (-1 = disable scroll); for example 50 means that after a scroll, the current buffer is at the middle of bar, 0 means on top of bar, 100 means at bottom of bar
tipo: intero
valori: -1 .. 100
valore predefinito:
descrizione: conditions to display a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist); for example to hide server buffers if they are merged with core buffer: "${buffer.hidden}==0 && ((${type}!=server && ${buffer.full_name}!=core.weechat) || ${}==1)"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: enable buflist; it is recommended to use this option instead of just hiding the bar because it also removes some internal hooks that are not needed anymore when the bar is hidden; you can also use the command "/buflist toggle" or use the default key alt+shift+b
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: if enabled, clicks with left/right buttons on the line with current buffer jump to previous/next visited buffer
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in nicklist, so this option is disabled by default
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: when the nick prefix is enabled, display a space instead if there is no nick prefix on the buffer (only for channel, private and list buffers)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the refresh of buffers list; this can be useful if some custom variables are used in formats and need specific refresh
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of fields to sort buffers; each field is a hdata variable of buffer ("var"), a hdata variable of IRC server ("irc_server.var") or a hdata variable of IRC channel ("irc_channel.var"); char "-" can be used before field to reverse order, char "~" can be used to do a case-insensitive comparison; examples: "-~short_name" for case-insensitive and reverse sort on buffer short name, "-hotlist.priority,hotlist.time,hotlist.time_usec,number,-active" for sort like the hotlist then by buffer number for buffers without activity (note: the content is evaluated, before being split into fields, but at that time "bar_item" is the only variable that can be used, to distinguish between different buflist items, for example "${}")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: number of buflist bar items that can be used; the item names are: "buflist", "buflist2", "buflist3", "buflist4" and "buflist5"; be careful, using more than one bar item slows down the display of buffers list
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 5
valore predefinito:
5.6. Cursor mode
The cursor mode allows you to move freely the cursor anywhere on screen, in chat
area and bars, and lets you perform actions at the given position.
You can enter in cursor mode either with the command /cursor
or with a mouse
middle click (mouse must have been enabled with key Alt+m or command
/mouse enable
Typical use is to quote messages (chat area) or interact with nicks (nicklist bar).
See command /cursor and key bindings in cursor context for the list of actions you can perform in this mode.
6. Key bindings
WeeChat provides a lot of default key bindings, listed in the following chapters.
They can be changed and new ones can be added with the /key command.
6.1. Tasti per la riga di comando
Cursor movement
Tasti | Descrizione | Comando |
← |
Passa al carattere precedente nella riga di comando. |
→ |
Passa al carattere successivo nella riga di comando. |
Shift+↑ |
Go to previous line. |
Shift+↓ |
Go to next line. |
Ctrl+← |
Passa alla parola precedente nella riga di comando. |
Ctrl+→ |
Passa alla parola successiva nella riga di comando. |
Home |
Go to the beginning of current line. |
Shift+Home |
Go to the beginning of command line. |
End |
Go to the end of current line. |
Shift+End |
Go to the end of command line. |
Tasti | Descrizione | Comando |
Del |
Elimina il carattere successivo nella riga di comando. |
Backspace |
Elimina il carattere precedente nella riga di comando. |
Ctrl+k |
Delete from cursor until end of current line (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). |
Alt+Ctrl+k |
Delete from cursor until end of command line (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). |
Ctrl+t |
Inverti caratteri. |
Ctrl+u |
Delete from cursor until beginning of current line (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). |
Alt+Ctrl+u |
Delete from cursor until beginning of command line (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). |
Alt+Backspace |
Elimina la parola precedente nella riga di comando (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). |
Ctrl+w |
Delete previous word of command line until whitespace (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). |
Ctrl+y |
Paste the internal clipboard content. |
Ctrl+_ |
Annulla l’ultima azione sulla riga di comando. |
Alt+_ |
Ripete l’ultima azione sulla riga di comando. |
Tab |
Completa comando o nick (Tab di nuovo: trova prossimo completamento). |
Shift+Tab |
Senza completamento: effettua un completamento parziale, con completamento in sospeso: completa con il completamento precedente. |
Invio |
Esegue comando o invia messaggio (in modalità ricerca: ferma ricerca). |
Alt+Enter |
Insert a newline. |
Alt+d |
Elimina la parola successiva nella riga di comando (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). |
Alt+k |
Cattura un tasto ed inserisce il suo codice (e il comando associato se il tasto esiste) nella riga di comando. |
Alt+r |
Delete current line. |
Alt+R |
Delete entire command line. |
Color codes
Tasti | Descrizione | Comando |
Ctrl+c, b |
Inserisce il codice per il testo in grassetto. |
Ctrl+c, c |
Inserisce il codice per il testo colorato. |
Ctrl+c, d |
Insert code for colored text (RGB color, as hexadecimal). |
Ctrl+c, i |
Inserisce il codice per il testo in corsivo. |
Ctrl+c, o |
Inserisce il codice per il reset dei colori. |
Ctrl+c, v |
Inserisce il codice per l’inversione dei colori. |
Ctrl+c, _ |
Inserisce il codice per il testo sottolineato. |
Command history
Tasti | Descrizione | Comando |
↑ |
Chiama comando/messaggio precedente (in modalità ricerca: cerca in alto). |
↓ |
Chiama comando/messaggio precedente (in modalità ricerca: cerca in basso). |
Ctrl+↑ |
Chiama il comando/messaggio precedente nella cronologia globale (identico per tutti i buffer). |
Ctrl+↓ |
Chiama il comando/messaggio successivo nella cronologia globale (identico per tutti i buffer). |
6.2. Buffers
Tasti | Descrizione | Comando |
Ctrl+r |
Search for text in commands history (see keys for context "histsearch"). |
Ctrl+s |
Search for text in buffer lines (see keys for context "search"). |
Ctrl+x |
Switch current buffer if buffers are merged with same number, for example switch to another IRC server buffer. |
Alt+x |
Zoom on merged buffer (Alt+x again: display all merged buffers). |
PgUp |
Scorre in alto di una pagina nella cronologia del buffer. |
PgDn |
Scorre di una pagina in basso nella cronologia del buffer. |
Alt+PgUp |
Scorre di qualche riga in alto nella cronologia del buffer. |
Alt+PgDn |
Scorre di qualche riga in basso nella cronologia del buffer. |
Alt+Home |
Scorre in cima al buffer. |
Alt+End |
Scorre alla fine del del buffer. |
Alt+← |
Passa al buffer precedente. |
Alt+→ |
Passa al buffer successivo. |
Alt+j, Alt+f |
Switch to first buffer. |
Alt+j, Alt+l ( |
Passa all’ultimo buffer. |
Alt+j, Alt+r |
Passa al buffer raw IRC. |
Alt+j, Alt+s |
Passa al buffer server IRC. |
Alt+0…9 |
Passa al buffer numero (0 = 10). |
Alt+j, 01…99 |
Passa al buffer numero. |
Alt+n |
Scorre fino alla notifica successiva. |
Alt+p |
Scorre fino alla notifica precedente. |
Alt+u |
Scorre fino alla prima riga non letta nel buffer. |
Alt+Shift+U |
Imposta l’evidenziatore dei messaggi non letti su tutti i buffer. |
Alt+< |
Passa al buffer precedente nella lista dei buffer visitati. |
Alt+> |
Passa al buffer successivo nella lista dei buffer visitati. |
Alt+/ |
Passa all’ultimo buffer mostrato (prima dell’ultimo passaggio ad un buffer). |
6.3. Windows
Tasti | Descrizione | Comando |
Ctrl+l ( |
Ridisegna l’intera finestra. |
Alt+l ( |
Toggle bare display. |
F7 |
Passa alla finestra precedente. |
F8 |
Passa alla finestra successiva. |
Alt+w, Alt+↑ |
Passa alla finestra in alto. |
Alt+w, Alt+↓ |
Passa alla finestra in basso. |
Alt+w, Alt+← |
Passa alla finestra sulla sinistra. |
Alt+w, Alt+→ |
Passa alla finestrs sulla destra. |
Alt+w, Alt+b |
Bilancia le dimensioni di tutte le finestre. |
Alt+w, Alt+s |
Scambia i buffer di due finestra. |
Alt+z |
Ingrandimento sulla finestra attiva (Alt+z di nuovo: ripristina lo stato iniziale della finestra, prima dell’ingrandimento). |
6.4. Bars
Tasti | Descrizione | Comando |
F1 |
Scroll up one page in buflist. |
F2 |
Scroll down one page in buflist. |
Alt+F1 |
Go to the beginning of buflist. |
Alt+F2 |
Go to the end of buflist. |
F9 |
Scorre il titolo del buffer sulla sinistra. |
F10 |
Scorre il titolo del buffer sulla destra. |
F11 |
Scorre di una pagina in alto nella lista nick. |
F12 |
Scorre di una pagina in basso nella lista nick. |
Alt+F11 |
Sposta all’inizio della lista nick. |
Alt+F12 |
Sposta alla fine della lista nick. |
Alt+Shift+B |
Toggle buflist. |
Alt+Shift+N |
Toggle nicklist bar. |
6.5. Hotlist
Tasti | Descrizione | Comando |
Alt+a |
Passa al buffer successivo con attività (con priorità: highligh, messagge, altro). |
Alt+h, Alt+c |
Clear hotlist (activity notification on buffers). |
Alt+h, Alt+m |
Remove current buffer from hotlist. |
Alt+h, Alt+r |
Restore latest hotlist removed in the current buffer. |
Alt+h, Alt+Shift+R |
Restore latest hotlist removed in all buffers. |
6.6. Toggle keys
Tasti | Descrizione | Comando |
Alt+m |
Abilita/disabilita. |
Alt+s |
Toggle spell checker. |
Alt+= |
Attiva/disattiva filtri. |
Alt+- |
Toggle filters in current buffer. |
Alt+Ctrl+l ( |
Toggle between remote and local commands on a remote buffer (relay "api"). |
6.7. Search context
These keys are used in context "search" (when Ctrl+s is pressed to search text in buffer lines).
Tasti | Descrizione | Comando |
Ctrl+x |
Switch search type: string (default), regular expression. |
Alt+c |
Passa alla ricerca esatta. |
Tab |
Switch search in: messages (default), prefixes, prefixes + messages. |
Ctrl+r |
Cerca riga precedente. |
Ctrl+s |
Cerca riga successiva. |
Enter |
Stop search at current position. |
Ctrl+q |
Stop search and reset scroll to pre-text search state. |
6.8. History search context
These keys are used in context "histsearch" (when Ctrl+r is pressed to search text in commands history).
Tasti | Descrizione | Comando |
Ctrl+x |
Switch search type: string (default), regular expression. |
Alt+c |
Switch exact case for search. |
Tab |
Switch search in: buffer local history (default), global history. |
Ctrl+r |
Search in previous (older) history entries. |
Ctrl+s |
Search in next (newer) history entries. |
Enter |
Stop search and use matching input. |
Ctrl+o |
Execute the command found in history and insert the next one in the command line. |
Ctrl+q |
Stop search and restore input to its initial value. |
6.9. Cursor context
Questi tasti sono usati nel contesto "cursor" (movimento libero del cursore sullo schermo, see Cursor mode.
Tasto | Zona | Descrizione | Comando |
↑ |
- |
Sposta il cursore di una riga in alto. |
↓ |
- |
Sposta il cursore di una riga in basso. |
← |
- |
Sposta il cursore di una colonna a sinistra. |
→ |
- |
Sposta il cursore di una colonna a destra. |
Alt+↑ |
- |
Move cursor to the first line of the area. |
Alt+↓ |
- |
Move cursor to the last line of the area. |
Alt+← |
- |
Move cursor to the first column of the area. |
Alt+→ |
- |
Move cursor to the last column of the area. |
Alt+Home |
- |
Move cursor to the top left corner of the area. |
Alt+End |
- |
Move cursor to the bottom right corner of the area. |
Alt+Shift+↑ |
- |
Sposta il cursore nell’area in alto. |
Alt+Shift+↓ |
- |
Sposta il cursore nell’area in basso. |
Alt+Shift+← |
- |
Sposta il cursore nell’area a sinistra. |
Alt+Shift+→ |
- |
Sposta il cursore nell’area a destra. |
m |
chat |
Cita messaggio. |
l |
chat |
Quote focused line. |
q |
chat |
Cita prefisso + messaggio. |
Q |
chat |
Cita ora + prefisso + messaggio. |
b |
lista nick |
Ban di un nick. |
k |
lista nick |
Kick di un nick. |
K |
lista nick |
Kick e ban di un nick. |
q |
lista nick |
Apri query con il nick. |
w |
lista nick |
Effettua un whois sul nick. |
Enter |
- |
Ferma la modalità cursore. |
6.10. Mouse
These mouse actions are possible only if mouse is enabled with key Alt+m
(command: /mouse toggle
Tasto/Wheel (1) | Azione | Zona | Descrizione | Comando |
■ □ □ |
- |
chat |
Passa alla finestra. |
■ □ □ |
sinistra |
chat |
Passa al buffer precedente. |
■ □ □ |
destra |
chat |
Passa al buffer successivo. |
■ □ □ |
sinistra (lungo) |
chat |
Switch to first buffer. |
■ □ □ |
destra (lungo) |
chat |
Passa all’ultimo buffer. |
▲ |
- |
chat |
Scorre di qualche riga in alto nella cronologia del buffer. |
▼ |
- |
chat |
Scorre di qualche riga in basso nella cronologia del buffer. |
Ctrl+▲ |
- |
chat |
Scroll horizontally to the left. |
Ctrl+▼ |
- |
chat |
Scroll horizontally to the right. |
▲ |
- |
chat: fset buffer |
Move five lines up in fset buffer. |
▼ |
- |
chat: fset buffer |
Move five lines down in fset buffer. |
■ □ □ |
- |
chat: fset buffer |
Select line in fset buffer. |
□ □ ■ |
- |
chat: fset buffer |
Toggle boolean (on/off) or edit the option value. |
□ □ ■ |
left |
chat: fset buffer |
Decrease value for integer/color/enum, set/append to value for other types. |
□ □ ■ |
right |
chat: fset buffer |
Increase value for integer/color/enum, set/append to value for other types. |
□ □ ■ |
up / down |
chat: fset buffer |
Mark/unmark multiple options. |
▲ |
- |
chat: /list buffer |
Move five lines up in /list buffer. |
▼ |
- |
chat: /list buffer |
Move five lines down in /list buffer. |
■ □ □ |
- |
chat: /list buffer |
Select line in /list buffer. |
□ □ ■ |
- |
chat: /list buffer |
Join IRC channel on selected line. |
▲ |
- |
chat: script buffer |
Move 5 lines up in script buffer. |
▼ |
- |
chat: script buffer |
Move 5 lines down in script buffer. |
■ □ □ |
- |
chat: script buffer |
Select line in script buffer. |
□ □ ■ |
- |
chat: script buffer |
Install/remove script. |
■ □ □ |
up / left |
buflist |
Move buffer to a lower number. |
Signal |
■ □ □ |
down / right |
buflist |
Move buffer to a higher number. |
Signal |
■ □ □ |
- |
buflist |
Switch to buffer (previously visited buffer if the buffer is the current one). |
Signal |
□ □ ■ |
- |
buflist |
Switch to next visited buffer if the buffer is the current one. |
Signal |
Ctrl+▲ |
- |
buflist |
Switch to previous buffer. |
Signal |
Ctrl+▼ |
- |
buflist |
Switch to next buffer. |
Signal |
■ □ □ |
su |
lista nick |
Scorre di una pagina in alto nella lista nick. |
■ □ □ |
giù |
lista nick |
Scorre di una pagina in basso nella lista nick. |
■ □ □ |
up (lungo) |
lista nick |
Sposta all’inizio della lista nick. |
■ □ □ |
giù (lungo) |
lista nick |
Sposta alla fine della lista nick. |
■ □ □ |
- |
lista nick |
Apre una query con un nick. |
□ □ ■ |
- |
lista nick |
Effettua un whois su un nick. |
■ □ □ |
sinistra |
lista nick |
Kick di un nick. |
■ □ □ |
sinistra (lungo) |
lista nick |
Kick e ban di un nick. |
□ □ ■ |
sinistra |
lista nick |
Ban di un nick. |
□ □ ■ |
- |
input |
Cattura un evento del mouse e inserisce il codice nella riga di comando. |
▲ |
- |
ogni barra |
Scorre la barra del -20%. |
▼ |
- |
ogni barra |
Scorre la barra del +20%. |
□ ■ □ |
- |
ovunque |
Avvia la modalità cursore in questo punto. |
(1) Buttons: ◼ □ □: click on left button □ ◼ □: click on middle button □ □ ◼: click on right button Wheel: ▲: wheel up ▼: wheel down |
6.11. Fset buffer
These keys and actions are used on the fset buffer (see Fset plugin).
Key | Action (1) | Description | Command |
↑ |
Move one line up. |
↓ |
Move one line down. |
PgUp |
Move one page up. |
PgDn |
Move one page down. |
Alt+Home |
Move to first line. |
Alt+End |
Move to last line. |
F11 |
Scroll horizontally on the left. |
F12 |
Scroll horizontally on the right. |
Alt+Space |
Toggle boolean value. |
Alt+- |
Subtract 1 from value for integer/color/enum, set value for other types. |
Alt++ |
Add 1 to value for integer/color/enum, append to value for other types. |
Alt+f, Alt+r |
Reset value. |
Alt+f, Alt+u |
Unset value. |
Alt+Enter |
Set value. |
Alt+f, Alt+n |
Set new value. |
Alt+f, Alt+a |
Append to value. |
Alt+, |
Mark/unmark option. |
Shift+↑ |
Move one line up and mark/unmark option. |
Shift+↓ |
Mark/unmark option and move one line down. |
Mark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see /fset command). |
Unmark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see /fset command). |
Ctrl+l ( |
Refresh options and whole screen. |
Refresh options (keep marked options). |
Refresh options (unmark all options). |
Alt+p |
Toggle plugin description options ( |
Alt+v |
Toggle help bar. |
Sort options by fields x,y (see option fset.look.sort). |
Reset sort to its default value (see option fset.look.sort). |
Export options in file "xxx". |
Export options in file "xxx" without help. |
Export options in file "xxx" with help. |
Ctrl+x |
Switch the format used to display options. |
Close fset buffer. |
(1) The action must be entered as input on the command line, followed by Enter. |
6.12. IRC /list buffer
These keys and actions are used on the IRC /list buffer (see command /list).
Key | Action (1) | Description | Command |
↑ |
Move one line up. |
↓ |
Move one line down. |
PgUp |
Move one page up. |
PgDn |
Move one page down. |
Alt+Home |
Move to first line. |
Alt+End |
Move to last line. |
F11 |
Scroll horizontally on the left. |
F12 |
Scroll horizontally on the right. |
Ctrl+j |
Join IRC channel on selected line. |
Show only channels with "xxx" in name or topic (case-insensitive). |
Show only channels with "xxx" in name (case-insensitive). |
Show only channels with "xxx" in topic (case-insensitive). |
Show only channels with at least "n" users. |
Show only channels with more than "n" users. |
Show only channels with less than "n" users. |
Show only channels matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: name, name2, users, topic. |
Sort channels by fields x,y (see command /list). |
Reset sort to its default value (see command /list). |
Refresh list (run again command /list). |
Close buffer. |
(1) The action must be entered as input on the command line, followed by Enter. |
6.13. Script buffer
These keys and actions are used on the script buffer (see script manager).
Key | Action (1) | Description | Command |
↑ |
Move one line up. |
↓ |
Move one line down. |
PgUp |
Move one page up. |
PgDn |
Move one page down. |
Alt+i |
Install script. |
Alt+r |
Remove script. |
Alt+l |
Load script. |
Alt+L |
Reload script. |
Alt+u |
Unload script. |
Alt+Shift+A |
Autoload script. |
Alt+h |
Hold/unhold script. |
Alt+v |
View script. |
Sort scripts by fields x,y (see option script.look.sort). |
Reset sort to its default value (see option script.look.sort). |
Refresh list. |
Close buffer. |
(1) The action must be entered as input on the command line, followed by Enter. |
7. Configuration
7.1. Fset
Fast Set plugin displays a list of options in a buffer, and helps to set WeeChat and plugin options.
Example of fset buffer displaying options starting with weechat.look
┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.weechat│7/125 | Filter: weechat.look.* | Sort: ~name | Key(input): alt+space=toggl>>│ │2.fset │weechat.look.bare_display_exit_on_input: exit the bare display mode on any c│ │ │hanges in input [predefinito: on] │ │ │----------------------------------------------------------------------------│ │ │ weechat.look.align_end_of_lines enum message │ │ │ weechat.look.align_multiline_words bool on │ │ │ weechat.look.bar_more_down stringa "++" │ │ │ weechat.look.bar_more_left stringa "<<" │ │ │ weechat.look.bar_more_right stringa ">>" │ │ │ weechat.look.bar_more_up stringa "--" │ │ │ weechat.look.bare_display_exit_on_input bool on │ │ │ weechat.look.bare_display_time_format stringa "%H:%M" │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumber bool on │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_notify_default enum all │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_position enum end │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_search_case_sensitive bool off │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_search_force_default bool off │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_search_history enum local │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_search_regex bool off │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_search_where enum prefix_message │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_time_format stringa "%H:%M:%S" │ │ │[12:55] [2] [fset] 2:fset │ │ │█ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
: fast set WeeChat and plugins options
/fset -bar -refresh -up|-down [<number>] -left|-right [<percent>] -go <line>|end -toggle -add [<value>] -reset -unset -set -setnew -append -mark -format -export [-help|-nohelp] <filename> -import <filename> <filter> -bar: add the help bar -refresh: refresh list of options, then whole screen (command: /window refresh) -up: move the selected line up by "number" lines -down: move the selected line down by "number" lines -left: scroll the buffer by "percent" of width on the left -right: scroll the buffer by "percent" of width on the right -go: select a line by number, first line number is 0 ("end" to select the last line) -toggle: toggle the boolean value -add: add "value" (which can be a negative number) for integers, colors and enums, set/append to value for other types (set for a negative value, append for a positive value) -reset: reset the value of option -unset: unset the option -set: add the /set command in input to edit the value of option (move the cursor at the beginning of value) -setnew: add the /set command in input to edit a new value for the option -append: add the /set command to append something in the value of option (move the cursor at the end of value) -mark: toggle mark -format: switch to the next available format -export: export the options and values displayed to a file (each line has format: "/set name value" or "/unset name") -import: import the options from a file (all lines containing commands are executed) -help: force writing of help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default) -nohelp: do not write help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default) filter: set a new filter to see only matching options (this filter can be used as input in fset buffer as well); allowed formats are: `*`: show all options (no filter) `xxx`: show only options with "xxx" in name `f:xxx`: show only configuration file "xxx" `t:xxx`: show only type "xxx" (bool/int/str/col/enum or boolean/integer/string/color/enum) `d`: show only changed options `d:xxx`: show only changed options with "xxx" in name `d=xxx`: show only changed options with "xxx" in value `d==xxx`: show only changed options with exact value "xxx" `h=xxx`: show only options with "xxx" in description (translated) `he=xxx`: show only options with "xxx" in description (in English) `=xxx`: show only options with "xxx" in value `==xxx`: show only options with exact value "xxx" `c:xxx`: show only options matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: file, section, option, name, parent_name, type, type_en, type_short (bool/int/str/col/enum), type_tiny (b/i/s/c/e), default_value, default_value_undef, value, quoted_value, value_undef, value_changed, parent_value, min, max, description, description2, description_en, description_en2, string_values, allowed_values The lines with options are displayed using string evaluation (see /help eval for the format), with these options: - fset.format.option1: first format for an option - fset.format.option2: second format for an option The following variables can be used in these options: - option data, with color and padded by spaces on the right: - ${file}: configuration file (for example "weechat" or "irc") - ${section}: section - ${option}: option name - ${name}: full option name (file.section.option) - ${parent_name}: parent option name - ${type}: option type (translated) - ${type_en}: option type (in English) - ${type_short}: short option type (bool/int/str/col/enum) - ${type_tiny}: tiny option type (b/i/s/c/e) - ${default_value}: option default value - ${default_value_undef}: "1" if default value is null, otherwise "0" - ${value}: option value - ${value_undef}: "1" if value is null, otherwise "0" - ${value_changed}: "1" if value is different from default value, otherwise "0" - ${value2}: option value, with inherited value if null - ${parent_value}: parent option value - ${min}: min value - ${max}: max value - ${description}: option description (translated) - ${description2}: option description (translated), "(no description)" (translated) if there's no description - ${description_en}: option description (in English) - ${description_en2}: option description (in English), "(no description)" if there's no description - ${string_values}: string values allowed for set of an enum option - ${allowed_values}: allowed values - ${marked}: "1" if option is marked, otherwise "0" - ${index}: index of option in list - option data, with color but no spaces: - same names prefixed by underscore, for example: ${_name}, ${_type}, ... - option data, raw format (no colors/spaces): - same names prefixed by two underscores, for example: ${__name}, ${__type}, ... - option data, only spaces: - same names prefixed with "empty_", for example: ${empty_name}, ${empty_type} - other data: - ${selected_line}: "1" if the line is selected, otherwise "0" - ${newline}: insert a new line at point, so the option is displayed on multiple lines For keys, input and mouse actions on the buffer, see key bindings in User's guide. Note: if input has one or more leading spaces, the following text is interpreted as a filter, without the spaces. For example " q" searches all options with "q" inside name while "q" closes the fset buffer. Examples: /fset d:irc.* /fset nicklist /fset =red /fset ==red /fset c:${file} == irc && ${type_en} == integer
Sections in file fset.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Colors. |
Formats used to display list of options. |
Look and feel. |
descrizione: color for allowed values
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for allowed values on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for color name when option fset.look.use_color_value is enabled
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for color name on the selected line when option fset.look.use_color_value is enabled
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for default value
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for default value on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for description
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for description on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for file
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for file if value is changed
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for file if value is changed on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for file on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for default value in help bar
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for description in help bar
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for name in help bar
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for quotes around string values
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for allowed values
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for index of option
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for index of option on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: background color for a marked line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: background color for a marked line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: background color for the selected line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: background color for the selected line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for mark indicator
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for mark indicator on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for max value
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for max value on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for min value
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for min value on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for name
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for name if value is changed
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for name if value is changed on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for name on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for option
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for option if value is changed
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for option if value is changed on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for option on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for name of parent option
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for name of parent option on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for value of parent option
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for value of parent option on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for quotes around string values
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for quotes around string values which are changed
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for quotes around string values on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for section
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for section if value is changed
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for section if value is changed on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for section on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for string values
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for string values on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for the count of options found with the current filter in title of buffer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for current option number in title of buffer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for filter in title of buffer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for number of marked options in title of buffer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for sort in title of buffer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for type
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for type on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for mark indicator when the option is not marked
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for mark indicator when the option is not marked on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for value
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for value changed (different from default)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for value on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for undefined value
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for undefined value on the selected line
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"# ${description2}"
descrizione: format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/set ${name} ${quoted_value}"
descrizione: format of each option with "null" value exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/unset ${name}"
descrizione: first format of each line, used when option fset.look.format_number is set to 1 (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string uses the default format ("${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}"), which is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be switched with key ctrl-x
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: second format of each line, used when option fset.look.format_number is set to 2 (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); an empty string uses the default format ("${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}"), which is without evaluation of string and then much faster; formats can be switched with key ctrl-x
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}${newline} ${empty_name} ${_default_value}${color:244} -- ${_allowed_values}${newline} ${empty_name} ${_description}"
descrizione: comma separated list of options to automatically refresh on the fset buffer (if opened); "*" means all options (recommended), a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent an option to be refreshed, wildcard "*" is allowed in names (example: "*,!plugin.section.*")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: automatically unmark all options after an action on marked options or after a refresh
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: condition to catch /set command and display results in the fset buffer; following variables can be used: ${name} (name of option given for the /set command), ${count} (number of options found with the /set argument); an empty string disables the catch of /set command; with value "1", the fset buffer is always used with /set command
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"${count} >= 1"
descrizione: write help for each option exported by default (this can be overridden with arguments "-help" and "-nohelp" for command /fset -export)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: number of format used to display options; this is dynamically changed by the key ctrl-x on the fset buffer
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 2
valore predefinito:
descrizione: string displayed when an option is marked (to do an action on multiple options)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: left/right scroll in fset buffer (percent of width)
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 100
valore predefinito:
descrizione: show the plugin description options (plugins.desc.*)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of fields to sort options (see /help fset for a list of fields); char "-" can be used before field to reverse order, char "~" can be used to do a case-insensitive comparison; example: "-~name" for case-insensitive and reverse sort on option name
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: string displayed when an option is not marked
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
" "
descrizione: use the color to display value of color options
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use keys alt+X in fset buffer to do actions on options; if disabled, only the input is allowed
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use /mute command to set options
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
7.2. Colors
Colori base
I colori base in WeeChat sono:
Nome | Colore |
Colore predefinito del terminale (trasparente per lo sfondo) |
Nero |
Grigio scuro |
Rosso scuro |
Rosso chiaro |
Verde scuro |
Verde chiaro |
Marrone |
Giallo |
Blu scuro |
Blu chiaro |
Rosa scuro |
Rosa chiaro |
Azzurro scuro |
Azzurro chiaro |
Grigio |
Bianco |
Colori estesi
WeeChat alloca dinamicamente le coppie colore quando vengono usati i colori sullo schermo (per mostrare buffer e barre).
In aggiunta ai colori di base, si può usare un numero per il colore compreso tra 1 e il limite del proprio terminale.
Il comando /color
mostra i colori attivi ed i limiti. Com Alt+c si può
passare temporaneamente ai colori del terminale per sceglierne uno.
Se ad esempio si desidera visualizzare l’ora in arancione nel buffer:
/set weechat.color.chat_time 214
O se si desidera uno sfondo verde scuro per la barra di stato:
/set 22
Si possono aggiungere degli alias ai colori con il comando /color alias
usarli in ogni opzione relativa al colore.
Ad esempio:
/color alias 214 orange /set weechat.color.chat_delimiters orange
Esistono alcuni attributi per i colori. Uno o più attributi vanno aggiunti prima del nome o del numero del colore:
: blink -
: "dim" (half bright) -
: testo in grassetto -
: video inverso -
: testo in corsivo -
: testo sottolineato -
: keep attributes: do not reset blink/dim/bold/reverse/italic/underlined when changing color
Ad esempio se si vuole il proprio nick bianco e sottolineato:
/set weechat.color.chat_nick_self _white
O se si desidera l’ora nella barra di stato arancione sottolineata e in grassetto:
/set weechat.color.status_time *_214
Per usare un attributo con il colore predefinito del terminale (-1), bisogna usare un numero maggiore dell’ultimo colore del terminale, ad esempio il numero massimo in WeeChat: 99999.
Esempio di grassetto con il colore di primo piano del terminale:
/set weechat.color.status_time *99999
7.3. Charset
Il plugin Charset consente di decodificare o codificare dati utilizzando i set caratteri.
Esiste un set caratteri predefinito per la codifica/decodifica, e set caratteri specifici per i buffer (o gruppi di buffer).
Questo plugin è opzionale, ma raccomandato: se non caricato, WeeChat può leggere/scrivere soltanto dati UTF-8.
Il plugin Charset dovrebbe essere caricato automaticamente da WeeChat. Per essere sicuri che sia caricato, provare con:
Se non trovato, allora si deve caricare il plugin con il comando:
/plugin load charset
Se il plugin non viene trovato, allora è necessario ricompilare WeeChat con il supporto ai plugin e a Charset.
Quando viene avviato il plugin Charset, mostra i set caratteri del terminale e quello interno. Il set caratteri dipende dal proprio locale, mentre quello interno è UTF-8.
Per esempio:
set caratteri: terminale: ISO-8859-15, interno: UTF-8
Impostare il set caratteri
Per impostare il set caratteri globale per la codifica e la decodifica,
utilizzare il comando /set
Per esempio:
/set charset.default.decode ISO-8859-15 /set charset.default.encode ISO-8859-15
Se il set caratteri globale per la decodifica non è impostato (ad esempio durante il primo caricamento del plugin Charset), verrà impostato automaticamente sul set caratteri del terminale (se diverso da UTF-8), oppure su ISO-8859-1.
Il valore di codifica predefinito è vuoto, perciò il testo viene inviato per default con il set caratteri interno (UTF-8).
Per impostare il set caratteri del server IRC, utilizzare il comando charset
sul buffer del server. Se viene immesso solo il set caratteri, allora i valori
di codifica e decodifica saranno gli stessi.
Ad esempio:
/charset ISO-8859-15
È l’equivalente di:
/charset decode ISO-8859-15 /charset encode ISO-8859-15
Per impostare il set caratteri per il canale IRC (o il privato), utilizzare gli stessi comandi per il server, ma sul buffer del canale (o quello privato).
To set charset for all channels/privates of an IRC server:
/set charset.encode.irc.libera ISO-8859-15
Per visualizzare tutti i set caratteri utilizzati, utilizzare il comando seguente:
/set charset.*
Risoluzione problemi
Per qualunque problema con i set caratteri, per favore consultare le Domande Frequenti di WeeChat / Charset ↗.
: modifica il set di caratteri per il buffer corrente
/charset decode|encode <set_caratteri> reset decode: change decoding charset encode: change encoding charset charset: new charset for current buffer reset: reset charsets for current buffer
Sections in file charset.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Default decoding/encoding charset. |
Decoding charset by buffer (options can be added/removed in section). |
Encoding charset by buffer (options can be added/removed in section). |
descrizione: global decoding charset: charset used to decode incoming messages when they are not UTF-8 valid
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: global encoding charset: charset used to encode outgoing messages (if empty, default is UTF-8 because it is the WeeChat internal charset)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
7.4. Livelli di notifica
Setup notify levels
Sono possibili quattro livelli per i messaggi mostrati nei buffer, dal più basso al più alto:
low: messaggio di bassa importanza (ad esempio entrata/uscita/disconnessione di irc)
message: messaggio da un utente
private: messaggio in un buffer privato
highlight: messaggio con notifica
Ogni buffer ha un livello di notifica, che viene usato per decidere quale messaggio il buffer andrà ad aggiungere nella hotlist.
Il livello predefinito di notifica può essere impostato usando l’opzione weechat.look.buffer_notify_default, il valore predefinito è all.
Livello di notifica | Livello del messaggio aggiunto alla hotlist |
(nessuno) |
highlight + private |
highlight + private + message |
highlight + private + message + low |
Il livello di notifica può essere definito per un set di buffer, ad esempio tutti i buffer per il server irc "libera":
/set weechat.notify.irc.libera message
Imposta il livello di notifica highlight solo sul canale #weechat:
/set weechat.notify.irc.libera.#weechat highlight
Il livello di notifica per un buffer può essere impostato con il comando /buffer
/buffer notify highlight
Max hotlist level for nicks
It is possible to set max hotlist level for some nicks, per buffer, or per group of buffers (like IRC servers).
The buffer property "hotlist_max_level_nicks" can be set with a list of nicks and for each nick the max hotlist level to trigger, possible levels are:
-1: no hotlist changes for nick
0: low priority (like join/part messages)
1: message
2: private message
3: highlight (in fact useless, since it’s already the default max for all messages)
For example to disable highlights from "joe" and "mike" on current buffer:
/buffer setauto hotlist_max_level_nicks_add joe:2,mike:2
7.5. Highlights
Disable highlights
You can disable highlights with option
(regular expression).
When a highlight is disabled with this option, the other highlight options are
For example to disable any highlight on messages with a word beginning with "flash" between chevrons:
/set weechat.look.highlight_disable_regex "<flash.*>"
This can also be set with the buffer property "highlight_disable_regex".
Same example, specific to the current buffer:
/buffer setauto highlight_disable_regex <flash.*>
Add words to highlight
By default, WeeChat highlights messages from other users containing your nick, therefore the highlight depends on the buffer (the nick can be different from one buffer to another).
You can add other words to highlight with the option weechat.look.highlight, for example to highlight your nick and "word1", "word2" and all words beginning with "test":
/set weechat.look.highlight "word1,word2,test*"
If you need a more specific rule for the word, you can use regular expressions with the option weechat.look.highlight_regex, for example to highlight words "flashcode", "flashcöde" and "flashy":
/set weechat.look.highlight_regex "flashc[oö]de|flashy"
The delimiters around words to highlight can be customized with the option weechat.look.word_chars_highlight.
Add tags to highlight
Lines displayed can contain "tags", which give some info about the origin of
message or the message itself.
You can display tags with the command /debug tags
(same command to hide them).
You can add specific tags to highlight with the option
Tags are separated by commas, and multiple tags can be separated by +
to do
a logical "and" between them.
For example to highlight all messages from nick "FlashCode" and all notices from nicks beginning with "toto":
/set weechat.look.highlight_tags "nick_flashcode,irc_notice+nick_toto*"
7.6. Buffer logging
Il plugin Logger consente di salvare il contenuto dei buffer su file, con opzioni a proposito su cosa e come viene salvato.
Livelli di log
Il logging viene effettuato con un livello per ogni buffer. Il livello predefinito è il 9 (registra tutti i messaggi visualizzati sul buffer). È possibile cambiare il livello per un buffer, oppure per un gruppo di buffer.
I livelli possibili sono da 0 a 9. Zero vuol dire "non registrare nulla" mentre 9 "registra tutto".
I plugin utilizzano livelli diversi per i messaggi visualizzati. Il plugin IRC usa i seguenti livelli:
livello 1: messaggio da un utente (su canale o privato)
livello 2: cambio nick (proprio o di qualcun altro)
livello 3: ogni messaggio del server (esclui entrata/uscita/disconnessione)
livello 4: messaggio del server entrata/uscita/disconnessione
Se viene impostato il livello 3 per un canale IRC, WeeChat registrerà tutti i messaggi, ma non quelli di entrata/uscita/disconnessione.
Alcuni esempi:
imposta il livello 3 per il canale IRC #weechat:
/set logger.level.irc.libera.#weechat 3
set level 3 for libera server buffer:
/set logger.level.irc.server.libera 3
imposta il livello 3 per tutti i canali sul server libera:
/set logger.level.irc.libera 3
imposta il livello 2 per tutti i buffer IRC:
/set logger.level.irc 2
Mask per il nome file
È possibile definire un mask per il nome del file di ogni buffer, ed utilizzare le variabili buffer locali per costruire il nome del file. To see available local variables for current buffer:
/buffer listvar
Masks will be matched on options in descending order of specificity on
, with logger.file.mask
as fallback option.
Ad esempio, sul buffer "irc.libera.#weechat", WeeChat cercherà un mask con il nome dell’opzione, in quest’ordine:
logger.mask.irc.libera.#weechat logger.mask.irc.libera logger.mask.irc logger.file.mask
Ciò vuol dire che si hanno dei mask specifici per alcuni server IRC ("logger.mask.irc.libera") o per un plugin ("logger.mask.irc").
File di log per data
Per avere file di log per data, è possibile usare specificatori data/ora
nei mask (consultare man stfrtime
per i formati), ad esempio:
/set logger.file.mask "%Y/%m/$plugin.$name.weechatlog"
Si avranno i seguenti file:
~/.local/share/weechat └── logs ├── 2010 │ ├── 11 │ │ ├── irc.server.libera.weechatlog │ │ └── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog │ └── 12 │ ├── irc.server.libera.weechatlog │ └── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog ├── 2011 │ ├── 01 │ │ ├── irc.server.libera.weechatlog │ │ └── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog │ ├── 02 ...
File di log IRC per server e canale
Se si desidera avere una directory per il server IRC ed una per il canale al suo interno:
/set logger.mask.irc "irc/$server/$channel.weechatlog"
Si avranno i seguenti file:
~/.local/share/weechat └── logs └── irc ├── libera │ ├── libera.weechatlog │ ├── #weechat.weechatlog │ └── #mychan.weechatlog ├── oftc │ ├── oftc.weechatlog │ ├── #channel1.weechatlog │ └── #channel2.weechatlog ...
Rotation and compression
It is possible to define a max size for log files, and when it is reached, there is automatic rotation of log file.
The rotated log files can be compressed with gzip or zstd ↗.
As the compression of a file can take some time, it is performed in background. |
Example with a max size of 2GB and compression with gzip, using good compression level (slower than default one):
/set logger.file.rotation_compression_type gzip /set logger.file.rotation_compression_level 80 /set logger.file.rotation_size_max "2g"
If you want to use a decimal number, you can use the unit below and multiply by 1000, for example to set max size to 2.5GB:
/set logger.file.rotation_size_max "2500m"
With these settings, you’ll end with files like these ones (in this example there is rotation only for the log of #weechat channel):
~/.local/share/weechat └── logs ├── core.weechat.weechatlog ├── irc.server.libera.weechatlog ├── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog ├── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog.1.gz ├── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog.2.gz └── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog.3.gz
: configurazione del plugin logger
/logger list set <livello> flush disable list: show logging status for opened buffers set: set logging level on current buffer level: level for messages to be logged (0 = logging disabled, 1 = a few messages (most important) .. 9 = all messages) flush: write all log files now disable: disable logging on current buffer (set level to 0) Options "logger.level.*" and "logger.mask.*" can be used to set level or mask for a buffer, or buffers beginning with name. Log levels used by IRC plugin: 1: user message (channel and private), notice (server and channel) 2: nick change 3: server message 4: join/part/quit 9: all other messages Examples: set level to 5 for current buffer: /logger set 5 disable logging for current buffer: /logger disable set level to 3 for all IRC buffers: /set logger.level.irc 3 disable logging for main WeeChat buffer: /set logger.level.core.weechat 0 use a directory per IRC server and a file per channel inside: /set logger.mask.irc "$server/$channel.weechatlog"
Sections in file logger.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
Colors. |
Options for log files. |
Log level by buffer (options can be added/removed in section). |
Filename mask by buffer (options can be added/removed in section). |
descrizione: colore per la riga finale nella cronologia
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for backlog lines, used only if the option logger.file.color_lines is off
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: automatically save content of buffers to files (unless a buffer disables log); if disabled, logging is disabled on all buffers
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use ANSI color codes in lines written in log files and display backlog lines with these colors
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: numero di secondi tra il flush (scrittura) dei file di log (0 = scrive sui file di log immediatamente per ogni riga stampata)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 3600
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use fsync to synchronize the log file with the storage device after the flush (see man fsync); this is slower but should prevent any data loss in case of power failure during the save of log file
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: scrive una riga informativa nel file di log quando il log inizia o termina per un buffer
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: conditions to save content of buffers to files (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval); empty value saves content on all buffers; for example to log only private buffers: "${type} == private"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default file name mask for log files (format is "directory/to/file" or "file", without first "/" because "path" option is used to build complete path to file); local buffer variables are permitted (you should use only variables that are defined on all buffers, so for example you should NOT use $server nor $channel); date specifiers are permitted (see man strftime)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usare solo lettere minuscole per i nomi dei file di log
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: testo da scrivere prima del nick nel prefisso del messaggo, esempio: "<"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: testo da scrivere dopo il nick nel prefisso del messaggo, esempio: "<"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: path for WeeChat log files; date specifiers are permitted (see man strftime) (path is evaluated, see function string_eval_path_home in plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: carattere di sostituzione per i caratteri speciali nei nomi dei file salvati con la mask (come il delimitatore di directory)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: compression level for rotated log files (with extension ".1", ".2", etc.), if option logger.file.rotation_compression_type is enabled: 1 = low compression / fast ... 100 = best compression / slow; the value is a percentage converted to 1-9 for gzip and 1-19 for zstd; the default value is recommended, it offers a good compromise between compression and speed
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 100
valore predefinito:
descrizione: compression type for rotated log files; if set to "none", rotated log files are not compressed; WARNING: if rotation was enabled with another type of compression (or no compression), you must first unload the logger plugin, compress files with the new type (or decompress files), then change the option in logger.conf, then load the logger plugin
tipo: enum
valori: none, gzip, zstd
valore predefinito:
descrizione: when this size is reached, a rotation of log files is performed: the existing rotated log files are renamed (.1 becomes .2, .2 becomes .3, etc.) and the current file is renamed with extension .1; an integer number with a suffix is allowed: b = bytes (default if no unit given), k = kilobytes, m = megabytes, g = gigabytes, t = terabytes; example: "2g" causes a rotation if the file size is > 2,000,000,000 bytes; if set to "0", no rotation is performed (unlimited log size); WARNING: before changing this option, you should first set the compression type via option logger.file.rotation_compression_type
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: timestamp used in log files (see man strftime for date/time specifiers, extra specifiers are supported, see function util_strftimeval in Plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
descrizione: numero massimo di righe da visualizzare dal file di log alla creazione di un nuovo buffer (0 = nessuna cronologia)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: conditions to display the backlog (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval); empty value displays the backlog on all buffers; for example to display backlog on private buffers only: "${type} == private"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
7.7. Supporto del mouse
WeeChat supporta i click e le azioni del mouse. Funziona con il terminale locale, e da remoto via connessione ssh con o senza screen/tmux.
Abilitare il mouse
Per abilitare il mouse all’avvio:
/set weechat.look.mouse on
Per abilitarlo subito, digitare Alt+m oppure eseguire il seguente comando:
/mouse enable
È possibile disabilitarlo temporaneamente, e associare il comando ad un tasto. Ad esempio il tasto Alt+% per disabilitare il mouse per 10 secondi:
/key bind meta-% /mouse toggle 10
When mouse is enabled in WeeChat, all mouse events are caught by WeeChat, so
actions such as copy/paste or clicks on URLs are not sent to the terminal. Using Shift key causes the events to be sent directly to the terminal, as if the mouse was disabled (on some terminals like iTerm, you have to use Alt instead of Shift). |
Per qualunque problema con il mouse, consultare FAQ di WeeChat / Mouse ↗. |
Associare gli eventi del mouse a comandi
Molti eventi del mouse predefiniti sono già definiti da WeeChat (consultare mouse actions).
È possibile cambiare o aggiungere combinazioni con il comando /key
usando il
contesto "mouse" (per la sintassi, consultare comando
Il nome dell’evento consiste di un modificatore (opzionale), il nome di un
pulsante/rotellina e un’azione (opzionale). Elementi diversi sono separati da -
List of modifiers (by order in the event name):
Modificatore | Descrizione |
Tasto Alt |
Tasto Ctrl |
Tasto Shift (1) |
(1) The shift modifier can rarely be used in WeeChat because many terminals
use this modifier to catch directly mouse events.
Several modifiers can be combined, for example:
Elenco di pulsanti/rotellina:
Pulsante/rotellina | Descrizione |
Click sul tasto sinistro |
Click sul tasto destro |
Click sul tasto centrale (spesso click sulla rotellina) |
Click sui pulsanti extra |
Rotellina (su) |
Rotellina (giù) |
Elenco di azioni (solo per i pulsanti, non la rotellina):
Azione | Distanza |
3 … 19 |
≥ 20 |
3 … 19 |
≥ 20 |
3 … 39 |
≥ 40 |
3 … 39 |
≥ 40 |
List of incomplete events (only for buttons, useful for plugins/scripts):
Event | Description |
Button was pressed but not released yet |
Mouse was moved with button pressed down |
Esempio di eventi:
Quando si associa un tasto nel contesto "mouse", è possibile far corrispondere
più eventi usando * all’inizio o alla fine del nome, ad esempio
button1-gesture-* corrisponderà ad ogni azione compiuta col tasto sinistro.
È possibile trovare il nome di un evento con il comando /input grab_mouse
poi eseguire l’evento col mouse. Il comando inserisce il nome dell’evento
nella riga di comando.
7.8. Spell checking
Il plugin Spell consente di verificare l’ortografia nella riga di comando. È possibile utilizzare più lingue per buffer.
Spell checking is disabled by default and can be toggled with key Alt+s.
Before using spell checking, dictionaries must be defined, either globally or specific to buffers.
Multiple dictionaries can be used at same time: WeeChat will check words in all dictionaries.
For example to use English and French:
/set spell.check.default_dict "en,fr"
It is possible to use a different dictionary on a specific buffer, for example on a German channel:
/spell setdict de
You can also specify a dictionary for a group of buffers, for example English for all channels on libera IRC server:
/set spell.dict.irc.libera en
For more information, see the command /spell.
Opzioni ortografiche
Le opzioni ortografiche possono essere definite aggiungendo opzioni nella sezione "opzioni" della configurazione di aspell.
Il nome dell’opzione è un parametro di configurazione per aspell. L’elenco delle opzioni disponibili può essere trovato nel terminale col seguente comando:
aspell config
Ad esempio, per abilitare l’opzione "ignore-case":
/set spell.option.ignore-case "true"
Suggestions are displayed in a bar item called "spell_suggest". The number of suggestions is set in option spell.check.suggestions.
To enable suggestions you must set option spell.check.suggestions to an integer ≥ 0 and add the bar item "spell_suggest" to a bar, like status.
Example of suggestions with English dictionary (en
│[12:55] [6] [irc/libera] 3:#test(+n){4} [print,prone,prune] │ │[@Flashy] prinr █ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Example of suggestions with English and French dictionaries (en,fr
│[12:55] [6] [irc/libera] 3:#test(+n){4} [print,prone,prune/prime,primer,primé] │ │[@Flashy] prinr █ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
: spell plugin configuration
/spell enable|disable|toggle listdict setdict -|<dict>[,<dict>...] deldict addword [<dict>] <word> enable: enable spell checker disable: disable spell checker toggle: toggle spell checker listdict: show installed dictionaries setdict: set dictionary for current buffer (multiple dictionaries can be separated by a comma, the special value "-" disables spell checking on current buffer) deldict: delete dictionary used on current buffer addword: add a word in personal dictionary Input line beginning with a "/" is not checked, except for some commands (see /set spell.check.commands). To enable spell checker on all buffers, use option "default_dict", then enable spell checker, for example: /set spell.check.default_dict "en" /spell enable To display a list of suggestions in a bar, use item "spell_suggest". Default key to toggle spell checker is alt-s.
Sections in file spell.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Colors. |
Options to control spell checking. |
Dictionaries used by buffer (options can be added/removed in section). |
Look and feel. |
Opzioni ortografiche (options can be added/removed in section). |
descrizione: elenco separato da virgole di comandi per cui il controllo ortografico è abilitato (il controllo ortografico è disabilitato per tutti gli altri comandi)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default dictionary (or comma separated list of dictionaries) to use when buffer has no dictionary defined (leave blank to disable spell checker on buffers for which you didn't explicitly enabled it)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: controlla le parole durante la ricerca del testo nel buffer
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: enable spell checker for command line
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: controllo ortografico in tempo reale (più lento, disabilitato per default: le parole vengono controllate solo se seguite da un delimitatore)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: number of suggestions to display in bar item "spell_suggest" for each dictionary set in buffer (-1 = disable suggestions, 0 = display all possible suggestions in all languages)
tipo: intero
valori: -1 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: lunghezza minima per una parola da controllare (0 per controllarle tutte)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for misspelled words (input bar)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for suggestion on a misspelled word in bar item "spell_suggest"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for delimiters displayed between two dictionaries in bar item "spell_suggest"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for delimiters displayed between two words in bar item "spell_suggest"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: delimiter displayed between two dictionaries in bar item "spell_suggest"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
" / "
descrizione: delimiter displayed between two words in bar item "spell_suggest"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
7.9. Bars
A bar is an area beside the chat that can contain any type of text.
The bar options can be set with options
where name
is the name of the bar and option
the option for this bar.
List of bar options:
Option | Values | Description |
A bar with type |
Position of the bar: above/below chat, on the left/right. |
integer ≥ 0 |
Priority for display of bar: this is used for ordering the bars on screen when
many bars have same type and position. |
integer ≥ 0 |
The size of the bar: number of columns for position left/right, number
of lines for position top/bottom. A size of |
integer ≥ 0 |
The maximum size for a bar, |
color |
The default background color for the bar. |
color |
The default text color for the bar. |
color |
The color for delimiters in bar. |
When option is |
When option is |
string |
A list of items (see items for more info). |
Type of filling for a bar which has position |
Type of filling for a bar which has position |
string |
The conditions to display the bar (see conditions for more info). |
The option items is a string with a list of bar items, separated by a comma
(space between items on screen) or +
(glued items).
The list of bar items is displayed with command /bar listitems
Before or after item name, you can use chars (that are not alphanumeric, -
or _
). They will be displayed before/after item with the delimiters color
defined in bar (option color_delim).
Example of bar with items "[time],buffer_number+:+buffer_plugin+.+buffer_name,[buffer_last_number]":
┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │[12:55] 3:irc/libera.#weechat [9] │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Spacer item
An item called spacer
can be used to align items (left, center, right).
When at least one spacer
item is used in a bar, the whole bar width is used:
the spacers auto expand with the same size (or almost).
When the bar is not large enough for all items, spacers are not displayed.
The spacer bar item can be used only in bars with position top or bottom ,
filling horizontal and size 1 .
Example of bar with items "[time],spacer,buffer_number+:+buffer_plugin+.+buffer_name,spacer,[buffer_last_number]":
┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │[12:55] 3:irc/libera.#weechat [9]│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Force buffer
A special syntax can be used to force the buffer used when displaying the bar item: "@buffer:item" (where "buffer" is the full name of buffer and "item" is the name of a bar item).
This is useful in root bars, to display item for a specific buffer which is not displayed in the current window (or even not displayed at all).
Example: nicklist of bitlbee in a root bar (if the bar is called bitlist and if bitlbee server is called bitlbee):
/set "@irc.bitlbee.&bitlbee:buffer_nicklist"
Custom bar items
Custom bar items can be added with the /item command, each new item having two properties defined via configuration options:
: evaluated conditions to display the bar item, for example to restrict the bar item to some specific buffers (if empty, the bar item is displayed everywhere) -
: evaluated content of bar item.
In both options, the following variables can be used:
: pointer to the window where the bar is displayed (NULL
for root bars) -
: pointer to buffer where the bar is displayed (current buffer for root bars).
Examples of conditions:
Condition | Description |
Displayed in window bars only |
Displayed in all buffers with number = 1 |
Displayed in all IRC buffers |
Displayed in all buffers where local variable |
Displayed in all buffers where local variable |
There’s no builtin way to refresh the custom bar items. You can use the Trigger plugin to force the refresh, for example via one or more signals received. |
For more information and examples, see the /item command.
There are four types of filling:
: the items are displayed horizontally, from left to right. If there are new lines in items, a space is used to separate lines. -
: the items are displayed from top to bottom. If there are new lines in items, a new line is used to separate lines. -
: items are displayed using columns, where text is aligned on the left. The first item is on top left, the second is on same line, on the right. -
: items are displayed using columns, where text is aligned on the left. The first item is on top left, the second is one line below.
Default bars title, status and input have horizontal filling, and default bar nicklist has vertical filling.
Some examples of filling for bar nicklist:
┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Welcome to #test, this is a test channel │ │12:54:15 peter | hey! │@carl │ │12:55:01 +Max | hello │@jessika│ │ │@maddy │ │ │%Diego │ │ │%Melody │ │ │+Max │ │ │ celia │ │ │ Eva │ │ │ freddy │ │ │ Harold^│ │ │ henry4 │ │ │ jimmy17│ │ │ jodie ▼│ │[12:55] [6] [irc/libera] 3:#test(+n){24} │ │[@carl] █ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ filling_left_right = vertical ▲ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Welcome to #test, this is a test channel │ │12:54:15 peter | hey! │@carl lee │ │12:55:01 +Max | hello │@jessika louise │ │ │@maddy mario │ │ │%Diego mark │ │ │%Melody peter │ │ │+Max Rachel │ │ │ celia richard│ │ │ Eva sheryl │ │ │ freddy Vince │ │ │ Harold^ warren │ │ │ henry4 zack │ │ │ jimmy17 │ │ │ jodie │ │[12:55] [6] [irc/libera] 3:#test(+n){24} │ │[@carl] █ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ filling_left_right = columns_vertical ▲ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │@carl %Diego celia Harold^ jodie mario Rachel Vince │ │@jessika %Melody Eva henry4 lee mark richard warren │ │@maddy +Max freddy jimmy17 louise peter sheryl zack │ │───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ filling_top_bottom = columns_vertical ▲ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │@carl @jessika @maddy %Diego %Melody +Max celia Eva │ │ freddy Harold^ henry4 jimmy17 jodie lee louise mario │ │ mark peter Rachel richard sheryl Vince warren zack │ │───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ filling_top_bottom = columns_horizontal ▲
The option conditions is a string which is evaluated to know if the bar must be displayed or not.
The string can be:
active: the window must be active
inactive: the window must be inactive
nicklist: the buffer displayed in window must have a nicklist
an expression: it is evaluated as boolean (see command /eval)
For the expression, following variables are available:
: true if window is active -
: true if window is inactive -
: true if buffer displayed in window has a nicklist
Following pointers are available:
: the window where condition is evaluated -
: the buffer of window where condition is evaluated
Example to display nicklist bar in all buffers with a nicklist, and only if width of terminal is > 100:
/set "${nicklist} && ${info:term_width} > 100"
Same condition, but always display nicklist on buffer &bitlbee (even if terminal is small):
/set "${nicklist} && (${info:term_width} > 100 || ${buffer.full_name} == irc.bitlbee.&bitlbee)"
7.10. Secured data
WeeChat can encrypt passwords or private data using secured data, stored in file sec.conf.
This configuration file is read before any other file, and the values stored inside can be used in various WeeChat or plugins/scripts options.
You can set a passphrase to encrypt data in sec.conf. This is not mandatory but highly recommended, otherwise data is stored as plain text in file.
/secure passphrase this is my passphrase
Passphrase on startup
When a passphrase is set, WeeChat will ask you to enter it on startup
(but not on /upgrade
If you are using a password manager, you can run an external program to read
the passphrase instead of having to type it manually on WeeChat startup.
For example with password-store (command pass
/set sec.crypt.passphrase_command "/usr/bin/pass show weechat/passphrase"
The program may ask you unlock your GPG key or enter another passphrase to
read the secret. WeeChat will wait for the end of the command to read the
passphrase on the standard output (it must be on the first line without any
extra character).
If the output contains no passphrase or if it is wrong, WeeChat will then ask
you to enter it.
The encryption of data is made in 3 steps:
Derive a key from the passphrase (with optional salt).
Compute hash of data to encrypt.
Encrypt the hash + data (output is: salt + encrypted hash/data).
The cipher block mode is CFB. |
The result is put as hexadecimal string in file sec.conf, for example:
[data] __passphrase__ = on libera = "53B1C86FCDA28FC122A95B0456ABD79B5AB74654F21C3D099A6CCA8173239EEA59533A1D83011251F96778AC3F5166A394"
Manage secured data
To add secured data, use /secure set
, for example a password for libera
IRC server:
/secure set libera mypassword
For comfort, secured data can be displayed in a dedicated buffer (Alt+v on buffer to see values), just do:
Secured data can be used in some options that can contain private data like
password, using this format: "${}" where "xxx" is the name of
secured data (used with /secure set xxx …
For a complete list of supported options, see the /secure command.
To use the libera password, for example with SASL authentication:
/set irc.server.libera.sasl_password "${}"
7.11. Command aliases
Il plugin Alias consente di creare alias per i comandi (da WeeChat o altri plugin).
Some aliases are created by default, with name in upper case (to make them
different from standard commands); commands are not case-sensitive in WeeChat,
so for example /close
runs the alias /CLOSE
List of default aliases:
Alias | Command | Completion |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
%(buffers_plugins_names) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
: list, add or remove command aliases
/alias list [<name>] add|addreplace <name> [<command>[;<command>...]] addcompletion|addreplacecompletion <completion> <name> [<command>[;<command>...]] del <name>|<mask>... rename <name> <new_name> missing list: list aliases (without argument, this list is displayed) add: add an alias addreplace: add or replace an existing alias addcompletion: add an alias with a custom completion addreplacecompletion: add or replace an existing alias with a custom completion name: name of alias completion: completion for alias: by default completion is done with target command (you can use "%%command" to use the completion of an existing command) command: command name with arguments (many commands can be separated by semicolons) del: delete aliases mask: name where wildcard "*" is allowed rename: rename an alias missing: add missing aliases (using default aliases) In command, special variables are replaced: $n: argument "n" (between 1 and 9) $-m: arguments from 1 to "m" $n-: arguments from "n" to last $n-m: arguments from "n" to "m" $*: all arguments $&: all arguments, with " replaced by \" $~: last argument $var: where "var" is a local variable of buffer (see /buffer listvar), examples: $nick, $channel, $server, $plugin, $name Examples: /alias add split /window splith /alias add hello /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello /alias rename hello Hello /alias addcompletion %%sajoin forcejoin /quote forcejoin
7.12. Commands and options
Comandi di WeeChat
: execute a command on all buffers
/allbuf <command> command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with "/") Example: set read marker on all buffers: /allbuf /buffer set unread
: imposta o elimina lo stato di assenza
/away [-all] [<messaggio>] -all: set or remove away status on all connected servers message: message for away (if no message is given, away status is removed)
: gestione delle barre
/bar list|listfull|listitems add|addreplace <name> <type>[,<conditions>] <position> <size> <separator> <item1>[,<item2>...] default [input|title|status|nicklist] rename <name> <new_name> del <name>|<mask>... set <name> <option> <value> hide|show|toggle <name> scroll <name> <window> <scroll_value> list: list all bars listfull: list all bars (verbose) listitems: list all bar items add: add a new bar addreplace: add or replace an existing bar name: name of bar (must be unique) type: type of bar: root: outside windows window: inside windows, with optional conditions (see below) conditions: the conditions to display the bar (without conditions, the bar is always displayed): active: on active window inactive: on inactive windows nicklist: on windows with nicklist other condition: see /help and /help eval position: bottom, top, left or right size: size of bar (in chars) separator: 1 for using separator (line), 0 or nothing means no separator item1,...: items for this bar (items can be separated by comma (space between items) or "+" (glued items)) default: create a default bar (all default bars if no bar name is given) rename: rename a bar del: delete bars mask: name where wildcard "*" is allowed set: set a value for a bar property option: option to change (for options list, look at /set<barname>.*) value: new value for option hide: hide a bar show: show an hidden bar toggle: hide/show a bar scroll: scroll bar window: window number ("*" for current window or for root bars) scroll_value: value for scroll: "x" or "y" (optional), followed by "+", "-", "b" (beginning) or "e" (end), value (for +/-), and optional "%" (to scroll by % of width/height, otherwise value is number of chars) Examples: create a bar with time, buffer number + name, and completion: /bar add mybar root bottom 1 0 [time],buffer_number+:+buffer_name,completion scroll nicklist 10 lines down on current buffer: /bar scroll nicklist * y+10 scroll to end of nicklist on current buffer: /bar scroll nicklist * ye
: gestione dei buffer
/buffer list add [-free] [-switch] <name> clear [<id>|<number>|<name>|-merged|-all [<id>|<number>|<name>...]] move <number>|-|+ swap <id1>|<number1>|<name1> [<id2>|<number2>|<name2>] cycle <id>|<number>|<name>... merge <id>|<number>|<name> unmerge [<number>|-all] hide [<id>|<number>|<name>|-all [<id>|<number>|<name>...]] unhide [<id>|<number>|<name>|-all [<id>|<number>|<name>...]] switch [-previous] zoom renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] close [<n1>[-<n2>]|<name>...] notify [<level>] listvar [<id>|<number>|<name>] setvar <name> [<value>] delvar <name> set <property> [<value>] setauto <property> [<value>] get <property> jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited <id>|<number>|-|+|<name> list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed) add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with "/buffer close" or input "q") clear: clear buffer content (number for a buffer, "-merged" for merged buffers, "-all" for all buffers, or nothing for current buffer) move: move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1); "-" = move to first buffer number, "+" = move to last buffer number + 1 swap: swap two buffers (swap with current buffer if only one number/name given) cycle: jump loop between a list of buffers merge: merge current buffer to another buffer (chat area will be mix of both buffers); by default ctrl-x switches between merged buffers unmerge: unmerge buffer from other buffers which have same number hide: hide the buffer unhide: unhide the buffer switch: switch to next merged buffer (or to previous buffer with "-previous") zoom: zoom on merged buffer renumber: renumber buffers (works only if option weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumber is off) close: close buffer (number/range or name is optional) notify: display or set notify level for current buffer: this level determines whether buffer will be added to hotlist or not: none: never highlight: for highlights only message: for messages from users + highlights all: for all messages reset: reset to default value (all) listvar: display local variables in a buffer setvar: set a local variable in the current buffer delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer set: set a property in the current buffer setauto: like "set" and also define option "weechat.buffer.<name>.<property>" so that the property is saved in configuration and applied each time this buffer is opened get: display a property of current buffer jump: jump to another buffer: smart: next buffer with activity last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) prev_visited: previously visited buffer next_visited: jump to next visited buffer id: jump to buffer by id number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix: "+": relative jump, add number to current "-": relative jump, sub number to current "*": jump to number, using option "weechat.look.jump_current_to_previous_buffer" -: jump to first buffer number +: jump to last buffer number name: jump to buffer by (partial) name; if the name starts with "(?i)", the search is case-insensitive (for example "(?i)upper" will find buffer "irc.libera.#UPPERCASE") Examples: /buffer move 5 /buffer swap 1 3 /buffer swap #weechat /buffer cycle #chan1 #chan2 #chan3 /buffer merge 1 /buffer merge #weechat /buffer close 5-7 /buffer #weechat /buffer +1 /buffer +
: definisce gli alias dei colori e visualizza la tavolozza dei colori
/color alias <color> <name> unalias <color> reset term2rgb <color> rgb2term <rgb> [<limit>] -o alias: add an alias for a color unalias: delete an alias color: color number (greater than or equal to 0, max depends on terminal, commonly 63 or 255) name: alias name for color (for example: "orange") reset: reset all color pairs (required when no more color pairs are available if automatic reset is disabled, see option "weechat.look.color_pairs_auto_reset") term2rgb: convert a terminal color (0-255) to RGB color rgb2term: convert a RGB color to terminal color (0-255) limit: number of colors to use in terminal table (starting from 0); default is 256 -o: send terminal/colors info to current buffer as input Without argument, this command displays colors in a new buffer. Examples: /color alias 214 orange /color unalias 214
: esegui comando o plugin di WeeChat esplicito
/command [-buffer <name>] <plugin> <command> -s <command>[;<command>...] -buffer: execute the command on this buffer plugin: execute the command from this plugin; "core" for a WeeChat command, "*" for automatic plugin (it depends on the buffer where the command is executed) command: command to execute (a "/" is automatically added if not found at beginning of command) -s: execute one or multiple commands separated by semicolons (the semicolon can be escaped with "\;")
: movimento libero del cursore sullo schermo per eseguire azioni su aree specifiche dello schermo
/cursor go chat|<bar> [top_left|top_right|bottom_left|bottom_right] go <x>,<y> move up|down|left|right|top_left|top_right|bottom_left|bottom_right|edge_top|edge_bottom|edge_left|edge_right|area_up|area_down|area_left|area_right stop go: move cursor to chat area, a bar (using bar name) or coordinates "x,y" move: move cursor with direction stop: stop cursor mode Without argument, this command toggles cursor mode. When mouse is enabled (see /help mouse), by default a middle click will start cursor mode at this point. See chapter on key bindings in User's guide for a list of keys that can be used in cursor mode. Examples: /cursor go chat bottom_left /cursor go nicklist /cursor go 10,5
: debug functions
/debug list set <plugin> <level> dump [<plugin>] hooks [<plugin_mask> [<hook_type>...]] buffer|certs|color|dirs|infolists|key|libs|memory|tags|term|url|windows callbacks <duration>[<unit>] mouse|cursor [verbose] hdata [free] time <command> unicode <string> whitespace list: list plugins with debug levels set: set debug level for plugin plugin: name of plugin ("core" for WeeChat core) level: debug level for plugin (0 = disable debug) dump: save memory dump in WeeChat log file (same dump is written when WeeChat crashes) hooks: display infos about hooks (with a plugin: display detailed info about hooks created by the plugin) plugin_mask: plugin mask, "*" for all plugins hook_type: hook type buffer: dump buffer content with hexadecimal values in WeeChat log file callbacks: write hook and bar item callbacks that took more than "duration" in the WeeChat log file (0 = disable), where optional unit is one of: us: microseconds (default) ms: milliseconds s: seconds m: minutes h: hours certs: display number of loaded trusted certificate authorities color: display infos about current color pairs cursor: toggle debug for cursor mode dirs: display directories hdata: display infos about hdata (with free: remove all hdata in memory) infolists: display infos about infolists key: enable keyboard and mouse debug: display raw codes, expanded key name and associated command ("q" to quit this mode) libs: display infos about external libraries used memory: display infos about memory usage mouse: toggle debug for mouse tags: display tags for lines term: display infos about terminal url: toggle debug for calls to hook_url (display output hashtable) windows: display windows tree time: measure time to execute a command or to send text to the current buffer unicode: display information about string and unicode chars (evaluated, see /help eval) whitespace: toggle whitespace mode: make spaces and tabulations visible in buffers and bars (see options weechat.look.whitespace_char and weechat.look.tab_whitespace_char) Examples: /debug set irc 1 /debug mouse verbose /debug time /filter toggle /debug hooks * process connect url /debug unicode ${chars:${\u26C0}-${\u26CF}}
: evaluate expression
/eval [-n|-s] [-d] <expression> [-n] [-d [-d]] -c <expression1> <operator> <expression2> -n: display result without sending it to buffer (debug mode) -s: split expression before evaluating it (many commands can be separated by semicolons) -d: display debug output after evaluation (with two -d: more verbose debug) -c: evaluate as condition: use operators and parentheses, return a boolean value ("0" or "1") expression: expression to evaluate, variables with format ${variable} are replaced (see below) operator: a logical or comparison operator (see below) An expression is considered as "true" if it is not NULL, not empty, and different from "0". The comparison is made using floating point numbers if the two expressions are valid numbers, with one of the following formats: integer (examples: 5, -7), floating point number (examples: 5.2, -7.5, 2.83e-2), hexadecimal number (examples: 0xA3, -0xA3). To force a string comparison, you can add double quotes around each expression, for example: 50 > 100 == 0 and "50" > "100" == 1 Some variables are replaced in expression, using the format ${variable}, which can be, by order of priority: - ${raw_hl:string}: the string itself without evaluation but with syntax highlighting - ${raw:string}: the string itself without evaluation - ${hl:string}: the string with syntax highlighting - ${name}: the user-defined variable - ${weechat_config_dir}: WeeChat config directory - ${weechat_data_dir}: WeeChat data directory - ${weechat_state_dir}: WeeChat state directory - ${weechat_cache_dir}: WeeChat cache directory - ${weechat_runtime_dir}: WeeChat runtime directory - ${eval:string}: the evaluated string - ${eval_cond:string}: the evaluated condition - ${esc:string} or ${\string}: the string with escaped chars - ${chars:range}: the string with a range of chars, "range" is one of: "digit", "xdigit", "lower", "upper", "alpha", "alnum" or "c1-c2" ("c1" and "c2" are code points with c1 ≤ c2) - ${lower:string}: the string converted to lower case - ${upper:string}: the string converted to upper case - ${hide:char,string}: the string with hidden chars - ${cut:max,suffix,string}: the string with max chars (excluding the suffix) - ${cut:+max,suffix,string}: the string with max chars (including the suffix) - ${cutscr:max,suffix,string}: the string with max chars displayed on screen (excluding the suffix) - ${cutscr:+max,suffix,string}: the string with max chars displayed on screen (including the suffix) - ${rev:string}: the reversed string - ${revscr:string}: the reversed string for display (color codes are not reversed) - ${repeat:count,string}: the repeated string - ${length:string}: the length of the string (number of UTF-8 chars) - ${lengthscr:string}: the length of the string on screen (sum of the width of each UTF-8 char displayed on screen, colors codes are ignored) - ${split:N,separators,flags,string}: Nth item of the split string (N is an integer ≥ 1 or ≤ -1, if negative, counts from the last item) - ${split:random,separators,flags,string}: random item of the split string - ${split:count,separators,flags,string}: number of items of the split string - ${split_shell:N,string}: Nth item of the split shell arguments (N is an integer ≥ 1 or ≤ -1, if negative, counts from the last item) - ${split_shell:random,string}: random item of the split shell arguments - ${split_shell:count,string}: number of items of the split shell arguments - ${color:name}: the color (see "Plugin API reference", function "color") - ${modifier:name,data,string}: the modifier - ${info:name,arguments}: the info (arguments are optional) - ${base_encode:base,string}: the string encoded to base: 16, 32, 64 or 64url - ${base_decode:base,string}: the string decoded from base: 16, 32, 64 or 64url - ${date} or ${date:format}: current date/time - ${env:NAME}: the environment variable - ${if:condition?value_if_true:value_if_false}: the result of ternary operator - ${calc:expression}: the result of the expression with parentheses and operators (+, -, *, /, //, %, **) - ${random:min,max}: a random integer number between "min" and "max" (inclusive) - ${translate:string}: the translated string - ${define:name,value}: declaration of a user variable (return an empty string) - ${hdata_count:name[list]}: number of items in this hdata with list - ${hdata_count:name[ptr]}: number of items in this hdata with pointer - ${}: the value of the secured data "xxx" - ${file.section.option}: the value of the config option - ${name}: the local variable in buffer - the hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer. Format for hdata can be one of following: - ${hdata.var1.var2...}: start with a hdata (pointer must be known), and ask variables one after one (other hdata can be followed) - ${hdata[list].var1.var2...}: start with a hdata using a list/pointer/pointer name, for example: - ${buffer[gui_buffers].full_name}: full name of first buffer in linked list of buffers - ${plugin[weechat_plugins].name}: name of first plugin in linked list of plugins - ${hdata[pointer].var1.var2...}: start with a hdata using a pointer, for example: - ${buffer[0x1234abcd].full_name}: full name of the buffer with this pointer (can be used in triggers) - ${buffer[my_pointer].full_name}: full name of the buffer with this pointer name (can be used in triggers) - ${hdata[pointer].var1.method()}: when var1 is a hashtable, methods can be called: "keys()", "values()", "keys_sorted()", "keys_values()" and "keys_values_sorted()" For name of hdata and variables, please look at "Plugin API reference", function "weechat_hdata_get". Logical operators (by order of priority): && boolean "and" || boolean "or" Comparison operators (by order of priority): =~ is matching POSIX extended regex !~ is NOT matching POSIX extended regex ==* is matching mask, case-sensitive (wildcard "*" is allowed) !!* is NOT matching mask, case-sensitive (wildcard "*" is allowed) =* is matching mask, case-insensitive (wildcard "*" is allowed) !* is NOT matching mask, case-insensitive (wildcard "*" is allowed) ==- is included, case-sensitive !!- is NOT included, case-sensitive =- is included, case-insensitive !- is NOT included, case-insensitive == equal != not equal <= less or equal < less >= greater or equal > greater Examples (simple strings): /eval -n ${raw:${info:version}} ==> ${info:version} /eval -n ${eval_cond:${window.win_width}>100} ==> 1 /eval -n ${info:version} ==> 4.6.0 /eval -n ${env:HOME} ==> /home/user /eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3 /eval -n ${} ==> secret /eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0 /eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320 /eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} ==> 1 /eval -n ${buffer.local_variables.keys_values()} ==> plugin:core,name:weechat /eval -n ${buffer.local_variables.plugin} ==> core /eval -n ${hdata_count:buffer[gui_buffers]} ==> 15 /eval -n ${\t} ==> <tab> /eval -n ${chars:digit} ==> 0123456789 /eval -n ${chars:J-T} ==> JKLMNOPQRST /eval -n ${lower:TEST} ==> test /eval -n ${upper:test} ==> TEST /eval -n ${hide:-,${}} ==> -------- /eval -n ${cut:3,+,test} ==> tes+ /eval -n ${cut:+3,+,test} ==> te+ /eval -n ${date:%H:%M:%S} ==> 07:46:40 /eval -n ${if:${info:term_width}>80?big:small} ==> big /eval -n ${rev:Hello} ==> olleH /eval -n ${repeat:5,-} ==> ----- /eval -n ${length:test} ==> 4 /eval -n ${split:1,,,abc,def,ghi} ==> abc /eval -n ${split:-1,,,abc,def,ghi} ==> ghi /eval -n ${split:count,,,abc,def,ghi} ==> 3 /eval -n ${split:random,,,abc,def,ghi} ==> def /eval -n ${split_shell:1,"arg 1" arg2} ==> arg 1 /eval -n ${split_shell:-1,"arg 1" arg2} ==> arg2 /eval -n ${split_shell:count,"arg 1" arg2} ==> 2 /eval -n ${split_shell:random,"arg 1" arg2} ==> arg2 /eval -n ${calc:(5+2)*3} ==> 21 /eval -n ${random:0,10} ==> 3 /eval -n ${base_encode:64,test} ==> dGVzdA== /eval -n ${base_decode:64,dGVzdA==} ==> test /eval -n ${define:len,${calc:5+3}}${len}x${len} ==> 8x8 Examples (conditions): /eval -n -c ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0 /eval -n -c ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1 /eval -n -c (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1 /eval -n -c (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0 /eval -n -c abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1 /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0 /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1 /eval -n -c abcd !~ abc ==> 0 /eval -n -c abcd =* a*d ==> 1 /eval -n -c abcd =- bc ==> 1
: filtra messaggi nei buffer, per nascondere/mostrare in base a tag o regexp
/filter list enable|disable|toggle [<name>|<mask>|@...] add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> rename <name> <new_name> recreate <name> del <name>|<mask>... list: list all filters enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default) disable: disable filters toggle: toggle filters mask: name where wildcard "*" is allowed ("@" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer) add: add a filter addreplace: add or replace an existing filter name: filter name rename: rename a filter recreate: set input with the command used to edit the filter del: delete filters buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active: - this is full name including plugin (example: "irc.libera.#weechat" or "irc.server.libera") - "*" means all buffers - a name starting with "!" is excluded - wildcard "*" is allowed tags: comma separated list of tags (for example "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"): - logical "and": "+" between tags (for example: "nick_toto+irc_action") - wildcard "*" is allowed - if tag starts with "!", then it is excluded and must NOT be in message regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line: - use "\t" to separate prefix from message, special chars like "|" must be escaped: "\|" - if regex starts with "!", then matching result is reversed (use "\!" to start with "!") - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for message - regex are case-insensitive, they can start by "(?-i)" to become case-sensitive The default key alt+"=" toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+"-" toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer. Tags most commonly used: no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (log level), notify_none, notify_message, notify_private, notify_highlight, self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick), host_xxx (xxx is username + host in message), irc_xxx (xxx is command name or number, see /server raw or /debug tags), irc_numeric, irc_error, irc_action, irc_ctcp, irc_ctcp_reply, irc_smart_filter, away_info. To see tags for lines in buffers: /debug tags Examples: use IRC smart filter on all buffers: /filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter * use IRC smart filter on all buffers except those with "#weechat" in name: /filter add irc_smart *,!*#weechat* irc_smart_filter * filter all IRC join/part/quit messages: /filter add joinquit * irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit * filter nicks displayed when joining channels or with /names: /filter add nicks * irc_366 * filter nick "toto" on IRC channel #weechat: /filter add toto irc.libera.#weechat nick_toto * filter IRC join/action messages from nick "toto": /filter add toto * nick_toto+irc_join,nick_toto+irc_action * filter lines containing "weechat sucks" on IRC channel #weechat: /filter add sucks irc.libera.#weechat * weechat sucks filter lines that are strictly equal to "WeeChat sucks" on all buffers: /filter add sucks2 * * (?-i)^WeeChat sucks$
: visualizza l’aiuto su comandi e opzioni
/help -list|-listfull [<plugin>...]] <command> <option> -list: list commands, by plugin (without argument, this list is displayed) -listfull: list commands with description, by plugin plugin: list commands for this plugin command: a command name option: an option name (use /set to see list)
: mostra la cronologia dei comandi del buffer
/history <clear valore> clear: clear history value: number of history entries to show
: manage hotlist
/hotlist add [low|message|private|highlight] clear [<level>] remove restore [-all] add: add current buffer in hotlist (default level: "low", conditions defined in option weechat.look.hotlist_add_conditions are NOT checked) clear: clear hotlist level: "lowest" to clear only lowest level in hotlist, highest" to clear only highest level in hotlist, or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight remove: remove current buffer from hotlist restore: restore latest hotlist removed in the current buffer (or all buffers with "-all")
: funzioni per la riga di comando
/input <azioni> [<argomenti>] action: the action, one of: return: simulate key "enter" split_return: split input on newlines then simulate key "enter" for each line complete_next: complete word with next completion complete_previous: complete word with previous completion search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position search_text: search text in buffer search_history: search text in command line history search_switch_case: switch exact case for search search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes search_previous: search previous line search_next: search next line search_stop_here: stop search at current position search_stop: stop search delete_previous_char: delete previous char delete_next_char: delete next char delete_previous_word: delete previous word delete_previous_word_whitespace: delete previous word (until whitespace) delete_next_word: delete next word delete_beginning_of_line: delete from beginning of line until cursor delete_beginning_of_input: delete from beginning of input until cursor delete_end_of_line: delete from cursor until end of line delete_end_of_input: delete from cursor until end of input delete_line: delete current line delete_input: delete entire input clipboard_paste: paste from the internal clipboard transpose_chars: transpose two chars undo: undo last command line action redo: redo last command line action move_beginning_of_line: move cursor to beginning of line move_beginning_of_input: move cursor to beginning of input move_end_of_line: move cursor to end of line move_end_of_input: move cursor to end of input move_previous_char: move cursor to previous char move_next_char: move cursor to next char move_previous_word: move cursor to previous word move_next_word: move cursor to next word move_previous_line: move cursor to previous line move_next_line: move cursor to next line history_previous: recall previous command in current buffer history history_next: recall next command in current buffer history history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history history_global_next: recall next command in global history history_use_get_next: send the current history entry (found with search or recalled with "up"key) and insert the next history entry in the command line without sending it grab_key: grab a key (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds) grab_key_command: grab a key with its associated command (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds) grab_mouse: grab mouse event code grab_mouse_area: grab mouse event code with area insert: insert text in command line (escaped chars are allowed, see /help print) send: send text to the buffer arguments: optional arguments for the action This command is used by key bindings or plugins.
: manage custom bar items
/item list add|addreplace <name> "<conditions>" "<content>" rename <name> <new_name> refresh <name>|<mask>... recreate <name> del <name>|<mask>... list: list all custom bar items add: add a custom bar item addreplace: add or replace an existing custom bar item name: custom bar item name mask: name where wildcard "*" is allowed conditions: evaluated conditions to display the bar item (for example to display the bar item only in specific buffers) content: content (evaluated, see /help eval) rename: rename a custom bar item refresh: update content of item in all bars where the item is displayed; any item can be refreshed: default/plugin/custom bar items recreate: set input with the command used to edit the custom bar item del: delete custom bar items Examples: add item with terminal size, displayed only in buffers with number = 1: /item add terminfo "${buffer.number} == 1" "term:${info:term_width}x${info:term_height}" add item with buffer info: /item add bufinfo "" "${buffer.number}:${}${if:${buffer.zoomed}?(Z)}" add item with date/time using format "Dec 25, 12:34 +0100", refreshed every minute: /item add datetime "" "${date:%b %d, %H:%M %z}" /trigger add datetime_refresh timer "60000;60" "" "" "/item refresh datetime" add item with number of lines in buffer (displayed/total), refreshed each time a new line is displayed or if filtered lines have changed: /item add lines_count "" "${calc:${buffer.lines.lines_count}-${buffer.lines.lines_hidden}}/${buffer.lines.lines_count} lines" /trigger add lines_count_refresh_print print "" "" "" "/item refresh lines_count" /trigger add lines_count_refresh_signal signal "window_switch;buffer_switch;buffer_lines_hidden;filters_*" "" "" "/item refresh lines_count" force refresh of item "lines_count": /item refresh lines_count recreate item "lines_count" with different conditions or content: /item recreate lines_count delete item "lines_count": /item del lines_count
: associa/disassocia tasti
/key [list|listdefault|listdiff] [<context>] bind <key> [<command> [<args>]] bindctxt <context> <key> [<command> [<args>]] unbind <key> unbindctxt <context> <key> reset <key> resetctxt <context> <key> resetall -yes [<context>] missing [<context>] legacy <key>... list: list all current keys listdefault: list default keys listdiff: list differences between current and default keys (keys added, redefined or deleted) context: name of context ("default" or "search") bind: bind a command to a key or display command bound to key (for context "default") bindctxt: bind a command to a key or display command bound to key, for given context command: command (many commands can be separated by semicolons); quotes can be used to preserve spaces at the beginning/end of command unbind: remove a key binding (for context "default") unbindctxt: remove a key binding for given context reset: reset a key to default binding (for context "default") resetctxt: reset a key to default binding, for given context resetall: restore bindings to the default values and delete ALL personal bindings (use carefully!) missing: add missing keys (using default bindings), useful after installing new WeeChat version legacy: display new name for legacy keys When binding a command to a key, it is recommended to use key alt+k (or Esc then k), and then press the key to bind: this will insert key name in command line. For some keys you might need to use /debug key, this displays the raw key code that can be used (for example the key ctrl+backspace could be "ctrl-h" or "ctrl-?", depending on your terminal and other settings). Modifiers allowed (in this order when multiple are used): "meta-": alt key "ctrl-": control key "shift-": shift key, can only be used with key names below Key names allowed: f0 to f20, home, insert, delete, end, backspace, pgup, pgdn, up, down, right, left, tab, return, comma, space. Combo of keys must be separated by a comma. For context "mouse" (possible in context "cursor" too), key has format: "@area:key" or "@area1>area2:key" where area can be: *: any area on screen chat: chat area (any buffer) chat(xxx): chat area for buffer with name "xxx" (full name including plugin) bar(*): any bar bar(xxx): bar "xxx" item(*): any bar item item(xxx): bar item "xxx" Wildcard "*" is allowed in key to match many mouse events. A special value for command with format "hsignal:name" can be used for context mouse, this will send the hsignal "name" with the focus hashtable as argument. Another special value "-" can be used to disable key (it will be ignored when looking for keys). Examples: /key bind meta-r /buffer #weechat /key reset meta-r /key bind meta-v,f1 /help /key bindctxt search f12 /input search_stop /key bindctxt mouse @item(buffer_nicklist):button3 /msg nickserv info ${nick}
: manage buffers/windows layouts
/layout store [<name>] [buffers|windows] apply [<name>] [buffers|windows] leave del [<name>] [buffers|windows] rename <name> <new_name> store: store current buffers/windows in a layout apply: apply stored layout leave: leave current layout (does not update any layout) del: delete buffers and/or windows in a stored layout (if neither "buffers" nor "windows" is given after the name, the layout is deleted) rename: rename a layout name: name for stored layout (default is "default") buffers: store/apply only buffers (order of buffers) windows: store/apply only windows (buffer displayed by each window) Without argument, this command displays stored layouts. The current layout can be saved on /quit command with the option "weechat.look.save_layout_on_exit". Note: the layout only remembers windows split and buffers numbers. It does not open buffers. That means for example you must still auto-join IRC channels to open the buffers, the saved layout only applies once the buffers are opened.
: controllo mouse
/mouse enable|disable|toggle [<ritardo>] enable: enable mouse disable: disable mouse toggle: toggle mouse delay: delay (in seconds) after which initial mouse state is restored (useful to temporarily disable mouse) The mouse state is saved in option "weechat.look.mouse". Examples: /mouse enable /mouse toggle 5
: esegue un comando in silenzio
/mute [-core|-current|-buffer <name>] <command> -core: no output on WeeChat core buffer -current: no output on current buffer -buffer: no output on specified buffer name: full buffer name (examples: "irc.server.libera", "irc.libera.#weechat") command: command to execute silently (a "/" is automatically added if not found at beginning of command) If no target is specified ("-core", "-current" or "-buffer"), then default is to mute all buffers. Examples: /mute save /mute -current msg * hi! /mute -buffer irc.libera.#weechat msg #weechat hi!
: redirect command output to a buffer, a file or a hsignal
/pipe [-buffer <name>|-file <filename>|-hsignal <name>] [-color strip|keep|ansi] [-concat <separator>] [-strip <chars>] [-skipempty] [-c] [-o] [-g] [-nl] <command> -buffer: display command output on this buffer name: full buffer name (examples: "core.weechat", "irc.server.libera", "irc.libera.#weechat") -file: write command output in this file -hsignal: send command output as hsignal; keys: "command", "output" (lines separated by separator) and "tags" (tags of each line separated by newline) -color: convert colors -o: send command output to the buffer as input; colors are stripped and commands are NOT executed (used only with -buffer) -concat: concatenate all lines displayed using a separator; chars can be escaped (example: \x20 for space) -strip: strip chars from lines (beginning/end); chars can be escaped (example: \x20 for space) -skipempty: skip empty lines when lines are concatenated -c: alias for "-concat \x20 -strip \x20 -skipempty" -nl: display messages in English during the command execution (do not use the current locale) command: command to execute (a "/" is automatically added if not found at beginning of command) If no target is specified ("-buffer", "-file" or "-hsignal"), then the command output is sent on the current buffer. Note: for commands that display messages in an asynchronous way (like /exec and many IRC commands), the output will not be caught by this command. For example "/pipe /whois nick" will NOT redirect the answer from IRC server to the current buffer. Examples: write info about external libraries in a file: /pipe -file /tmp/libs.txt /debug libs send output of "/debug libs" as a single line on current channel: /pipe -o -c /debug libs display info about all buffers on current buffer: /pipe /allbuf /eval /print ${buffer.full_name} -> ${buffer.number}. ${buffer.short_name} (${buffer}) send list of filters on current channel, in English: /pipe -o -nl /filter
: elenca/carica/scarica plugin
/plugin list [-o|-ol|-i|-il|<name>] listfull [<name>] load <filename> [<arguments>] autoload [<arguments>] reload [<name>|* [<arguments>]] unload [<name>] list: list loaded plugins -o: send list of loaded plugins to buffer (string in English) -ol: send list of loaded plugins to buffer (translated string) -i: copy list of loaded plugins in command line (for sending to buffer) (string in English) -il: copy list of loaded plugins in command line (for sending to buffer) (translated string) name: a plugin name listfull: list loaded plugins (verbose) load: load a plugin filename: plugin (file) to load arguments: arguments given to plugin on load autoload: autoload plugins in system or user directory reload: reload a plugin (if no name given, unload all plugins, then autoload plugins) unload: unload a plugin (if no name given, unload all plugins) Without argument, this command lists loaded plugins.
: display text on a buffer
/print [-buffer <id>|<number>|<name>] [-newbuffer <name>] [-free] [-switch] [-core|-current] [-y <line>] [-escape] [-date <date>] [-tags <tags>] [-action|-error|-join|-network|-quit] [<text>] -stdout|-stderr [<text>] -beep -buffer: display text in this buffer (default: buffer where command is executed) -newbuffer: create a new buffer and display text in this buffer -free: create a buffer with free content (with -newbuffer only) -switch: switch to the buffer -core: alias of "-buffer core.weechat" -current: display text on current buffer -y: display on a custom line (for buffer with free content only) line: line number for buffer with free content (first line is 0, a negative number displays after last line: -1 = after last line, -2 = two lines after last line, etc.) -escape: interpret escaped chars (for example \a, \07, \x07) -date: message date, format can be: -n: "n" seconds before now +n: "n" seconds in the future n: "n" seconds since the Epoch (see man time) date and/or time (ISO 8601): see function "util_parse_time" in Plugin API reference (examples: "11:29:09", "2023-12-25T10:29:09.456789Z") -tags: comma-separated list of tags (see /help filter for a list of tags most commonly used) text: text to display (prefix and message must be separated by "\t", if text starts with "-", then add a "\" before) -stdout: display text on stdout (escaped chars are interpreted) -stderr: display text on stderr (escaped chars are interpreted) -beep: alias of "-stderr \a" The options -action ... -quit use the prefix defined in options "weechat.look.prefix_*". Following escaped chars are supported: \" \\ \a \b \e \f \n \r \t \v \0ooo \xhh \uhhhh \Uhhhhhhhh Examples: display a reminder on core buffer with a highlight: /print -core -tags notify_highlight Reminder: buy milk display an error on core buffer: /print -core -error Some error here display message on core buffer with prefix "abc": /print -core abc\tThe message display a message on channel #weechat: /print -buffer irc.libera.#weechat Message on #weechat display a snowman (U+2603): /print -escape \u2603 send alert (BEL): /print -beep
: gestione dei proxy
/proxy list add|addreplace <name> <type> <address> <port> [<username> [<password>]] del <name>|<mask>... set <name> <option> <value> list: list all proxies add: add a new proxy addreplace: add or replace an existing proxy name: name of proxy (must be unique) type: http, socks4 or socks5 address: IP or hostname port: port number username: username (optional) password: password (optional) del: delete proxies mask: name where wildcard "*" is allowed set: set a value for a proxy property option: option to change (for options list, look at /set weechat.proxy.<proxyname>.*) value: new value for option Examples: add a http proxy, running on local host, port 8888: /proxy add local http 8888 add a http proxy using IPv6 protocol only: /proxy add local http ::1 8888 /proxy set local ipv6 force add a socks5 proxy with username/password: /proxy add myproxy socks5 3128 myuser mypass delete a proxy: /proxy del myproxy
: esce da WeeChat
/quit [-yes] [<argomenti>] -yes: required if option "weechat.look.confirm_quit" is enabled arguments: text sent with signal "quit" (for example irc plugin uses this text to send quit message to server) By default when quitting the configuration files are saved (see option "weechat.look.save_config_on_exit") and the current layout can be saved (see option "weechat.look.save_layout_on_exit").
: ricarica i file di configurazione da disco
/reload [<file>...] file: configuration file to reload (without extension ".conf") Without argument, all files (WeeChat and plugins) are reloaded.
: esegue un comando più volte
/repeat [-interval <delay>[<unit>]] <count> <command> delay: delay between execution of commands (minimum: 1 millisecond) unit: optional, values are: us: microseconds ms: milliseconds s: seconds (default) m: minutes h: hours count: number of times to execute command command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with "/"), evaluated and the following variables are set each time the command is executed: ${buffer}: buffer pointer ${repeat_count}: number of times the command is executed ${repeat_index}: current index (from 1 to "count") ${repeat_index0}: current index (from 0 to "count" - 1) ${repeat_revindex}: current index from the end (from "count" to 1) ${repeat_revindex0}: current index from the end (from "count" - 1 to 0) ${repeat_first}: "1" for the first execution, "0" for the others ${repeat_last}: "1" for the last execution, "0" for the others Note: the command is executed on buffer where /repeat was executed (if the buffer does not exist anymore, the command is not executed). Examples: scroll 2 pages up: /repeat 2 /window page_up print a countdown, starting at 5: /repeat -interval 1 6 /print ${if:${repeat_last}?Boom!:${repeat_revindex0}}
: reset config options
/reset <option> -mask <option> option: name of an option -mask: use a mask in option (wildcard "*" is allowed to mass-reset options, use carefully!) Examples: /reset weechat.look.item_time_format /reset -mask weechat.color.*
: salva i file di configurazione su disco
/save [<file>...] file: configuration file to save (without extension ".conf") Without argument, all files (WeeChat and plugins) are saved. By default all configuration files are saved to disk on /quit command (see option "weechat.look.save_config_on_exit").
: gestione dei dati sensibili (password o file privati cifrati nel file sec.conf)
/secure passphrase <chiave di cifratura>|-delete decrypt <chiave di cifratura|-discard set <nome> <valore> del <nome> passphrase: change the passphrase (without passphrase, data is stored as plain text in file sec.conf) -delete: delete passphrase decrypt: decrypt data still encrypted (it happens only if passphrase was not given on startup) -discard: discard all data still encrypted set: add or change secured data del: delete secured data Without argument, this command displays secured data in a new buffer. Keys on secure buffer: alt+v toggle values When a passphrase is used (data encrypted), it is asked by WeeChat on startup. It is possible to set environment variable "WEECHAT_PASSPHRASE" to prevent the prompt (this same variable is used by WeeChat on /upgrade), or to set option sec.crypt.passphrase_command to read the passphrase from the output of an external command like a password manager (see /help sec.crypt.passphrase_command). Secured data with format ${} can be used in: - command /eval - command line argument "--run-command" - options weechat.startup.command_{before|after}_plugins - other options that may contain a password or sensitive data (for example proxy, irc server and relay); see /help on the options to check if they are evaluated. Examples: set a passphrase: /secure passphrase this is my passphrase use program "pass" to read the passphrase on startup: /set sec.crypt.passphrase_command "/usr/bin/pass show weechat/passphrase" encrypt libera SASL password: /secure set libera mypassword /set irc.server.libera.sasl_password "${}" encrypt oftc password for nickserv: /secure set oftc mypassword /set irc.server.oftc.command "/msg nickserv identify ${}" alias to ghost the nick "mynick": /alias add ghost /eval /msg -server libera nickserv ghost mynick ${}
: set config options and environment variables
/set [<option> [<value>]] diff [<option>...] env [<variable> [<value>]] option: name of an option (wildcard "*" is allowed to list options, if no value is specified) value: new value for option, according to type: boolean: on, off or toggle integer: number, ++number or --number string: any string ("" for empty string) color: color name, ++number or --number diff: display only changed options env: display or set an environment variable ("" to unset a variable) Note: the value "null" (without quotes) can be used to remove option value (undefined value). This works only for some special plugin variables. Examples: /set *highlight* /set weechat.look.highlight "word" /set diff /set diff irc.* /set env LANG /set env LANG fr_FR.UTF-8 /set env ABC ""
: system actions
/sys get rlimit|rusage malloc_trim [<size>] suspend waitpid <number> get: display system info rlimit: display resource limits (see /help weechat.startup.sys_rlimit and "man getrlimit") rusage: display resource usage (see "man getrusage") malloc_trim: call function malloc_trim to release free memory from the heap size: amount of free space to leave untrimmed at the top of the heap (default is 0: only the minimum amount of memory is maintained at the top of the heap) suspend: suspend WeeChat and go back to the shell, by sending signal SIGTSTP to the WeeChat process waitpid: acknowledge the end of children processes (to prevent "zombie" processes) number: number of processes to clean
: toggle value of a config option
/toggle <option> [<value>...] option: name of an option value: possible values for the option (values are split like the shell command arguments: quotes can be used to preserve spaces at the beginning/end of values) Behavior: - only an option of type boolean or string can be toggled without a value: - boolean: toggle between on/off according to current value - string: toggle between empty string and default value (works only if empty string is allowed for the option) - with a single value given, toggle between this value and the default value of option - with multiple values given, toggle between these values: the value used is the one following the current value of option; if the current value of option is not in list, the first value in the list is used - the special value "null" can be given, but only as first value in the list and without quotes around. Examples: toggle display of time in chat area (without displaying the new value used): /mute /toggle weechat.look.buffer_time_format switch format of time in chat area (with seconds, without seconds, disabled): /toggle weechat.look.buffer_time_format "%H:%M:%S" "%H:%M" "" toggle autojoin of #weechat channel on libera server: /toggle irc.server.libera.autojoin null #weechat
: annulla/ripristina opzione
/unset <option> -mask <option> option: name of an option -mask: use a mask in option (wildcard "*" is allowed to mass-reset options, use carefully!) According to option, it's reset (for standard options) or removed (for optional settings, like server values). Examples: /unset weechat.look.item_time_format /unset -mask weechat.color.*
: save WeeChat session and reload the WeeChat binary without disconnecting from servers
/upgrade [-yes] [<path_to_binary>|-save|-quit] -o|-ol -yes: required if option "weechat.look.confirm_upgrade" is enabled path_to_binary: path to WeeChat binary (default is current binary) -dummy: do nothing (option used to prevent accidental completion with "-quit") -save: only save the session, neither quit nor reload WeeChat; the configuration files are not saved (if needed you can use /save before this command) -quit: close *ALL* connections, save session and quit WeeChat, which makes possible a delayed restoration (see below) -o: send number of upgrades and date of first/last start to current buffer as input (English string) -ol: send number of upgrades and date of first/last start to current buffer as input (translated string) This command upgrades and reloads a running WeeChat session. The new WeeChat binary must have been compiled or installed with a package manager before running this command. Note: TLS connections are lost during upgrade (except with -save), because the reload of TLS sessions is currently not possible with GnuTLS. There is automatic reconnection after upgrade. Important: use of option "-save" can be dangerous, it is recommended to use only /upgrade (or with "-quit") for a standard upgrade and a restart; the option "-save" can be used to save the session regularly and restore it in case of after abnormal exit (power outage, crash, etc.). Upgrade process has 4 steps: 1. save session into files for core and plugins (buffers, history, ..) 2. unload all plugins (configuration files (*.conf) are written on disk) 3. save WeeChat configuration (weechat.conf) 4. execute new WeeChat binary and reload session. With option "-quit", the process is: 1. close *ALL* connections (irc, xfer, relay, ...) 2. save session into files (*.upgrade) 3. unload all plugins 4. save WeeChat configuration 5. quit WeeChat With option "-save", the process is: 1. save session into files (*.upgrade) with a disconnected state for IRC servers and Relay clients (but no disconnection is made) With -quit or -save, you can restore the session later with this command: weechat --upgrade IMPORTANT: you must restore the session with exactly same configuration (files *.conf) and if possible the same WeeChat version (or a more recent one). It is possible to restore WeeChat session on another machine if you copy the content of WeeChat home directories (see /debug dirs).
: mostra l’uptime di WeeChat
/uptime [-o|-ol] -o: send uptime to current buffer as input (English string) -ol: send uptime to current buffer as input (translated string)
: mostra la versione e la data di compilazione di WeeChat
/version [-o|-ol] [-v] -o: send version to current buffer as input (English string) -ol: send version to current buffer as input (translated string) -v: verbose mode: display information about upgrades of WeeChat with /upgrade The default alias /v can be used to execute this command on all buffers (otherwise the irc command /version is used on irc buffers).
: pianifica l’esecuzione di un comando
/wait <numero>[<unità>] <comando> number: amount of time to wait (minimum: 1 millisecond) unit: optional, values are: us: microseconds ms: milliseconds s: seconds (default) m: minutes h: hours command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with "/") Note: the command is executed on buffer where /wait was executed (if the buffer does not exist anymore, the command is not executed). Examples: join channel #test in 10 seconds: /wait 10 /join #test set away in 15 minutes: /wait 15m /away -all I'm away say "hello" in 2 minutes: /wait 2m hello
: gestione delle finestre
/window list -1|+1|b#|up|down|left|right [-window <number>] <number> splith|splitv [-window <number>] [<pct>] resize [-window <number>] [h|v][+|-]<pct> balance merge [-window <number>] [all] close [-window <number>] page_up|page_down [-window <number>] refresh scroll [-window <number>] [+|-]<value>[s|m|h|d|M|y] scroll_horiz [-window <number>] [+|-]<value>[%] scroll_up|scroll_down|scroll_top|scroll_bottom|scroll_beyond_end|scroll_previous_highlight|scroll_next_highlight|scroll_unread [-window <number>] swap [-window <number>] [up|down|left|right] zoom [-window <number>] bare [<delay>] list: list opened windows (without argument, this list is displayed) -1: jump to previous window +1: jump to next window b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number # up: switch to window above current one down: switch to window below current one left: switch to window on the left right: switch to window on the right number: window number (see /window list) splith: split current window horizontally (to undo: /window merge) splitv: split current window vertically (to undo: /window merge) resize: resize window size, new size is <pct> percentage of parent window; if "h" or "v" is specified, the resize affects the nearest parent window with a split of this type (horizontal/vertical) balance: balance the sizes of all windows merge: merge window with another (all = keep only one window) close: close window page_up: scroll one page up page_down: scroll one page down refresh: refresh screen scroll: scroll a number of lines (+/-N) or with time: s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days, M=months, y=years scroll_horiz: scroll horizontally a number of columns (+/-N) or percentage of window size (this scrolling is possible only on buffers with free content) scroll_up: scroll a few lines up scroll_down: scroll a few lines down scroll_top: scroll to top of buffer scroll_bottom: scroll to bottom of buffer scroll_beyond_end: scroll beyond the end of buffer scroll_previous_highlight: scroll to previous highlight scroll_next_highlight: scroll to next highlight scroll_unread: scroll to unread marker swap: swap buffers of two windows (with optional direction for target window) zoom: zoom on window bare: toggle bare display (with optional delay in seconds for automatic return to standard display mode) For splith and splitv, pct is a percentage which represents size of new window, computed with current window as size reference. For example 25 means create a new window with size = current_size / 4 Examples: /window b1 /window scroll -2 /window scroll -2d /window scroll -d /window zoom -window 2 /window splith 30 /window resize 75 /window resize v+10 /window bare 2
Secured data options
Sections in file sec.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Options for encryption. |
Secured data. |
descrizione: cipher used to crypt data (the number after algorithm is the size of the key in bits)
tipo: enum
valori: aes128, aes192, aes256
valore predefinito:
descrizione: hash algorithm used to check the decrypted data; some of them require a specific libgcrypt version: sha3-*: libgcrypt >= 1.7.0, blake2*: libgcrypt >= 1.8.0, sha512-*: libgcrypt >= 1.9.4
tipo: enum
valori: sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha512-224, sha512-256, sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384, sha3-512, blake2b-160, blake2b-256, blake2b-384, blake2b-512, blake2s-128, blake2s-160, blake2s-224, blake2s-256
valore predefinito:
descrizione: read the passphrase from the output of this system command (only the first line is used and it must not contain any extra character); this option is used only when reading file sec.conf and if the environment variable "WEECHAT_PASSPHRASE" is not set (the environment variable has higher priority); example with password-store: "/usr/bin/pass show weechat/passphrase"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use salt when generating key used in encryption (recommended for maximum security); when enabled, the content of crypted data in file sec.conf will be different on each write of the file; if you put the file sec.conf in a version control system, then you can turn off this option to have always same content in file
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
Opzioni di WeeChat
Sections in file weechat.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Debug level, for core and plugins (options can be added/removed in section). |
Startup options. |
Look and feel. |
Color aliases (options can be added/removed in section). |
Colors. |
Completion options. |
History options (commands and buffers). |
Proxy options. |
Network/TLS options. |
Options on plugins. |
Options on signals. |
Bar options. |
Layouts. |
Properties auto-applied on buffers when they are opened. |
Notify levels for buffers (options can be added/removed in section). |
Filters. |
Keys in default context. |
Keys in search context. |
Keys in cursor context. |
Keys in mouse context. |
descrizione: text color for "+" when scrolling bars
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per la chat
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore di sfondo per la chat
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i nomi dei buffer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i nomi dei canali
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i messaggi mostrati al cambio di data
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i delimitatori
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il prefisso di notifica
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore di sfondo per il prefisso di notifica
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i nomi host
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per la chat quando la riga è inattiva (il buffer è unito con altri buffer e non è selezionato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per la chat quando la finestra è inattiva (nessuna finestra attiva selezionata)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for nicks in chat window: used in some server messages and as fallback when a nick color is not found; most of times nick color comes from option weechat.color.chat_nick_colors
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i nick (elenco separato da virgole di colori, quello di sfondo è consentito con il formato "fg:bg", ad esempio: "lightred:blue")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for offline nick (not in nicklist anymore); this color is used only if option weechat.look.color_nick_offline is enabled
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for offline nick with highlight; this color is used only if option weechat.look.color_nick_offline is enabled
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: background color for offline nick with highlight; this color is used only if option weechat.look.color_nick_offline is enabled
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per gli altri nick nel buffer privato
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per il prefisso del nick (stringa visualizzata prima del nick nel prefisso)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il nick locale nella finestra di chat
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per il prefisso del nick (stringa visualizzata dopo il nick nel prefisso)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il prefisso di azione
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il nome del buffer (prima del prefisso, quando più buffer sono uniti con lo stesso nome)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il nome del buffer inattivo (prima del prefisso, quando più buffer sono uniti con lo stesso numero e il buffer non è selezionato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il prefisso di errore
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il prefisso di entrata
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for "+" when prefix is too long
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il prefisso di rete
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il prefisso di uscita
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il suffisso (dopo il prefisso)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per l'evidenziatore di dati non letti
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore di sfondo per l'evidenziatore di dati non letti
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i nomi dei server
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for "disabled" status
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for "enabled" status
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i tago dopo i messaggi (mostrati con il comando /debug tags)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per l'evidenziatore sulle righe per il testo trovato
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore di sfondo per l'evidenziatore sulle righe per il testo trovato
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per l'orario nella finestra di chat
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i delimitator dell'orario
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i valori
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for null values (undefined)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for emphasized text (for example when searching text); this option is used only if option weechat.look.emphasized_attributes is an empty string (default value)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: background color for emphasized text (for example when searching text); used only if option weechat.look.emphasized_attributes is an empty string (default value)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for syntax highlighting in evaluated strings, with "${raw_hl:...}" and "${hl:...}" (comma separated list of colors, background is allowed with format: "fg:bg", for example: "lightred:blue")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per le azioni sulla riga di input
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per la ricerca del testo fallita nella riga di input
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for away item
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i nick assenti
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per i gruppi nella lista nick
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per i separatori delle finestre (quando divise) e dei separatori tra le barre (come la lista nick)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il conteggio dei messaggi di notifica nella hotlist (barra di stato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il conteggio dei messaggi nella hotlist (barra di stato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il conteggio di altri messaggi nella hotlist (barra di stato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il conteggio dei messaggi privati nella hotlist (barra di stato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il buffer con notifica (barra di stato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il buffer con nuovi messaggi (barra di stato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il buffer con nuovi dati (non messaggi) (barra di stato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il buffer con un messaggio privato (barra di stato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per l'indicatore di filtro nella barra di stato
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for buffer modes in status bar
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il buffer con nuovi dati (barra di stato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for mouse indicator in status bar
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il nome del buffer corrente nella barra di stato
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for current buffer name in status bar, if data are exchanged and not secured with a protocol like TLS
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for current buffer name in status bar, if data are exchanged and secured with a protocol like TLS
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for number of nicks in nicklist (status bar)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per il numero del buffer corrente nella barra di stato
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per l'ora (barra di stato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: se abilitata, la parola base da completare termina al carattere prima del cursore; altrimenti la parola base termina al primo spazio dopo il cursore
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: if enabled, the completion is case-sensitive by default
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: if enabled, the commands inside command line are completed (the command at beginning of line has higher priority and is used first); note: when this option is enabled, there is no more automatic completion of paths beginning with "/" (outside commands arguments)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: modello di completamento predefinito (per favore, consulta la documentazione per codici e valori del template: Referenze API per Plugin, funzione "weechat_hook_command")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: aggiungi uno spazio al completamento del nick (quando non è la prima parola sulla riga di comando)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: case-sensitive completion for nicks
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: stringa inserita dopo il completamento del nick (quando il nick è la prima parola sulla riga di comando)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
": "
descrizione: completa solo con il primo nick trovato
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: caratteri ignorati per il completamento dei nick
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of nicks to ignore (not completed); the whole nick must be set in this option even if chars are ignored in completion with option weechat.completion.nick_ignore_chars; look up for nicks is with exact case then lower case, so it's possible to use only lower case for nicks in this option
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: send alert (BEL) when a partial completion occurs
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: completa parzialmente i nomi dei comandi (arresta quando vengono trovati più comandi con le stesse lettere)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: completa parzialmente gli argomenti dei comandi (arresta quando vengono trovati più argomenti con lo stesso prefisso)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra contatore per ogni completamento parziale nella barra degli oggetti
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: completa parzialmente comandi esterni (arresta quando vengono trovate più parole che iniziano con le stesse lettere)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of templates for which partial completion is enabled by default (with Tab key instead of shift-Tab); the list of templates is in documentation: plugin API reference, function "weechat_hook_command"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: numero massimo predefinito di comandi da visualizzare nella cronologia (0 = nessun limite)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: maximum number of minutes in history per buffer (0 = unlimited); examples: 1440 = one day, 10080 = one week, 43200 = one month, 525600 = one year; use 0 ONLY if option weechat.history.max_buffer_lines_number is NOT set to 0
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: maximum number of lines in history per buffer (0 = unlimited); use 0 ONLY if option weechat.history.max_buffer_lines_minutes is NOT set to 0
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: maximum number of user commands in history (0 = unlimited, NOT RECOMMENDED: no limit in memory usage)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: numero massimo di buffer visitati da memorizzare
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 1000
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "backspace" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_previous_char"
descrizione: "ctrl-_" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input undo"
descrizione: "ctrl-a" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_beginning_of_line"
descrizione: "ctrl-b" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_previous_char"
descrizione: "ctrl-c,_" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input insert \x1F"
descrizione: "ctrl-c,b" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input insert \x02"
descrizione: "ctrl-c,c" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input insert \x03"
descrizione: "ctrl-c,d" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input insert \x04"
descrizione: "ctrl-c,i" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input insert \x1D"
descrizione: "ctrl-c,o" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input insert \x0F"
descrizione: "ctrl-c,v" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input insert \x16"
descrizione: "ctrl-d" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_next_char"
descrizione: "ctrl-down" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input history_global_next"
descrizione: "ctrl-e" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_end_of_line"
descrizione: "ctrl-f" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_next_char"
descrizione: "ctrl-f1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll buflist * -100%"
descrizione: "ctrl-f11" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll nicklist * -100%"
descrizione: "ctrl-f12" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll nicklist * +100%"
descrizione: "ctrl-f2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll buflist * +100%"
descrizione: "ctrl-k" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_end_of_line"
descrizione: "ctrl-l" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window refresh"
descrizione: "ctrl-left" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_previous_word"
descrizione: "ctrl-n" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer +1"
descrizione: "ctrl-o" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input history_use_get_next"
descrizione: "ctrl-p" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer -1"
descrizione: "ctrl-r" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_history"
descrizione: "ctrl-right" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_next_word"
descrizione: "ctrl-s" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_text_here"
descrizione: "ctrl-t" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input transpose_chars"
descrizione: "ctrl-u" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_beginning_of_line"
descrizione: "ctrl-up" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input history_global_previous"
descrizione: "ctrl-w" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_previous_word_whitespace"
descrizione: "ctrl-x" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer switch"
descrizione: "ctrl-y" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input clipboard_paste"
descrizione: "ctrl-z" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/sys suspend"
descrizione: "delete" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_next_char"
descrizione: "down" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input history_next"
descrizione: "end" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_end_of_line"
descrizione: "f1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll buflist * -100%"
descrizione: "f10" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll title * +30%"
descrizione: "f11" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll nicklist * -100%"
descrizione: "f12" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll nicklist * +100%"
descrizione: "f2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll buflist * +100%"
descrizione: "f5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer -1"
descrizione: "f6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer +1"
descrizione: "f7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window -1"
descrizione: "f8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window +1"
descrizione: "f9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll title * -30%"
descrizione: "home" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_beginning_of_line"
descrizione: "left" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_previous_char"
descrizione: "meta--" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/filter toggle @"
[[option_weechat.key.meta-/]] weechat.key.meta-/
descrizione: "meta-/" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer jump last_displayed"
descrizione: "meta-0" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *10"
descrizione: "meta-1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *1"
descrizione: "meta-2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *2"
descrizione: "meta-3" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *3"
descrizione: "meta-4" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *4"
descrizione: "meta-5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *5"
descrizione: "meta-6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *6"
descrizione: "meta-7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *7"
descrizione: "meta-8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *8"
descrizione: "meta-9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *9"
[[option_weechat.key.meta-<]] weechat.key.meta-<
descrizione: "meta-<" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer jump prev_visited"
[[option_weechat.key.meta-=]] weechat.key.meta-=
descrizione: "meta-=" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/filter toggle"
[[option_weechat.key.meta→]] weechat.key.meta->
descrizione: "meta->" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer jump next_visited"
descrizione: "meta-B" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buflist toggle"
descrizione: "meta-N" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar toggle nicklist"
descrizione: "meta-R" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_input"
descrizione: "meta-U" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/allbuf /buffer set unread"
descrizione: "meta-_" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input redo"
descrizione: "meta-a" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer jump smart"
descrizione: "meta-b" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_previous_word"
descrizione: "meta-backspace" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_previous_word"
descrizione: "meta-ctrl-k" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_end_of_input"
descrizione: "meta-ctrl-l" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/remote togglecmd"
descrizione: "meta-ctrl-u" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_beginning_of_input"
descrizione: "meta-d" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_next_word"
descrizione: "meta-down" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer +1"
descrizione: "meta-end" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window scroll_bottom"
descrizione: "meta-f" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_next_word"
descrizione: "meta-f1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll buflist * b"
descrizione: "meta-f11" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll nicklist * b"
descrizione: "meta-f12" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll nicklist * e"
descrizione: "meta-f2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll buflist * e"
descrizione: "meta-h,meta-R" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/hotlist restore -all"
descrizione: "meta-h,meta-c" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/hotlist clear"
descrizione: "meta-h,meta-m" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/hotlist remove"
descrizione: "meta-h,meta-r" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/hotlist restore"
descrizione: "meta-home" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window scroll_top"
descrizione: "meta-j,0,1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *1"
descrizione: "meta-j,0,2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *2"
descrizione: "meta-j,0,3" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *3"
descrizione: "meta-j,0,4" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *4"
descrizione: "meta-j,0,5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *5"
descrizione: "meta-j,0,6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *6"
descrizione: "meta-j,0,7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *7"
descrizione: "meta-j,0,8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *8"
descrizione: "meta-j,0,9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *9"
descrizione: "meta-j,1,0" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *10"
descrizione: "meta-j,1,1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *11"
descrizione: "meta-j,1,2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *12"
descrizione: "meta-j,1,3" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *13"
descrizione: "meta-j,1,4" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *14"
descrizione: "meta-j,1,5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *15"
descrizione: "meta-j,1,6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *16"
descrizione: "meta-j,1,7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *17"
descrizione: "meta-j,1,8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *18"
descrizione: "meta-j,1,9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *19"
descrizione: "meta-j,2,0" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *20"
descrizione: "meta-j,2,1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *21"
descrizione: "meta-j,2,2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *22"
descrizione: "meta-j,2,3" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *23"
descrizione: "meta-j,2,4" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *24"
descrizione: "meta-j,2,5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *25"
descrizione: "meta-j,2,6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *26"
descrizione: "meta-j,2,7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *27"
descrizione: "meta-j,2,8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *28"
descrizione: "meta-j,2,9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *29"
descrizione: "meta-j,3,0" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *30"
descrizione: "meta-j,3,1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *31"
descrizione: "meta-j,3,2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *32"
descrizione: "meta-j,3,3" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *33"
descrizione: "meta-j,3,4" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *34"
descrizione: "meta-j,3,5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *35"
descrizione: "meta-j,3,6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *36"
descrizione: "meta-j,3,7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *37"
descrizione: "meta-j,3,8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *38"
descrizione: "meta-j,3,9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *39"
descrizione: "meta-j,4,0" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *40"
descrizione: "meta-j,4,1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *41"
descrizione: "meta-j,4,2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *42"
descrizione: "meta-j,4,3" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *43"
descrizione: "meta-j,4,4" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *44"
descrizione: "meta-j,4,5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *45"
descrizione: "meta-j,4,6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *46"
descrizione: "meta-j,4,7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *47"
descrizione: "meta-j,4,8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *48"
descrizione: "meta-j,4,9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *49"
descrizione: "meta-j,5,0" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *50"
descrizione: "meta-j,5,1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *51"
descrizione: "meta-j,5,2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *52"
descrizione: "meta-j,5,3" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *53"
descrizione: "meta-j,5,4" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *54"
descrizione: "meta-j,5,5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *55"
descrizione: "meta-j,5,6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *56"
descrizione: "meta-j,5,7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *57"
descrizione: "meta-j,5,8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *58"
descrizione: "meta-j,5,9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *59"
descrizione: "meta-j,6,0" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *60"
descrizione: "meta-j,6,1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *61"
descrizione: "meta-j,6,2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *62"
descrizione: "meta-j,6,3" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *63"
descrizione: "meta-j,6,4" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *64"
descrizione: "meta-j,6,5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *65"
descrizione: "meta-j,6,6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *66"
descrizione: "meta-j,6,7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *67"
descrizione: "meta-j,6,8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *68"
descrizione: "meta-j,6,9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *69"
descrizione: "meta-j,7,0" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *70"
descrizione: "meta-j,7,1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *71"
descrizione: "meta-j,7,2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *72"
descrizione: "meta-j,7,3" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *73"
descrizione: "meta-j,7,4" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *74"
descrizione: "meta-j,7,5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *75"
descrizione: "meta-j,7,6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *76"
descrizione: "meta-j,7,7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *77"
descrizione: "meta-j,7,8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *78"
descrizione: "meta-j,7,9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *79"
descrizione: "meta-j,8,0" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *80"
descrizione: "meta-j,8,1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *81"
descrizione: "meta-j,8,2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *82"
descrizione: "meta-j,8,3" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *83"
descrizione: "meta-j,8,4" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *84"
descrizione: "meta-j,8,5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *85"
descrizione: "meta-j,8,6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *86"
descrizione: "meta-j,8,7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *87"
descrizione: "meta-j,8,8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *88"
descrizione: "meta-j,8,9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *89"
descrizione: "meta-j,9,0" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *90"
descrizione: "meta-j,9,1" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *91"
descrizione: "meta-j,9,2" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *92"
descrizione: "meta-j,9,3" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *93"
descrizione: "meta-j,9,4" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *94"
descrizione: "meta-j,9,5" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *95"
descrizione: "meta-j,9,6" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *96"
descrizione: "meta-j,9,7" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *97"
descrizione: "meta-j,9,8" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *98"
descrizione: "meta-j,9,9" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer *99"
descrizione: "meta-j,meta-f" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer -"
descrizione: "meta-j,meta-l" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer +"
descrizione: "meta-j,meta-r" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/server raw"
descrizione: "meta-j,meta-s" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/server jump"
descrizione: "meta-k" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input grab_key_command"
descrizione: "meta-l" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window bare"
descrizione: "meta-left" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer -1"
descrizione: "meta-m" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/mute mouse toggle"
descrizione: "meta-n" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window scroll_next_highlight"
descrizione: "meta-p" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window scroll_previous_highlight"
descrizione: "meta-pgdn" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window scroll_down"
descrizione: "meta-pgup" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window scroll_up"
descrizione: "meta-r" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input delete_line"
descrizione: "meta-return" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input insert \n"
descrizione: "meta-right" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer +1"
descrizione: "meta-s" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/mute spell toggle"
descrizione: "meta-u" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window scroll_unread"
descrizione: "meta-up" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer -1"
descrizione: "meta-w,meta-b" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window balance"
descrizione: "meta-w,meta-down" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window down"
descrizione: "meta-w,meta-left" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window left"
descrizione: "meta-w,meta-right" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window right"
descrizione: "meta-w,meta-s" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window swap"
descrizione: "meta-w,meta-up" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window up"
descrizione: "meta-x" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/buffer zoom"
descrizione: "meta-z" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window zoom"
descrizione: "pgdn" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window page_down"
descrizione: "pgup" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window page_up"
descrizione: "return" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input return"
descrizione: "right" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_next_char"
descrizione: "shift-down" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_next_line"
descrizione: "shift-end" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_end_of_input"
descrizione: "shift-home" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_beginning_of_input"
descrizione: "shift-left" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_previous_char"
descrizione: "shift-right" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_next_char"
descrizione: "shift-tab" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input complete_previous"
descrizione: "shift-up" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input move_previous_line"
descrizione: "tab" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input complete_next"
descrizione: "up" (default)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input history_previous"
descrizione: "@chat:Q" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"hsignal:chat_quote_time_prefix_message;/cursor stop"
descrizione: "@chat:l" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"hsignal:chat_quote_focused_line;/cursor stop"
descrizione: "@chat:m" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"hsignal:chat_quote_message;/cursor stop"
descrizione: "@chat:q" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"hsignal:chat_quote_prefix_message;/cursor stop"
descrizione: "@item(buffer_nicklist):K" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/kickban ${nick}"
descrizione: "@item(buffer_nicklist):b" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/ban ${nick}"
descrizione: "@item(buffer_nicklist):k" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/kick ${nick}"
descrizione: "@item(buffer_nicklist):q" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/query ${nick};/cursor stop"
descrizione: "@item(buffer_nicklist):w" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/whois ${nick}"
descrizione: "down" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move down"
descrizione: "left" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move left"
descrizione: "meta-down" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move edge_bottom"
descrizione: "meta-end" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move bottom_right"
descrizione: "meta-home" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move top_left"
descrizione: "meta-left" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move edge_left"
descrizione: "meta-right" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move edge_right"
descrizione: "meta-shift-down" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move area_down"
descrizione: "meta-shift-left" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move area_left"
descrizione: "meta-shift-right" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move area_right"
descrizione: "meta-shift-up" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move area_up"
descrizione: "meta-up" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move edge_top"
descrizione: "return" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor stop"
descrizione: "right" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move right"
descrizione: "up" (cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor move up"
descrizione: "ctrl-o" (histsearch)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input history_use_get_next"
descrizione: "ctrl-q" (histsearch)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_stop"
descrizione: "ctrl-r" (histsearch)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_previous"
descrizione: "ctrl-s" (histsearch)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_next"
descrizione: "ctrl-x" (histsearch)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_switch_regex"
descrizione: "down" (histsearch)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_next"
descrizione: "meta-c" (histsearch)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_switch_case"
descrizione: "return" (histsearch)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_stop_here"
descrizione: "tab" (histsearch)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_switch_where"
descrizione: "up" (histsearch)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_previous"
descrizione: "@*:button3" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/cursor go ${_x},${_y}"
descrizione: "@bar(buflist):ctrl-wheeldown" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@bar(buflist):ctrl-wheelup" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@bar(input):button2" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input grab_mouse_area"
descrizione: "@bar(nicklist):button1-gesture-down" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll nicklist ${_window_number} +100%"
descrizione: "@bar(nicklist):button1-gesture-down-long" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll nicklist ${_window_number} e"
descrizione: "@bar(nicklist):button1-gesture-up" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll nicklist ${_window_number} -100%"
descrizione: "@bar(nicklist):button1-gesture-up-long" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll nicklist ${_window_number} b"
descrizione: "@bar:wheeldown" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll ${_bar_name} ${_window_number} +20%"
descrizione: "@bar:wheelup" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/bar scroll ${_bar_name} ${_window_number} -20%"
descrizione: "@chat(fset.fset):button1" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/fset -go ${fset_option_index}"
descrizione: "@chat(fset.fset):button2*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@chat(fset.fset):wheeldown" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/fset -down 5"
descrizione: "@chat(fset.fset):wheelup" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/fset -up 5"
descrizione: "@chat(irc.list_*):button1" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/list -go ${_chat_line_y}"
descrizione: "@chat(irc.list_*):button2*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@chat(irc.list_*):wheeldown" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/list -down 5"
descrizione: "@chat(irc.list_*):wheelup" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/list -up 5"
descrizione: "@chat(script.scripts):button1" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/script -go ${_chat_line_y}"
descrizione: "@chat(script.scripts):button2" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/script -go ${_chat_line_y};/script installremove -q ${script_name_with_extension}"
descrizione: "@chat(script.scripts):wheeldown" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/script -down 5"
descrizione: "@chat(script.scripts):wheelup" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/script -up 5"
descrizione: "@chat:button1" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number}"
descrizione: "@chat:button1-gesture-left" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/buffer -1"
descrizione: "@chat:button1-gesture-left-long" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/buffer 1"
descrizione: "@chat:button1-gesture-right" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1"
descrizione: "@chat:button1-gesture-right-long" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/buffer +"
descrizione: "@chat:ctrl-wheeldown" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} +10%"
descrizione: "@chat:ctrl-wheelup" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} -10%"
descrizione: "@chat:wheeldown" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window scroll_down -window ${_window_number}"
descrizione: "@chat:wheelup" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window scroll_up -window ${_window_number}"
descrizione: "@item(buffer_nicklist):button1" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/query ${nick}"
descrizione: "@item(buffer_nicklist):button1-gesture-left" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/kick ${nick}"
descrizione: "@item(buffer_nicklist):button1-gesture-left-long" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/kickban ${nick}"
descrizione: "@item(buffer_nicklist):button2" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/whois ${nick}"
descrizione: "@item(buffer_nicklist):button2-gesture-left" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/window ${_window_number};/ban ${nick}"
descrizione: "@item(buflist):button1*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@item(buflist):button2*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@item(buflist2):button1*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@item(buflist2):button2*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@item(buflist3):button1*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@item(buflist3):button2*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@item(buflist4):button1*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@item(buflist4):button2*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@item(buflist5):button1*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "@item(buflist5):button2*" (mouse)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: "ctrl-q" (search)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_stop"
descrizione: "ctrl-r" (search)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_previous"
descrizione: "ctrl-s" (search)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_next"
descrizione: "ctrl-x" (search)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_switch_regex"
descrizione: "down" (search)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_next"
descrizione: "meta-c" (search)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_switch_case"
descrizione: "return" (search)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_stop_here"
descrizione: "tab" (search)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_switch_where"
descrizione: "up" (search)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/input search_previous"
descrizione: allineamento per la fine delle righe (tutte le righe tranne la prima): iniziano al di sotto di questi dati (data, buffer, prefissio, suffisso, messaggio (predefinito))
tipo: enum
valori: time, buffer, prefix, suffix, message
valore predefinito:
descrizione: alignment for multiline words according to option weechat.look.align_end_of_lines; if disabled, the multiline words will not be aligned, which can be useful to not break long URLs
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: stringa visualizzata quando si può effettuare lo scroll della barra il basso (per le barre che hanno il riempimento "horizontal")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: stringa visualizzata quando si può effettuare lo scroll della barra verso sinistra (per le barre che hanno il riempimento "horizontal")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: stringa visualizzata quando si può effettuare lo scroll della barra verso destra (per le barre che hanno il riempimento "horizontal")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: stringa visualizzata quando si può effettuare lo scroll della barra verso l'alto (per le barre che hanno il riempimento "horizontal")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: exit the bare display mode on any changes in input
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: time format in bare display mode (see API man strftime for date/time specifiers, extra specifiers are supported, see function util_strftimeval in Plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: automatically renumber buffers to have only consecutive numbers and start with number 1; if disabled, gaps between buffer numbers are allowed and the first buffer can have a number greater than 1
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: livello predefinito di notifica per i buffer (usato per comunicare a WeeChat se il buffer deve essere visualizzato nella hotlist oppure no, a seconda dell'importanza del messaggio): all: tutti i messaggi (predefinito), message=messaggi+notifiche, highlight=solo notifiche, none=non viene mai visualizzato nella hotlist
tipo: enum
valori: none, highlight, message, all
valore predefinito:
descrizione: position of a new buffer: end = after the end of list (number = last number + 1) (default), first_gap = at first available number in the list (after the end of list if no number is available); this option is used only if the buffer has no layout number
tipo: enum
valori: end, first_gap
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default text search in buffer: case-sensitive or not
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: force default values for text search in buffer (instead of using values from last search in buffer)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default text search command line history: local (buffer) or global history
tipo: enum
valori: local, global
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default text search in buffer: if enabled, search POSIX extended regular expression, otherwise search simple string
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default text search in buffer: in message, prefix, prefix and message
tipo: enum
valori: prefix, message, prefix_message
valore predefinito:
descrizione: time format for each line displayed in buffers (see man strftime for date/time specifiers, extra specifiers are supported, see function util_strftimeval in Plugin API reference) (note: content is evaluated, so you can use colors with format "${color:xxx}", see /help eval); variable "${highlight}" can be used in a condition to have a format specific to lines with highlight (see also option weechat.look.highlight_prefix); for example time using grayscale: "${color:252}%H${color:243}%M${color:237}%S", the same with milliseconds: "${color:252}%H${color:243}%M${color:237}%S.%.3", red background in case of highlight: "${if:${highlight}?${color:,red}}%H:%M:%S", red background in case of highlight with grayscale: ${if:${highlight}?${color:yellow,124}%H${color:187}%M${color:181}%S.%.3:${color:252}%H${color:243}%M${color:237}%S.%.3}
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: time displayed for a message with same time as previous message: use a space " " to hide time, another string to display this string instead of time, or an empty string to disable feature (display time) (note: content is evaluated, so you can use colors with format "${color:xxx}", see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: keep a space on the right side of chat area if there is a bar displayed on the right (for both text and read marker)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: forza l'attributo "bold" per i colori chiari e "darkgray" nei colori di base (questa opzione è disabilitata per default: il grassetto è usato solo se il terminale ha meno di 16 colori)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa un colore diverso per le righe nel buffer inattivo (quando la riga viene da un buffer unito non selezionato)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa un colore diverso per un messaggio inattivo (quando la finestra non è quella corrente, o se la riga viene da un buffer unito non selezionato)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa un colore diverso per il prefisso inattivo (quando la finestra non è quella corrente, o se la riga viene da un buffer unito non selezionato)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa un colore diverso per il nome del buffer inattivo nel prefisso (quando la finestra non è quella corrente, o se la riga viene da un buffer unito non selezionato)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa un colore diverso per il tempo di inattività (quando la finestra non è quella corrente, o se la riga viene da un buffer unito non selezionato)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa un colore diverso per le righe nella finestra inattiva (quando la finestra non è quella corrente)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use a different color for offline nicks (not in nicklist anymore)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: ripristina automaticamente la tabella delle coppie colore quando il numero di coppie disponibili è minore o uguale a questo numero (-1 = disabilita il ripristino automatico, dunque è necessario "/color reset" quando la tabella è al completo)
tipo: intero
valori: -1 .. 256
valore predefinito:
descrizione: se impostato, usa il colore bianco reale, disabilitato sui terminali con lo sfondo bianco (se non usato, l'opzione dovrebbe essere attivata per visualizzare il bianco reale invece del colore di primo piano predefinito del terminale)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: caratteri usati per determinare se la stringa in input è un comando oppure no: l'input deve iniziare con uno di questi caratteri: la barra ("/") è sempre considerata come prefisso per comando (esempio: ".$")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: if set, incomplete and unambiguous commands are allowed, for example /he for /help
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: permissions for configuration files (*.conf), as octal value (see man chmod); it must be a number with 3 digits, each digit can be 0 (no permissions), 2 (write only), 4 (read only) or 6 (read and write); the first digit must be 6 so that the user can read and write the file; by default configuration files can be read and written by the user only, for security reasons; for example 660 = "rw-rw-r--" = file readable and writable by the user and members of the group
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: se impostata, il comando /quit deve essere confermato con l'argomento extra "-yes" (consultare /help quit)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: if set, /upgrade command must be confirmed with extra argument "-yes" (see /help upgrade)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra un messaggio speciale al cambio di data
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: message displayed when the day has changed, with one date displayed (for example at beginning of buffer) (see man strftime for date/time specifiers) (note: content is evaluated, so you can use colors with format "${color:xxx}", see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"-- %a, %d %b %Y --"
descrizione: message displayed when the day has changed, with two dates displayed (between two messages); the second date specifiers must start with two "%" because strftime is called two times on this string (see man strftime for date/time specifiers) (note: content is evaluated, so you can use colors with format "${color:xxx}", see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"-- %%a, %%d %%b %%Y (%a, %d %b %Y) --"
descrizione: se attivo, eat_newline_glitch verrà impostato a 0; viene usato per non aggiungere il carattere a capo alla fine di ogni riga, al fine di non danneggiare il testo quando viene copiato/incollato da WeeChat in un'altra applicazione (l'opzione è disabilitata per default, dato che può causare seri errori di visualizzazione)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: attributes for emphasized text: one or more attribute chars ("%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline); if the string is empty, the colors weechat.color.emphasized* are used
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of words to highlight; case-insensitive comparison (use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case-sensitive), words may begin or end with "*" for partial match; example: "test,(?-i)*toto*,flash*"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: POSIX extended regular expression used to prevent any highlight from a message: this option has higher priority over other highlight options (if the string is found in the message, the highlight is disabled and the other options are ignored), regular expression is case-insensitive (use "(?-i)" at beginning to make it case-sensitive), examples: "
", "(?-i) " -
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use a specific color for prefix of line in case of highlight (see also option weechat.look.buffer_time_format)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: POSIX extended regular expression used to check if a message has highlight or not, at least one match in string must be surrounded by delimiters (chars different from: alphanumeric, "-", "_" and "|"), regular expression is case-insensitive (use "(?-i)" at beginning to make it case-sensitive), examples: "flashcode|flashy", "(?-i)FlashCode|flashy"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of tags to highlight; case-insensitive comparison; wildcard "*" is allowed in each tag; many tags can be separated by "+" to make a logical "and" between tags; examples: "nick_flashcode" for messages from nick "FlashCode", "irc_notice+nick_toto*" for notices from a nick starting with "toto"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: conditions to add a buffer in hotlist (if notify level is OK for the buffer); you can use in these conditions: "window" (current window pointer), "buffer" (buffer pointer to add in hotlist), "priority" (0 = low, 1 = message, 2 = private, 3 = highlight); by default a buffer is added to hotlist if you are away, or if the buffer is not visible on screen (not displayed in any window), or if at least one relay client is connected via the weechat protocol
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"${away} || ${buffer.num_displayed} == 0 || ${info:relay_client_count,weechat,connected} > 0"
descrizione: stringa mostrata tra i buffer nella hotlist
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
", "
descrizione: max number of messages count to display in hotlist for a buffer: 0 = never display messages count, other number = display max N messages count (from the highest to lowest priority)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 4
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra il conteggio dei messaggi se il numero di messaggi è maggiore o uguale a questo valore
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 100
valore predefinito:
descrizione: numero massimo di nomi nella hotlist (0 = nessun nome visualizzato, solo numeri dei buffer)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 10000
valore predefinito:
descrizione: lunghezza massima dei nomi nella hotlist (0 = nessun limite)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 32
valore predefinito:
descrizione: livello per la visualizzazione dei nomi nella hotlist (combinazione di: 1=entrata/uscita, 2=messaggio, 4=privato, 8=notifica, per esempio: 12=privato+notifica)
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 15
valore predefinito:
descrizione: se impostato, forza la visualizzazione dei nomi nella hotlist per i buffer uniti
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: testo mostrato in cima alla hotlist
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"H: "
descrizione: remove buffers in hotlist: buffer = remove buffer by buffer, merged = remove all visible merged buffers at once
tipo: enum
valori: buffer, merged
valore predefinito:
descrizione: if set, uses short names to display buffer names in hotlist (start after first "." in name)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of fields to sort hotlist; each field is a hdata variable of hotlist ("var") or a hdata variable of buffer ("buffer.var"); char "-" can be used before field to reverse order, char "~" can be used to do a case-insensitive comparison; examples: "-priority,buffer.number" for sort on hotlist priority then by buffer number, "-~buffer.full_name" for case-insensitive and reverse sort on buffer full name
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: testo mostrato in fondo alla hotlist
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mantiene solo numeri univoci nella hotlist (vale solo per gli elementi della hotlist per cui il nome NON viene visualizzato dopo il numero)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: update the hotlist when switching buffers
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: numero di caratteri mostrati dopo la fine della riga di input quando si scorre per mostrare la fine riga
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 100
valore predefinito:
descrizione: start the input text on a new line when the input contains multiple lines, so that the start of the lines align
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: condivide comandi, testo o entrambi nell'input per tutti i buffer (resta tuttavia la cronologia locale per ogni buffer)
tipo: enum
valori: none, commands, text, all
valore predefinito:
descrizione: se impostato e con l'input condiviso, sovrascrive sempre l'input nel buffer di destinazione
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: numero massimo di righe nella cronologia per buffer (0 = nessun limite)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 65535
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra il messaggio di assenza del server nell'elemento barra di away
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: stringa usata per mostrare che alcune righe sono state filtrate nel buffer corrente (elemento barra "buffer_filter")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: string used to show zoom on merged buffer (bar item "buffer_zoom")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: string used to show if mouse is enabled (bar item "mouse_status")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: time format for "time" bar item (see man strftime for date/time specifiers) (note: content is evaluated, so you can use colors with format "${color:xxx}", see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: passa al buffer visualizzato in precedenza al passaggio del numero di buffer corrente con /buffer *N (dove N è un numero di buffer), per passare facilmente ad un altro buffer, e poi tornare a quello attuale
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: passa al buffer visitato in precedenza alla chiusura di un buffer (se disabilitato, allora passa al buffer numero -1)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: torna al buffer iniziale dopo aver raggiunto la fine della hotlist
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: consente solo l'associazione di tasti "sicuri" (che iniziano con ctrl o alt)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default delay (in milliseconds) to grab a key (using default key alt-k); this delay can be overridden in the /input command (see /help input)
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 10000
valore predefinito:
descrizione: abilita il supporto del mouse
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: force color for some nicks: hash computed with nickname to find color will not be used for these nicks (format is: "nick1:color1;nick2:color2"); look up for nicks is with exact case then lower case, so it's possible to use only lower case for nicks in this option; color can include background with the format "text,background", for example "yellow,red"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: hash algorithm used to find the color for a nick: djb2 = variant of djb2 (position of letters matters: anagrams of a nick have different color), djb2_32 = variant of djb2 using 32-bit instead of 64-bit integer, sum = sum of letters, sum_32 = sum of letters using 32-bit instead of 64-bit integer
tipo: enum
valori: djb2, sum, djb2_32, sum_32
valore predefinito:
descrizione: salt for the hash algorithm used to find nick colors (the nickname is appended to this salt and the hash algorithm operates on this string); modifying this shuffles nick colors
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: chars used to stop in nick when computing color with letters of nick (at least one char outside this list must be in string before stopping) (example: nick "|nick|away" with "|" in chars will return color of nick "|nick"); this option has an impact on option weechat.look.nick_color_force, so the nick for the forced color must not contain the chars ignored by this option
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: testo da visualizzare prima del nick nel prefisso del messaggio, esempio: "<"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: testo da visualizzare dopo il nick nel prefisso del messaggio, esempio: ">"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: abilita la modalità "bracketed paste" per il terminale (non supportata da tutti i terminali/multiplexer): in questa modalità, il testo incollato viene racchiuso da sequenze di controllo in modo che WeeChat possa differenziare il testo incollato dal testo digitato ("ESC[200~", seguito dal testo incollato, seguito da "ESC[201~")
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: forza la fine della modalità "bracketed paste" dopo questo ritardo (in secondi) se la sequenza di controllo per la fine del "bracketed paste" ("ESC[201~") non è stata ricevuta in tempo
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 60
valore predefinito:
descrizione: max number of lines for paste without asking user (-1 = disable this feature); this option is used only if the bar item "input_paste" is used in at least one bar (by default it is used in "input" bar)
tipo: intero
valori: -1 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: prefix for action messages (note: content is evaluated, so you can use colors with format "${color:xxx}", see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
" *"
descrizione: allineamento prefisso (none, left, right (predefinito))
tipo: enum
valori: none, left, right
valore predefinito:
descrizione: dimensione massima prefisso (0 = nessuna dimensione massima)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 128
valore predefinito:
descrizione: dimensione minima per il prefisso
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 128
valore predefinito:
descrizione: carattere da mostrare se il prefisso è troncato (deve essere esattamente un carattere sullo schermo)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display the truncature char (by default "+") after the text (by replacing the space that should be displayed here); if disabled, the truncature char replaces last char of text
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: prefisso di allineamento per il nome del buffer, quando più buffer vengono uniti con lo stesso numero (none (nessuno), left(sinistra), right(destra - predefinito)
tipo: enum
valori: none, left, right
valore predefinito:
descrizione: allineamento del prefisso per nome buffer, quando più buffer sono uniti con lo stesso numero (0 = nessuna dimensione massima)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 128
valore predefinito:
descrizione: carattere da mostrare se il nome del buffer è troncato (quando più buffer vengono uniti con lo stesso numero) (deve essere esattamente un carattere su schermo)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display the truncature char (by default "+") after the text (by replacing the space that should be displayed here); if disabled, the truncature char replaces last char of text
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: prefisso per i messaggi di errore (nota: il contenuto viene valutato, per cui è possibile usare colori con il formato "${color:xxx}", consultare /help eval
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: prefix for join messages (note: content is evaluated, so you can use colors with format "${color:xxx}", see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: prefix for network messages (note: content is evaluated, so you can use colors with format "${color:xxx}", see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: prefix for quit messages (note: content is evaluated, so you can use colors with format "${color:xxx}", see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: prefix displayed for a message with same nick as previous but not next message: use a space " " to hide prefix, another string to display this string instead of prefix, or an empty string to disable feature (display prefix)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: prefix displayed for a message with same nick as previous and next message: use a space " " to hide prefix, another string to display this string instead of prefix, or an empty string to disable feature (display prefix)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: stringa visualizzata dopo il prefisso
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text to display before nick when quoting a message (see /help cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text to display after nick when quoting a message (see /help cursor)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: time format when quoting a message (see /help cursor) (see man strftime for date/time specifiers, extra specifiers are supported, see function util_strftimeval in Plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa segnalibro (riga o carattere) sui buffer per mostrare la prima riga non letta
tipo: enum
valori: none, line, char
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra sempre il segnalibro, anche se si trova dopo l'ultima riga del buffer
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: stringa usata per tracciare il segnalibro (la stringa viene ripetuta fino a fine riga)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"- "
descrizione: update the read marker when switching buffers
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: salva file di configurazione all'uscita
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use fsync to synchronize the configuration file with the storage device (see man fsync); this is slower but should prevent any data loss in case of power failure during the save of configuration file
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: save layout on exit (buffers, windows, or both)
tipo: enum
valori: none, buffers, windows, all
valore predefinito:
descrizione: le righe da scorrere con scroll_up e scroll_down
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: scorri verso il fondo della finestra dopo essere passati ad un altro buffer non ricordare la posizione di scorrimento nelle finestre); lo scorrimento viene eseguito solo per i buffer con contenuto formattato (contenuto non libero)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: percentuale della schermata da scorrere in alto o in basso (per esempio 100 indica una pagina intera, 50 metà)
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 100
valore predefinito:
descrizione: avvisa l'utente quando il testo cercato non viene trovato nel buffer
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: char used to draw horizontal separators around bars and windows (empty value will draw a real line with ncurses, but may cause bugs with URL selection under some terminals); width on screen must be exactly one char
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: char used to draw vertical separators around bars and windows (empty value will draw a real line with ncurses); width on screen must be exactly one char
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: first char to display for tabulations when whitespace mode is enabled with command `/debug whitespace`; width on screen must be exactly one char; subsequent chars are set by option weechat.look.whitespace_char
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: number of spaces used to display tabs in messages
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 64
valore predefinito:
descrizione: formato dell'ora per le date convertite in stringhe e mostrate nei messaggi(consultare man strftime per i dettagli su data/ora)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"%a, %d %b %Y %T"
descrizione: char to display for spaces when whitespace mode is enabled with command `/debug whitespace`; width on screen must be exactly one char; see also option weechat.look.tab_whitespace_char
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: automatically zoom on current window if the terminal becomes too small to display all windows (use alt-z to unzoom windows when the terminal is big enough)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra un separatore orizzontale tra le finestre
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra un separatore verticale tra le finestre
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: title for window (terminal for Curses GUI), set on startup; an empty string will keep title unchanged (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval); example: "WeeChat ${info:version}"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of chars (or range of chars) that are considered part of words for highlights; each item can be a single char, a range of chars (format: a-z), a class of wide character (for example "alnum", see man wctype); a "!" before the item makes it negative (ie the char is NOT considered part of words); the value "*" matches any char; unicode chars are allowed with the format \u1234, for example \u00A0 for unbreakable space (see /help print for supported formats)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of chars (or range of chars) that are considered part of words for command line; each item can be a single char, a range of chars (format: a-z), a class of wide character (for example "alnum", see man wctype); a "!" before the item makes it negative (ie the char is NOT considered part of words); the value "*" matches any char; unicode chars are allowed with the format \u1234, for example \u00A0 for unbreakable space (see /help print for supported formats)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: timeout (in secondi) per la connessione ad un host remoto (eseguita in un processo figlio)
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: load system's default trusted certificate authorities on startup; this can be turned off to save some memory only if you are not using TLS connections at all
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: extra file(s) with certificate authorities; multiple files must be separated by colons (each path is evaluated, see function string_eval_path_home in plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: timeout (in secondi) per l'handshake di gnutls
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: name of proxy used for download of URLs with Curl (used to download list of scripts and in scripts calling function hook_process); the proxy must be defined with command /proxy
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of plugins to load automatically at startup, "*" means all plugins found, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent a plugin from being loaded, wildcard "*" is allowed in names (examples: "*" or "*,!lua,!tcl")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: elenco separato da virgole di estensioni dei nomi file per i plugin
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: path for searching plugins (path is evaluated, see function string_eval_path_home in plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: salva i file di configurazione allo scaricamento dei plugin
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: command to execute when the signal is received, multiple commands can be separated by semicolons (note: commands are evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"${if:${info:weechat_headless}?/reload:/quit -yes}"
descrizione: command to execute when the signal is received, multiple commands can be separated by semicolons (note: commands are evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/quit -yes"
descrizione: command to execute when the signal is received, multiple commands can be separated by semicolons (note: commands are evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"/quit -yes"
descrizione: command to execute when the signal is received, multiple commands can be separated by semicolons (note: commands are evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: command to execute when the signal is received, multiple commands can be separated by semicolons (note: commands are evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: command executed when WeeChat starts, after loading plugins; multiple commands can be separated by semicolons (note: commands are evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: command executed when WeeChat starts, before loading plugins; multiple commands can be separated by semicolons (note: commands are evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra il logo di WeeChat all'avvio
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra la versione di WeeChat all'avvio
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: imposta limite delle risorse per il processo WeeChat, il formato è: "res1:limit1,res2,limit2"; il nome della risorsa è il componente finale della costante (RLIMIT_XXX) in caratteri minuscoli (consultare man setrlimit per i valori); il limite -1 vuol dire "illimitato"; esempio: imposta dimensione illimitata per il file core e 1GB massimo di memoria virtuale: "core:-1,as:1000000000"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
8. IRC
Il plugin IRC è realizzato per chattare tramite protocollo IRC con altre persone.
È multi-server, ed offre tutti i comandi IRC supportati inclusi la chat DCC ed il trasferimento file (tramite plugin xfer, consultare plugin Xfer).
8.1. Opzioni a riga di comando
È possibile fornire un URL per uno o più server IRC, come segue:
Esempio per entrare in #weechat e #weechat-fr sul server, porta predefinita (6667), con il nick alice:
weechat irc://,#weechat-fr
8.2. Servers
Add a server
By default no servers are defined. You can add as many servers as you want with the /server command.
For example to connect to ↗:
/server add libera
Default port is 6697 and TLS (encrypted traffic) is enabled. |
You can tell WeeChat to auto-connect to this server on startup:
/set irc.server.libera.autoconnect on
To authenticate, it is recommended to use SASL (if supported on the server), with the password stored as secured data (see also chapter on SASL authentication):
/set irc.server.libera.sasl_username "alice" /secure set libera xxxxxxx /set irc.server.libera.sasl_password "${}"
If SASL is not supported, you can use a command to send a message to nickserv:
/set irc.server.libera.command "/msg nickserv identify ${}"
By sending a message to nickserv, you may authenticate after joining channels
which could be a problem on some channels requiring you to be authenticated
to join. In this case, you can set a command delay:
/set irc.server.libera.command_delay 5 .
Server options
Server options are named irc.server.<server>.<option>
where <server>
is the
internal name of the server and <option>
the name of an option.
The value of a server option is inherited from
if the server option has the special value null
For example if you created the libera server with the commands above, you’ll
see this with the command /fset libera
irc.server.libera.addresses stringa "" irc.server.libera.anti_flood intero null -> 2000 irc.server.libera.autoconnect bool on irc.server.libera.autojoin stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.autojoin_delay intero null -> 0 irc.server.libera.autojoin_dynamic bool null -> off irc.server.libera.autoreconnect bool null -> on irc.server.libera.autoreconnect_delay intero null -> 10 irc.server.libera.autorejoin bool null -> off irc.server.libera.autorejoin_delay intero null -> 30 irc.server.libera.away_check intero null -> 0 irc.server.libera.away_check_max_nicks intero null -> 25 irc.server.libera.capabilities stringa null -> "*" irc.server.libera.charset_message enum null -> message irc.server.libera.command stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.command_delay intero null -> 0 irc.server.libera.connection_timeout intero null -> 60 irc.server.libera.default_chantypes stringa null -> "#&" irc.server.libera.ipv6 enum null -> auto irc.server.libera.local_hostname stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.msg_kick stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.msg_part stringa null -> "WeeChat ${info:version}" irc.server.libera.msg_quit stringa null -> "WeeChat ${info:version}" irc.server.libera.nicks stringa null -> "${username},${username}2,${username}3,${username}4,${username}5" irc.server.libera.nicks_alternate bool null -> on irc.server.libera.notify stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.password stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.proxy stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.realname stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.registered_mode stringa null -> "r" irc.server.libera.sasl_fail enum null -> reconnect irc.server.libera.sasl_key stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.sasl_mechanism enum null -> plain irc.server.libera.sasl_password stringa "${}" irc.server.libera.sasl_timeout intero null -> 15 irc.server.libera.sasl_username stringa "alice" irc.server.libera.split_msg_max_length intero null -> 512 irc.server.libera.tls bool null -> on irc.server.libera.tls_cert stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.tls_dhkey_size intero null -> 2048 irc.server.libera.tls_fingerprint stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.tls_password stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.tls_priorities stringa null -> "NORMAL" irc.server.libera.tls_verify bool null -> on irc.server.libera.usermode stringa null -> "" irc.server.libera.username stringa null -> "${username}"
For example if you want to automatically connect to all servers you define without having to do it on each server, you can do:
/set irc.server_default.autoconnect on
And then you can reset the server option so that it uses the default inherited
value, which is now on
instead of the default value off
/unset irc.server.libera.autoconnect
Certificati TLS
Al momento della connessione al server IRC con TLS, WeeChat verifica in maniera predefinita che la connessione sia completamente fidata.
Esistono alcune opzioni per controllare la connessione TLS:
load system’s default trusted certificate authorities on startup
extra file(s) with certificate authorities
file del certificato TLS usato per identificare automaticamente il proprio nick ad esempio CertFP su oftc (a seguire)
dimensione della chiave usata durante lo Scambio Chiavi Diffie-Hellman (predefinita; 2048)
verifica che la connessione TLS sia totalmente fidata (opzione attivata in maniera predefinita)
L’opzione "tls_verify" è attivata per default, in questo modo la verifica è rigorosa e potrebbe fallire, anche se funziona senza problemi con versioni precedenti la 0.3.1. |
Primo esempio: connessione a otfc e verifica del certificato
Importare certificati nella shell:
mkdir -p ~/.config/weechat/tls
wget -O ~/.config/weechat/tls/CAs.pem
You must replace ~/.config/weechat by the path to your WeeChat config directory
which can also be for example ~/.weechat .
E possibile concatenare più certificati nel file CAs.pem. |
In WeeChat, with "oftc" server already added:
/connect oftc
Secondo esempio: connessione a otfc con CertFP
Creare un certificato nella shell:
mkdir -p ~/.config/weechat/tls
cd ~/.config/weechat/tls
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout nick.pem -x509 -days 365 -out nick.pem
You must replace ~/.config/weechat by the path to your WeeChat config directory
which can also be for example ~/.weechat .
In WeeChat, with "oftc" server already added:
/set irc.server.oftc.tls_cert "${weechat_config_dir}/tls/nick.pem" /connect oftc /msg nickserv cert add
For more information, please look at this page ↗.
Autenticazione SASL
WeeChat supports SASL authentication, using different mechanisms:
plain: password in chiaro (default)
scram-sha-1: SCRAM with SHA-1 digest algorithm
scram-sha-256: SCRAM with SHA-256 digest algorithm
scram-sha-512: SCRAM with SHA-512 digest algorithm
ecdsa-nist256p-challenge: challenge with public/private key
external: certificato TLS da lato client
Le opzioni nel server sono:
sasl_mechanism: meccanismo da usare (see above)
sasl_timeout: timeout (in secondi) per l’autenticazione
sasl_fail: action to perform if authentication fails
sasl_username: nome utente (nick)
sasl_password: password
sasl_key: file with ECc private key (for mechanism ecdsa-nist256p-challenge)
You must generate a private key in order to authentify with the ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE mechanism (no password is required on connection).
You can generate the key with this command:
openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out ~/.config/weechat/ecdsa.pem
You must replace ~/.config/weechat by the path to your WeeChat config directory
which can also be for example ~/.weechat .
Get the public key (encoded as base64) with this command:
openssl ec -noout -text -conv_form compressed -in ~/.config/weechat/ecdsa.pem | grep '^pub:' -A 3 | tail -n 3 | tr -d ' \n:' | xxd -r -p | base64
Connect to the server, identify (for example with "nickserv identify") and set your public key in your account, using nickserv (replace the base64 value with your public key):
/connect libera /msg nickserv identify your_password /msg nickserv set pubkey Av8k1FOGetUDq7sPMBfufSIZ5c2I/QYWgiwHtNXkVe/q
Configure the SASL options in the server:
/set irc.server.libera.sasl_mechanism ecdsa-nist256p-challenge /set irc.server.libera.sasl_username "your_nickname" /set irc.server.libera.sasl_key "${weechat_config_dir}/ecdsa.pem"
Reconnect to the server:
/reconnect libera
You can connect to server with the /connect command:
/connect libera
To disconnect:
/disconnect libera
Or just this if you are on any buffer belonging to libera server (server, channel, private):
When you connect to multiple servers at same time, server buffers are merged
by default and you can switch between them with the Ctrl+x key.
It is possible to disable auto merge of server buffers to have independent
server buffers:
/set irc.look.server_buffer independent
Connect with Tor and SASL
Some servers support connections with Tor ↗, a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet.
Il primo passo consiste nell’installare Tor. Per Debian (e derivate):
sudo apt-get install tor
In WeeChat è necessario creare un proxy socks5 per il servizio Tor (nome host/IP e porta dipendono dalla propria configurazione di Tor):
/proxy add tor socks5 9050
Now, add a new server (replace server name "irc-tor" and the address by a valid one):
/server add irc-tor
Impostare il proxy per Tor:
/set irc.server.irc-tor.proxy "tor"
Set SASL authentication with ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE (see the chapter SASL ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE to generate a private key):
/set irc.server.irc-tor.sasl_mechanism ecdsa-nist256p-challenge /set irc.server.irc-tor.sasl_username "your_nickname" /set irc.server.irc-tor.sasl_key "${weechat_config_dir}/ecdsa.pem"
And finally, connect to the server:
/connect irc-tor
8.3. IRCv3 support
WeeChat supports the following IRCv3 extensions ↗:
By default all capabilities supported by the server and WeeChat are automatically enabled (see option irc.server_default.capabilities).
Tables with comparison of different IRC clients, including WeeChat, are available on this page ↗.
Specification: account-notify ↗
This capability allows the server to send messages when users identify or
unidentify on the server.
WeeChat displays such messages if the option
is enabled (default value).
-- alice has identified as Alice01 -- alice has unidentified
Specification: account-tag ↗
This capability allows the server to send account as message tag to commands
sent to the client.
WeeChat parses this tag and saves it in the message, but it is not used or
displayed. It can be used in /filter command to filter
messages matching specific accounts.
Example of raw IRC message received:
@account=Alice01 PRIVMSG #test :Hello!
Message displayed in channel:
<alice> Hello!
Message with tags:
<alice> Hello! [irc_privmsg,irc_tag_account_Alice01,notify_message,prefix_nick_lightcyan,nick_alice,,log1]
Specification: away-notify ↗
This capability allows the server to send away notifications for users present on the same channels as you.
When the away status is changed for a user (away or back), this is reflected with a specific color in the nicklist, using the following options:
Specification: batch ↗
This capability allows the server to send batched events (grouping of several messages that are related).
For now, WeeChat only stores messages received in a batch and processes as usual later, when the batch ends.
Specification: cap-notify ↗
This capability allows the server to advertise on new or removed capabilities
on the server (via CAP NEW
-- irc: client capability, now available: sasl -- irc: client capability, removed: sasl
Specification: chghost ↗
This capability allows the server to send messages when users change name or host.
When the option irc.look.smart_filter_chghost
is enabled (default value), the host changes are automatically hidden if the nick
has not spoken for several minutes.
The color of the change host message is controlled by the option
-- alice ( has changed host to
Specification: multiline ↗
This capability allows the client and server to send messages with multiple lines, using the batch capability, that must be enabled as well.
There are limits in term of bytes or number of lines in a multiline message that are given in the capability sent by the server, for example:
CAP alice LS * :draft/multiline=max-bytes=4096,max-lines=24
This sets a limit of 4096 bytes and 24 lines for a multiline batched content.
If the limits are not given by the server, the default in WeeChat are:
max bytes: 4096
max lines: 24
Only standard messages and those send by the /notice
command can be multiline.
ACTION CTCP messages sent with command /me are not affected
by this capability. That means multiline actions are sent as multiple actions.
As the specification is a "draft", it may change and the multiline support can
possibly break at any time in WeeChat. The capability is automatically enabled if the server supports it and can be disabled with this command: /set irc.server_default.capabilities "*,!draft/multiline" .When the capability is disabled, a multiline message is sent as multiple messages, as if they were sent sequentially to the server. |
Example of IRC messages sent for a user message with two lines (this is a test
/ on two lines
), send to channel #test:
BATCH +i8Je7M7gquddoyC9 draft/multiline #test @batch=i8Je7M7gquddoyC9 PRIVMSG #test :this is a test @batch=i8Je7M7gquddoyC9 PRIVMSG #test :on two lines BATCH -i8Je7M7gquddoyC9
Display of the message sent in WeeChat:
19:01:45 alice | this is a test | on two lines
Specification: echo-message ↗
This capability forces the server to send PRIVMSG, NOTICE and TAGMSG messages back to WeeChat.
WeeChat displays only the message received and not the message sent, so a delay can be noticed between the send and the display. When the message is displayed, it means it has been properly received by the server and propagated to other clients connected to the server as well.
Specification: extended-join ↗
This capability allows the server to send account and real name when users
join channels.
WeeChat displays this additional information in join messages if the option
is enabled (default value).
--> john [John01] (John Doe) ( has joined #test
Specification: invite-notify ↗
This capability allows the server to send invite messages when users are invited to channels.
-- alice ha invitato bob in #test
Specification: message-tags ↗
This capability allows to add metadata in messages.
These tags can be displayed using the command /debug tags
It must be enabled to use typing notifications.
Specification: monitor ↗
This capability allows the server to send notifications when clients become
WeeChat automatically uses this extension if available when using the
/notify command.
Specification: multi-prefix ↗
For now, WeeChat doesn’t display all prefixes in the /names output, even if
they are received and properly saved internally.
Example: output of /whois alice
-- [alice] @%+#test
Specification: server-time ↗
This capability allows the server to send time for messages as message tag.
When the time is received in a message, WeeChat uses it to display the message
(it can then be displayed with a past date).
The IRC proxy in Relay plugin supports this capability, so any IRC client of Relay should enable it to display the real message time in the backlog sent upon connection.
Specification: setname ↗
This capability lets you change your real name by using the /setname command.
Specification: userhost-in-names ↗
This capability allows the server to send hostnames in /names responses.
WeeChat doesn’t display hostnames in the /names output.
Example of raw IRC messages received without the capability:
:irc.server 353 alice = #test :@alice bob +carol
Example of raw IRC messages received with the capability:
:irc.server 353 alice = #test :@alice!user1@host1 bob!user2@host2 +carol!user3@host3
8.4. Channels
You can join channels with the /join command:
/join #channel
Part a channel (keeping the buffer open):
/part [quit message]
The channels you joined are not saved. If you want to join them automatically
when connecting to the server, you must set the server autojoin
/set irc.server.libera.autojoin "#weechat,#weechat-fr"
Some scripts can help to automatically set this option,
see /script search autojoin .
Be careful, spaces can be used only to separate list of channels from keys,
for example if #channel1
requires a key but not #channel2
/set irc.server.libera.autojoin "#channel1,#channel2 key1"
For help on the format, see option irc.server_default.autojoin.
8.5. Private messages
You can send a private message with the /query command, which opens a separate buffer:
/query bob hi, how are you?
Without arguments the command just opens the buffer (or selects it if already open):
/query bob
To close the private buffer, you can do this command on the private buffer:
8.6. Smart filter
A smart filter is available to filter some messages when someone did not write anything in the channel during a configurable delay:
join: user joins the channel
part: user leaves the channel
quit: user quits the server
account: user changes its account
chghost: user changes name or host
mode: mode changes on channel
nick: user changes its nick
setname: user changes its real name
Smart filter is enabled by default, but you must add a filter to hide lines on buffers, for example:
/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *
It is possible to create filter for one channel only or channels beginning with same name (see the /filter command):
/filter add irc_smart_weechat irc.libera.#weechat* irc_smart_filter *
You can setup a longer delay (in minutes):
/set irc.look.smart_filter_delay 10
If someone did not write anything during last 10 minutes, its messages like join/part/quit will be hidden by default on channel, and you can use key Alt+= (toggle filters) to see them.
8.7. Risposte CTCP
È possibile personalizzare le risposte CTCP, o bloccare alcune richieste CTCP (non rispondere).
Ad esempio, per personalizzare la richiesta CTCP "VERSIONE", utilizzare il seguente comando:
/set irc.ctcp.version "Uso WeeChat ${version}, fico!"
The name of CTCP must be in lower case. That means option irc.ctcp.VERSION would not work. |
Se si desidera bloccare CTCP "VERSIONE" (non rispondere ad una query), allora basta impostare una stringa vuota:
/set irc.ctcp.version ""
Anche un CTCP sconosciuto può essere personalizzato, per esempio si può rispondere "BLABLA":
/set irc.ctcp.blabla "Questa è la mia risposta a CTCP BLABLA"
È possibile personalizzare CTCP per un solo server, utilizzando il suo nome interno prima del nome CTCP:
/set irc.ctcp.libera.version "WeeChat ${version} (per libera)"
Se si desidera ripristinare la risposta CTCP standard, allora disabilitare l’opzione:
/unset irc.ctcp.version
The CTCP replies are evaluated (see command /eval) and the following extra variables are available:
Variable | Descrizione | Valore/esempio |
Elenco di CTCP supportate |
Versione di WeeChat |
Versione di WeeChat + Git version (1) |
Git version (1) |
Data di compilazione di WeeChat |
Informazioni sull’OS |
Sito di WeeChat |
Sito di WeeChat, pagina di download |
Data/ora correnti |
Nome utente sul server IRC |
Nome reale sul server IRC |
(1) The Git version is the output of command git describe . It is known only
if WeeChat has been compiled inside the Git repository and if Git was installed.
The default CTCP replies are:
CTCP | Formato risposta | Esempio |
8.8. Buffer di destinazione per i messaggi IRC
È possibile personalizzare il buffer di destinazione per i messaggi IRC
(buffer usato per visualizzare messaggi) con l’opzione irc.msgbuffer.*
Per alcuni messaggi IRC (elenco in basso), si possono usare i seguenti valori:
- current
buffer attivo (se è il buffer IRC, oppure sul buffer del server, come predefinito)
- private
buffer privato per il nick, o il buffer corrente se non trovato (in base all’opzione irc.look.msgbuffer_fallback)
- server
buffer del server
- weechat
Il buffer "core" di WeeChat
Quando l’opzione non è impostata (default), WeeChat sceglie il buffer appropriato, di solito quello del server o del canale.
Ecco una lista incompleta dei messaggi IRC o degli alias che è possibile personalizzare:
messaggio | alias | descrizione |
errore |
invitato su un canale |
ingresso nel canale |
kick |
kill |
mode |
notifica |
part |
quit |
topic |
wallops |
ctcp (inviato o ricevuto, in un messaggio privato o di notifica) |
stringa modalità utente |
whois (connessione sicura) |
whois (assente) |
ison |
presente |
assente |
whois (nick registrato) |
whois (modalità aiuto) |
whois (utente) |
whois (server) |
whois (operatore) |
whowas |
who (fine) |
whois (inattività) |
whois (fine) |
whois (canali) |
whois (utente identificato) |
list (inizio) |
list (canale) |
list (fine) |
whois (con privilegi di operatore) |
whois (host) |
URL del canale |
data di creazione del canale |
whois (loggato come) |
nessun argomento per il canale |
argomento del canale |
informazioni sull’argomento |
whois (è un bot su) |
whois (host) |
invito |
whois (è opered come) |
reop sul canale |
reop sul canale (fine) |
lista di inviti |
lista di inviti (fine) |
lista di eccezioni |
lista di eccezioni (fine) |
versione del server |
who |
elenco di utenti su un canale |
fine dell’elenco /names |
elenco dei ban |
fine della lista dei ban |
whowas (fine) |
whois (connesso da) |
whois (usa le modalità) |
no such nick/channel |
no such server |
nick errato |
nick già utilizzato |
non autorizzato a cambiare nick |
whois (connessione sicura) |
quiet list |
end of quiet list |
list of monitored nicks |
list of monitored nicks (end) |
ora si è loggati |
Anche altri comandi numerici possono essere personalizzati.
Il messaggio può essere preceduto dal nome del server per essere più
precisi (ad esempio: libera.whois
Alcuni esempi:
visualizza il risultato di
su un buffer privato:
/set irc.msgbuffer.whois private
ripristina il buffer predefinito per il whois (buffer del server):
/unset irc.msgbuffer.whois
visualizza inviti sul buffer corrente, solo per il server "libera":
/set irc.msgbuffer.libera.invite current
visualizza messaggio "303" (ison) sul buffer "core" di WeeChat:
/set irc.msgbuffer.303 weechat
8.9. Comandi
: send a CTCP action to a nick or channel
/action [-server <server>] <destinazione>[,<destinazione>...] <testo> server: send to this server (internal name) target: nick or channel (may be mask, "*" = current channel) testo: testo da inviare
: trova informazioni sull’amministratore del server
/admin [<destinazione>] destinazione: nome server
: esegue un comando su tutti i canali di tutti i server connessi
/allchan [-current] [-parted|-all] [-exclude=<channel>[,<channel>...]] <command> [-current] [-parted|-all] -include=<channel>[,<channel>...] <command> -current: execute command for channels of current server only -parted: execute command on parted channels (by default: execute command on active channels only) -all: execute command on all channels (active and parted) -exclude: exclude some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed) -include: include only some channels (wildcard "*" is allowed) command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with "/") Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced: $server: server name $channel: channel name $nick: nick on server ${}: variable xxx in server ${}: variable xxx in channel Examples: execute "/me is testing" on all channels: /allchan /me is testing say "hello" everywhere but not on #weechat: /allchan -exclude=#weechat hello say "hello" everywhere but not on #weechat and channels beginning with #linux: /allchan -exclude=#weechat,#linux* hello say "hello" on all channels beginning with #linux: /allchan -include=#linux* hello close all buffers with parted channels: /allchan -parted /close
: execute a command on all private buffers of all connected servers
/allpv [-current] [-exclude=<nick>[,<nick>...]] <command> [-current] -include=<nick>[,<nick>...] <command> -current: execute command for private buffers of current server only -exclude: exclude some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed) -include: include only some nicks (wildcard "*" is allowed) command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with "/") Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced: $server: server name $channel: channel name $nick: nick on server ${}: variable xxx in server ${}: variable xxx in channel Examples: execute "/me is testing" on all private buffers: /allpv /me is testing say "hello" everywhere but not for nick foo: /allpv -exclude=foo hello say "hello" everywhere but not for nick foo and nicks beginning with bar: /allpv -exclude=foo,bar* hello say "hello" for all nicks beginning with bar: /allpv -include=bar* hello close all private buffers: /allpv /close
: esegue un comando su tutti i server connessi
/allserv [-exclude=<server>[,<server>...]] <command> -include=<server>[,<server>...] <command> -exclude: exclude some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed) -include: include only some servers (wildcard "*" is allowed) command: command to execute (or text to send to buffer if command does not start with "/") Command and arguments are evaluated (see /help eval), the following variables are replaced: $server: server name $nick: nick on server ${}: variable xxx in server Examples: change nick on all servers: /allserv /nick newnick do a whois on my nick on all servers: /allserv /whois $nick
: authenticate with SASL
/auth [<username> <password>] username: SASL username (content is evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name) password: SASL password or path to file with private key (content is evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name) If username and password are not provided, the values from server options "sasl_username" and "sasl_password" (or "sasl_key") are used. Examples: authenticate with username/password defined in the server: /auth authenticate as a different user: /auth user2 password2 authenticate as a different user with mechanism ecdsa-nist256p-challenge: /auth user2 ${weechat_config_dir}/ecdsa2.pem
: configure the "autojoin" server option
/autojoin add [<channel>...] addraw <channel1>[,<channel2>...] [<key1>[,<key2>...]] del [<channel>...] apply join sort [buffer] add: add current channel or a list of channels (with optional keys) to the autojoin option; if you are on the channel and the key is not provided, the key is read in the channel addraw: use the IRC raw format (same as /join command): all channels separated by commas, optional keys separated by commas del: delete current channel or a list of channels from the autojoin option channel: channel name key: key for the channel apply: set currently joined channels in the autojoin option join: join the channels in the autojoin option sort: sort alphabetically channels in the autojoin option; with "buffer": first sort by buffer number, then alphabetically Examples: /autojoin add /autojoin add #test /autojoin add #chan1 #chan2 /allchan /autojoin add /autojoin addraw #chan1,#chan2,#chan3 key1,key2 /autojoin del /autojoin del #chan1 /autojoin apply /autojoin join /autojoin sort /autojoin sort buffer
: banna nick oppure host
/ban [<channel>] [<nick>...] channel: channel name nick: nick or host Without argument, this command displays the ban list for current channel.
: client capability negotiation
/cap ls list req|ack [<capability>...] end ls: list the capabilities supported by the server list: list the capabilities currently enabled req: request a new capability or remove a capability (if starting with "-", for example: "-multi-prefix") ack: acknowledge capabilities which require client-side acknowledgement end: end the capability negotiation Without argument, "ls" and "list" are sent. Capabilities supported by WeeChat are: account-notify, account-tag, away-notify, batch, cap-notify, chghost, draft/multiline, echo-message, extended-join, invite-notify, message-tags, multi-prefix, server-time, setname, userhost-in-names. The capabilities to automatically enable on servers can be set in option irc.server_default.capabilities (or by server in option Examples: display supported and enabled capabilities: /cap request capabilities multi-prefix and away-notify: /cap req multi-prefix away-notify request capability extended-join, remove capability multi-prefix: /cap req extended-join -multi-prefix remove capability away-notify: /cap req -away-notify
: connette ad uno o più server IRC
/connect [<server>...] [-<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] [-nojoin] [-switch] -all|-auto|-open [-nojoin] [-switch] server: server name, which can be: - internal server name (added by /server add, recommended usage) - hostname/port or IP/port, port is 6697 by default for TLS, 6667 otherwise - URL with format: irc[6][s]://[nickname[:password]@][:port][/#channel1][,#channel2[...]] Note: for an address/IP/URL, a temporary server is added (NOT SAVED), see /help irc.look.temporary_servers option: set option for server (for boolean option, value can be omitted) nooption: set boolean option to "off" (for example: -notls) -all: connect to all servers defined in configuration -auto: connect to servers with autoconnect enabled -open: connect to all opened servers that are not currently connected -nojoin: do not join any channel (even if autojoin is enabled on server) -switch: switch to next server address To disconnect from a server or stop any connection attempt, use command /disconnect. Examples: /connect libera /connect /connect -notls /connect -ipv6=force /connect -password=test /connect irc:// /connect -switch
: invia un messaggio CTCP (Protocollo Client-A-Client)
/ctcp [-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>] server: send to this server (internal name) target: nick or channel ("*" = current channel) type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", etc.) arguments: arguments for CTCP Examples: /ctcp toto time /ctcp toto version /ctcp * version
: esce e rienta in un canale
/cycle [<canale>[,<canale>...]] [<messaggio>] channel: channel name message: part message (displayed to other users)
: start a DCC (passive file transfer or direct chat)
/dcc chat <nick> send <nick> <file> nick: nick file: filename (on local host) Examples: /dcc chat toto /dcc send toto /home/foo/bar.txt
: revoca lo stato di half-op del canale da uno o più nick
/dehalfop <nick>... * -yes nick: nick or mask (wildcard "*" is allowed) *: remove channel half-operator status from everybody on channel except yourself
: revoca lo stato di operatore del canale da uno o più nick
/deop <nick>... * -yes nick: nick or mask (wildcard "*" is allowed) *: remove channel operator status from everybody on channel except yourself
: revoca il voice da uno o più nick
/devoice <nick>... * -yes nick: nick or mask (wildcard "*" is allowed) *: remove voice from everybody on channel
: arresta il server
/die [<destinazione>] destinazione: nome server
: disconnette da uno o tutti i server IRC
/disconnect [<server>|-all|-pending [<motivo>]] server: internal server name -all: disconnect from all servers -pending: cancel auto-reconnection on servers currently reconnecting reason: reason for the "quit"
: concede lo stato di half-op del canale ad uno o più nick
/halfop <nick>... * -yes nick: nick or mask (wildcard "*" is allowed) *: give channel half-operator status to everybody on channel
: ignora nick/host dai server o dai canali
/ignore list add|addreplace [re:]<nick> [<server> [<channel>]] del <number>|-all list: list all ignores add: add an ignore addreplace: add or replace an existing ignore nick: nick or hostname; can be a POSIX extended regular expression if "re:" is given or a mask using "*" to replace zero or more chars (the regular expression can start with "(?-i)" to become case-sensitive) del: delete an ignore number: number of ignore to delete (look at list to find it) -all: delete all ignores server: internal server name where ignore is working channel: channel name where ignore is working Note: if option irc.look.ignore_tag_messages is enabled, the ignored messages are just tagged with "irc_ignored" instead of being completely removed. Examples: /ignore add toto /ignore add libera /ignore add toto*@* libera #weechat
: ottieni informazioni sul server
/info [<destinazione>] destinazione: nome server
: invita un nick su un canale
/invite <nick>... [<channel>] nick: nick channel: channel name
: verifica se un nick è collegato IRC
/ison <nick>... nick: nick
: entra in un canale
/join [-noswitch] [-server <server>] [<canale1>[,<canale2>...]] [<chiave1>[,<chiave2>...]] -noswitch: do not switch to new buffer server: send to this server (internal name) channel: channel name key: key to join the channel (channels with a key must be the first in list) Examples: /join #weechat /join #protectedchan,#weechat key /join -server libera #weechat /join -noswitch #weechat
: kick a user out of a channel
/kick [<canale>] <nick> [<motivo>] channel: channel name nick: nick reason: reason (evaluated, see /help eval; special variables ${nick} (self nick), ${target} (target nick), ${channel} and ${server} are replaced by their values)
: kick a user out of a channel and ban the host
/kickban [<canale>] <nick> [<motivo>] channel: channel name nick: nick reason: reason (evaluated, see /help eval; special variables ${nick} (self nick), ${target} (target nick), ${channel} and ${server} are replaced by their values) It is possible to kick/ban with a mask, nick will be extracted from mask and replaced by "*". Example: /kickban toto!*
: chiude connessione client-server
/kill <nick> [<reason>] nick: nick reason: reason
: send a notice to an invitation-only channel, requesting an invite
/knock <channel> [<message>] channel: channel name messaggio: messaggio da inviare
: list all server names which are known by the server answering the query
/links [[<target>] <server_mask>] target: this remote server should answer the query server_mask: list of servers must match this mask
: list channels and their topics
/list [-server <server>] [<channel>[,<channel>...]] [<target>] [-server <server>] [-raw *|<regex>] -up|-down [<number>] -left|-right [<percent>] -go <line>|end -join -export <filename> server: send to this server (internal name) channel: channel name destinazione: nome server -raw: display result on server buffer instead of a dedicated buffer regex: POSIX extended regular expression used to filter results (case-insensitive, can start by "(?-i)" to become case-sensitive); the special value "*" doesn't filter results -up: move the selected line up by "number" lines -down: move the selected line down by "number" lines -left: scroll the buffer by "percent" of width on the left -right: scroll the buffer by "percent" of width on the right -go: select a line by number, first line number is 0 ("end" to select the last line) -join: join the channel on the selected line -export: export list of channels to a file For keys, input and mouse actions on the buffer, see key bindings in User's guide. Sort keys on /list buffer: name: channel name (eg: "##test") name2: channel name without prefix (eg: "test") users: number of users on channel topic: channel topic Examples: list all channels on server buffer (no dedicated buffer and can be slow on large networks): /list -raw * list all channels beginning with "#weechat" on server buffer (no dedicated buffer and can be slow on large networks): /list -raw #weechat.* list all channels on a dedicated buffer (can be slow on large networks): /list list channel #weechat on a dedicated buffer: /list #weechat on /list buffer: channels with "weechat" in name: n:weechat channels with at least 100 users: u:100 channels with "freebsd" (case-insensitive) in topic and more than 10 users: c:${topic} =- freebsd && ${users} > 10 sort channels by users (big channels first), then name2 (name without prefix): s:-users,name2
: ottiene statistiche sulla dimensione del network IRC
/lusers [<mask> [<destinazione>]] mask: servers matching the mask only target: server for forwarding request
: mostra una mappa grafica della rete IRC
: invia un’azione CTCP al canale corrente
/me <messaggio> messaggio: messaggio da inviare
: cambia modalità canale o utente
/mode [<canale>] [+|-]o|p|s|i|t|n|m|l|b|e|v|k [<arguments>] <nick> [+|-]i|s|w|o channel: channel name to modify (default is current one) Channel modes: o: give/take channel operator privileges p: private channel s: secret channel i: invite-only channel t: topic settable by channel operator only n: no messages to channel from clients on the outside m: moderated channel l: set the user limit to channel b: set a ban mask to keep users out e: set exception mask v: give/take the ability to speak on a moderated channel k: set a channel key (password) User modes: nick: nick to modify i: invisible s: user receives server notices w: user receives wallops o: operator List of modes is not comprehensive, you should read documentation about your server to see all possible modes. Examples: /mode #weechat +t /mode nick +i
: riceve il "Messaggio Del Giorno"
/motd [<destinazione>] destinazione: nome server
: invia un messaggio ad un nick o a un canale
/msg [-server <server>] <destinazione>[,<destinazione>...] <testo> server: send to this server (internal name) target: nick or channel (may be mask, "*" = current channel) testo: testo da inviare
: elenca i nick sul canale
/names [-count | -x] [<channel>[,<channel>...]] -count: display only number of users -x: display only users with this mode: -o for ops, -h for halfops, -v for voiced, etc. and -* for regular users channel: channel name
: cambia il nick corrente
/nick [-all] <nick> -all: set new nick for all connected servers nick: new nick
: invia messaggio di notifica all’utente
/notice [-server <server>] <destinazione> <testo> server: send to this server (internal name) target: nick or channel name testo: testo da inviare
: aggiunge una notifica per lo stato di presenza o assenza dei nick sui server
/notify add|addreplace <nick> [<server> [-away]] del <nick>|-all [<server>] add: add a notification addreplace: add or replace a notification nick: nick server: internal server name (by default current server) -away: notify when away message is changed (by doing whois on nick) del: delete a notification -all: delete all notifications Without argument, this command displays notifications for current server (or all servers if command is issued on core buffer). Examples: /notify add toto /notify add toto libera /notify add toto libera -away
: concede lo stato di operatore del canale ad uno o più nick
/op <nick>... * -yes nick: nick or mask (wildcard "*" is allowed) *: give channel operator status to everybody on channel
: ottiene i privilegi di operatore
/oper <utente> <password> user: user password: password
: esce da un canale
/part [<canale>[,<canale>...]] [<messaggio>] channel: channel name message: part message (displayed to other users)
: invia un ping al server
/ping <target1> [<target2>] target1: server target2: forward ping to this server
: risponde ad un messaggio ping
/pong <demone> [<demone2>] daemon: daemon who has responded to Ping message daemon2: forward message to this daemon
: invia un messaggio privato ad un nick
/query [-noswitch] [-server <server>] <nick>[,<nick>...] [<text>] -noswitch: do not switch to new buffer server: send to this server (internal name) nick: nick testo: testo da inviare
: fa tacere nick o host
/quiet [<channel>] [<nick>...] channel: channel name nick: nick or host Without argument, this command displays the quiet list for current channel.
: invia dati grezzi al server senza analisi
/quote [-server <server>] <dati> server: send to this server (internal name) data: raw data to send
: riconnette a uno o più server
/reconnect <server>... [-nojoin] [-switch] -all [-nojoin] [-switch] server: internal server name -all: reconnect to all servers -nojoin: do not join any channel (even if autojoin is enabled on server) -switch: switch to next server address
: chiede al server di ricaricare il proprio file di configurazione
/rehash [<opzione>] opzione: opzione extra, per alcuni server
: force a user to leave a channel
/remove [<canale>] <nick> [<motivo>] channel: channel name nick: nick reason: reason (special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their values)
: chiede al server di riavviarsi
/restart [<destinazione>] destinazione: nome server
: request the server rules
: forza un utente ad entrare su uno o più canali
/sajoin <nick> <canale>[,<canale>...] nick: nick channel: channel name
: cambia modalità sul canale, senza avere lo status di operatore
/samode [<channel>] <mode> channel: channel name mode: mode for channel
: forza un utente ad usare un altro nick
/sanick <nick> <nuovo_nick> nick: nick new_nick: new nick
: forza un utente a lasciare uno o più canali
/sapart <nick> <canale>[,<canale>...] nick: nick channel: channel name
: forza un utente ad abbandonare il server con un motivo
/saquit <nick> <motivo> nick: nick reason: reason
: elenca, aggiunge o rimuove server IRC
/server list|listfull [-connected] [<name>] add|addreplace <name> <hostname>[/<port>] [-temp] [-<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] copy|rename <name> <new_name> reorder <name>... open <name>|-all [<name>...] del|keep <name> deloutq|jump raw [<filter>] list: list servers (without argument, this list is displayed) listfull: list servers with detailed info for each server -connected: list only connected servers add: add a new server addreplace: add or replace an existing server name: server name, for internal and display use; this name is used to connect to the server (/connect name) and to set server options: hostname: name or IP address of server, with optional port (default: 6697 for TLS, 6667 otherwise), many addresses can be separated by a comma -temp: add a temporary server (not saved) option: set option for server (for boolean option, value can be omitted) nooption: set boolean option to "off" (for example: -notls) copy: duplicate a server rename: rename a server reorder: reorder list of servers open: open the server buffer without connecting keep: keep server in config file (for temporary servers only) del: delete a server deloutq: delete messages out queue for all servers (all messages WeeChat is currently sending) jump: jump to server buffer raw: open buffer with raw IRC data filter: set a new filter to see only matching messages (this filter can be used as input in raw IRC data buffer as well); allowed formats are: `*`: show all messages (no filter) `xxx`: show only messages containing "xxx" `s:xxx`: show only messages for server "xxx" `f:xxx`: show only messages with a flag: recv (message received), sent (message sent), modified (message modified by a modifier), redirected (message redirected) `m:xxx`: show only IRC command "xxx" `c:xxx`: show only messages matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: output of function irc_message_parse (like nick, command, channel, text, etc., see function info_get_hashtable in plugin API reference for the list of all variables), date (format: "%FT%T.%f", see function util_strftimeval in Plugin API reference), server, recv, sent, modified, redirected Examples: /server listfull /server list -connected /server add libera /server add libera -notls -autoconnect /server add chatspike, -notls /server copy libera libera-test /server rename libera-test libera2 /server reorder libera2 libera /server del libera /server deloutq /server raw /server raw s:libera /server raw c:${recv} && ${command}==PRIVMSG && ${nick}==foo
: registra un nuovo servizio
/service <nick> <riservato> <distribuzione> <tipo> <riservato> <info> distribution: visibility of service type: reserved for future usage
: elenca servizi attualmente connessi al network
/servlist [<mask> [<tipo>]] mask: list only services matching this mask type: list only services of this type
: set real name
/setname <realname> realname: new real name
: invia un messaggio ad un servizio
/squery <servizio> <testo> service: name of service testo: testo da inviare
: disconnette collegamenti al server
/squit <target> <comment> destinazione: nome server comment: comment
: richiede statistiche sul server
/stats [<query> [<target>]] query: c/h/i/k/l/m/o/y/u (see RFC1459) destinazione: nome server
: invia agli utenti connessi ad un host con un server IRC in esecuzione un messaggio per invitarli ad entrare su IRC
/summon <utente> [<destinazione> [<canale>]] user: username destinazione: nome server channel: channel name
: richiede l’ora locale dal server
/time [<destinazione>] destinazione: richiede l'ora dal server specificato
: legge/modifica argomento del canale
/topic <[canale>] [<argomento>|delete] channel: channel name topic: new topic -delete: delete channel topic
: trova il path del server specifico
/trace [<destinazione>] destinazione: nome server
: rimuove il ban da nick o host
/unban [<channel>] <nick>|<number>|<n1>-<n2>... channel: channel name nick: nick or host number: ban number (as displayed by command /ban) n1: interval start number n2: interval end number
: unquiet nicks or hosts
/unquiet [<channel>] <nick>|<number>|<n1>-<n2>... channel: channel name nick: nick or host number: quiet number (as displayed by command /quiet) n1: interval start number n2: interval end number
: restituisce un elenco di informazioni sui nick
/userhost <nick>... nick: nick
: lista di utenti autenticati sul server
/users [<destinazione>] destinazione: nome server
: riceve informazioni di versione del nick o del server (corrente o specificato)
/version [<target>|<nick>] destinazione: nome server nick: nick
: concede il voice ad uno o più utenti
/voice <nick>... * -yes nick: nick or mask (wildcard "*" is allowed) *: give voice to everybody on channel
: invia una notifica agli operatori del canale
/wallchops [<canale>] <testo> channel: channel name testo: testo da inviare
: send a message to all currently connected users who have set the "w" user mode for themselves
/wallops <testo> testo: testo da inviare
: genera una richiesta per ottenere una lista di informazioni
/who [<mask> [o]] mask: only information which match this mask o: only operators are returned according to the mask supplied
: richiedi informazioni su uno o più utenti
/whois [<target>] [<nick>[,<nick>...]] destinazione: nome server nick: nick (may be a mask) Without argument, this command will do a whois on: - your own nick if buffer is a server/channel - remote nick if buffer is a private. If option is enabled, two nicks are sent (if only one nick is given), to get idle time in answer.
: richiede informazioni su un nick non più esistente
/whowas <nick>[,<nick>...] [<count> [<destinazione>]] nick: nick count: number of replies to return (full search if negative number) target: reply should match this mask
8.10. Opzioni
Sections in file irc.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
Colors. |
Network options. |
Buffer di destinazione per i messaggi IRC (options can be added/removed in section). |
Risposte CTCP (options can be added/removed in section). |
Ignore people. |
Default values for servers (used when options in server are not defined). |
Servers. |
descrizione: colore per il nick nella riga di input
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per l'indicatore del lag, durante il conteggio (pong non ricevuto dal server, lag in aumento)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per l'indicatore di ritardo, quando il pong viene ricevuto dal server
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for nick modes in bar item "input_prompt"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for deprecated TLS versions in bar item "tls_version"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for insecure TLS versions in bar item "tls_version"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for higher supported TLS version in bar item "tls_version"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for selected line on /list buffer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: background color for selected line on /list buffer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for text in account messages
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for text in "chghost" messages
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per il testo nei messaggi di entrata
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for text in kick/kill messages
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per il testo nei messaggi di uscita/abbandono
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for text in "setname" messages
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: remap mirc colors in messages using a hashtable (used only for standard colors, not RGB colors): keys are "fg,bg" as integers between -1 (not specified) and 15, values are WeeChat color names or numbers (format is: "1,-1:color1;2,7:color2"), example: "1,-1:darkgray;1,2:white,blue" to remap black to "darkgray" and black on blue to "white,blue"; default WeeChat colors for IRC codes: 0=white, 1=black, 2=blue, 3=green, 4=lightred, 5=red, 6=magenta, 7=brown, 8=yellow, 9=lightgreen, 10=cyan, 11=lightcyan, 12=lightblue, 13=lightmagenta, 14=darkgray, 15=gray
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per i prefissi dei nick usando il carattere di modalità (o=operatore, h=halfop, v=voice, ..), il formato è: "o:colore1;h:colore2;v:colore3" (se una modalità non viene trovata, WeeChat proverà con le modalità successive ricevute dal server ("PREFIX"); può essere usata una modalità speciale "*" come colore prefefinito se non viene trovata nessuna modalità nella lista)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per il testo "Notifica" nelle notifiche
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for reason in kick/kill messages
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per il motivo nei messaggi di uscita/abbandono
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: remap terminal color numbers in messages using a hashtable (used only for RGB colors as hexadecimal, which are first translated to terminal color numbers): keys are "fg,bg" as integers between -1 (not specified) and 255, values are WeeChat color names or numbers (format is: "1,-1:color1;2,7:color2"), example: "0,-1:darkgray;0,90:white,blue" to remap black to "darkgray" and black on dark magenta to "white,blue"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: color for current channel topic (when joining a channel or using /topic)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del nuovo argomento del canale (quando viene cambiato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del precedente argomento del canale (quando viene cambiato)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for CTCP reply or empty string for blocking CTCP (no reply); content is evaluated, see /help eval; following variables are replaced: ${clientinfo}: list of supported CTCP, ${version}: WeeChat version, ${git}: Git version, ${versiongit}: WeeChat version and Git version, ${compilation}: compilation date, ${osinfo}: info about OS, ${site}: WeeChat site, ${download}: WeeChat site, download page, ${time}: current date and time as text, ${username}: username on server, ${realname}: realname on server
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for CTCP reply or empty string for blocking CTCP (no reply); content is evaluated, see /help eval; following variables are replaced: ${clientinfo}: list of supported CTCP, ${version}: WeeChat version, ${git}: Git version, ${versiongit}: WeeChat version and Git version, ${compilation}: compilation date, ${osinfo}: info about OS, ${site}: WeeChat site, ${download}: WeeChat site, download page, ${time}: current date and time as text, ${username}: username on server, ${realname}: realname on server
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for CTCP reply or empty string for blocking CTCP (no reply); content is evaluated, see /help eval; following variables are replaced: ${clientinfo}: list of supported CTCP, ${version}: WeeChat version, ${git}: Git version, ${versiongit}: WeeChat version and Git version, ${compilation}: compilation date, ${osinfo}: info about OS, ${site}: WeeChat site, ${download}: WeeChat site, download page, ${time}: current date and time as text, ${username}: username on server, ${realname}: realname on server
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for CTCP reply or empty string for blocking CTCP (no reply); content is evaluated, see /help eval; following variables are replaced: ${clientinfo}: list of supported CTCP, ${version}: WeeChat version, ${git}: Git version, ${versiongit}: WeeChat version and Git version, ${compilation}: compilation date, ${osinfo}: info about OS, ${site}: WeeChat site, ${download}: WeeChat site, download page, ${time}: current date and time as text, ${username}: username on server, ${realname}: realname on server
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"WeeChat ${version}"
descrizione: open channel buffer before the JOIN is received from server when it is auto joined (with server option "autojoin"); this is useful to open channels with always the same buffer numbers on startup
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: open channel buffer before the JOIN is received from server when it is manually joined (with /join command)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: passa automaticamente al buffer del canale con l'ingresso automatico abilitato (con l'opzione del server "autojoin")
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: passa automaticamente al buffer del canale quando si entra manualmente (con il comando /join)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa colore nick nell'output di /names (o l'elenco di nick mostrati all'ingresso di un canale)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa il colore del nick nella lista nick
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa i colori dei nick nei messaggi dal server
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa lo stesso colore del nick per canale e privato
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: time format used in answer to message CTCP TIME (see man strftime for date/time specifiers, extra specifiers are supported, see function util_strftimeval in Plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"%a, %d %b %Y %T %z"
descrizione: display ACCOUNT messages received when capability account-notify is enabled
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra messaggio quando (non) si risulta assenti (off: non mostra/invia nulla, local: mostra localmente, channel: invia azioni ai canali)
tipo: enum
valori: off, local, channel
valore predefinito:
descrizione: visualizza messaggio CTCP anche se bloccato
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: visualizza risposta CTCP inviata da WeeChat
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: visualizza messaggio CTCP anche se è CTCP sconosciuto
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display extra information in the JOIN messages: account name and real name (capability extended-join must be enabled)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: visualizza l'host nei messaggi di entrata
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: visualizza l'host nei messaggi di entrata dal client locale
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display host in notice messages
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: visualizza host nei messaggi di uscita/abbandono
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display host in wallops messages
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of messages to display after joining a channel: 324 = channel modes, 329 = channel creation date, 332 = topic, 333 = nick/date for topic, 353 = names on channel, 366 = names count
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: visualizza l'argomento del canale precedente quando viene cambiato
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra il messaggio di assenza remota una sola volta in privato
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra un messaggio in privato quando l'utente è tornato (dopo l'uscita dal server)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display nick change in private
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display a warning in private buffer if the address of remote nick has changed; this option is disabled by default because servers like bitlbee are causing this warning to be displayed when it is not expected (the address of remote nick changes multiple times on login)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of words to highlight in channel buffers (case-insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case-sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their values), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of words to highlight in private buffers (case-insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case-sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their values), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of words to highlight in server buffers (case-insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case-sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their values), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: restrict highlights to these tags on irc buffers (to have highlight on user messages but not server messages); tags must be separated by a comma and "+" can be used to make a logical "and" between tags; wildcard "*" is allowed in tags; an empty value allows highlight on any tag
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: add tag "irc_ignored" in ignored messages instead of removing them; that way messages can be filtered with /filter command and toggled on-demand
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: hide channel modes arguments if at least one of these modes is in channel modes ("*" to always hide all arguments, empty value to never hide arguments); example: "kf" to hide arguments if "k" or "f" are in channel modes
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: nome dell'elemento barra dove è mostrato il server IRC (per la barra di stato)
tipo: enum
valori: buffer_plugin, buffer_name
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display nick modes in bar item "input_prompt"
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display nick prefix in bar item "input_prompt"
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: automatically add channel type in front of channel name on command /join if the channel name does not start with a valid channel type for the server; for example: "/join weechat" will in fact send: "/join #weechat"
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use a dedicated buffer for the output of /list
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format of each channel exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help list)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"${name} (${users}): \"${topic}\""
descrizione: left/right scroll in /list buffer (percent of width)
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 100
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of fields to sort channels (see /help list for a list of fields); char "-" can be used before field to reverse order, char "~" can be used to do a case-insensitive comparison; example: "-count,~name" for biggest channels first then case-insensitive sort on name
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: strip channel topic colors in /list buffer
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: buffer di destinazione predefinito per le opzioni di msgbuffer quando la destinazione è privata ed il buffer privato non viene trovato
tipo: enum
valori: current, server
valore predefinito:
descrizione: forza la posizione del nuovo canale nell'elenco dei buffer (none = posizione predefinita (dovrebbe essere l'ultimo buffer), next = buffer corrente + 1, near_server = dopo l'ultimo canale/privato del server)
tipo: enum
valori: none, next, near_server
valore predefinito:
descrizione: force position of new /list buffer in list of buffers (none = default position (should be last buffer), next = current buffer + 1, near_server = after last channel/pv of server)
tipo: enum
valori: none, next, near_server
valore predefinito:
descrizione: forza la posizione del nuovo buffer privato nell'elenco dei buffer (none = posizione predefinita (dovrebbe essere l'ultimo buffer), next = buffer corrente + 1, near_server = dopo l'ultimo canale/privato del server)
tipo: enum
valori: none, next, near_server
valore predefinito:
descrizione: completamento intelligente per i nick (completa il primo con gli ultimi a parlare sul canale): speakers = tutti i nick (notifiche comprese), speakers_highlight = solo i nick con le notifiche
tipo: enum
valori: off, speakers, speakers_highlights
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display nick mode (op, voice, ...) before nick (none = never, prefix = in prefix only (default), action = in action messages only, both = prefix + action messages)
tipo: enum
valori: none, prefix, action, both
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display a space if nick mode is enabled but nick has no mode (not op, voice, ...)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of nicks for which passwords will be hidden when a message is sent, for example to hide password in message displayed by "/msg nickserv identify password", example: "nickserv,nickbot"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: visualizza notifiche come messaggi privati (se automatico, usa il buffer privato se viene trovato)
tipo: enum
valori: auto, never, always
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of nicks for which notifications are disabled in notice messages (comparison is case-insensitive)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: automatically redirect channel welcome notices to the channel buffer; such notices have the nick as target but a channel name in beginning of notice message, for example the ENTRYMSG notices sent by Atheme IRC Services which look like: "[#channel] Welcome to this channel..."
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of tags used in a welcome notices redirected to a channel, for example: "notify_private"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of tags used in messages displayed by notify when a nick joins or quits server (result of command ison or monitor), for example: "notify_message", "notify_private" or "notify_highlight"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: elenco separato da virgole di tag usati nei messaggi stampati dalle notifiche quando un nick cambia lo stato di assenza (risultato del comando whois), ad esempio: "notify_message", "notify_private" o "notify_highlight"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: open a private buffer on self message when capability echo-message is enabled
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: chiude buffer quando viene digitato /part nel canale
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: unisci i buffer privati
tipo: enum
valori: independent, merge_by_server, merge_all
valore predefinito:
descrizione: elenco separato da virgole di tag usati nei messaggi privati, ad esempio: "notify_message", "notify_private" o "notify_highlight"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: numero di messaggi raw da salvare in memoria quando il buffer dei dati raw viene chiuso (i messaggi verranno visualizzati all'apertura del buffer dei dati raw)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 65535
valore predefinito:
descrizione: merge server buffers; this option has no effect if a layout is saved and is conflicting with this value (see /help layout)
tipo: enum
valori: merge_with_core, merge_without_core, independent
valore predefinito:
descrizione: filter join/part/quit/nick messages for a nick if not speaking for some minutes on channel (you must create a filter on tag "irc_smart_filter", see /help filter)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: enable smart filter for "account" messages
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: enable smart filter for "chghost" messages
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: delay for filtering join/part/quit messages (in minutes): if the nick did not speak during the last N minutes, the join/part/quit is filtered
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 10080
valore predefinito:
descrizione: abilita filtro smart per i messaggi "join" (entrata)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: delay for unmasking a join message that was filtered with tag "irc_smart_filter" (in minutes): if a nick has joined max N minutes ago and then says something on channel (message, notice or update on topic), the join is unmasked, as well as nick changes after this join (0 = disable: never unmask a join)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 10080
valore predefinito:
descrizione: enable smart filter for "mode" messages: "*" to filter all modes, "+" to filter all modes in server prefixes (for example "ovh"), "xyz" to filter only modes x/y/z, "-xyz" to filter all modes but not x/y/z; examples: "ovh": filter modes o/v/h, "-bkl": filter all modes but not b/k/l
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: abilita filtro smart per i messaggi "nick" (cambio nick)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: abilita filtro smart per i messaggi "part" (uscita) e "quit (disconnessione)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: enable smart filter for "setname" messages
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: enable automatic addition of temporary servers with command /connect
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: elimina colori nell'argomento (usato solo quando mostrato il titolo del buffer)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display nicks typing on the channel in bar item "typing" (option typing.look.enabled_nicks must be enabled and capability "message-tags" must be enabled on the server)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: send self typing status to channels so that other users see when you are typing a message (option typing.look.enabled_self must be enabled and capability "message-tags" must be enabled on the server)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: growing factor for autoreconnect delay to server (1 = always same delay, 2 = delay*2 for each retry, etc.)
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 100
valore predefinito:
descrizione: ritardo massimo per la riconnessione automatica al server (in secondi, 0 = nessun massimo)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 604800
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default ban mask for commands /ban, /unban and /kickban; variables $nick, $user, $ident and $host are replaced by their values (extracted from "nick!user@host"); $ident is the same as $user if $user does not start with "~", otherwise it is set to "*"; this default mask is used only if WeeChat knows the host for the nick
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: se disabilitato, i codici colori vengono ignorati nei messaggi in entrata
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: allow user to send colors with special codes (ctrl-c + a code and optional color: b=bold, cxx=color, cxx,yy=color+background, i=italic, o=disable color/attributes, r=reverse, u=underline)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: intervallo tra due controlli per il ritardo (in secondi, 0 = nessun controllo)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 604800
valore predefinito:
descrizione: maximum lag (in seconds): if this lag is reached, WeeChat will consider that the answer from server (pong) will never be received and will give up counting the lag (0 = never give up)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 604800
valore predefinito:
descrizione: ritardo minimo da visualizzare (in millisecondi)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 86400000
valore predefinito:
descrizione: reconnect to server if lag is greater than or equal to this value (in seconds, 0 = never reconnect); this value must be less than or equal to
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 604800
valore predefinito:
descrizione: interval between two refreshes of lag item, when lag is increasing (in seconds)
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 3600
valore predefinito:
descrizione: intervallo tra due verifiche per la notifica con il comando IRC "ison" (in minuti)
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 10080
valore predefinito:
descrizione: intervallo tra due verifiche per la notifica con il comando IRC "whois" (in minuti)
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 10080
valore predefinito:
descrizione: cause SASL authentication failure when SASL is requested but unavailable on the server; when this option is enabled, it has effect only if option "sasl_fail" is set to "reconnect" or "disconnect" in the server
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: invia comandi sconosciuti al server
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: double the nick in /whois command (if only one nick is given), to get idle time in answer; for example: "/whois nick" will send "whois nick nick"
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: list of hostname/port or IP/port for server (separated by comma) (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: delay in milliseconds between two messages sent to server (anti-flood protection); 0 = disable protection and always send messages immediately (not recommended because the server can close the connection if you send several messages in a short time); internally there are queues with different priorities: when connecting to the server all messages are sent immediately and your messages have higher priority than some automatic messages that are sent in background by WeeChat
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 60000
valore predefinito:
descrizione: connette automaticamente ai server all'avvio di WeeChat
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of channels to join after connection to server (and after executing command + delay if they are set); the channels that require a key must be at beginning of the list, and all the keys must be given after the channels (separated by a space) (example: "#channel1,#channel2,#channel3 key1,key2" where #channel1 and #channel2 are protected by key1 and key2) (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: delay (in seconds) before auto-join of channels (example: give some time for authentication before joining channels)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 3600
valore predefinito:
descrizione: set automatically the "autojoin" option according to the channels you manually join and part with commands /join and /part
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: riconnette automaticamente al server alla disconnessione
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: ritardo (in secondi) prima di riprovare a riconnettersi al server
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 65535
valore predefinito:
descrizione: automatically rejoin channels after kick; you can define a buffer local variable on a channel to override this value (name of variable: "autorejoin", value: "on" or "off")
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: ritardo (in secondi) prima di rientrare automaticamente (dopo il kick)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 86400
valore predefinito:
descrizione: intervallo tra le due verifiche per l'assenza (in minuti, 0 = nessun check)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 10080
valore predefinito:
descrizione: non verificare l'assenza su canali con un elevato numero di nick (0 = illimitato)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 1000000
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of client capabilities to enable for server if they are available (see /help cap for a list of capabilities supported by WeeChat); "*" enables all capabilities by default (supported by both server and WeeChat); wildcard "*" is allowed; a capability beginning with "!" is excluded (example: "*,!account-*,!extended-join")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: part of the IRC message (received or sent) which is decoded/encoded to the target charset; message = the whole IRC message (default), channel = starting from the channel name only (if found, with fallback on text), text = starting from the text only (you should try this value if you have issues with the channel name encoding)
tipo: enum
valori: message, channel, text
valore predefinito:
descrizione: command(s) to run after connection to server and before auto-join of channels (many commands can be separated by ";", use "\;" for a semicolon, special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their values) (note: commands are evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: delay (in seconds) before execution of command
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 3600
valore predefinito:
descrizione: timeout (in secondi) tra la connessione TCP al server ed il messaggio 001 ricevuto, se questo timeout viene raggiunto prima della ricezione del messaggio 001, WeeChat effettuerà la disconnessione
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 3600
valore predefinito:
descrizione: channel type prefixes to use if the server does not send them in message 005 (default is "#&")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use IPv6 protocol for server communication
tipo: enum
valori: disable, auto, force
valore predefinito:
descrizione: nome host/IP locale definito per il server (opzionale, se vuoto viene usato il nome host locale)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default kick message used by commands "/kick" and "/kickban" (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; special variables ${nick} (self nick), ${target} (target nick), ${channel} and ${server} are replaced by their values)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default part message (leaving channel) (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; special variables ${nick}, ${channel} and ${server} are replaced by their values; "%v" is replaced by WeeChat version if there is no ${...} in string)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"WeeChat ${info:version}"
descrizione: default quit message (disconnecting from server) (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; special variables ${nick}, ${channel} and ${server} are replaced by their values; "%v" is replaced by WeeChat version if there is no ${...} in string)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"WeeChat ${info:version}"
descrizione: nicknames to use on server (separated by comma) (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; ${username} is replaced by system username (fallback to "weechat" if not found), server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: get an alternate nick when all the declared nicks are already used on server: add some "_" until the nick has a length of 9, and then replace last char (or the two last chars) by a number from 1 to 99, until we find a nick not used on server
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: elenco notifiche per il server (si consiglia di non cambiare questa opzione ma di usare il comando /notify)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: password for server (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: nome del proxy usato per questo server (opzionale, il proxy deve essere definito con il comando /proxy)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: real name to use on server (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mode that is set on registered users (default is "r")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: action to perform if SASL authentication fails: "continue" to ignore the authentication problem, "reconnect" to schedule a reconnection to the server, "disconnect" to disconnect from server (see also option
tipo: enum
valori: continue, reconnect, disconnect
valore predefinito:
descrizione: file with ECC private key for mechanism "ecdsa-nist256p-challenge" (path is evaluated, see function string_eval_path_home in plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mechanism for SASL authentication: "plain" for plain text password, "scram-sha-1" for SCRAM authentication with SHA-1 digest algorithm, "scram-sha-256" for SCRAM authentication with SHA-256 digest algorithm, "scram-sha-512" for SCRAM authentication with SHA-512 digest algorithm, "ecdsa-nist256p-challenge" for key-based challenge authentication, "external" for authentication using client side TLS certificate
tipo: enum
valori: plain, scram-sha-1, scram-sha-256, scram-sha-512, ecdsa-nist256p-challenge, external
valore predefinito:
descrizione: password for SASL authentication; this option is not used for mechanisms "ecdsa-nist256p-challenge" and "external" (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: timeout (in secondi) prima di annullare l'autenticazione SASL
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 3600
valore predefinito:
descrizione: username for SASL authentication; this option is not used for mechanism "external" (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: split outgoing IRC messages to fit in this number of chars; the default value is 512, this is a safe and recommended value; value 0 disables the split (not recommended, unless you know what you do); allowed values are 0 or any integer between 128 and 4096; this option should be changed only on non-standard IRC servers, for example gateways like bitlbee
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 4096
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use TLS for server communication
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: TLS certificate file used to automatically identify your nick (path is evaluated, see function string_eval_path_home in plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: dimensione della chiave usata durante lo Scambio Chiavi Diffie-Hellman
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: fingerprint of certificate which is trusted and accepted for the server; only hexadecimal digits are allowed (0-9, a-f): 128 chars for SHA-512, 64 chars for SHA-256, 40 chars for SHA-1 (insecure, not recommended); many fingerprints can be separated by commas; if this option is set, the other checks on certificates are NOT performed (option "tls_verify") (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: password for TLS certificate's private key; only used with gnutls version >= 3.1.0 (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: stringa con le priorità per gnutls (per la sintassi, consultare la documentazione per la funzione gnutls_priority_init nel manuale di gnutls, stringhe comuni sono: "PERFORMANCE", "NORMAL", "SECURE128", "SECURE256", "EXPORT", "NONE")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: check that the TLS connection is fully trusted
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: user mode(s) to set after connection to server and before executing command and the auto-join of channels; examples: "+R" (to set mode "R"), "+R-i" (to set mode "R" and remove "i"); see /help mode for the complete mode syntax (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: user name to use on server (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; ${username} is replaced by system username (fallback to "weechat" if not found), server options are evaluated with ${} and ${server} is replaced by the server name)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
9. Xfer
Il plugin Xfer fornisce:
chat diretta (tra due host, senza server): per esempio "DCC Chat" tramite plugin IRC
trasferimento file, per esempio "DCC" tramite il plugin IRC
9.1. Comandi
: invia un’azione CTCP all’host remoto
/me <messaggio> messaggio: messaggio da inviare
: controllo xfer
/xfer [list|listfull] list: list xfer listfull: list xfer (verbose) Without argument, this command opens buffer with xfer list.
9.2. Opzioni
Sections in file xfer.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
Colors. |
Network options. |
Options for files sent/received. |
descrizione: colore del testo per lo status "annullato"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per lo status "attivo"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per lo status "connessione in corso"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per lo status "completato"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per lo status "fallito"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per lo status "in attesa"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo nel buffer xfer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore di sfondo del buffer xfer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore della riga selezionata nel buffer xfer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: accetta automaticamente le richieste di chat (usare con cautela!)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: accetta automaticamente i file in arrivo (usare con cautela!)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of nicks for which the incoming files and chats are automatically accepted; format is "server.nick" (for a specific server) or "nick" (for all servers); example: "libera.FlashCode,andrew"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: automatically check CRC32 file checksum if it is found in the filename (8 hexadecimal chars)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: rinomina i file in ingresso se esistenti (aggiunge ".1", ".2", ...)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: riprende automaticamente il trasferimento dei file se la connessione all'host viene perduta
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: convert spaces to underscores when sending and receiving files
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: path for writing incoming files (path is evaluated, see function string_eval_path_home in plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: temporary filename suffix used during the transfer for a file received, it is removed after successful transfer; if empty string, no filename suffix is used during the transfer
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: path for reading files when sending (path is evaluated, see function string_eval_path_home in plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: usa il nick remoto come prefisso nel nome del file locale alla ricezione
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: apre automaticamente il buffer xfer quando un nuovo xfer viene aggiunto alla lista
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: dimensione barra di avanzamento, in caratteri (se 0, è disabilitata)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 256
valore predefinito:
descrizione: elenco separato da virgole di tag usati nei messaggi privati, ad esempio: "notify_message", "notify_private" o "notify_highlight"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: dimensione blocco per l'invio dei pacchetti, in byte
tipo: intero
valori: 1024 .. 102400
valore predefinito:
descrizione: non attendere ACK all'invio del file
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: IP or DNS address used for sending and passively receiving files/chats (if empty, local interface IP is used)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: restricts outgoing files/chats and incoming/passive files to use only ports in the given range (useful for NAT) (syntax: a single port, ie. 5000 or a port range, ie. 5000-5015, empty value means any port, it's recommended to use ports greater than 1024, because only root can use ports below 1024)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: send acks when receiving files; if disabled, the transfer may freeze if the sender is waiting for acks (for example a WeeChat sending a file with option set to off); on the other hand, disabling send of acks may prevent a freeze if the acks are not sent immediately to the sender
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: speed limit for receiving files, in kilo-bytes by second (0 means no limit)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: limite di velocità per l'invio dei file, in kb per secondo (0 vuol dire senza limite)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: timeout per la richiesta xfer (in secondi)
tipo: intero
valori: 5 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
10. Typing notifications
The typing plugin is used to inform other users you are typing messages and show a list of users currently typing a message on the buffer.
It is used by IRC plugin on channel and private buffers, when the "message-tags"
capability is enabled (you can check with /cap command).
Under the hood, typing client tag is used, following
this specification ↗.
10.1. Activation
For privacy considerations, the typing feature is disabled by default.
If you want to use it, you must enable options in both typing and irc plugins:
/set typing.look.enabled_nicks on /set typing.look.enabled_self on /set irc.look.typing_status_nicks on /set irc.look.typing_status_self on
The typing notifications are displayed at the end of the status bar.
Example of status bar with the "typing" item: "bob" is typing a message and "alice" was typing a message but made a pause:
│[12:55] [6] [irc/libera] 3:#test(+n){4} [Typing: bob, (alice)] │ │[@Flashy] █ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
10.2. Signals sent
When you are typing a message (not a command starting with /
), the typing
plugin sends signals to inform other plugins (like IRC) that you are typing,
and these plugins can then send typing notifications to other users.
The following signals are sent when you are typing messages:
Signal | Arguments | Description |
typing_self_typing |
Pointer: buffer. |
You are typing a message. |
typing_self_paused |
Pointer: buffer. |
You made a pause while typing a message. |
typing_self_cleared |
Pointer: buffer. |
You cleared the command line without sending the message. |
typing_self_sent |
Pointer: buffer. |
You sent the message to the buffer. |
10.3. Signals caught
The typing plugin is catching some signals that can be sent by other plugins (like IRC), to update internal hashtables used to store the typing state of nicks on buffers. These hashtables are used to build the content of "typing" bar item.
The following signals are caught by the typing plugin:
Signal | Arguments | Description |
typing_set_nick |
String: buffer pointer + ";" + state (one of: "off", "typing", "paused",
"cleared") + ";" + nick. |
Set typing state for a nick on a buffer. |
typing_reset_buffer |
Pointer: buffer. |
Remove typing state for all nicks on a buffer. |
10.4. Opzioni
Sections in file typing.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
descrizione: number of seconds after paused status has been set: if reached, the typing status is removed
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: number of seconds after typing status has been set: if reached, the typing status is removed
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: number of seconds after typing last char: if reached, the typing status becomes "paused" and no more typing signals are sent
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: typing enabled for other nicks (display typing info for nicks typing in the current buffer)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: typing enabled for self messages (send typing info to other users)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: min number of chars in message to trigger send of typing signals
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: max number of chars displayed in the bar item "typing" (0 = do not truncate content)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
11. Relay
Il plugin Relay viene utilizzato per inoltrare i dati via rete, facendo uso di protocolli differenti:
irc: proxy IRC: usato per condividere le connessioni ai server IRC con uno o più client IRC
api: HTTP REST API, used by WeeChat and remote interfaces to display and interact with WeeChat
weechat: protocol used by remote interfaces to display and interact with WeeChat.
For api and weechat protocols, see the list of remote interfaces on this page ↗.
11.1. Password
It is highly recommended to set a password for relay, with these commands:
/secure set relay miapass /set "${}"
This password is used with all protocols.
11.2. TOTP
TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) can be used as secondary authentication factor for api and weechat protocols, in addition to the password.
This is optional and increases the security level.
One-time passwords can be generated with applications, for example:
The TOTP secret must be set in WeeChat and the application used to generate one-time passwords.
It must be a string encoded in base32, with only letters and digits from 2 to 7, for example:
/secure set relay_totp secretpasswordbase32 /set "${}"
11.3. TLS
È possibile usare TLS creando un certificato e una chiave privata, e usando il prefisso "tls." nel nome del protocollo.
The default path to certificate/key is defined by option
È possibile creare un certificato e una chiave privata con i seguenti comandi:
mkdir -p ~/.config/weechat/tls
cd ~/.config/weechat/tls
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout relay.pem -x509 -days 365 -out relay.pem
You must replace ~/.config/weechat by the path to your WeeChat config directory
which can also be for example ~/.weechat .
Se WeeChat è già in esecuzione, è possibile ricaricare il certificato e la chiave privata con il comando:
/relay tlscertkey
11.4. Proxy IRC
The Relay plugin can act as an IRC proxy: it will simulate an IRC server, and you can connect to WeeChat with any other IRC client (including WeeChat itself).
You can define one port by IRC server, or one generic port for all servers.
When using one port for all servers, the client must send the internal name of server in the IRC "PASS" command, with this format (see example below):
PASS server:miapass
Example: IRC proxy with TLS for any server (client will choose):
/relay add tls.irc 8000
Example: IRC proxy without TLS only for server "libera":
/relay add irc.libera 8000
Now you can connect on port 8000 with any IRC client using server password "miapass" (or "libera:miapass" if no server was specified in the relay).
For example if you use WeeChat as IRC client of the relay, with a server called "relay" and the relay password "secret", you can setup the password with these commands:
/secure set relay_libera libera:secret /set irc.server.relay.password "${}"
11.5. API protocol
The Relay plugin can send data to a remote WeeChat or interface using an HTTP REST API protocol.
You can browse and test the API online: WeeChat Relay API ↗.
You can connect with WeeChat or a remote interface, see this page ↗.
For example:
/relay add api 9000
Now you can connect on port 9000 with a WeeChat or a remote interface using password "mypassword".
To connect to an api relay running locally with WeeChat:
/remote add weechat http://localhost:9000 -password=mypassword /remote connect weechat
To connect to an api relay running elsewhere with WeeChat (TLS is highly recommended):
/remote add weechat -password=mypassword /remote connect weechat
The remote WeeChat must expose the same API version as the local WeeChat, so it’s highly recommended to use exactly the same WeeChat version on remote and local client. |
11.6. Protocollo WeeChat
Il plugin Relay può inviare dati alle interfacce remote usando il protocollo WeeChat.
You can connect with a remote interface, see this page ↗.
WeeChat itself cannot connect to another WeeChat with this protocol. |
Ad esempio:
/relay add weechat 9500
Ora è possibile connettersi sulla porta 9500 con un’interfaccia remota usando la password "miapass".
11.7. WebSocket
WebSocket protocol (RFC 6455 ↗) is supported in Relay plugin for all protocols.
The WebSocket handshake is automatically detected and socket becomes ready for WebSocket if required headers are found in handshake and if origin is allowed (see option
A WebSocket can be opened in a HTML5 with a single line of JavaScript:
websocket = new WebSocket("ws://");
The port (9500 in example) is the port defined in Relay plugin.
The URI must end with "/weechat" for irc and weechat protocols and "/api" for api protocol.
11.8. UNIX domain sockets
Using the protocol option "unix" with the /relay add
command, you can listen
using any protocol on a UNIX domain socket at a given path. For example:
/relay add unix.weechat ${weechat_runtime_dir}/relay_socket
This allows clients to connect using the weechat protocol to /run/user/1000/weechat/relay_socket. This is particularly useful to allow SSH forwarding for relay clients, when other ports cannot be opened.
Using OpenSSH:
ssh -L 9000:.weechat/relay_socket user@hostname
This redirects local relay clients connecting on port 9000 to the WeeChat instance running on "hostname".
11.9. Comandi
: controllo relay
/relay list|listfull|listrelay add|addreplace <name> <port>|<path> del|start|restart|stop <name> raw tlscertkey list: list relay clients (only active relays) listfull: list relay clients (verbose, all relays) listrelay: list relays (name and port) add: add a relay (listen on a port/path) addreplace: add or replace an existing relay del: remove a relay (clients remain connected) start: listen on port restart: close the server socket and listen again on port (clients remain connected) stop: close the server socket (clients remain connected) name: relay name (see format below) port: port used for relay path: path used for relay (for UNIX domain socket only); path is evaluated (see function string_eval_path_home in plugin API reference) raw: open buffer with raw Relay data tlscertkey: set TLS certificate/key using path in option Relay name is: [ipv4.][ipv6.][tls.]<> or unix.[tls.]<>: - ipv4: force use of IPv4 - ipv6: force use of IPv6 - tls: enable TLS - unix: use UNIX domain socket - protocol and name to relay: - protocol "irc": name is the server to share (optional, if not given, the server name must be sent by client in command "PASS", with format: "PASS server:password") - protocol "api" (name is not used) - protocol "weechat" (name is not used) The "irc" protocol allows any IRC client (including WeeChat itself) to connect on the port. The "api" protocol allows a remote interface (including WeeChat itself) to connect on the port. The "weechat" protocol allows a remote interface (but not WeeChat itself) to connect on the port. The list of remote interfaces is here: Without argument, this command opens buffer with list of relay clients. Examples: /relay add irc.libera 8000 /relay add tls.irc.libera 8001 /relay add tls.irc 8002 /relay add tls.api 9000 /relay add weechat 10000 /relay add tls.weechat 10001 /relay add ipv4.tls.weechat 10001 /relay add ipv6.tls.weechat 10001 /relay add ipv4.ipv6.tls.weechat 10001 /relay add unix.weechat ${weechat_runtime_dir}/relay_socket
: control of remote relay servers
/remote list|listfull [<name>] add|addreplace <name> <url> [-<option>[=<value>]] connect|reconnect|disconnect|del <name> send <name> <json> rename <name> <new_name> togglecmd list: list remote relay servers (without argument, this list is displayed) listfull: list remote relay servers (verbose) add: add a remote relay server addreplace: add or replace an existing remote relay server name: name of remote relay server, for internal and display use; this name is used to connect to the remote relay and to set remote relay options: url: URL of the remote relay, format is or (plain-text connection, not recommended) option: set option for remote relay connect: connect to a remote relay server reconnect: reconnect to a remote relay server disconnect: disconnect from a remote relay server del: delete a remote relay server send: send JSON data to a remote relay server rename: rename a remote relay server togglecmd: toggle execution of commands on a remote buffer: on the remote WeeChat or locally (default key: alt+ctrl+l) Examples: /remote add example https://localhost:9000 -password=my_secret_password -totp_secret=secrettotp /remote connect example /remote disconnect example /remote del example
11.10. Opzioni
Sections in file relay.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
Colors. |
Network options. |
Options specific to irc protocol (irc proxy). |
Ports used for relay (options can be added/removed in section). |
descrizione: growing factor for autoreconnect delay to remote relay (1 = always same delay, 2 = delay*2 for each retry, etc.)
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 100
valore predefinito:
descrizione: maximum autoreconnect delay to remote relay (in seconds, 0 = no maximum)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 604800
valore predefinito:
descrizione: number of lines to retrieve on each buffer when connecting to a remote relay
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text displayed after user input when the command would be executed locally (NOT sent to the remote WeeChat) (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
" ${color:green}<local cmd>"
descrizione: text displayed after user input when the command would be executed on the remote WeeChat (NOT executed locally) (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
" ${color:red}<remote cmd>"
descrizione: colore del testo per la descrizione del client
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per lo status "connesso"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per lo status "autenticazione fallita"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for "authenticating" status
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per lo status "connessione in corso"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo per lo status "disconnesso"
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo nei buffer relay
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore di sfondo nel buffer relay
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo della riga selezionata nel buffer relay
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: numero massimo di minuti nella cronologia per canale IRC (0 = nessun limite, esempi: 1440 = un giorno, 10000 = una settimana; 43200 = un mese, 525600 = un anno)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: numero massimo di righe nella cronologia per canale IRC (0 = nessun limite)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra la cronologia a partire dall'ultima disconnessione del client
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display backlog starting from your last message
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of messages tags which are displayed in backlog per IRC channel (supported tags: "irc_join", "irc_part", "irc_quit", "irc_nick", "irc_privmsg"), "*" = all supported tags
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format for time in backlog messages (see man strftime for format) (not used if server capability "server-time" was enabled by client, because time is sent as irc tag); empty string = disable time in backlog messages
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"[%H:%M] "
descrizione: auto open relay buffer when a new client is connecting using one of these protocols (comma-separated list); allowed protocols: "api", "irc", "weechat"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: display messages when clients connect/disconnect from relay using one of these protocols (comma-separated list); allowed protocols: "api", "irc", "weechat"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: numero di messaggi raw da salvare in memoria quando il buffer dei dati raw viene chiuso (i messaggi verranno visualizzati all'apertura del buffer dei dati raw)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 65535
valore predefinito:
descrizione: max number of chars to display in raw messages (very long messages can cause slowness); 0 = display whole messages
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: allow empty password in relay (it should be enabled only for tests or local network)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: POSIX extended regular expression with IPs allowed to use relay (case-insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning to make it case-sensitive), example: "^(123\.45\.67\.89|192\.160\..*)$"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: timeout (in seconds) for client authentication: connection is closed if the client is still not authenticated after this delay and the client status is set to "authentication failed" (0 = wait forever)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: address for bind (if empty, connection is possible on all interfaces, use "" to allow connections from local machine only with IPv4 and "::ffff:" with IPv6)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: delay for purging disconnected clients (in minutes, 0 = purge clients immediately, -1 = never purge)
tipo: intero
valori: -1 .. 43200
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma-separated list of commands allowed/denied when input data (text or command) is received from a client ("api" and "weechat" protocols); "*" means any command, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent a command from being executed, wildcard "*" is allowed in names; this option should be set if the relay client is not safe (someone could use it to run commands); for example "*,!exec,!quit" allows any command except /exec and /quit
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: compression of messages sent to clients with "api" and "weechat" protocols: 0 = disable compression, 1 = low compression / fast ... 100 = best compression / slow; the value is a percentage converted to 1-9 for zlib and 1-19 for zstd; the default value is recommended, it offers a good compromise between compression and speed
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 100
valore predefinito:
descrizione: listen on IPv6 socket by default (in addition to IPv4 which is default); protocols IPv4 and IPv6 can be forced (individually or together) in the protocol name (see /help relay)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: maximum number of clients connecting to a port (0 = no limit)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 2147483647
valore predefinito:
descrizione: size of nonce (in bytes), generated when a client connects; the client must use this nonce, concatenated to the client nonce and the password when hashing the password in the "init" command of the weechat protocol
tipo: intero
valori: 8 .. 128
valore predefinito:
descrizione: password required by clients to access this relay (empty value means no password required, see option (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comma separated list of hash algorithms used for password authentication in weechat protocol, among these values: "plain" (password in plain text, not hashed), "sha256", "sha512", "pbkdf2+sha256", "pbkdf2+sha512"), "*" means all algorithms, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent an algorithm from being used, wildcard "*" is allowed in names (examples: "*", "pbkdf2*", "*,!plain")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: number of iterations asked to the client in weechat protocol when a hashed password with algorithm PBKDF2 is used for authentication; more iterations is better in term of security but is slower to compute; this number should not be too high if your CPU is slow
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 1000000
valore predefinito:
descrizione: number of seconds to allow before and after the current time for the hash of time + password in "api" protocol
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 256
valore predefinito:
descrizione: file with TLS certificate and private key (for serving clients with TLS) (path is evaluated, see function string_eval_path_home in plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: stringa con le priorità per gnutls (per la sintassi, consultare la documentazione per la funzione gnutls_priority_init nel manuale di gnutls, stringhe comuni sono: "PERFORMANCE", "NORMAL", "SECURE128", "SECURE256", "EXPORT", "NONE")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: secret for the generation of the Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP), encoded in base32 (only letters and digits from 2 to 7); it is used as second factor in "api" and "weechat" protocols, in addition to the password, which must not be empty (empty value means no TOTP is required) (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: number of Time-based One-Time Passwords to accept before and after the current one: 0 = accept only the current password, 1 = accept one password before, the current, and one after, 2 = accept two passwords before, the current, and two after, ...; a high number reduces the security level (0 or 1 are recommended values)
tipo: intero
valori: 0 .. 256
valore predefinito:
descrizione: POSIX extended regular expression with origins allowed in websockets (case-insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning to make it case-sensitive), example: "^https?://(www\.)?example\.(com|org)"
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: enable websocket extension "permessage-deflate" to compress websocket frames ("api" protocol only); if disabled, WeeChat (as server) will not enable permessage-deflate even if the client supports it, and when connecting to a remote WeeChat (api relay only), permessage-deflate support is not advertised by WeeChat; it is recommended to keep this option enabled, and you should disable it only if you have troubles with this extension, either with WeeChat or the client
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
12. External commands
The /exec
command lets you execute external commands inside WeeChat and
display the output locally, or send it to a buffer.
12.1. Comandi
: execute external commands
/exec -list [-sh|-nosh] [-bg|-nobg] [-stdin|-nostdin] [-buffer <name>] [-l|-o|-oc|-n|-nf] [-oerr] [-cl|-nocl] [-sw|-nosw] [-ln|-noln] [-flush|-noflush] [-color ansi|auto|irc|weechat|strip] [-rc|-norc] [-timeout <timeout>] [-name <name>] [-pipe <command>] [-hsignal <name>] <command> -in <id> <text> -inclose <id> [<text>] -signal <id> <signal> -kill <id> -killall -set <id> <property> <value> -del <id>|-all [<id>...] -list: list commands -sh: use the shell to execute the command, many commands can be piped (WARNING: use this option ONLY if all arguments are safe, see option -nosh) -nosh: do not use the shell to execute the command (required if the command has some unsafe data, for example the content of a message from another user) (default) -bg: run process in background: do not display process output neither return code (not compatible with options -o/-oc/-n/-nf/-pipe/-hsignal) -nobg: catch process output and display return code (default) -stdin: create a pipe for sending data to the process (with /exec -in/-inclose) -nostdin: do not create a pipe for stdin (default) -buffer: display/send output of command on this buffer (if the buffer is not found, a new buffer with name "" is created) -l: display locally output of command on buffer (default) -o: send output of command to the buffer without executing commands (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal) -oc: send output of command to the buffer and execute commands (lines starting with "/" or another custom command char) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal) -n: display output of command in a new buffer (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal) -nf: display output of command in a new buffer with free content (no word-wrap, no limit on number of lines) (not compatible with options -bg/-pipe/-hsignal) -oerr: also send stderr (error output) to the buffer (can be used only with options -o and -oc) -cl: clear the new buffer before displaying output -nocl: append to the new buffer without clear (default) -sw: switch to the output buffer (default) -nosw: don't switch to the output buffer -ln: display line numbers (default in new buffer only) -noln: don't display line numbers -flush: display output of command in real time (default) -noflush: display output of command after its end -color: action on ANSI colors in output: ansi: keep ANSI codes as-is auto: convert ANSI colors to WeeChat/IRC (default) irc: convert ANSI colors to IRC colors weechat: convert ANSI colors to WeeChat colors strip: remove ANSI colors -rc: display return code (default) -norc: don't display return code -timeout: set a timeout for the command (in seconds) -name: set a name for the command (to name it later with /exec) -pipe: send the output to a WeeChat/plugin command (line by line); if there are spaces in command/arguments, enclose them with double quotes; variable $line is replaced by the line (by default the line is added after the command, separated by a space) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf) -hsignal: send the output as a hsignal (to be used for example in a trigger) (not compatible with options -bg/-o/-oc/-n/-nf) command: the command to execute; if beginning with "url:", the shell is disabled and the content of URL is downloaded and sent as output id: command identifier: either its number or name (if set with "-name xxx") -in: send text on standard input of process -inclose: same as -in, but stdin is closed after (and text is optional: without text, the stdin is just closed) -signal: send a signal to the process; the signal can be an integer or one of these names: hup, int, quit, kill, term, usr1, usr2 -kill: alias of "-signal <id> kill" -killall: kill all running processes -set: set a hook property (see function hook_set in plugin API reference) property: hook property value: new value for hook property -del: delete a terminated command -all: delete all terminated commands Default options can be set in the option exec.command.default_options. Examples: /exec -n ls -l /tmp /exec -sh -n ps xu | grep weechat /exec -n -norc url: /exec -nf -noln links -dump /exec -o uptime /exec -pipe "/print Machine uptime:" uptime /exec -n tail -f /var/log/messages /exec -kill 0
12.2. Opzioni
Sections in file exec.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Options for commands. |
Colors. |
descrizione: text color for a finished command flag in list of commands
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for a running command flag in list of commands
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default options for command /exec (see /help exec); example: "-nosh -bg" to run all commands in background (no output), and without using the shell
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: delay for purging finished commands (in seconds, 0 = purge commands immediately, -1 = never purge)
tipo: intero
valori: -1 .. 25920000
valore predefinito:
descrizione: shell to use with command "/exec -sh"; it can be just the name of shell if it is in PATH (for example "bash") or the absolute path to the shell (for example "/bin/bash"); if value is empty, "sh" is used (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
13. FIFO pipe
È possibile controllare da remoto WeeChat, inviando comandi o del testo ad una pipe FIFO (se l’opzione "fifo.file.enabled" è abilitata, e lo è per default).
The FIFO pipe is located in WeeChat runtime directory and is called weechat_fifo_12345 by default (where 12345 is the WeeChat process id).
La sintassi per i comandi/testo della pipe FIFO è una delle seguenti:
plugin.buffer *testo o comando qui *testo o comando qui
Backslashes can be interpreted with this format, where *
is replaced by \
allowing for example to send multiline messages:
plugin.buffer \text or command here \text or command here
Alcuni esempi:
Change nick on IRC server libera to "newnick":
echo 'irc.server.libera */nick newnick' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo_12345
Send a message on IRC #weechat channel:
echo 'irc.libera.#weechat *hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo_12345
Send a multiline message on IRC #test channel, if capability "draft/multiline" is enabled on the ergo server:
echo 'irc.ergo.#test \hello\n...on two lines!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo_12345
Send a message on current buffer:
echo '*hello!' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo_12345
Inviare due comandi per scaricare/caricare gli script Python (è necessario separarli con "\n"):
printf '%b' '*/python unload\n*/python autoload\n' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo_12345
13.1. Comandi
: fifo plugin configuration
/fifo enable|disable|toggle enable: enable FIFO pipe disable: disable FIFO pipe toggle: toggle FIFO pipe FIFO pipe is used as remote control of WeeChat: you can send commands or text to the FIFO pipe from your shell. By default the FIFO pipe is called weechat_fifo_xxx (where xxx is the WeeChat process id) and located in the WeeChat runtime directory (see /debug dirs). The expected format is one of: plugin.buffer *text or command here *text or command here For example to change your libera nick: echo 'irc.server.libera */nick newnick' >/run/user/1000/weechat/weechat_fifo_12345 Please read the user's guide for more info and examples.
13.2. Opzioni
Sections in file fifo.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
FIFO pipe control. |
descrizione: enable FIFO pipe
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: path for FIFO file; WeeChat PID can be used in path with ${info:pid} (path is evaluated, see function string_eval_path_home in plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
14. Trigger
Trigger is the Swiss Army knife for WeeChat: it can hook many things (signal, modifier, print, …), change the content of data, and execute one or more commands. A condition can be used to prevent the trigger to run in some circumstances.
Using triggers require you to know how the signals, modifiers, … are working. So you might consider reading the WeeChat plugin API reference / Hooks ↗.
14.1. Default triggers
WeeChat creates 5 triggers by default, which can be disabled, updated or deleted:
a beep trigger for notifications
four other triggers to hide passwords on screen
List of default triggers:
Name | Hook | Description |
Beep on highlight/private message. |
modifier |
Hide password in commands:
modifier |
Hide password in command |
modifier |
Hide password in IRC auth message displayed (message received from server after the user issued the command). |
modifier |
Hide server password in commands |
14.2. Anatomy of a trigger
A trigger has the following options (names are
Option | Values | Description |
When option is |
The hook used in trigger. For more information, see WeeChat plugin API reference / Hooks ↗. |
string |
The arguments for the hook, it depends on the hook type used. |
string |
Conditions to execute the trigger; they are evaluated (see command /eval). |
string |
One or more POSIX extended regular expressions, to change data received in the hook callback (and some stuff added by trigger plugin), see regular expression. |
string |
Command to execute (many commands can be separated by semicolons); it is evaluated (see command /eval). |
The return code of callback (default is |
Action to take on the trigger after execution (default is |
For example, the default beep trigger has following options:
trigger.trigger.beep.enabled = on trigger.trigger.beep.hook = print trigger.trigger.beep.arguments = "" trigger.trigger.beep.conditions = "${tg_displayed} && (${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv})" trigger.trigger.beep.regex = "" trigger.trigger.beep.command = "/print -beep" trigger.trigger.beep.return_code = ok trigger.trigger.beep.post_action = none
14.3. Execution
When a trigger callback is called, following actions are executed, in this order, if triggers are globally enabled and if the trigger itself is enabled:
check trigger conditions: if false, exit
replace text in trigger using regular expression(s)
execute command(s)
exit with a return code (except for hooks modifier, line, focus, info and info_hashtable)
perform post action (if different from
14.4. Hook arguments
The arguments depend on the hook used. They are separated by semicolons.
Hook | Arguments | Examples | Documentation (API) |
signal |
1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) |
hsignal |
1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) |
modifier |
1. modifier name (priority allowed) (required) |
line |
1. buffer type |
1. buffer name |
command |
1. command name (priority allowed) (required) |
command_run |
1. command (priority allowed) (required) |
timer |
1. interval in milliseconds (required) |
config |
1. option name (priority allowed) (required) |
focus |
1. area name (priority allowed) (required) |
info |
1. info name (priority allowed) (required) |
info_hashtable |
1. info name (priority allowed) (required) |
14.5. Conditions
The conditions are used to continue processing in trigger, or stop everything.
They are evaluated, and data available in callback can be used (see data in callbacks and command /eval).
Example: the default beep trigger uses this condition to make a beep only on highlight or private message:
${tg_displayed} && (${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv})
14.6. Regular expression
The regular expression is used to change variables in callback hashtable.
Format is one of the following:
/string1/string2 /string1/string2/var s/string1/string2 s/string1/string2/var y/string1/string2 y/string1/string2/var
: a letter with the command; if missing, default command iss
and the first char is then used as the delimiter:-
: regex replacement: first string is a regular expression, second string is the replacement for every matching string -
: chars translation: first string is a set of characters that are replaced by the characters in the second string; once evaluated, each string must have exactly the same number of UTF-8 chars
: the regex delimiter; the char "/" can be replaced by any char (one or more identical chars) -
: the first string (use depends on the command) -
: the second string (use depends on the command) -
: the hashtable variable to update
Many regular expressions can be separated by a space, for example:
s/regex1/replace1/var1 y/abcdef/ABDDEF/var2
Regex replace
For the command s
, the format is: s/regex/replace
or s/regex/replace/var
(where var is a variable of the hashtable).
As s
is the default command, it can be omitted, so /regex/replace
is also
valid (but the first char, which is the delimiter, must not be a letter).
Matching groups can be used in replace:
is the whole match,${re:1}
are groups captured -
: the last match (with highest number) -
: index of last group captured -
: index of replacement being done (starts to 1) -
: match "N" with all chars replaced by "c" (example:${hide:*,${re:2}}
is the group #2 with all chars replaced by*
Example: use bold for words between *
s/\*([^ ]+)\*/*${color:bold}${re:1}${color:-bold}*/
Example: default trigger server_pass uses this regular expression to hide
password in commands /server
and /connect
(chars in passwords are replaced
by *
s==^(/(server|connect) .*-(sasl_)?password=)([^ ]+)(.*)==${re:1}${hide:*,${re:4}}${re:5}
In this example, the delimiter used is "==" because there is a "/" in the regular expression. |
Translate chars
For the command y
, the format is: y/chars1/chars2
or y/chars1/chars2/var
(where var is a variable of the hashtable).
Example: replace "a", "b" and "c" by upper case letter:
Example: rotate arrows clockwise:
Example: convert all letters to lower case:
Example: shift each letter by one position, preserving case: a→b, b→c … y→z, z→a:
If var does not exist in the hashtable, it is created automatically with an empty value. This allows to create custom temporary variables.
If var is not specified, the default variable is used, it depends on hook type:
Hook | Default variable | Update allowed (1) |
signal |
tg_signal_data |
hsignal |
modifier |
tg_string |
tg_string |
line |
message |
buffer, buffer_name, y, date, date_usec, date_printed, date_usec_printed, str_time, tags, notify_level, highlight, prefix, message |
tg_message |
command |
tg_argv_eol1 |
command_run |
tg_command |
timer |
tg_remaining_calls |
config |
tg_value |
focus |
info |
tg_info |
tg_info |
info_hashtable |
all variables received in hashtable |
(1) All variables can be updated in the trigger, but only these variables have an effect on the value returned by the trigger and used by WeeChat. |
14.7. Command
The command is executed after replacement of text with the regular expression. Many commands can be separated by semicolons.
It is evaluated (see command /eval) and text replaced with a regular expression can be used in the command.
Example: default beep trigger uses this command to make a beep (BEL):
/print -beep
14.8. Data in callbacks
Data received in callbacks are stored in hashtables (pointers and strings) and can be used in following options:
The content of hashtables depend on the hook type.
A convenient way to see data in a trigger is to open trigger monitor buffer, using the command:
/trigger monitor
All callbacks set following variables in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
string |
Name of trigger. |
string |
Hook type: "signal", "command", etc. |
The "signal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
string |
Name of signal. |
string |
Data sent with the signal. |
If the signal contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and following data is added in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
pointer |
Pointer to IRC server (variables in hdata of type "irc_server" can be used, like |
pointer |
Pointer to IRC channel (variables in hdata of type "irc_channel" can be used, like |
string |
Name of server (example: "libera"). |
string |
Tags in message (rarely used). |
string |
Message without tags. |
string |
Nick. (1) |
string |
Hostname. |
string |
IRC command (example: "PRIVMSG", "NOTICE", …). |
string |
IRC channel. |
string |
Arguments of command (includes value of channel). |
string |
Text (for example user message). |
string |
The index of command in message ("-1" if command was not found). |
string |
The index of arguments in message ("-1" if arguments was not found). |
string |
The index of channel in message ("-1" if channel was not found). |
string |
The index of text in message ("-1" if text was not found). |
(1) The nick is the sender of the message. Your own nick on the server is ${irc_server.nick} .
When the data is a pointer, the variable tg_signal_data
can be used like this
to read a hdata property (in this example this is a pointer on a buffer):
The "hsignal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
string |
Name of signal. |
The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type: string/string).
The "modifier" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
string |
Name of modifier. |
string |
Data sent with modifier. |
string |
The string that can be modified. |
string |
The string without color codes. |
For the weechat_print modifier, variables using message tags are added (see hook print below), and following variables:
Variable | Type | Description |
pointer |
Buffer where message is printed. |
string |
Plugin of buffer where message is printed. |
string |
Full name of buffer where message is printed. |
string |
Prefix of message printed. |
string |
Prefix without color codes. |
string |
Message printed. |
string |
Message without color codes. |
If the modifier contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and extra data is added in hashtable (see hook signal).
The "line" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
pointer |
Buffer. |
string |
Buffer name. |
string |
Buffer type ("formatted" or "free"). |
string |
Line number for a buffer with free content (≥ 0), -1 for a buffer with formatted content. |
string |
Line date (timestamp). |
string |
Microseconds of line date. |
string |
Date when line was displayed (timestamp). |
string |
Microseconds of date when line was displayed. |
string |
Date for display. It may contain color codes. |
string |
Tags of message (with comma added at beginning/end of string). |
string |
"1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered. |
string |
"-1" = no notify, "0" = low level, "1" = message, "2" = private message, "3" = highlight |
string |
"1" if highlight, otherwise "0". |
string |
Prefix. |
string |
Prefix without color codes. |
string |
Message. |
string |
Message without color codes. |
Variables set using tags in message:
Variable | Type | Description |
string |
Number of tags in message. |
string |
Nick (from tag "nick_xxx"). |
string |
Color of nick in prefix (from tag "prefix_nick_ccc"). |
string |
User name and host, format: username@host (from tag "host_xxx"). |
string |
Notify level (none, message, private, highlight). |
string |
IRC message tag (key "xxx"). (1) |
string |
Notify level, if different from none. |
string |
"1" for a private message, otherwise "0". |
(1) Commas are replaced by semicolons in IRC tag (key and value). |
The "print" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
pointer |
Buffer. |
string |
Message date/time (format: |
string |
"1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered. |
string |
"1" if highlight, otherwise "0". |
string |
Prefix. |
string |
Prefix without color codes. |
string |
Message. |
string |
Message without color codes. |
Variables set using tags in message:
Variable | Type | Description |
string |
Tags of message (with comma added at beginning/end of string). |
string |
Number of tags in message. |
string |
Nick (from tag "nick_xxx"). |
string |
Color of nick in prefix (from tag "prefix_nick_ccc"). |
string |
User name and host, format: username@host (from tag "host_xxx"). |
string |
Notify level (none, message, private, highlight). |
string |
IRC message tag (key "xxx"). (1) |
string |
Notify level, if different from none. |
string |
"1" for a private message, otherwise "0". |
(1) Commas are replaced by semicolons in IRC tag (key and value). |
The "command" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
pointer |
Buffer. |
string |
The number of arguments (the command itself counts for one). |
string |
Argument #N ( |
string |
From argument #N until end of arguments ( |
string |
The number of arguments with a split like the shell does (the command itself counts for one). |
string |
Argument #N with a split like the shell does ( |
The "command_run" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
pointer |
Buffer. |
string |
Command executed. |
The "timer" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
string |
Number of remaining calls. |
string |
Current date/time (format: |
The "config" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
string |
Option. |
string |
Value. |
The "focus" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
Variable | Type | Description |
pointer |
Window. |
pointer |
Buffer. |
The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type: string/string).
14.9. Examples
Color for URLs
Display URLs in green:
/trigger add url_color modifier weechat_print "${tg_notify}" "==[a-zA-Z0-9_]+://[^ ]+==${color:green}${re:0}${color:reset}=="
The simple regex used to detect URL may not catch well all URLs, but it is faster than a complex regex. |
Auto pong on ping queries
When someone sends a "ping" in a private buffer, this trigger will auto-reply
with pong
/trigger add pong print "" "${type} == private && ${tg_message} == ping" "" "pong"
Responsive layout
Following triggers can be used to customize things displayed when the size of terminal is changed:
/trigger add resize_small signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} < 100" "" "/bar hide nicklist" /trigger add resize_big signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} >= 100" "" "/bar show nicklist"
The triggers catch the signal "signal_sigwinch", which is sent by WeeChat when signal SIGWINCH is received (when terminal size is changed).
The condition with ${info:term_width}
checks the width of terminal (you can
also use ${info:term_height}
if needed).
In the example, when the terminal becomes small, the nicklist is hidden. And the bar is restored when the width is greater or equal to 100 chars.
Automatic save of configuration
You can automatically save configuration files (*.conf
), for example each
/trigger add cfgsave timer 3600000;0;0 "" "" "/mute /save"
Arguments for the timer hook are:
3600000: 3600 * 1000 milliseconds, the callback is called each hour
0: alignment on second (not aligned here)
0: max number of calls (0 = no end for the timer)
The command /mute /save
will silently save configuration files (nothing
displayed on core buffer).
14.10. Comandi
: manage triggers, the Swiss Army knife for WeeChat
/trigger list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] listfull listdefault add|addoff|addreplace <name> <hook> ["<arguments>" ["<conditions>" ["<regex>" ["<command>" ["<return_code>" ["<post_action>"]]]]]] addinput [<hook>] input|output|recreate <name> set <name> <option> <value> rename|copy <name> <new_name> enable|disable|toggle [<name>|<mask>...] restart <name>|<mask>... show <name> del <name>|<mask>... restore <name>|<mask>... default -yes monitor [<filter>] list: list triggers (without argument, this list is displayed) -o: send list of triggers enabled to buffer (string in English) -ol: send list of triggers enabled to buffer (translated string) -i: copy list of triggers enabled in command line (for sending to buffer) (string in English) -il: copy list of triggers enabled in command line (for sending to buffer) (translated string) listfull: list triggers with detailed info for each trigger listdefault: list default triggers add: add a trigger addoff: add a trigger (disabled) addreplace: add or replace an existing trigger name: name of trigger hook: signal, hsignal, modifier, line, print, command, command_run, timer, config, focus, info, info_hashtable arguments: arguments for the hook, depending on hook (separated by semicolons): type `signal`: name(s) of signal (required) type `hsignal`: name(s) of hsignal (required) type `modifier`: name(s) of modifier (required) type `line`: buffer type ("formatted", "free" or "*"), list of buffer masks, tags type `print`: buffer, tags, message, strip colors type `command`: command (required), description, arguments, description of arguments, completion (all arguments except command are evaluated, "${tg_trigger_name}" is replaced by the trigger name, see /help eval) type `command_run`: command(s) (required) type `timer`: interval (required), align on second, max calls type `config`: name(s) of option (required) type `focus`: name(s) of area (required) type `info`: name(s) of info (required) type `info_hashtable`: name(s) of info (required) conditions: evaluated conditions for the trigger regex: one or more regular expressions to replace strings in variables command: command to execute (many commands can be separated by ";") return_code: return code in callback (ok (default), ok_eat, error) post_action: action to take after execution (none (default), disable, delete) addinput: set input with default arguments to create a trigger input: set input with the command used to create the trigger output: send the command to create the trigger on the buffer recreate: same as "input", with option "addreplace" instead of "add" set: set an option in a trigger option: name of option: name, hook, arguments, conditions, regex, command, return_code (for help on option, you can type: /help trigger.trigger.<name>.<option>) value: new value for the option rename: rename a trigger copy: copy a trigger enable: enable triggers (without arguments: enable triggers globally) disable: disable triggers (without arguments: disable triggers globally) toggle: toggle triggers (without arguments: toggle triggers globally) restart: restart triggers (recreate the hooks) show: show detailed info on a trigger (with some stats) del: delete triggers restore: restore triggers with the default values (works only for default triggers) mask: name where wildcard "*" is allowed default: delete all triggers and restore default ones monitor: open the trigger monitor buffer, with optional filter filter: filter hooks/triggers to display (a hook must start with "@", for example "@signal"), many filters can be separated by commas; wildcard "*" is allowed in each trigger name When a trigger callback is called, following actions are performed, in this order: 1. check conditions; if false, exit 2. replace text using POSIX extended regular expression(s) (if defined in trigger) 3. execute command(s) (if defined in trigger) 4. exit with a return code (except for modifier, line, focus, info and info_hashtable) 5. perform post action Examples (you can also look at default triggers with /trigger listdefault): add text attributes *bold*, _underline_ and /italic/ (only in user messages): /trigger add effects modifier weechat_print "${tg_tag_nick}" "==\*([^ ]+)\*==*${color:bold}${re:1}${color:-bold}*== ==_([^ ]+)_==_${color:underline}${re:1}${color:-underline}_== ==/([^ ]+)/==/${color:italic}${re:1}${color:-italic}/" hide nicklist bar on small terminals: /trigger add resize_small signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} < 100" "" "/bar hide nicklist" /trigger add resize_big signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} >= 100" "" "/bar show nicklist" silently save config each hour: /trigger add cfgsave timer 3600000;0;0 "" "" "/mute /save" silently save WeeChat session at midnight (see /help upgrade): /trigger add session_save signal day_changed "" "" "/mute /upgrade -save" open trigger monitor and show only modifiers and triggers whose name starts with "resize": /trigger monitor @modifier,resize*
14.11. Opzioni
Sections in file trigger.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
Colors. |
Trigger options. |
descrizione: text color for command flag (in /trigger list)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for conditions flag (in /trigger list)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for post action flag (in /trigger list)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for regex flag (in /trigger list)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for return code flag (in /trigger list)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for trigger context identifier in monitor buffer
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for regular expressions
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: text color for replacement text (for regular expressions)
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: enable trigger support
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: strip colors in hashtable values displayed on monitor buffer
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
15. Extending WeeChat
WeeChat has a modular design and can be extended with plugins and scripts.
È importante evidenziare la differenza tra un plugin ed uno script: un
plugin è un file binario compilato e caricato con il comando /plugin
mentre uno script è un file di testo caricato con un plugin come python
con il comando /python
15.1. Plugin
Un plugin è una libreria dinamica, scritta in C e compilata, che viene caricata da WeeChat. In GNU/Linux, il file ha estensione ".so", ".dll" in Windows.
I plugin trovati vengono caricati automaticamente all’avvio di WeeChat, ed è possibile caricare o scaricare i plugin durante l’esecuzione del programma.
È possibile utilizzare il comando /plugin
per caricare/scaricare un plugin,
oppure elencare tutti i plugin caricati.
When a plugin is unloaded, WeeChat removes:
configuration options (options are written in files)
all hooks: commands, modifiers, process, etc.
infos and infolists
bar items.
Esempi per caricare, scaricare oppure elencare i plugin:
/plugin load irc /plugin unload irc /plugin list
I plugin predefiniti sono:
Plugin | Descrizione |
alias |
Definisce gli alias per i comandi. |
buflist |
Bar item with list of buffers. |
charset |
Set di caratteri per la codifica/decodifica nei buffer. |
exec |
Execution of external commands in WeeChat. |
fifo |
pipe FIFO utilizzata per inviare comandi da remoto su WeeChat. |
fset |
Fast set of WeeChat and plugins options. |
irc |
protocollo chat per IRC. |
logger |
Registra i buffer su file. |
relay |
Relay dei dati via rete. |
script |
Gestore script. |
python |
API per lo scripting in Python. |
perl |
API per lo scripting in Perl. |
ruby |
API per lo scripting in Ruby. |
lua |
API per lo scripting in Lua. |
tcl |
API per lo scripting in TCL. |
guile |
API per lo scripting in Guile (scheme). |
javascript |
API per lo scripting in JavaScript. |
php |
API per lo scripting in PHP. |
spell |
Controllo ortografico per la riga di comando. |
trigger |
Text replacement and command execution on events triggered by WeeChat/plugins. |
typing |
Display users currently writing messages. |
xfer |
Trasferimento file e chat diretta. |
Per saperne di più riguardo lo sviluppo di plugin o script (tramite le API), per favore consultare Riferimento API dei Plugin per WeeChat ↗ oppure Guida allo Scripting di WeeChat ↗.
15.2. Scripts
WeeChat fornisce 8 plugin per lo scripting: Python, Perl, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, Guile (scheme), JavaScript, PHP. Questi plugin possono caricare, eseguire e scaricare gli script per questi linguaggi.
Per maggiori informazioni su come scrivere gli script, o le API WeeChat per gli script, consultare la Guida allo Scripting di WeeChat ↗.
Script manager
The script manager (command /script) is used to load/unload scripts of any language, and install/remove scripts of WeeChat scripts repository, which are visible on this page ↗.
For privacy considerations, the download of scripts is disabled by default.
To enable it, type this command:
/script enable
Then you can download the list of scripts and display them in a new buffer with the /script command:
┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.weechat│322/322 scripts (filter: *) | Sort: i,p,n | Alt+key/input: i=install, r=remove, l=load, L=reload, >>│ │2.scripts│* 3.10 2023-12-31 | Automatically keep buffers grouped by se│ │ │* 2.7 2020-06-21 | Aggiunge un buffer monitor per gli event│ │ │*ia r 0.8.6 0.8.6 2022-11-11 | Cerca espressione regolare nei buffer o │ │ │* 32 2023-10-30 | Usa i colori dei nick di weechat nell'ar│ │ │*ia r 3.0.1 3.0.1 2024-05-30 | Passa rapidamente ai buffer. │ │ │ 1.0.6 2020-10-25 | Make messages more A E S T H E T I C A L│ │ │ 0.2 2018-06-21 | Alternate text formatting, useful for re│ │ │ 0.4 2022-01-25 | Aggiunge un elemento località alternativ│ │ │ 0.7 2012-05-08 | Script di controllo e riproduzione per A│ │ │ amqp_notify.rb 0.1 2011-01-12 | Invia messaggi privati ed eventi ad uno │ │ │ 19 2021-06-05 | Annuncia il titolo URL all'utente o al c│ │ │ 1.0.2 2020-05-16 | Notifications of private messages, highl│ │ │ 1.2.1 2021-03-13 | Prevent a password from being accidental│ │ │ 1.3 2018-06-21 | Display corrected text when user sends s│ │ │ 0.1.2 2022-01-25 | Un semplice autoresponder. │ │ │ 0.001 2016-10-29 | Tab complete nicks when prefixed with "@│ │ │ 0.3 2009-05-03 | Visualizza la canzone riprodotta da Auda│ │ │ auth.rb 0.3 2014-05-30 | Automatically authenticate with NickServ│ │ │ 0.4 2018-11-11 | Un semplice script per l'assenza automat│ │ │ 1.3 2021-11-07 | Consente l'autenticazione automatica al │ │ │ 0.1.0 2019-06-14 | Bump buffers upon activity. │ │ │ 0.4 2021-05-11 | Auto save/load changed options in a .wee│ │ │ 0.3.3 2019-10-06 | Riapre server e canali aperti l'ultima v│ │ │ 0.9 2022-10-25 | Entra automaticamente nei canali quando │ │ │ 1.0 2015-03-31 | Mark buffers as read if there is no new │ │ │ 0.2 2018-03-03 | Automatically merge new buffers accordin│ │ │[12:55] [2] [script] 2:scripts │ │ │█ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Comandi Script
: WeeChat script manager
/script enable list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] search <text> show <script> load|unload|reload <script>... autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script>... install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script>... upgrade update -up|-down [<number>] -go <line>|end enable: enable download of scripts (turn on option script.scripts.download_enabled) list: list loaded scripts (all languages) -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English) -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string) -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (string in English) -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (translated string) search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts buffer show: show detailed info about a script load: load script(s) unload: unload script(s) reload: reload script(s) autoload: autoload the script noautoload: do not autoload the script toggleautoload: toggle autoload install: install/upgrade script(s) remove: remove script(s) installremove: install or remove script(s), depending on current state hold: hold/unhold script(s) (a script held will not be upgraded anymore and cannot be removed) -q: quiet mode: do not display messages upgrade: upgrade all installed scripts which are obsolete (new version available) update: update local scripts cache -up: move the selected line up by "number" lines -down: move the selected line down by "number" lines -go: select a line by number, first line number is 0 ("end" to select the last line) Without argument, this command opens a buffer with list of scripts. On script buffer, the possible status for each script are: `*`: popular script `i`: installed `a`: autoloaded `H`: held `r`: running (loaded) `N`: obsolete (new version available) In output of /script list, this additional status can be displayed: `?`: unknown script (cannot be downloaded/updated) In input of script buffer, word(s) are used to filter scripts on description, tags, ...). The input "*" removes the filter. For keys, input and mouse actions on the buffer, see key bindings in User's guide. Examples: /script search url /script install /script remove /script hold /script reload urlserver /script upgrade
Script options
Sections in file script.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
Colors. |
Options for download of scripts. |
descrizione: colore per lo status "caricato automaticamente" ("a")
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per lo status "bloccato" ("H")
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per lo status "installato" ("i")
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per lo status "obsoleto" ("N")
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per lo status "popolare" ("*")
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per lo status "in esecuzione" ("r")
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore per lo status "sconosciuto" ("?")
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore di sfondo nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore di sfondo per la riga selezionata nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo delle date nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo delle date per la riga selezionata nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo dei delimitatori nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo della descrizione nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo della descrizione per la riga selezionata nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo dell'estensione nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo dell'estensione per la riga selezionata nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo del nome dello script nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo del nome dello script per la riga selezionata nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo della riga selezionata nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo dei tag nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo dei tag per la riga selezionata nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo della versione nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo della versione caricata nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo della versione attiva per la riga selezionata nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: colore del testo della versione per la riga selezionata nel buffer degli script
tipo: colore
valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "%" for blink, "." for "dim" (half bright), "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
valore predefinito:
descrizione: format of columns displayed in script buffer: following column identifiers are replaced by their values: %a=author, %d=description, %D=date added, %e=extension, %l=language, %L=license, %n=name with extension, %N=name, %r=requirements, %s=status, %t=tags, %u=date updated, %v=version, %V=version loaded, %w=min_weechat, %W=max_weechat)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
"%s %n %V %v %u | %d | %t"
descrizione: colora l'output di diff
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: comando usato per mostrare le differenze tra lo script installato e la nuova versione nel repository ("auto" = rileva automaticamente il comando diff (git o diff), valore vuoto = disabilita diff, altra stringa = nome del comando, ad esempio "diff")
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: mostra il codice sorgente dello script sul buffer ed i relativi dettagli (lo script viene scaricato in un file temporaneo)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: quiet actions on script buffer: do not display messages on core buffer when scripts are installed/removed/loaded/unloaded (only errors are displayed)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: default sort keys for scripts: comma-separated list of identifiers: a=author, A=autoloaded, d=date added, e=extension, i=installed, l=language, n=name, o=obsolete, p=popularity, r=running, u=date updated; char "-" can be used before identifier to reverse order; example: "i,u": installed scripts first, sorted by update date
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: translate description of scripts (if translation is available in your language, otherwise English version is used)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: use keys alt+X in script buffer to do actions on scripts (alt+i = install, alt+r = remove, ...); if disabled, only the input is allowed: i, r, ...
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: autoload scripts installed (make a link in "autoload" directory to script in parent directory)
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: local cache expiration time, in minutes (-1 = never expires, 0 = always expire)
tipo: intero
valori: -1 .. 525600
valore predefinito:
descrizione: enable download of files from the scripts repository when the /script command is used (list of scripts and scripts themselves); the list of scripts is downloaded from the URL specified in the option script.scripts.url; WeeChat will sometimes download again the list of scripts when you use the /script command, even if you don't install a script
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: timeout (in seconds) for download of scripts and list of scripts
tipo: intero
valori: 1 .. 3600
valore predefinito:
descrizione: scripts to "hold": comma-separated list of scripts which will never been upgraded and cannot be removed, for example: ","
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: local cache directory for scripts (path is evaluated, see function string_eval_path_home in plugin API reference)
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
descrizione: URL for file with list of scripts
tipo: stringa
valori: qualsiasi stringa
valore predefinito:
Scripting plugins
Comandi Python
: elenca/carica/scarica script
/python list|listfull [<name>] load [-q] <filename> autoload reload|unload [-q] [<name>] eval [-o|-oc] <code> version list: list loaded scripts listfull: list loaded scripts (verbose) load: load a script autoload: load all scripts in "autoload" directory reload: reload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts, then load all scripts in "autoload" directory) unload: unload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts) filename: script (file) to load -q: quiet mode: do not display messages name: a script name (name used in call to "register" function) eval: evaluate source code and display result on current buffer -o: send evaluation result to the buffer without executing commands -oc: send evaluation result to the buffer and execute commands code: source code to evaluate version: display the version of interpreter used Without argument, this command lists all loaded scripts.
Comandi Perl
: elenca/carica/scarica script
/perl list|listfull [<name>] load [-q] <filename> autoload reload|unload [-q] [<name>] eval [-o|-oc] <code> version list: list loaded scripts listfull: list loaded scripts (verbose) load: load a script autoload: load all scripts in "autoload" directory reload: reload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts, then load all scripts in "autoload" directory) unload: unload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts) filename: script (file) to load -q: quiet mode: do not display messages name: a script name (name used in call to "register" function) eval: evaluate source code and display result on current buffer -o: send evaluation result to the buffer without executing commands -oc: send evaluation result to the buffer and execute commands code: source code to evaluate version: display the version of interpreter used Without argument, this command lists all loaded scripts.
Comandi Ruby
: elenca/carica/scarica script
/ruby list|listfull [<name>] load [-q] <filename> autoload reload|unload [-q] [<name>] eval [-o|-oc] <code> version list: list loaded scripts listfull: list loaded scripts (verbose) load: load a script autoload: load all scripts in "autoload" directory reload: reload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts, then load all scripts in "autoload" directory) unload: unload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts) filename: script (file) to load -q: quiet mode: do not display messages name: a script name (name used in call to "register" function) eval: evaluate source code and display result on current buffer -o: send evaluation result to the buffer without executing commands -oc: send evaluation result to the buffer and execute commands code: source code to evaluate version: display the version of interpreter used Without argument, this command lists all loaded scripts.
Comandi Lua
: elenca/carica/scarica script
/lua list|listfull [<name>] load [-q] <filename> autoload reload|unload [-q] [<name>] eval [-o|-oc] <code> version list: list loaded scripts listfull: list loaded scripts (verbose) load: load a script autoload: load all scripts in "autoload" directory reload: reload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts, then load all scripts in "autoload" directory) unload: unload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts) filename: script (file) to load -q: quiet mode: do not display messages name: a script name (name used in call to "register" function) eval: evaluate source code and display result on current buffer -o: send evaluation result to the buffer without executing commands -oc: send evaluation result to the buffer and execute commands code: source code to evaluate version: display the version of interpreter used Without argument, this command lists all loaded scripts.
Comandi Tcl
: elenca/carica/scarica script
/tcl list|listfull [<name>] load [-q] <filename> autoload reload|unload [-q] [<name>] eval [-o|-oc] <code> version list: list loaded scripts listfull: list loaded scripts (verbose) load: load a script autoload: load all scripts in "autoload" directory reload: reload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts, then load all scripts in "autoload" directory) unload: unload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts) filename: script (file) to load -q: quiet mode: do not display messages name: a script name (name used in call to "register" function) eval: evaluate source code and display result on current buffer -o: send evaluation result to the buffer without executing commands -oc: send evaluation result to the buffer and execute commands code: source code to evaluate version: display the version of interpreter used Without argument, this command lists all loaded scripts.
Comandi Guile
: elenca/carica/scarica script
/guile list|listfull [<name>] load [-q] <filename> autoload reload|unload [-q] [<name>] eval [-o|-oc] <code> version list: list loaded scripts listfull: list loaded scripts (verbose) load: load a script autoload: load all scripts in "autoload" directory reload: reload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts, then load all scripts in "autoload" directory) unload: unload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts) filename: script (file) to load -q: quiet mode: do not display messages name: a script name (name used in call to "register" function) eval: evaluate source code and display result on current buffer -o: send evaluation result to the buffer without executing commands -oc: send evaluation result to the buffer and execute commands code: source code to evaluate version: display the version of interpreter used Without argument, this command lists all loaded scripts.
Comandi PHP
: elenca/carica/scarica script
/php list|listfull [<name>] load [-q] <filename> autoload reload|unload [-q] [<name>] eval [-o|-oc] <code> version list: list loaded scripts listfull: list loaded scripts (verbose) load: load a script autoload: load all scripts in "autoload" directory reload: reload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts, then load all scripts in "autoload" directory) unload: unload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts) filename: script (file) to load -q: quiet mode: do not display messages name: a script name (name used in call to "register" function) eval: evaluate source code and display result on current buffer -o: send evaluation result to the buffer without executing commands -oc: send evaluation result to the buffer and execute commands code: source code to evaluate version: display the version of interpreter used Without argument, this command lists all loaded scripts.
Python options
Sections in file python.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
descrizione: check the license of scripts when they are loaded: if the license is different from the plugin license, a warning is displayed
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: keep context between two calls to the source code evaluation (option "eval" of script command or info "%s_eval"); a hidden script is used to eval script code; if this option is disabled, this hidden script is unloaded after each eval: this uses less memory, but is slower
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
Perl options
Sections in file perl.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
descrizione: check the license of scripts when they are loaded: if the license is different from the plugin license, a warning is displayed
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: keep context between two calls to the source code evaluation (option "eval" of script command or info "%s_eval"); a hidden script is used to eval script code; if this option is disabled, this hidden script is unloaded after each eval: this uses less memory, but is slower
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
Ruby options
Sections in file ruby.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
descrizione: check the license of scripts when they are loaded: if the license is different from the plugin license, a warning is displayed
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: keep context between two calls to the source code evaluation (option "eval" of script command or info "%s_eval"); a hidden script is used to eval script code; if this option is disabled, this hidden script is unloaded after each eval: this uses less memory, but is slower
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
Lua options
Sections in file lua.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
descrizione: check the license of scripts when they are loaded: if the license is different from the plugin license, a warning is displayed
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: keep context between two calls to the source code evaluation (option "eval" of script command or info "%s_eval"); a hidden script is used to eval script code; if this option is disabled, this hidden script is unloaded after each eval: this uses less memory, but is slower
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
Tcl options
Sections in file tcl.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
descrizione: check the license of scripts when they are loaded: if the license is different from the plugin license, a warning is displayed
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: keep context between two calls to the source code evaluation (option "eval" of script command or info "%s_eval"); a hidden script is used to eval script code; if this option is disabled, this hidden script is unloaded after each eval: this uses less memory, but is slower
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
Guile options
Sections in file guile.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
descrizione: check the license of scripts when they are loaded: if the license is different from the plugin license, a warning is displayed
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: keep context between two calls to the source code evaluation (option "eval" of script command or info "%s_eval"); a hidden script is used to eval script code; if this option is disabled, this hidden script is unloaded after each eval: this uses less memory, but is slower
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
PHP options
Sections in file php.conf:
Section | Control command | Description |
Look and feel. |
descrizione: check the license of scripts when they are loaded: if the license is different from the plugin license, a warning is displayed
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
descrizione: keep context between two calls to the source code evaluation (option "eval" of script command or info "%s_eval"); a hidden script is used to eval script code; if this option is disabled, this hidden script is unloaded after each eval: this uses less memory, but is slower
tipo: bool
valori: on, off
valore predefinito:
16. Supporto
Before asking for support, be sure you’ve read documentation and FAQ provided with WeeChat.
For support with IRC, on server
official channels (with developers):
#weechat (English)
#weechat-fr (French)
non-official channels:
#weechat-de (German)
#weechat-fi (Finlandese)
For other ways of support, see this page ↗.