This manual documents WeeChat chat client, it is part of WeeChat.
Latest version of this document can be found on this page ↗.
1. Introduction
WeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat) is a free chat client, fast and light, designed for many operating systems.
This manual documents WeeChat plugins API, used by C plugins to interact with WeeChat core.
2. Plugins in WeeChat
A plugin is a C program which can call WeeChat functions defined in an interface.
This C program does not need WeeChat sources to compile and can be dynamically
loaded into WeeChat with command /plugin
The plugin has to be a dynamic library, for dynamic loading by operating system. Under GNU/Linux, the file has ".so" extension, ".dll" under Windows.
The plugin has to include "weechat-plugin.h" file (available in WeeChat source code). This file defines structures and types used to communicate with WeeChat.
In order to call WeeChat functions in the format displayed in Plugin API, the following global pointer must be declared and initialized in the function weechat_plugin_init:
struct t_weechat_plugin *weechat_plugin;
2.1. Macros
The plugin must use some macros (to define some variables):
the plugin name
a short description of plugin
the author name
the plugin version
the plugin license
the plugin priority (optional, see below)
2.2. Main functions
The plugin must use two functions:
This function is called when plugin is loaded by WeeChat.
int weechat_plugin_init (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
int argc, char *argv[]);
plugin: pointer to WeeChat plugin structure, used to initialize the convenience global pointer
argc: number of arguments for plugin
argv: arguments for plugin (see below)
Return value:
WEECHAT_RC_OK if successful (plugin will be loaded)
WEECHAT_RC_ERROR if error (plugin will NOT be loaded)
Plugin arguments
When the plugin is loaded by WeeChat, it receives the list of arguments
in parameter argv
and the number of arguments in argc
The arguments can be:
command line arguments when running the WeeChat binary,
arguments given to the command
/plugin load xxx
, when the plugin is manually loaded by the user.
When the arguments come from the command line, only these arguments are sent to the plugin:
- -a, --no-connect
Disable auto-connect to servers when WeeChat is starting.
- -s, --no-script
Disable scripts auto-load.
- plugin:option
Option for a plugin: only the plugin-related options are sent, for example only the options starting with
are sent to the plugin called "irc".
Plugin priority
When plugins are auto-loaded (for example on startup), WeeChat first loads all plugins, and then calls the init functions, using the priority defined in each plugin. A high priority means that the init function is called first.
Default priority is 1000 (with such priority, the plugin is loaded after all default plugins).
The default WeeChat plugins are initialized in this order:
Rank | Plugin | Priority |
1 |
charset |
16000 |
2 |
logger |
15000 |
3 |
exec |
14000 |
4 |
trigger |
13000 |
5 |
spell |
12000 |
6 |
alias |
11000 |
7 |
buflist |
10000 |
8 |
fifo |
9000 |
9 |
typing |
8000 |
10 |
xfer |
7000 |
11 |
irc |
6000 |
12 |
relay |
5000 |
13 |
guile |
4070 |
14 |
lua |
4050 |
15 |
perl |
4040 |
16 |
php |
4030 |
17 |
python |
4020 |
18 |
ruby |
4010 |
19 |
tcl |
4000 |
20 |
script |
3000 |
21 |
fset |
2000 |
2.3. Compile plugin
Compile does not need WeeChat sources, only file weechat-plugin.h is required.
To compile a plugin which has one file "toto.c" (under GNU/Linux):
gcc -fPIC -Wall -c toto.c
gcc -shared -fPIC -o toto.o
2.4. Load plugin
Copy file into system plugins directory (for example /usr/local/lib/weechat/plugins) or into user’s plugins directory (for example /home/user/.local/share/weechat/plugins).
Under WeeChat:
/plugin load toto
2.5. Plugin example
Full example of plugin, which adds a command /double
: displays two times
arguments on current buffer, or execute two times a command (OK that’s not
very useful, but that’s just an example!):
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "weechat-plugin.h"
WEECHAT_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION("Test plugin for WeeChat");
WEECHAT_PLUGIN_AUTHOR("Sébastien Helleu <>");
struct t_weechat_plugin *weechat_plugin = NULL;
/* callback for command "/double" */
command_double_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
int argc, char **argv, char **argv_eol)
/* make C compiler happy */
(void) pointer;
(void) data;
(void) buffer;
(void) argv;
if (argc > 1)
weechat_command (NULL, argv_eol[1]);
weechat_command (NULL, argv_eol[1]);
weechat_plugin_init (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
int argc, char *argv[])
weechat_plugin = plugin;
weechat_hook_command ("double",
"Display two times a message "
"or execute two times a command",
"message | command",
"message: message to display two times\n"
"command: command to execute two times",
&command_double_cb, NULL, NULL);
weechat_plugin_end (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
/* make C compiler happy */
(void) plugin;
3. Plugin API
Following chapters describe functions in API, sorted by category.
For each function, we give:
description of function,
C prototype,
detail of arguments,
return value,
C example,
example in Python script (syntax for other scripting languages is similar).
3.1. Registering
Functions to register a script: used only by scripting API, not the C API.
Register the script.
For more information, see the WeeChat scripting guide ↗.
Script (Python):
# prototype
def register(name: str, author: str, version: str, license: str, description: str, shutdown_function: str, charset: str) -> int: ...
This function is not available in the C API. |
3.2. Plugins
Functions to get infos about plugins.
Get plugin name.
const char *weechat_plugin_get_name (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin);
plugin: pointer to WeeChat plugin structure (can be NULL)
Return value:
name of plugin, "core" for WeeChat core (if plugin pointer is NULL)
C example:
const char *name = weechat_plugin_get_name (plugin);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def plugin_get_name(plugin: str) -> str: ...
# example
plugin = weechat.buffer_get_pointer(weechat.current_buffer(), "plugin")
name = weechat.plugin_get_name(plugin)
3.3. Strings
Many string functions below are already available thru standard C functions, but it’s recommended to use functions in this API because they are OK with UTF-8 and locale.
Set new plugin charset (default charset is UTF-8, so if your plugin uses UTF-8, you don’t need to call this function).
void weechat_charset_set (const char *charset);
charset: new charset to use
C example:
weechat_charset_set ("iso-8859-1");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def charset_set(charset: str) -> int: ...
# example
Convert string to WeeChat internal charset (UTF-8).
char *weechat_iconv_to_internal (const char *charset, const char *string);
charset: charset to convert
string: string to convert
Return value:
converted string (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_iconv_to_internal ("iso-8859-1", "iso string: é à");
/* ... */
free (str);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def iconv_to_internal(charset: str, string: str) -> str: ...
# example
str = weechat.iconv_to_internal("iso-8859-1", "iso string: é à")
Convert string from internal WeeChat charset (UTF-8) to another.
char *weechat_iconv_from_internal (const char *charset, const char *string);
charset: target charset
string: string to convert
Return value:
converted string (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_iconv_from_internal ("iso-8859-1", "utf-8 string: é à");
/* ... */
free (str);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def iconv_from_internal(charset: str, string: str) -> str: ...
# example
str = weechat.iconv_from_internal("iso-8859-1", "utf-8 string: é à")
Return translated string (depends on local language).
const char *weechat_gettext (const char *string);
string: string to translate
Return value:
translated string or string if there is no translation available in local language
C example:
char *str = weechat_gettext ("hello");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def gettext(string: str) -> str: ...
# example
str = weechat.gettext("hello")
Return translated string, using single or plural form, according to count argument.
const char *weechat_ngettext (const char *string, const char *plural,
int count);
string: string to translate, single form
plural: string to translate, plural form
count: used to choose between single and plural form (choice is made according to local language)
Return value:
translated string or string / plural if there is no translation available in local language
C example:
char *str = weechat_ngettext ("file", "files", num_files);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def ngettext(string: str, plural: str, count: int) -> str: ...
# example
num_files = 2
str = weechat.ngettext("file", "files", num_files)
WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0.
Format a message in a string allocated by the function.
This function is defined for systems where the GNU function asprintf()
is not available.The behavior is almost the same except that *result is set to NULL on error.
int weechat_asprintf (char **result, const char *fmt, ...);
result: pointer to a string pointer
fmt: format string
Return value:
number of bytes written in
(excluding the final null byte), a negative value in case of error.
C example:
char *str;
if (weechat_asprintf (&str, "%s, %d", "test", 42) >= 0)
/* *str == "test, 42" */
/* ... */
free (str);
/* error: *str == NULL */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return duplicated string, with a max number of bytes.
char *weechat_strndup (const char *string, int bytes);
string: string to duplicate
bytes: max bytes to duplicate
Return value:
duplicated string (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_strndup ("abcdef", 3); /* result: "abc" */
/* ... */
free (str);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 3.3.
Cut a string after a given number of chars, add an optional suffix after the string if it is cut.
char *weechat_string_cut (const char *string, int length, int count_suffix, int screen, const char *cut_suffix);
string: string to cut
length: max chars
count_suffix: if 1, the length of suffix is counted in the max length
screen: if 1, the cut is based on width of chars displayed
cut_suffix: the suffix added after the string if it is cut
Return value:
cut string (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_string_cut ("this is a test", 5, 1, 1, "…"); /* result: "this…" */
/* ... */
free (str);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 3.8.
Return a string with uppercase letters converted to lowercase.
Behavior has changed in version 3.8: now all uppercase letters are properly
converted to lowercase (by calling function towlower ), in addition to the
range A to Z .Moreover, a newly allocated string is returned and must be freed after use. |
char *weechat_string_tolower (const char *string);
string: string to convert
Return value:
string with lowercase letters (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_string_tolower ("ABCD_É"); /* result: "abcd_é" */
/* ... */
free (str);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 3.8.
Return a string with lowercase letters converted to uppercase.
Behavior has changed in version 3.8: now all lowercase letters are properly
converted to uppercase (by calling function towupper ), in addition to the
range a to z .Moreover, a newly allocated string is returned and must be freed after use. |
char *weechat_string_toupper (const char *string);
string: string to convert
Return value:
string with uppercase letters (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_string_toupper ("abcd_é"); /* result: "ABCD_É" */
/* ... */
free (str);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.0, 3.8.
Compare two chars.
int weechat_string_charcmp (const char *string1, const char *string2);
string1: first string for comparison
string2: second string for comparison
Return value:
arithmetic result of subtracting the first UTF-8 char in string2 from the first UTF-8 char in string1:
< 0 if char1 < char2
0 if char1 == char2
> 0 if char1 > char2
C example:
int diff = weechat_string_charcmp ("aaa", "ccc"); /* == -2 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.0, 3.8.
Compare two chars, ignoring case.
Behavior has changed in version 3.8: now all uppercase letters are properly
converted to lowercase (by calling function towlower ), in addition to the
range A to Z .
int weechat_string_charcasecmp (const char *string1, const char *string2);
string1: first string for comparison
string2: second string for comparison
Return value:
arithmetic result of subtracting the first UTF-8 char in string2 (converted to lowercase) from the first UTF-8 char in string1 (converted to lowercase):
< 0 if char1 < char2
0 if char1 == char2
> 0 if char1 > char2
C example:
int diff = weechat_string_charcasecmp ("aaa", "CCC"); /* == -2 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 3.8.
Case sensitive string comparison.
int weechat_strcmp (const char *string1, const char *string2);
string1: first string for comparison
string2: second string for comparison
Return value:
arithmetic result of subtracting the last compared UTF-8 char in string2 from the last compared UTF-8 char in string1:
< 0 if string1 < string2
0 if string1 == string2
> 0 if string1 > string2
C example:
int diff = weechat_strcmp ("aaa", "ccc"); /* == -2 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 3.8.
Case sensitive string comparison, for max chars.
int weechat_strncmp (const char *string1, const char *string2, int max);
string1: first string for comparison
string2: second string for comparison
max: max chars to compare
Return value:
arithmetic result of subtracting the last compared UTF-8 char in string2 from the last compared UTF-8 char in string1:
< 0 if string1 < string2
0 if string1 == string2
> 0 if string1 > string2
C example:
int diff = weechat_strncmp ("aabb", "aacc", 2); /* == 0 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.0, 3.8.
Case insensitive string comparison.
Behavior has changed in version 3.8: now all uppercase letters are properly
converted to lowercase (by calling function towlower ), in addition to the
range A to Z .
int weechat_strcasecmp (const char *string1, const char *string2);
string1: first string for comparison
string2: second string for comparison
Return value:
arithmetic result of subtracting the last compared UTF-8 char in string2 (converted to lowercase) from the last compared UTF-8 char in string1 (converted to lowercase):
< 0 if string1 < string2
0 if string1 == string2
> 0 if string1 > string2
C example:
int diff;
diff = weechat_strcasecmp ("aaa", "CCC"); /* == -2 */
diff = weechat_strcasecmp ("noël", "NOËL"); /* == 0 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7, updated in 1.0, 3.8.
Locale and case independent string comparison, using a range for case comparison.
int weechat_strcasecmp_range (const char *string1, const char *string2, int range);
string1: first string for comparison
string2: second string for comparison
range: number of chars in case comparison, for example:
are lowered toa-z
A-Z [ \ ]
are lowered toa-z { | }
A-Z [ \ ] ^
are lowered toa-z { | } ~
Values 29 and 30 are used by some protocols like IRC. |
Return value:
arithmetic result of subtracting the last compared UTF-8 char in string2 (converted to lowercase) from the last compared UTF-8 char in string1 (converted to lowercase):
< 0 if string1 < string2
0 if string1 == string2
> 0 if string1 > string2
C example:
int diff = weechat_strcasecmp_range ("nick{away}", "NICK[away]", 29); /* == 0 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.0, 3.8.
Case insensitive string comparison, for max chars.
Behavior has changed in version 3.8: now all uppercase letters are properly
converted to lowercase (by calling function towlower ), in addition to the
range A to Z .
int weechat_strncasecmp (const char *string1, const char *string2, int max);
string1: first string for comparison
string2: second string for comparison
max: max chars to compare
Return value:
arithmetic result of subtracting the last compared UTF-8 char in string2 (converted to lowercase) from the last compared UTF-8 char in string1 (converted to lowercase):
< 0 if string1 < string2
0 if string1 == string2
> 0 if string1 > string2
C example:
int diff = weechat_strncasecmp ("aabb", "AACC", 2); /* == 0 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7, updated in 1.0, 3.8.
Locale and case independent string comparison, for max chars, using a range for case comparison.
int weechat_strncasecmp_range (const char *string1, const char *string2, int max, int range);
string1: first string for comparison
string2: second string for comparison
max: max chars to compare
range: number of chars in case comparison, for example:
are lowered toa-z
A-Z [ \ ]
are lowered toa-z { | }
A-Z [ \ ] ^
are lowered toa-z { | } ~
Values 29 and 30 are used by some protocols like IRC. |
Return value:
arithmetic result of subtracting the last compared UTF-8 char in string2 (converted to lowercase) from the last compared UTF-8 char in string1 (converted to lowercase):
< 0 if string1 < string2
0 if string1 == string2
> 0 if string1 > string2
C example:
int diff = weechat_strncasecmp_range ("nick{away}", "NICK[away]", 6, 29); /* == 0 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.0, 3.8.
String comparison ignoring some chars.
int weechat_strcmp_ignore_chars (const char *string1, const char *string2,
const char *chars_ignored,
int case_sensitive);
string1: first string for comparison
string2: second string for comparison
chars_ignored: string with chars to ignored
case_sensitive: 1 for case sensitive comparison, otherwise 0
Behavior has changed in version 3.8 when case_sensitive is set to 0: now all
uppercase letters are properly converted to lowercase (by calling function
towlower ), in addition to the range A to Z .
Return value:
arithmetic result of subtracting the last compared UTF-8 char in string2 (converted to lowercase if case_sentitive is set to 0) from the last compared UTF-8 char in string1 (converted to lowercase if case_sensitive is set to 0):
< 0 if string1 < string2
0 if string1 == string2
> 0 if string1 > string2
C example:
int diff = weechat_strcmp_ignore_chars ("a-b", "--a-e", "-", 1); /* == -3 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.3, 3.8.
Case insensitive string search.
Behavior has changed in version 3.8: now all uppercase letters are properly
converted to lowercase (by calling function towlower ), in addition to the
range A to Z .
const char *weechat_strcasestr (const char *string, const char *search);
string: string
search: string to search in string
Return value:
pointer to string found, or NULL if not found (WeeChat ≥ 1.3: pointer returned is a const char * instead of char *)
C example:
const char *pos = weechat_strcasestr ("aBcDeF", "de"); /* result: pointer to "DeF" */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2, updated in 3.8.
Return number of chars needed on screen to display UTF-8 string.
WeeChat color codes are skipped and don’t count in the result (this is the only difference with the function utf8_strlen_screen).
int weechat_strlen_screen (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
number of chars needed on screen to display UTF-8 string
C example:
int length_on_screen = weechat_strlen_screen ("é"); /* == 1 */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def strlen_screen(string: str) -> int: ...
# example
length = weechat.strlen_screen("é") # 1
Updated in 1.0, 3.8.
Check if a string matches a mask.
int weechat_string_match (const char *string, const char *mask,
int case_sensitive);
string: string
mask: mask with wildcards (
), each wildcard matches 0 or more chars in the string -
case_sensitive: 1 for case sensitive comparison, otherwise 0
Since version 1.0, wildcards are allowed inside the mask (not only beginning/end of mask). |
Behavior has changed in version 3.8 when case_sensitive is set to 0: now all
uppercase letters are properly converted to lowercase (by calling function
towlower ), in addition to the range A to Z .
Return value:
1 if string matches mask, otherwise 0
C example:
int match1 = weechat_string_match ("abcdef", "abc*", 0); /* == 1 */
int match2 = weechat_string_match ("abcdef", "*dd*", 0); /* == 0 */
int match3 = weechat_string_match ("abcdef", "*def", 0); /* == 1 */
int match4 = weechat_string_match ("abcdef", "*de*", 0); /* == 1 */
int match5 = weechat_string_match ("abcdef", "*b*d*", 0); /* == 1 */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_match(string: str, mask: str, case_sensitive: int) -> int: ...
# examples
match1 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "abc*", 0) # == 1
match2 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "*dd*", 0) # == 0
match3 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "*def", 0) # == 1
match4 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "*de*", 0) # == 1
match5 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "*b*d*", 0) # == 1
WeeChat ≥ 2.5, updated in 3.8.
Check if a string matches a list of masks where negative mask is allowed with the format "!word". A negative mask has higher priority than a standard mask.
int weechat_string_match_list (const char *string, const char **masks,
int case_sensitive);
string: string
masks: list of masks, with a NULL after the last mask in list; each mask is compared to the string with the function string_match
case_sensitive: 1 for case sensitive comparison, otherwise 0
Behavior has changed in version 3.8 when case_sensitive is set to 0: now all
uppercase letters are properly converted to lowercase (by calling function
towlower ), in addition to the range A to Z .
Return value:
1 if string matches list of masks (at least one mask matches and no negative mask matches), otherwise 0
C example:
const char *masks[3] = { "*", "!abc*", NULL };
int match1 = weechat_string_match_list ("abc", masks, 0); /* == 0 */
int match2 = weechat_string_match_list ("abcdef", masks, 0); /* == 0 */
int match3 = weechat_string_match_list ("def", masks, 0); /* == 1 */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_match_list(string: str, masks: str, case_sensitive: int) -> int: ...
# examples
match1 = weechat.string_match("abc", "*,!abc*", 0) # == 0
match2 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "*,!abc*", 0) # == 0
match3 = weechat.string_match("def", "*,!abc*", 0) # == 1
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.3.
Replace leading ~
by string with home directory. If string does not start
with ~
, then same string is returned.
char *weechat_string_expand_home (const char *path);
path: path
Return value:
path with leading
replaced by home directory (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_string_expand_home ("~/file.txt");
/* result: "/home/user/file.txt" */
/* ... */
free (str);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.3, updated in 3.2.
Evaluate a path in 3 steps:
replace leading
by a WeeChat directory (data by default), -
replace leading
by user home directory (call to string_expand_home), -
evaluate variables (see string_eval_expression).
char *weechat_string_eval_path_home (const char *path,
struct t_hashtable *pointers,
struct t_hashtable *extra_vars,
struct t_hashtable *options);
path: path
pointers: hashtable for call to function string_eval_expression
extra_vars: hashtable for call to function string_eval_expression
options: hashtable for call to function string_eval_expression, with one extra key supported:
directory: WeeChat directory to use when replacing
, one of:-
data (default)
Return value:
evaluated path (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_string_eval_path_home ("${weechat_config_dir}/test.conf", NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* result: "/home/user/.config/weechat/test.conf" */
/* ... */
free (str);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_eval_path_home(path: str, pointers: Dict[str, str], extra_vars: Dict[str, str], options: Dict[str, str]) -> str: ...
# example
path = weechat.string_eval_path_home("${weechat_config_dir}/test.conf", {}, {}, {})
# path == "/home/user/.config/weechat/test.conf"
Remove quotes at beginning and end of string (ignore spaces if there are before first quote or after last quote).
char *weechat_string_remove_quotes (const char *string, const char *quotes);
string: string
quotes: string with list of quotes
Return value:
string without quotes at beginning/end (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_string_remove_quotes (string, " 'I can't' ", "'");
/* result: "I can't" */
/* ... */
free (str);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Strip chars at beginning and/or end of string.
char *weechat_string_strip (const char *string, int left, int right,
const char *chars);
string: string
left: strip left chars if different from 0
right: strip right chars if different from 0
chars: string with chars to strip
Return value:
stripped string (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_string_strip (".abc -", 0, 1, "- ."); /* result: ".abc" */
/* ... */
free (str);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.0.
Convert escaped chars to their value:
: double quote -
: backslash -
: alert (BEL) -
: backspace -
: escape -
: form feed -
: new line -
: carriage return -
: horizontal tab -
: vertical tab -
: char as octal value (ooo
is 0 to 3 digits) -
: char as hexadecimal value (hh
is 1 to 2 digits) -
: unicode char as hexadecimal value (hhhh
is 1 to 4 digits) -
: unicode char as hexadecimal value (hhhhhhhh
is 1 to 8 digits)
char *weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
string with escaped chars replaced by their value (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars ("snowman: \\u2603");
/* str == "snowman: ☃" */
/* ... */
free (str);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return a regex, built with a mask, where only special char is *
. All other
special chars for regex are escaped.
char *weechat_string_mask_to_regex (const char *mask);
mask: mask
Return value:
regular expression, as string (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str_regex = weechat_string_mask_to_regex ("test*mask");
/* result: "test.*mask" */
/* ... */
free (str_regex);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_mask_to_regex(mask: str) -> str: ...
# example
regex = weechat.string_mask_to_regex("test*mask") # "test.*mask"
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7.
Get pointer on string after flags and mask with flags to compile regular expression.
const char *weechat_string_regex_flags (const char *regex, int default_flags, int *flags)
regex: POSIX extended regular expression
default_flags: combination of following values (see
man regcomp
flags: pointer value is set with flags used in regular expression (default flags + flags set in regular expression)
Flags must be at beginning of regular expression. Format is: "(?eins-eins)string".
Allowed flags are:
e: POSIX extended regular expression (REG_EXTENDED)
i: case insensitive (REG_ICASE)
n: match-any-character operators don’t match a newline (REG_NEWLINE)
s: support for substring addressing of matches is not required (REG_NOSUB)
Return value:
pointer in regex, after flags
C example:
const char *regex = "(?i)test";
int flags;
const char *ptr_regex = weechat_string_regex_flags (regex, REG_EXTENDED, &flags);
/* ptr_regex == "test", flags == REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7.
Compile a POSIX extended regular expression using optional flags at beginning of string (for format of flags, see string_regex_flags).
int weechat_string_regcomp (void *preg, const char *regex, int default_flags)
preg: pointer to regex_t structure
regex: POSIX extended regular expression
default_flags: combination of following values (see
man regcomp
Return value:
same return code as function
(0 if OK, other value for error, seeman regcomp
Regular expression preg must be cleaned by calling "regfree" after use, if the function returned 0 (OK). |
C example:
regex_t my_regex;
if (weechat_string_regcomp (&my_regex, "(?i)test", REG_EXTENDED) == 0)
/* OK */
/* ... */
regfree (&my_regex);
/* error */
/* ... */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Check if a string has one or more highlights, using list of highlight words.
int weechat_string_has_highlight (const char *string,
const char highlight_words);
string: string
highlight_words: list of highlight words, separated by comma
Return value:
1 if string has one or more highlights, otherwise 0
C example:
int hl = weechat_string_has_highlight ("my test string", "test,word2"); /* == 1 */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_has_highlight(string: str, highlight_words: str) -> int: ...
# example
highlight = weechat.string_has_highlight("my test string", "test,word2") # 1
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Check if a string has one or more highlights, using a POSIX extended regular
For at least one match of regular expression on string, it must be surrounded
by delimiters (chars different from: alphanumeric, -
, _
and |
int weechat_string_has_highlight_regex (const char *string, const char *regex);
string: string
regex: POSIX extended regular expression
Return value:
1 if string has one or more highlights, otherwise 0
C example:
int hl = weechat_string_has_highlight_regex ("my test string", "test|word2"); /* == 1 */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_has_highlight_regex(string: str, regex: str) -> int: ...
# example
highlight = weechat.string_has_highlight_regex("my test string", "test|word2") # 1
Replace all occurrences of a string by another string.
char *weechat_string_replace (const char *string, const char *search,
const char *replace);
string: string
search: string to replace
replace: replacement for string search
Return value:
string with search replaced by replace (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *str = weechat_string_replace ("test", "s", "x"); /* result: "text" */
/* ... */
free (str);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.0.
Replace text in a string using a regular expression, replacement text and optional callback.
char *weechat_string_replace_regex (const char *string, void *regex,
const char *replace, const char reference_char,
char *(*callback)(void *data, const char *text),
void *callback_data);
string: string
regex: pointer to a regular expression (regex_t structure) compiled with WeeChat function string_regcomp or regcomp (see
man regcomp
) -
replace: replacement text, where following references are allowed:
: match 0 to 99 in regular expression (0 is the whole match, 1 to 99 are groups captured between parentheses) -
: the last match (with highest number) -
: matchN
(can be+
), with all chars replaced by*
char can be any char between space (32) and~
reference_char: the char used for reference to match (commonly
) -
callback: an optional callback called for each reference in replace (except for matches replaced by a char); the callback must return:
newly allocated string: it is used as replacement text (it is freed after use)
NULL: the text received in callback is used as replacement text (without changes)
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called
Return value:
string with text replaced, NULL if problem (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
regex_t my_regex;
char *string;
if (weechat_string_regcomp (&my_regex, "([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})",
string = weechat_string_replace_regex ("date: 2014-02-14", &my_regex,
"$3/$2/$1", '$', NULL, NULL);
/* string == "date: 14/02/2014" */
if (string)
free (string);
regfree (&my_regex);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 3.8.
Translate chars in a string.
char *string_translate_chars (const char *string, const char *chars1, const char *chars2);
string: string
chars1: string with chars to translate
chars2: string with replacement chars; it must contain the same number of UTF-8 chars than chars1
Return value:
string with translated chars, NULL if problem (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C examples:
/* "test" => "tEst" */
char *str = weechat_string_translate_chars ("test", "abcdef", "ABCDEF");
/* "clean the boat" => "CleAn the BoAt" */
char *str = weechat_string_translate_chars ("clean the boat", "abc", "ABC");
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 2.5, 2.6.
Split a string according to one or more delimiter(s).
char **weechat_string_split (const char *string, const char *separators,
const char *strip_items, int flags,
int num_items_max, int *num_items);
string: string to split
separators: delimiters used for split
strip_items: chars to strip from returned items (left/right); optional, can be NULL
flags: combination values to change the default behavior; if the value is 0, the default behavior is used (no strip of separators at beginning/end of string, multiple separators are kept as-is so empty strings can be returned); the following flags are accepted:
WEECHAT_STRING_SPLIT_STRIP_LEFT: strip separators on the left (beginning of string)
WEECHAT_STRING_SPLIT_STRIP_RIGHT: strip separators on the right (end of string)
WEECHAT_STRING_SPLIT_COLLAPSE_SEPS: collapse multiple consecutive separators into a single one
WEECHAT_STRING_SPLIT_KEEP_EOL: keep end of line for each value
num_items_max: maximum number of items created (0 = no limit)
num_items: pointer to int which will contain number of items created
With WeeChat ≤ 2.4, the flags argument was called keep_eol and took other values, which must be converted like that: |
keep_eol | flags |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Return value:
array of strings, NULL if problem (must be freed by calling string_free_split after use)
C example:
char **argv;
int argc;
argv = weechat_string_split ("abc de fghi ", " ", NULL, 0, 0, &argc);
/* result: argv[0] == "abc"
argv[1] == "de"
argv[2] == ""
argv[3] == "fghi"
argv[4] = ""
argv[5] == NULL
argc == 5
weechat_string_free_split (argv);
argv = weechat_string_split ("abc de fghi ", " ", NULL,
0, &argc);
/* result: argv[0] == "abc"
argv[1] == "de"
argv[2] == "fghi"
argv[3] == NULL
argc == 3
weechat_string_free_split (argv);
argv = weechat_string_split ("abc de fghi ", " ", NULL,
0, &argc);
/* result: argv[0] == "abc de fghi"
argv[1] == "de fghi"
argv[2] == "fghi"
argv[3] == NULL
argc == 3
weechat_string_free_split (argv);
argv = weechat_string_split ("abc de fghi ", " ", NULL,
0, &argc);
/* result: argv[0] == "abc de fghi "
argv[1] == "de fghi "
argv[2] == "fghi "
argv[3] == NULL
argc == 3
weechat_string_free_split (argv);
argv = weechat_string_split (" abc, de,, fghi ", ",", " ",
0, &argc);
/* result: argv[0] == "abc"
argv[1] == "de"
argv[2] == "fghi"
argv[3] == NULL
argc == 3
weechat_string_free_split (argv);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.0.
Split a string like the shell does for a command with arguments.
This function is a C conversion of Python class "shlex" (file: Lib/ in Python repository), see this page ↗.
char **weechat_string_split_shell (const char *string, int *num_items);
string: string to split
num_items: pointer to int which will contain number of items created
Return value:
array of strings, NULL if problem (must be freed by calling string_free_split after use)
C example:
char **argv;
int argc;
argv = weechat_string_split_shell ("test 'first arg' \"second arg\"", &argc);
/* result: argv[0] == "test"
argv[1] == "first arg"
argv[2] == "second arg"
argv[3] == NULL
argc == 3
weechat_string_free_split (argv);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Free memory used by a split string.
void weechat_string_free_split (char **split_string);
split_string: string split by function string_split
C example:
char *argv;
int argc;
argv = weechat_string_split (string, " ", 0, 0, &argc);
/* ... */
weechat_string_free_split (argv);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 3.7.
Rebuild a string with a split string, using optional separator and index of first/last string to use.
char *weechat_string_rebuild_split_string (char **split_string,
const char *separator,
int index_start, int index_end);
split_string: string split by function string_split
separator: string used to separate strings (can be NULL or empty string)
index_start: index of first string to use (≥ 0)
index_end: index of last string to use (must be ≥ index_start; special value -1 can be used to use all arguments until NULL is found)
Return value:
string rebuilt with split string (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char **argv;
int argc;
argv = weechat_string_split ("abc def ghi", " ", 0, 0, &argc);
char *str = weechat_string_rebuild_split_string (argv, ";", 0, -1);
/* str == "abc;def;ghi" */
/* ... */
free (str);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Split a list of commands separated by separator (which can be escaped by \
in string).
char **weechat_string_split_command (const char *command, char separator);
command: command to split
separator: separator
Return value:
array of strings, NULL if problem (must be freed by calling free_split_command after use)
C example:
char **argv = weechat_string_split_command ("/command1 arg;/command2", ';');
/* result: argv[0] == "/command1 arg"
argv[1] == "/command2"
argv[2] == NULL
weechat_free_split_command (argv);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Free memory used by a split command.
void weechat_string_free_split_command (char **split_command);
split_command: command split by string_split_command
C example:
char **argv = weechat_string_split_command ("/command1 arg;/command2", ';');
/* ... */
weechat_free_split_command (argv);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Build a string with formatted file size and a unit translated to local language.
char *weechat_string_format_size (unsigned long long size);
size: size (in bytes)
Return value:
formatted string (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C examples:
/* examples with English locale */
char *str = weechat_string_format_size (0); /* str == "0 bytes" */
/* ... */
free (str);
char *str = weechat_string_format_size (1); /* str == "1 byte" */
/* ... */
free (str);
char *str = weechat_string_format_size (200); /* str == "200 bytes" */
/* ... */
free (str);
char *str = weechat_string_format_size (15200); /* str == "15.2 KB" */
/* ... */
free (str);
char *str = weechat_string_format_size (2097152); /* str == "2.10 MB" */
/* ... */
free (str);
Script (Python), WeeChat ≥ 2.2:
# prototype
def string_format_size(size: int) -> str: ...
# example
str = weechat.string_format_size(15200) # == "15.2 KB"
WeeChat ≥ 3.7.
Parse a string with a size and optional unit and return the size in bytes.
unsigned long long weechat_string_parse_size (const char *size);
size: the size as string: positive integer number followed by optional spaces and optional unit (lower or upper case), which is one of:
b: bytes
k: kilobytes (1k = 1000 bytes)
m: megabytes (1m = 1000k = 1,000,000 bytes)
g: gigabytes (1g = 1000m = 1,000,000,000 bytes)
t: terabytes (1t = 1000g = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes)
Return value:
size in bytes, 0 if error
C example:
unsigned long long size = weechat_parse_size ("1.34m"); /* size == 1340000 */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_parse_size(size: str) -> int: ...
# example
size = weechat.string_parse_size("1.34m") # 1340000
WeeChat ≥ 3.0.
Return the size (in bytes) of the WeeChat color code at the beginning of the string.
int weechat_string_color_code_size (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
size (in bytes) of the WeeChat color code at the beginning of the string; if the string is NULL, empty or does not start with a color code, 0 is returned; if the string begins with multiple color codes, only the size of the first one is returned
C examples:
int size;
size = weechat_string_color_code_size ("test"); /* size == 0 */
size = weechat_string_color_code_size (weechat_color ("bold")); /* size == 2 */
size = weechat_string_color_code_size (weechat_color ("yellow,red")); /* size == 7 */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_color_code_size(string: str) -> int: ...
# examples
size = weechat.string_color_code_size("test") # size == 0
size = weechat.string_color_code_size(weechat.color("bold")) # size == 2
size = weechat.string_color_code_size(weechat.color("yellow,red")) # size == 7
Updated in 4.3.0.
Remove WeeChat colors from a string.
char *weechat_string_remove_color (const char *string, const char *replacement);
string: string
replacement: if not NULL and not empty, WeeChat color codes are replaced by this string, otherwise WeeChat color codes and following chars (if related to color) are removed from string
Return value:
string without color (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C examples:
/* remove color codes */
char *str = weechat_string_remove_color (my_string1, NULL);
/* ... */
free (str);
/* replace color codes by "?" */
char *str = weechat_string_remove_color (my_string2, "[color]");
/* ... */
free (str);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_remove_color(string: str, replacement: str) -> str: ...
# example
str = weechat.string_remove_color(my_string, "[color]")
WeeChat ≥ 2.4, updated in 4.3.0.
Encode a string in base 16, 32, or 64.
int weechat_string_base_encode (const char *base, const char *from, int length, char *to);
base: "16", "32", "64" or "64url"
from: string to encode
length: length of string to encode (for example
) -
to: pointer to string to store result (must be long enough, result is longer than initial string)
Return value:
length of string stored in *to (does not count final
), -1 if error
C example:
char *string = "abcdefgh", result[128];
int length;
length = weechat_string_base_encode ("16", string, strlen (string), result);
/* length == 16, result == "6162636465666768" */
length = weechat_string_base_encode ("32", string, strlen (string), result);
/* length == 16, result == "MFRGGZDFMZTWQ===" */
length = weechat_string_base_encode ("64", string, strlen (string), result);
/* length == 12, result == "YWJjZGVmZ2g=" */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 2.4, updated in 4.3.0.
Decode a string encoded in base 16, 32, or 64.
int weechat_string_base_decode (const char *base, const char *from, char *to);
base: "16", "32", "64" or "64url"
from: string to decode
to: pointer to string to store result (must be long enough, result is shorter than initial string)
Return value:
length of string stored in *to (does not count final
), -1 if error
C example:
char result[128];
int length;
length = weechat_string_base_decode ("16", "6162636465666768", result);
/* length == 8, result == "abcdefgh" */
length = weechat_string_base_decode ("32", "MFRGGZDFMZTWQ===", result);
/* length == 8, result == "abcdefgh" */
length = weechat_string_base_decode ("64", "YWJjZGVmZ2g=", result);
/* length == 8, result == "abcdefgh" */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.4.
Display a dump of data as hexadecimal and ascii bytes.
char *string_hex_dump (const char *data, int data_size, int bytes_per_line,
const char *prefix, const char *suffix);
data: the data to dump
data_size: number of bytes to dump in data
bytes_per_line: number of bytes to display in each line
prefix: the prefix to display at the beginning of each line (optional, can be NULL)
suffix: the suffix to display at the end of each line (optional, can be NULL)
Return value:
string with dump of data (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *string = "abc def-ghi";
char *dump = weechat_string_hex_dump (string, strlen (string), 8, " >> ", NULL);
/* dump == " >> 61 62 63 20 64 65 66 2D a b c d e f - \n"
" >> 67 68 69 g h i " */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.2.
Check if first char of string is a command char (default command char is /
int weechat_string_is_command_char (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
1 if first char of string is a command char, otherwise 0
C examples:
int command_char1 = weechat_string_is_command_char ("/test"); /* == 1 */
int command_char2 = weechat_string_is_command_char ("test"); /* == 0 */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_is_command_char(string: str) -> int: ...
# examples
command_char1 = weechat.string_is_command_char("/test") # == 1
command_char2 = weechat.string_is_command_char("test") # == 0
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.2.
Return pointer to input text for buffer (pointer inside "string" argument), or NULL if it’s a command.
const char *weechat_string_input_for_buffer (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
pointer into "string", or NULL
C examples:
const char *str1 = weechat_string_input_for_buffer ("test"); /* "test" */
const char *str2 = weechat_string_input_for_buffer ("/test"); /* NULL */
const char *str3 = weechat_string_input_for_buffer ("//test"); /* "/test" */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_input_for_buffer(string: str) -> str: ...
# examples
str1 = weechat.string_input_for_buffer("test") # "test"
str2 = weechat.string_input_for_buffer("/test") # ""
str3 = weechat.string_input_for_buffer("//test") # "/test"
WeeChat ≥ 0.4.0, updated in 0.4.2, 0.4.3, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.3, 2.7, 2.9, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4.0.0, 4.2.0, 4.3.0, 4.4.0.
Evaluate an expression and return result as a string.
Special variables with format ${variable}
are expanded (see table below).
Since version 1.0, nested variables are supported, for example:
${color:${variable}} .
char *weechat_string_eval_expression (const char *expr,
struct t_hashtable *pointers,
struct t_hashtable *extra_vars,
struct t_hashtable *options);
expr: the expression to evaluate (see conditions and variables)
pointers: hashtable with pointers (keys must be string, values must be pointer); pointers "window" and "buffer" are automatically added if they are not in hashtable (with pointer to current window/buffer) (can be NULL):
regex: pointer to a regular expression (regex_t structure) compiled with WeeChat function string_regcomp or regcomp (see
man regcomp
); this option is similar to regex in hashtable options (below), but is used for better performance
extra_vars: extra variables that will be expanded (can be NULL)
options: a hashtable with some options (keys and values must be string) (can be NULL):
type: default behavior is just to replace values in expression, other types can be selected:
condition: the expression is evaluated as a condition: operators and parentheses are used, result is a boolean ("0" or "1")
prefix: prefix before variables to replace (default:
) -
suffix: suffix after variables to replace (default:
) -
extra: default behavior is to just replace extra variables (extra_vars), other behavior can be selected:
eval: extra variables (extra_vars) are evaluated themselves before replacing (WeeChat ≥ 1.6)
regex: a regex used to replace text in expr (which is then not evaluated)
regex_replace: the replacement text to use with regex, to replace text in expr (the regex_replace is evaluated on each match of regex against expr, until no match is found)
debug: debug level (string with integer number ≥ 1), if enabled, a key "debug_output" is added in hashtable options:
1: enable debug
2: enable more verbose debug
Return value:
evaluated expression (must be freed by calling "free" after use), or NULL if problem (invalid expression or not enough memory)
C examples:
/* conditions */
struct t_hashtable *options1 = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
weechat_hashtable_set (options1, "type", "condition");
char *str1 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${window.win_width} > 100", NULL, NULL, options1); /* "1" */
char *str2 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("abc =~ def", NULL, NULL, options1); /* "0" */
/* simple expression */
char *str3 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${buffer.full_name}", NULL, NULL, NULL); /* "core.weechat" */
/* replace with regex */
struct t_hashtable *options2 = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
/* add brackets around URLs */
weechat_hashtable_set (options2, "regex", "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+://[^ ]+");
weechat_hashtable_set (options2, "regex_replace", "[ ${re:0} ]");
char *str4 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("test:", NULL, NULL, NULL); /* "test: [ ]" */
/* hide passwords */
weechat_hashtable_set (options2, "regex", "(password=)([^ ]+)");
weechat_hashtable_set (options2, "regex_replace", "${re:1}${hide:*,${re:2}}");
char *str5 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("password=abc password=def", NULL, NULL, NULL); /* "password=*** password=***" */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def string_eval_expression(expr: str, pointers: Dict[str, str], extra_vars: Dict[str, str], options: Dict[str, str]) -> str: ...
# examples
# conditions
str1 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${window.win_width} > 100", {}, {}, {"type": "condition"}) # "1"
str2 = weechat.string_eval_expression("abc =~ def", {}, {}, {"type": "condition"}) # "0"
# simple expression
str3 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${buffer.full_name}", {}, {}, {}) # "core.weechat"
# replace with regex: add brackets around URLs
options = {
"regex": "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+://[^ ]+",
"regex_replace": "[ ${re:0} ]",
str4 = weechat.string_eval_expression("test:", {}, {}, options) # "test: [ ]"
# replace with regex: hide passwords
options = {
"regex": "(password=)([^ ]+)",
"regex_replace": "${re:1}${hide:*,${re:2}}",
str5 = weechat.string_eval_expression("password=abc password=def", {}, {}, options) # "password=*** password=***"
List of logical operators that can be used in conditions (by order of priority, from first used to last):
Operator | Min WeeChat | Description | Examples |
Logical "and" |
>> |
Logical "or" |
>> |
List of comparison operators that can be used in conditions (by order of priority, from first used to last):
Operator | Min WeeChat | Description | Examples |
Is matching POSIX extended regex (optional flags are allowed, see function string_regcomp) |
>> |
Is NOT matching POSIX extended regex (optional flags are allowed, see function string_regcomp) |
>> |
2.9 |
Is matching mask where "*" is allowed, case sensitive (see function string_match) |
>> |
2.9 |
Is NOT wildcard mask where "*" is allowed, case sensitive (see function string_match) |
>> |
1.8 |
Is matching mask where "*" is allowed, case insensitive (see function string_match) |
>> |
1.8 |
Is NOT wildcard mask where "*" is allowed, case insensitive (see function string_match) |
>> |
2.9 |
Is included, case sensitive |
>> |
2.9 |
Is NOT included, case sensitive |
>> |
2.9 |
Is included, case insensitive |
>> |
2.9 |
Is NOT included, case insensitive |
>> |
Equal |
>> |
Not equal |
>> |
Less or equal |
>> |
Less |
>> |
Greater or equal |
>> |
Greater |
>> |
The comparison is made using floating point numbers if the two expressions are valid numbers, with one of the following formats:
integer (examples: 5, -7)
floating point number (examples: 5.2, -7.5, 2.83e-2) (WeeChat ≥ 2.0)
hexadecimal number (examples: 0xA3, -0xA3) (WeeChat ≥ 2.0)
To force a string comparison, you can add double quotes around each expression, for example:
50 > 100
returns 0 (number comparison) -
"50" > "100"
returns 1 (string comparison)
List of variables expanded in expression (by order of priority, from first expanded to last):
Format | Min WeeChat | Description | Examples |
4.2.0 |
Raw string (not evaluated), with syntax highlighting (using colors). |
>> |
3.1 |
Raw string (not evaluated). |
>> |
4.2.0 |
String with syntax highlighting (using colors). |
>> |
3.4 |
User variable (defined with |
>> |
Variable |
>> |
3.2 |
A WeeChat directory: |
>> |
1.3 |
String to evaluate. |
>> |
3.1 |
String to evaluate as condition. |
>> |
1.0 |
String with escaped chars. |
>> |
3.8 |
String with a range of chars, where |
>> |
3.6 |
String converted to lower case. |
>> |
3.6 |
String converted to upper case. |
>> |
1.1 |
String with hidden chars (all chars in |
>> |
1.8 |
String with |
>> |
1.8 |
String with |
>> |
2.2 |
Reversed string (color codes are reversed, so the string should not contain color codes). |
>> |
2.7 |
Reversed string for screen, color codes are not reversed. |
>> |
2.3 |
Repeated string. |
>> |
2.7 |
Length of string (number of UTF-8 chars), color codes are ignored. |
>> |
2.7 |
Length of string displayed on screen, color codes are ignored. |
>> |
3.3 |
Split string, and return, according to |
>> |
3.3 |
Split shell arguments, and return, according to |
>> |
1.1 |
Regex data: |
>> |
0.4.2 |
WeeChat color code (the name of color has optional attributes), see function color for supported formats. |
>> |
2.7 |
Result of a modifier, see function hook_modifier_exec. |
>> |
0.4.3 |
Info from WeeChat or a plugin, see function info_get. |
>> |
2.9 |
String encoded in base 16, 32 or 64. |
>> |
2.9 |
String decoded from base 16, 32 or 64. |
>> |
1.3 |
Current date/time, with custom format (see function util_strftimeval),
default format is |
>> |
1.2 |
Value of the environment variable |
>> |
1.8 |
Ternary operator with a condition, a value if the condition is true (optional) and another value if the condition is false (optional). If values are not given, "1" or "0" are returned, according to the result of the condition. |
>> |
2.7 |
Result of expression, where parentheses and the following operators are
supported: |
>> |
3.3 |
Random integer number in the range from |
>> |
3.2 |
Translated string (depends on the language used by WeeChat to display messages). |
>> |
3.4 |
Define a variable |
>> |
4.4.0 |
Number of items in a hdata list or starting at |
>> |
Value of the secured data |
>> |
Value of the option. |
>> |
Value of local variable |
>> |
Variable |
>> |
Hdata value (pointers |
>> |
WeeChat ≥ 1.8.
Allocate a dynamic string, with a variable length.
Internally, a structure is allocated with the string pointer, the allocated size
and current length of string.
Only the pointer to string pointer (**string) is used in all the string_dyn_* functions.
char **weechat_string_dyn_alloc (int size_alloc);
size_alloc: the initial allocated size (must be greater than zero)
Return value:
pointer to the dynamic string
C example:
char **string = weechat_string_dyn_alloc (256);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.8.
Copy a string in a dynamic string.
The pointer *string can change if the string is reallocated (if there is not enough space to copy the string).
int weechat_string_dyn_copy (char **string, const char *new_string);
string: pointer to dynamic string
new_string: the string to copy
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
char **string = weechat_string_dyn_alloc (256);
if (weechat_string_dyn_copy (string, "test"))
/* OK */
/* error */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.8, updated in 3.0.
Concatenate a string to a dynamic string.
The pointer *string can change if the string is reallocated (if there is not enough space to concatenate the string).
int weechat_string_dyn_concat (char **string, const char *add, int bytes);
string: pointer to dynamic string
add: the string to add
bytes: max number of bytes in add to concatenate, must be lower or equal to length of add (-1 = automatic: concatenate whole string add) (WeeChat ≥ 3.0)
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
char **string = weechat_string_dyn_alloc (256);
if (weechat_string_dyn_copy (string, "test"))
if (weechat_string_dyn_concat (string, "abc", -1))
/* ... */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.8.
Free a dynamic string.
char *weechat_string_dyn_free (char **string, int free_string);
string: pointer to dynamic string
free_string: free the string itself; if 0, the content of *string remains valid after the call to this function
Return value:
string pointer if free_string is 0, otherwise NULL
C example:
char **string = weechat_string_dyn_alloc (256);
if (weechat_string_dyn_concat (string, "test"))
/* OK */
/* error */
/* ... */
weechat_string_dyn_free (string, 1);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 4.2.0.
Concatenate multiple strings using a separator.
const char *weechat_string_concat (const char *separator, ...);
separator: the separator string which is inserted between concatenated strings (can be NULL or empty string)
Last argument MUST always be NULL. A macro called WEECHAT_STR_CONCAT can be used, where the final NULL value is
not needed (usage of this macro is recommended).
Return value:
concatenated string
C example:
const char *result = weechat_string_concat (" / ", "abc", "def", "ghi", NULL); /* result == "abc / def / ghi" */
/* with macro */
const char *result = WEECHAT_STR_CONCAT(" / ", "abc", "def", "ghi"); /* result == "abc / def / ghi" */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
3.4. UTF-8
Some UTF-8 string functions.
Check if a string has 8-bits chars.
int weechat_utf8_has_8bits (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
1 if string has 8-bits chars, 0 if only 7-bits chars
C example:
if (weechat_utf8_has_8bits (string))
/* ... */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.4.
Check if a string is UTF-8 valid.
int weechat_utf8_is_valid (const char *string, int length, char **error);
string: string
length: max number of UTF-8 chars to check; if ≤ 0, the whole string is checked (WeeChat ≥ 1.4)
error: if not NULL, *error is set with pointer to first non valid UTF-8 char in string, if any
Return value:
1 if UTF-8 string is valid, otherwise 0
C example:
char *error;
if (weechat_utf8_is_valid (string, -1, &error))
/* ... */
/* "error" points to first invalid char */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Normalize UTF-8 string: remove non UTF-8 chars and replace them by a char.
void weechat_utf8_normalize (char *string, char replacement);
string: string
replacement: replacement char for invalid chars
C example:
weechat_utf8_normalize (string, '?');
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.3.
Return pointer to previous UTF-8 char in a string.
const char *weechat_utf8_prev_char (const char *string_start,
const char *string);
string_start: start of string (function will not return a char before this pointer)
string: pointer to string (must be ≥ string_start)
Return value:
pointer to previous UTF-8 char, NULL if not found (start of string reached) (WeeChat ≥ 1.3: pointer returned is a const char * instead of char *)
C example:
const char *prev_char = weechat_utf8_prev_char (string, ptr_in_string);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.3.
Return pointer to next UTF-8 char in a string.
const char *weechat_utf8_next_char (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
pointer to next UTF-8 char, NULL if not found (end of string reached) (WeeChat ≥ 1.3: pointer returned is a const char * instead of char *)
C example:
const char *next_char = weechat_utf8_next_char (string);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return UTF-8 char as integer.
int weechat_utf8_char_int (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
UTF-8 char as integer
C example:
int char_int = weechat_utf8_char_int ("être"); /* "ê" as integer */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return UTF-8 char size (in bytes).
int weechat_utf8_char_size (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
UTF-8 char size (in bytes)
C example:
int char_size = weechat_utf8_char_size ("être"); /* == 2 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return UTF-8 string length (in UTF-8 chars).
int weechat_utf8_strlen (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
UTF-8 string length (number of UTF-8 chars)
C example:
int length = weechat_utf8_strlen ("chêne"); /* == 5 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return UTF-8 string length (in UTF-8 chars), for max bytes in string.
int weechat_utf8_strnlen (const char *string, int bytes);
string: string
bytes: max bytes
Return value:
UTF-8 string length (number of UTF-8 chars)
C example:
int length = weechat_utf8_strnlen ("chêne", 4); /* == 3 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return number of chars needed on screen to display UTF-8 string.
int weechat_utf8_strlen_screen (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
number of chars needed on screen to display UTF-8 string
C example:
int length_on_screen = weechat_utf8_strlen_screen ("é"); /* == 1 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 3.8.
Return number of chars needed on screen to display UTF-8 char.
int weechat_utf8_char_size_screen (const char *string);
string: string
Return value:
number of chars needed on screen to display UTF-8 char:
-1: non printable char
≥ 0: printable char
The result is the return value of function wcwidth
(see man wcwidth
), with
exception for the following chars, that have a specific behavior in WeeChat:
U+0009 (Tabulation): value of option weechat.look.tab_width ↗
U+0001 (1) to U+001F (31), except U+0009 (Tabulation): 1
U+00AD (173, soft hyphen): -1
U+200B (8203, zero width space): -1
C example:
int length_on_screen = weechat_utf8_char_size_screen ("é"); /* == 1 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.3.
Move forward N chars in an UTF-8 string.
const char *weechat_utf8_add_offset (const char *string, int offset);
string: string
offset: number of chars
Return value:
pointer to string, N chars after (NULL if it’s not reachable) (WeeChat ≥ 1.3: pointer returned is a const char * instead of char *)
C example:
const char *str = "chêne";
const char *str2 = weechat_utf8_add_offset (str, 3); /* points to "ne" */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return real position in UTF-8 string.
int weechat_utf8_real_pos (const char *string, int pos);
string: string
pos: position (number of chars)
Return value:
real potision (in bytes)
C example:
int pos = weechat_utf8_real_pos ("chêne", 3); /* == 4 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return position in UTF-8 string.
int weechat_utf8_pos (const char *string, int real_pos);
string: string
real_pos: position (bytes)
Return value:
position (number of chars)
C example:
int pos = weechat_utf8_pos ("chêne", 4); /* == 3 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return duplicate string, with length chars max.
char *weechat_utf8_strndup (const char *string, int length);
string: string
length: max chars to duplicate
Return value:
duplicated string (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *string = weechat_utf8_strndup ("chêne", 3); /* returns "chê" */
/* ... */
free (string);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 3.8.
Copy length chars max in another string and add null byte at the end.
void weechat_utf8_strncpy (char *dest, const char *string, int length);
dest: destination string (must be long enough)
string: string
length: max chars to copy
C example:
char dest[256];
weechat_utf8_strncpy (dest, "chêne", 3); /* copies "chê" to dest */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
3.5. Cryptography
Some cryptographic functions.
WeeChat ≥ 2.8.
Compute hash of data.
int weechat_crypto_hash (const void *data, int data_size, const char *hash_algo,
void *hash, int *hash_size);
data: the data to hash
data_size: number of bytes to hash in data
hash_algo: the hash algorithm, see table below
hash: pointer to the hash variable, which is used to store the resulting hash (the buffer must be large enough, according to the algorithm, see table below)
hash_size: pointer to a variable used to store the size of the hash computed (in bytes) (can be NULL)
Supported hash algorithms:
Value | Algorithm | Hash size | Notes |
CRC32 |
4 bytes (32 bits) |
Not a hash algorithm in the cryptographic sense. |
MD5 |
16 bytes (128 bits) |
Weak, not recommended for cryptography usage. |
SHA-1 |
20 bytes (160 bits) |
Weak, not recommended for cryptography usage. |
SHA-224 |
28 bytes (224 bits) |
SHA-256 |
32 bytes (256 bits) |
SHA-384 |
48 bytes (384 bits) |
SHA-512 |
64 bytes (512 bits) |
SHA-512/224 |
28 bytes (224 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.9.4. |
SHA-512/256 |
32 bytes (256 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.9.4. |
SHA3-224 |
28 bytes (224 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.7.0. |
SHA3-256 |
32 bytes (256 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.7.0. |
SHA3-384 |
48 bytes (384 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.7.0. |
SHA3-512 |
64 bytes (512 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.7.0. |
BLAKE2B-160 |
20 bytes (160 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.8.0. |
BLAKE2B-256 |
32 bytes (256 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.8.0. |
BLAKE2B-384 |
48 bytes (384 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.8.0. |
BLAKE2B-512 |
64 bytes (512 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.8.0. |
BLAKE2S-128 |
16 bytes (128 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.8.0. |
BLAKE2S-160 |
20 bytes (160 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.8.0. |
BLAKE2S-224 |
28 bytes (224 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.8.0. |
BLAKE2S-256 |
32 bytes (256 bits) |
Algorithm available with libgcrypt ≥ 1.8.0. |
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
const char *data = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
char hash[256 / 8];
int rc, hash_size;
rc = weechat_crypto_hash (data, strlen (data), "sha256", hash, &hash_size);
/* rc == 1, hash_size == 32 and hash is a buffer with:
71 c4 80 df 93 d6 ae 2f 1e fa d1 44 7c 66 c9 52 5e 31 62 18 cf 51 fc 8d 9e d8 32 f2 da f1 8b 73 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 3.7.
Compute hash of a file.
int weechat_crypto_hash_file (const char *filename, const char *hash_algo,
void *hash, int *hash_size);
filename: path and file name
hash_algo: the hash algorithm, see table in function crypto_hash
hash: pointer to the hash variable, which is used to store the resulting hash (the buffer must be large enough, according to the algorithm, see table in function crypto_hash)
hash_size: pointer to a variable used to store the size of the hash computed (in bytes) (can be NULL)
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
char hash[256 / 8];
int rc, hash_size;
rc = weechat_crypto_hash_file ("/path/to/file", "sha256", hash, &hash_size);
/* rc == 1, hash_size == 32 and hash is a buffer with:
71 c4 80 df 93 d6 ae 2f 1e fa d1 44 7c 66 c9 52 5e 31 62 18 cf 51 fc 8d 9e d8 32 f2 da f1 8b 73 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 2.8.
Compute PKCS#5 Passphrase Based Key Derivation Function number 2 (PBKDF2) hash of data.
int weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (const void *data, int data_size,
const char *hash_algo,
const void *salt, int salt_size,
int iterations,
void *hash, int *hash_size);
data: the data to hash
data_size: number of bytes to hash in data
hash_algo: hash algorithm used by the key derivation function, see table in function crypto_hash
salt: the salt
salt_size: number of bytes in salt
iterations: number of iterations
hash: pointer to the hash variable, which is used to store the resulting hash (the buffer must be large enough, according to the algorithm, see table in function crypto_hash)
hash_size: pointer to a variable used to store the size of the hash computed (in bytes) (can be NULL)
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
const char *data = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const char *salt = "12345678901234567890123456789012"; /* 32 bytes */
char hash[256 / 8];
int rc, hash_size;
rc = weechat_crypto_hash_pbkdf2 (data, strlen (data), "sha256", salt, strlen (salt), 100000,
hash, &hash_size);
/* rc == 1, hash_size == 32 and hash is a buffer with:
99 b3 5e 42 53 d1 a7 a8 49 c1 dc 2c e2 53 c2 b6 6d a1 8b dc 6e 78 a7 06 e0 ef 34 db 0a 7a a2 bb */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 3.2.
Compute keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC).
int weechat_crypto_hmac (const void *key, int key_size, const void *message, int message_size,
int hash_algo, void *hash, int *hash_size);
key: the key
key_size: number of bytes in key
message: the message
message_size: number of bytes in message
hash_algo: the hash algorithm, see table in function crypto_hash
hash: pointer to the hash variable, which is used to store the resulting hash (the buffer must be large enough, according to the algorithm, see table in function crypto_hash)
hash_size: pointer to a variable used to store the size of the hash computed (in bytes) (can be NULL)
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
const char *key = "the key";
const char *message = "the message";
char hash[256 / 8];
int rc, hash_size;
rc = weechat_crypto_hmac (key, strlen (key), message, strlen (message), "sha256", hash, &hash_size);
/* rc == 1, hash_size == 32 and hash is a buffer with:
47 36 67 02 fc bc b1 97 a4 25 e6 7a b9 52 92 bd 15 9a 66 91 9c fb 94 b0 b4 9a 39 cb c0 24 2d 7b */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
3.6. Directories
Some functions related to directories.
Updated in 3.2.
Create a directory in WeeChat home.
int weechat_mkdir_home (char *directory, int mode);
directory: name of directory to create; it can start with one of these strings to force a specific WeeChat directory (WeeChat ≥ 3.2):
(default) -
mode: mode for directory
Return value:
1 if directory was successfully created, 0 if an error occurred
C example:
if (!weechat_mkdir_home ("${weechat_cache_dir}/temp", 0755))
/* error */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def mkdir_home(directory: str, mode: int) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.mkdir_home("${weechat_cache_dir}/temp", 0755)
Create a directory.
int weechat_mkdir (char *directory, int mode);
directory: name of directory to create
mode: mode for directory
Return value:
1 if directory was successfully created, 0 if an error occurred
C example:
if (!weechat_mkdir ("/tmp/mydir", 0755))
/* error */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def mkdir(directory: str, mode: int) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.mkdir("/tmp/mydir", 0755)
Create a directory and make parent directories as needed.
int weechat_mkdir_parents (char *directory, int mode);
directory: name of directory to create
mode: mode for directory
Return value:
1 if directory was successfully created, 0 if an error occurred
C example:
if (!weechat_mkdir_parents ("/tmp/my/dir", 0755))
/* error */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def mkdir_parents(directory: str, mode: int) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.mkdir_parents("/tmp/my/dir", 0755)
Updated in 1.5, 2.0.
Find files in a directory and execute a callback on each file.
void weechat_exec_on_files (const char *directory,
int recurse_subdirs,
int hidden_files,
void (*callback)(void *data,
const char *filename),
void *callback_data);
directory: directory for searching files
recurse_subdirs: 1 to recurse into sub-directories (WeeChat ≥ 2.0)
hidden_files: 1 to include hidden files, otherwise 0
callback: function called for each file found, arguments:
void *data: pointer
const char *filename: filename found
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
C example:
void callback (void *data, const char *filename)
/* ... */
weechat_exec_on_files ("/tmp", 0, 0, &callback, NULL);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.1.
Get content of text file in a string.
char *weechat_file_get_content (const char *filename);
filename: path and file name
Return value:
content of file as string (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
C example:
char *content;
content = weechat_file_get_content ("/tmp/test.txt");
/* ... */
free (content);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 3.3.
Copy a file to another location.
int weechat_file_copy (const char *from, const char *to);
from: source file
to: destination file
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
if (weechat_file_copy ("/tmp/test.txt", "/path/to/test2.txt"))
/* OK */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 3.7.
Compress a file with gzip or zstd.
int weechat_file_compress (const char *from, const char *to,
const char *compressor, int compression_level);
from: source file
to: destination file
compressor: the compressor to use, one of:
gzip: gzip compression
zstd: zstandard compression (available only if zstd was enabled when WeeChat was compiled)
compression_level: compression level, between 1 (fast, low compression) to 100 (slow, best compression)
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
if (weechat_file_compress ("/tmp/test.txt", "/tmp/test.txt.zst", "zstd", 50))
/* OK */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
3.7. Util
Some useful functions.
Compare two "timeval" structures.
int weechat_util_timeval_cmp (struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2);
tv1: first "timeval" structure
tv2: second "timeval" structure
Return value:
-1 if tv1 < tv2
zero if tv1 == tv2
+1 if tv1 > tv2
C example:
if (weechat_util_timeval_cmp (&tv1, &tv2) > 0)
/* tv1 > tv2 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.1.
Return difference (in microseconds) between two "timeval" structures.
long long weechat_util_timeval_diff (struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2);
tv1: first "timeval" structure
tv2: second "timeval" structure
Return value:
difference in microseconds
With WeeChat ≤ 1.0, the returned value was in milliseconds. |
C example:
long long diff = weechat_util_timeval_diff (&tv1, &tv2);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.1.
Add interval (in microseconds) to a timeval structure.
void weechat_util_timeval_add (struct timeval *tv, long long interval);
tv: timeval structure
interval: interval (in microseconds)
With WeeChat ≤ 1.0, the interval was expressed in milliseconds. |
C example:
weechat_util_timeval_add (&tv, 2000000); /* add 2 seconds */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.2, updated in 1.3.
Get date/time as a string built with "strftime" and the format defined in option weechat.look.time_format.
const char *weechat_util_get_time_string (const time_t *date);
date: pointer to date
Return value:
pointer to a string with date/time
C example:
time_t date = time (NULL);
weechat_printf (NULL, "date: %s",
weechat_util_get_time_string (&date));
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 4.2.0, updated in 4.3.0.
Format date and time like function strftime
in C library, using struct timeval
as input, and supporting extra specifiers.
int weechat_util_strftimeval (char *string, int max, const char *format, struct timeval *tv);
string: buffer where the formatted string is stored
max: string size
format: format, the same as strftime function, with these extra specifiers:
is between 1 and 6: zero-padded microseconds on N digits (for example%.3
for milliseconds) -
: alias of%.6
: timestamp as integer, in seconds (value of tv→tv_sec)
Return value:
number of bytes put in string (value returned from strftime function)
C example:
char time[256];
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);
weechat_util_strftimeval (time, sizeof (time), "%FT%T.%f", &tv);
/* result: 2023-12-26T18:10:04.460509 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 4.2.0.
Parse date/time with support of microseconds.
int util_parse_time (const char *datetime, struct timeval *tv);
date: date/time
tv: parsed date/time ("timeval" structure)
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
struct timeval tv;
weechat_util_parse_time ("2023-12-25T10:29:09.456789Z", &tv); /* == 1 */
/* result: tv.tv_sec == 1703500149, tv.tv_usec = 456789 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9.
Convert a string with WeeChat version to a number.
int weechat_util_version_number (const char *version);
version: WeeChat version as string (example: "0.3.9" or "0.3.9-dev")
C example:
version_number = weechat_util_version_number ("0.3.8"); /* == 0x00030800 */
version_number = weechat_util_version_number ("0.3.9-dev"); /* == 0x00030900 */
version_number = weechat_util_version_number ("0.3.9-rc1"); /* == 0x00030900 */
version_number = weechat_util_version_number ("0.3.9"); /* == 0x00030900 */
version_number = weechat_util_version_number ("1.0"); /* == 0x01000000 */
version_number = weechat_util_version_number ("4.0.0"); /* == 0x04000000 */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
3.8. Sorted lists
Sorted list functions.
Create a new list.
struct t_weelist *weechat_list_new ();
Return value:
pointer to new list
C example:
struct t_weelist *list = weechat_list_new ();
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_new() -> str: ...
# example
list = weechat.list_new()
Add an item in a list.
struct t_weelist_item *weechat_list_add (struct t_weelist *weelist,
const char *data,
const char *where,
void *user_data);
weelist: list pointer
data: data to insert in list
where: position in list:
WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT: add in list, keeping list sorted
WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING: add to beginning of list
WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END: add to end of list
user_data: any pointer
Return value:
pointer to new item
C example:
struct t_weelist_item *my_item =
weechat_list_add (list, "my data", WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_add(list: str, data: str, where: str, user_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
item = weechat.list_add(list, "my data", weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT, "")
Search an item in a list.
struct t_weelist_item *weechat_list_search (struct t_weelist *weelist,
const char *data);
weelist: list pointer
data: data to search in list
Return value:
pointer to item found, NULL if item was not found
C example:
struct t_weelist_item *item = weechat_list_search (list, "my data");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_search(list: str, data: str) -> str: ...
# example
item = weechat.list_search(list, "my data")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Search an item position in a list.
int weechat_list_search_pos (struct t_weelist *weelist,
const char *data);
weelist: list pointer
data: data to search in list
Return value:
position of item found, -1 if item was not found
C example:
int pos_item = weechat_list_search_pos (list, "my data");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_search_pos(list: str, data: str) -> int: ...
# example
pos_item = weechat.list_search_pos(list, "my data")
Search an item in a list, ignoring case.
struct t_weelist_item *weechat_list_casesearch (struct t_weelist *weelist,
const char *data);
weelist: list pointer
data: data to search in list
Return value:
pointer to item found, NULL if item was not found
C example:
struct t_weelist_item *item = weechat_list_casesearch (list, "my data");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_casesearch(list: str, data: str) -> str: ...
# example
item = weechat.list_casesearch(list, "my data")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Search an item position in a list, ignoring case.
int weechat_list_casesearch_pos (struct t_weelist *weelist,
const char *data);
weelist: list pointer
data: data to search in list
Return value:
position of item found, -1 if item was not found
C example:
int pos_item = weechat_list_casesearch_pos (list, "my data");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_casesearch_pos(list: str, data: str) -> int: ...
# example
pos_item = weechat.list_casesearch_pos(list, "my data")
Return an item in a list by position.
struct t_weelist_item *weechat_list_get (struct t_weelist *weelist,
int position);
weelist: list pointer
position: position in list (first item is 0)
Return value:
pointer to item found, NULL if item was not found
C example:
struct t_weelist_item *item = weechat_list_get (list, 0); /* first item */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_get(list: str, position: int) -> str: ...
# example
item = weechat.list_get(list, 0)
Set new value for an item.
void weechat_list_set (struct t_weelist_item *item, const char *value);
item: item pointer
value: new value for item
C example:
weechat_list_set (item, "new data");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_set(item: str, value: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.list_set(item, "new data")
Return next item in list.
struct t_weelist_item *weechat_list_next (struct t_weelist_item *item);
item: item pointer
Return value:
pointer to next item, NULL if pointer was last item in list
C example:
struct t_weelist_item *next_item = weechat_list_next (item);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_next(item: str) -> str: ...
# example
item = weechat.list_next(item)
Return previous item in list.
struct t_weelist_item *weechat_list_prev (struct t_weelist_item *item);
item: item pointer
Return value:
pointer to previous item, NULL if pointer was first item in list
C example:
struct t_weelist_item *prev_item = weechat_list_prev (item);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_prev(item: str) -> str: ...
# example
item = weechat.list_prev(item)
Return string value of an item.
const char *weechat_list_string (struct t_weelist_item *item);
item: item pointer
Return value:
string value of item
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "value of item: %s", weechat_list_string (item));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_string(item: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "value of item: %s" % weechat.list_string(item))
WeeChat ≥ 2.6.
Return pointer to the user data of an item.
void *weechat_list_user_data (struct t_weelist_item *item);
item: item pointer
Return value:
pointer to the user data of item
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "user data of item: %p", weechat_list_user_data (item));
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return size of list (number of items).
char *weechat_list_size (struct t_weelist *weelist);
weelist: list pointer
Return value:
size of list (number of items), 0 if list is empty
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "size of list: %d", weechat_list_size (list));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_size(list: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "size of list: %d" % weechat.list_size(list))
Remove an item in a list.
void weechat_list_remove (struct t_weelist *weelist,
struct t_weelist_item *item);
weelist: list pointer
item: item pointer
C example:
weechat_list_remove (list, item);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_remove(list: str, item: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.list_remove(list, item)
Remove all items from a list.
void weechat_list_remove_all (struct t_weelist *weelist);
weelist: list pointer
C example:
weechat_list_remove_all (list);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def list_remove_all(list: str) -> int: ...
# example
3.9. Array lists
Array list functions.
An array list is a list of pointers with a dynamic size and optional sort.
WeeChat ≥ 1.8.
Create a new array list.
struct t_arraylist *weechat_arraylist_new (int initial_size,
int sorted,
int allow_duplicates,
int (*callback_cmp)(void *data,
struct t_arraylist *arraylist,
void *pointer1,
void *pointer2),
void *callback_cmp_data,
void (*callback_free)(void *data,
struct t_arraylist *arraylist,
void *pointer),
void *callback_free_data);
initial_size: initial size of the array list (not the number of items)
sorted: 1 to sort the array list, 0 for no sort
allow_duplicates: 1 to allow duplicate entries, 0 to prevent a same entry to be added again
callback_cmp: callback used to compare two items (optional), arguments and return value:
void *data: pointer
struct t_arraylist *arraylist: array list pointer
void *pointer1: pointer to first item
void *pointer2: pointer to second item
return value:
negative number if first item is less than second item
0 if first item equals second item
positive number if first item is greater than second item
callback_cmp_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_free: callback used to free an item (optional), arguments:
void *data: pointer
struct t_arraylist *arraylist: array list pointer
void *pointer: pointer to item
callback_free_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
Return value:
pointer to new array list
C example:
cmp_cb (void *data, struct t_arraylist *arraylist,
void *pointer1, void *pointer2)
if (...)
return -1;
else if (...)
return 1;
return 0;
struct t_arraylist *list = weechat_arraylist_new (32, 1, 1,
&cmp_cb, NULL, NULL, NULL);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.8.
Return size of array list (number of item pointers).
int weechat_list_size (struct t_arraylist *arraylist);
arraylist: array list pointer
Return value:
size of array list (number of items), 0 if array list is empty
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "size of array list: %d", weechat_arraylist_size (arraylist));
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.8.
Return an item pointer by position.
void *weechat_arraylist_get (struct t_arraylist *arraylist, int index);
arraylist: array list pointer
index: index in list (first pointer is 0)
Return value:
pointer found, NULL if pointer was not found
C example:
void *pointer = weechat_arraylist_get (arraylist, 0); /* first item */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.8.
Search an item in an array list.
void *weechat_arraylist_search (struct t_arraylist *arraylist, void *pointer,
int *index, int *index_insert);
arraylist: array list pointer
pointer: pointer to the item to search in array list
index: pointer to integer that will be set to the index found, or -1 if not found (optional)
index_insert: pointer to integer that will be set with the index that must be used to insert the element in the arraylist (to keep arraylist sorted) (optional)
Return value:
pointer to item found, NULL if item was not found
C example:
int index, index_insert;
void *item = weechat_arraylist_search (arraylist, pointer, &index, &index_insert);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.8.
Insert an item in an array list.
int weechat_arraylist_insert (struct t_arraylist *arraylist, int index, void *pointer);
arraylist: array list pointer
index: position of the item in array list or -1 to add at the end (this argument is used only if the array list is not sorted, it is ignored if the array list is sorted)
pointer: pointer to the item to insert
Return value:
index of new item (≥ 0), -1 if error.
C example:
int index = weechat_arraylist_insert (arraylist, -1, pointer); /* insert at the end if not sorted */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.8.
Add an item in an array list.
int weechat_arraylist_add (struct t_arraylist *arraylist, void *pointer);
arraylist: array list pointer
pointer: pointer to the item to add
Return value:
index of new item (≥ 0), -1 if error.
C example:
int index = weechat_arraylist_add (arraylist, pointer);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.8.
Remove an item from an array list.
int weechat_arraylist_remove (struct t_arraylist *arraylist, int index);
arraylist: array list pointer
index: index of the item to remove
Return value:
index of item removed, -1 if error.
C example:
int index_removed = weechat_arraylist_remove (arraylist, index);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.8.
Remove all items from an array list.
int weechat_arraylist_clear (struct t_arraylist *arraylist);
arraylist: array list pointer
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
if (weechat_arraylist_clear (arraylist))
/* OK */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
3.10. Hashtables
Hashtable functions.
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.3, updated in 4.4.0.
Create a new hashtable.
struct t_hashtable *weechat_hashtable_new (int size,
const char *type_keys,
const char *type_values,
unsigned long long (*callback_hash_key)(struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
const void *key),
int (*callback_keycmp)(struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
const void *key1,
const void *key2));
size: size of internal array to store hashed keys, a high value uses more memory, but has better performance (this is not a limit for number of items in hashtable)
type_keys: type for keys in hashtable:
type_values: type for values in hashtable:
callback_hash_key: callback used to "hash" a key (key as integer value), can be NULL if key type is not "buffer" (a default hash function is used), arguments and return value:
struct t_hashtable *hashtable: hashtable pointer
const void *key: key
return value: hash of the key
callback_keycmp: callback used to compare two keys, can be NULL if key type is not "buffer" (a default comparison function is used), arguments and return value:
struct t_hashtable *hashtable: hashtable pointer
const void *key1: first key
const void *key2: second key
return value:
negative number if key1 is less than key2
0 if key1 equals key2
positive number if key1 is greater than key2
Return value:
pointer to new hashtable, NULL if an error occurred
C example:
struct t_hashtable *hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.3, updated in 0.4.2.
Add or update item in a hashtable with size for key and value.
struct t_hashtable_item *weechat_hashtable_set_with_size (struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
const void *key, int key_size,
const void *value, int value_size);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
key: key pointer
key_size: size of key (in bytes), used only if type of keys in hashtable is "buffer"
value: value pointer
value_size: size of value (in bytes), used only if type of values in hashtable is "buffer"
Return value:
pointer to item created/updated, NULL if error
C example:
weechat_hashtable_set_with_size (hashtable, "my_key", 0,
my_buffer, sizeof (my_buffer_struct));
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.3, updated in 0.4.2.
Add or update item in a hashtable.
struct t_hashtable_item *weechat_hashtable_set (struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
const void *key, const void *value);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
key: key pointer
value: value pointer
Return value:
pointer to item created/updated, NULL if error
C example:
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "my_key", "my_value");
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.3.
Get value associated with a key in a hashtable.
void *weechat_hashtable_get (struct t_hashtable *hashtable, void *key);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
key: key pointer
Return value:
value for key, NULL if key is not found
C example:
void *value = weechat_hashtable_get (hashtable, "my_key");
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Check if a key is in the hashtable.
int weechat_hashtable_has_key (struct t_hashtable *hashtable, void *key);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
key: key pointer
Return value:
1 if key is in hashtable, 0 if key is not in hashtable
C example:
if (weechat_hashtable_has_key (hashtable, "my_key"))
/* key is in hashtable */
/* ... */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.3.
Call a function on all hashtable entries, by insertion order in the hashtable (from oldest to newest one).
void weechat_hashtable_map (struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
void (*callback_map)(void *data,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
const void *key,
const void *value),
void *callback_map_data);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
callback_map: function called for each entry in hashtable
callback_map_data: pointer given to map callback when it is called
C example:
map_cb (void *data, struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
const void *key, const void *value)
/* display key and value (they are both strings here) */
weechat_printf (NULL, "key: '%s', value: '%s'",
(const char *)key,
(const char *)value);
/* ... */
weechat_hashtable_map (hashtable, &map_cb, NULL);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7.
Call a function on all hashtable entries, by insertion order in the hashtable (from oldest to newest one), sending keys and values as strings.
void weechat_hashtable_map_string (struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
void (*callback_map)(void *data,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
const char *key,
const char *value),
void *callback_map_data);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
callback_map: function called for each entry in hashtable
callback_map_data: pointer given to map callback when it is called
The strings key and value sent to callback are temporary strings, they are deleted after call to callback. |
C example:
map_cb (void *data, struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
const char *key, const char *value)
/* display key and value */
weechat_printf (NULL, "key: '%s', value: '%s'",
key, value);
/* ... */
weechat_hashtable_map_string (hashtable, &map_cb, NULL);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 1.0.
Duplicate a hashtable.
struct t_hashtable *weechat_hashtable_dup (struct t_hashtable *hashtable);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
Return value:
duplicated hashtable
C example:
struct t_hashtable *new_hashtable = weechat_hashtable_dup (hashtable);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.3.
Return integer value of a hashtable property.
int weechat_hashtable_get_integer (struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
void *property);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
property: property name:
size: size of internal array "htable" in hashtable
items_count: number of items in hashtable
Return value:
integer value of property
C example:
int items_count = weechat_hashtable_get_integer (hashtable, "items_count");
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Return string value of a hashtable property.
const char *weechat_hashtable_get_string (struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
const char *property);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
property: property name:
type_keys: type for keys:
integer: integer
string: string
pointer: pointer
buffer: buffer
time: time
longlong: long long integer
type_values: type for values:
integer: integer
string: string
pointer: pointer
buffer: buffer
time: time
longlong: long long integer
keys: string with list of keys (format: "key1,key2,key3")
keys_sorted: string with list of sorted keys (format: "key1,key2,key3")
values: string with list of values (format: "value1,value2,value3")
keys_values: string with list of keys and values (format: "key1:value1,key2:value2,key3:value3")
keys_values_sorted: string with list of keys and values (sorted by keys) (format: "key1:value1,key2:value2,key3:value3")
Return value:
string value of property
C examples:
weechat_printf (NULL, "keys are type: %s",
weechat_hashtable_get_string (hashtable, "type_keys"));
weechat_printf (NULL, "list of keys: %s",
weechat_hashtable_get_string (hashtable, "keys"));
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Set pointer value of a hashtable property.
void weechat_hashtable_set_pointer (struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
const char *property, void *pointer);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
property: property name:
callback_free_key: set callback function used to free keys in hashtable (WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2)
callback_free_value: set callback function used to free values in hashtable
pointer: new pointer value for property
C example:
my_free_value_cb (struct t_hashtable *hashtable, const void *key, void *value)
/* ... */
my_free_key_cb (struct t_hashtable *hashtable, void *key)
/* ... */
weechat_hashtable_set_pointer (hashtable, "callback_free_value", &my_free_value_cb);
weechat_hashtable_set_pointer (hashtable, "callback_free_key", &my_free_key_cb);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.3.
Add hashtable items to an infolist item, by insertion order in the hashtable (from oldest to newest one).
int weechat_hashtable_add_to_infolist (struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
struct t_infolist_item *infolist_item,
const char *prefix);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
infolist_item: infolist item pointer
prefix: string used as prefix for names in infolist
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
weechat_hashtable_add_to_infolist (hashtable, infolist_item, "testhash");
/* if hashtable contains:
"key1" => "value 1"
"key2" => "value 2"
then following variables will be added to infolist item:
"testhash_name_00000" = "key1"
"testhash_value_00000" = "value 1"
"testhash_name_00001" = "key2"
"testhash_value_00001" = "value 2"
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 2.2.
Add infolist items in a hashtable.
int weechat_hashtable_add_from_infolist (struct t_hashtable *hashtable,
struct t_infolist *infolist,
const char *prefix);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
infolist: infolist pointer
prefix: string used as prefix for names in infolist
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
weechat_hashtable_add_from_infolist (hashtable, infolist, "testhash");
/* if infolist contains:
"testhash_name_00000" = "key1"
"testhash_value_00000" = "value 1"
"testhash_name_00001" = "key2"
"testhash_value_00001" = "value 2"
then following variables will be added to hashtable:
"key1" => "value 1"
"key2" => "value 2"
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.3.
Remove an item from a hashtable.
void weechat_hashtable_remove (struct t_hashtable *hashtable, const void *key);
hashtable: hashtable pointer
key: key pointer
C example:
weechat_hashtable_remove (hashtable, "my_key");
This function is not available in scripting API. |
3.11. Configuration files
Functions for configuration files.
Updated in 1.5, 4.0.0.
Create a new configuration file.
struct t_config_file *weechat_config_new (const char *name,
int (*callback_reload)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file),
const void *callback_reload_pointer,
void *callback_reload_data);
name: name of configuration file (without path or extension); a priority is allowed before the name, with format
is non-negative integer with priority; default priority is 1000; files are sorted by priority from higher to lower when running command/reload
(see priority of configuration files below) -
callback_reload: function called when configuration file is reloaded with
(optional, can be NULL, see below), arguments and return value:-
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_config_file *config_file: configuration file pointer
return value:
callback_reload_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_reload_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the configuration file is freed
Reload callback:
The callback must only call the function config_reload, it must not remove the configuration file.
A callback is needed only if it does some things before and/or after the call to the function config_reload.
If no callback is given, WeeChat will call its internal reload function, so the configuration file will be reloaded in all cases.
Return value:
pointer to new configuration file, NULL if an error occurred
File is NOT created on disk by this function. It will be created by call to function config_write. You should call this function only after adding some sections (with config_new_section) and options (with config_new_option). |
Priority of default configuration files:
Rank | File | Priority |
1 |
sec.conf |
120000 |
2 |
weechat.conf |
110000 |
3 |
plugins.conf |
100000 |
4 |
charset.conf |
16000 |
5 |
logger.conf |
15000 |
6 |
exec.conf |
14000 |
7 |
trigger.conf |
13000 |
8 |
spell.conf |
12000 |
9 |
alias.conf |
11000 |
10 |
buflist.conf |
10000 |
11 |
fifo.conf |
9000 |
12 |
typing.conf |
8000 |
13 |
xfer.conf |
7000 |
14 |
irc.conf |
6000 |
15 |
relay.conf |
5000 |
16 |
guile.conf |
4070 |
17 |
lua.conf |
4050 |
18 |
perl.conf |
4040 |
19 |
php.conf |
4030 |
20 |
python.conf |
4020 |
21 |
ruby.conf |
4010 |
22 |
tcl.conf |
4000 |
23 |
script.conf |
3000 |
24 |
fset.conf |
2000 |
C example:
my_config_reload_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file)
/* ... */
struct t_config_file *config_file = weechat_config_new ("test",
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_new(name: str, callback_reload: str, callback_reload_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_config_reload_cb(data: str, config_file: str) -> int:
# ...
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
config_file = weechat.config_new("test", "my_config_reload_cb", "")
WeeChat ≥ 4.0.0.
Set configuration file version and a callback to update config sections/options on-the-fly when the config is read.
int config_file_set_version (struct t_config_file *config_file,
int version,
struct t_hashtable *(*callback_update)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
int version_read,
struct t_hashtable *data_read),
const void *callback_update_pointer,
void *callback_update_data);
config_file: configuration file pointer
version: version, must be ≥ 2
callback_update: function called when configuration file is read, for each section and each option, if the version read is less than the expected version, (optional, can be NULL, see below), arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_config_file *config_file: configuration file pointer
int version_read: version read in configuration file (1 by default)
struct t_hashtable *data_read: hashtable with data read from configuration file (see below)
return value:
either "data_read" pointer (hashtable completed), or pointer to a new hashtable (created by callback, with keys and values of type "string")
callback_update_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_update_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the configuration file is freed
Update callback:
The callback receives a hashtable with data read from configuration file:
Key | Availability | Value |
Always set |
Name of configuration file, without extension (eg: |
Always set |
Name of section being read |
For option only |
Name of the option |
For option only |
Value of the option (if not NULL) |
For option only |
Option as NULL value (value is always |
The callback can update "section" for a line with a section and "option", "value" and "value_null" for a line with an option.
If "option" is set to empty string by the callback, the line read in configuration file is ignored.
Field "value_null" is set to force a NULL value for the option.
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
struct t_hashtable *
my_config_update_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
int version_read,
struct t_hashtable *data_read)
const char *ptr_section, *ptr_option;
/* return now if version is already up-to-date */
if (version_read >= 2)
return NULL;
ptr_section = hashtable_get (data_read, "section");
ptr_option = hashtable_get (data_read, "option");
/* rename section "abc" to "def" */
if (ptr_section && !ptr_option && (strcmp (ptr_section, "abc") == 0))
hashtable_set (data_read, "section", "def");
return data_read;
/* limit other changes to section "test" */
if (!ptr_section || !ptr_option || (strcmp (ptr_section, "test") != 0))
return NULL;
/* rename option "test1" to "test2" */
if (strcmp (ptr_option, "test1") == 0)
hashtable_set (data_read, "option", "test2");
return data_read;
/* set value to "xxx" for option "test" */
if (strcmp (ptr_option, "test") == 0)
hashtable_set (data_read, "value", "xxx");
return data_read;
/* set value to NULL for option "test_null" */
if (strcmp (ptr_option, "test_null") == 0)
hashtable_set (data_read, "value_null", "1");
return data_read;
/* no changes */
return NULL;
struct t_config_file *config_file = weechat_config_new ("test", NULL, NULL, NULL);
weechat_config_set_version (config_file, 2, &my_config_update_cb, NULL, NULL);
weechat_config_read (config_file);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_set_version(config_file: str, version: int, callback_update: str, callback_update_data: str) -> int: ...
# example
def my_config_update_cb(data: str, config_file: str, version_read: int, data_read: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
# return now if version is already up-to-date
if version_read >= 2:
return {}
section = data_read.get("section")
option = data_read.get("option")
# rename section "abc" to "def"
if section and not option and section == "abc":
data_read["section"] = "def"
return data_read
# limit other changes to section "test"
if not section or not option or section != "test":
return {}
# rename option "test1" to "test2"
if option == "test1":
data_read["option"] = "test2"
return data_read
# set value to "xxx" for option "test"
if option == "test":
data_read["value"] = "xxx"
return data_read
# set value to NULL for option "test_null"
if option == "test_null":
data_read["value_null"] = "1"
return data_read
# no changes
return {}
config_file = weechat.config_new("test", "", "")
weechat.config_set_version(config_file, 2, "my_config_update_cb", "")
Updated in 1.5.
Create a new section in configuration file.
struct t_config_section *weechat_config_new_section (
struct t_config_file *config_file,
const char *name,
int user_can_add_options,
int user_can_delete_options,
int (*callback_read)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
struct t_config_section *section,
const char *option_name,
const char *value),
const void *callback_read_pointer,
void *callback_read_data,
int (*callback_write)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
const char *section_name),
const void *callback_write_pointer,
void *callback_write_data,
int (*callback_write_default)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
const char *section_name),
const void *callback_write_default_pointer,
void *callback_write_default_data,
int (*callback_create_option)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
struct t_config_section *section,
const char *option_name,
const char *value),
const void *callback_create_option_pointer,
void *callback_create_option_data,
int (*callback_delete_option)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
struct t_config_section *section,
struct t_config_option *option),
const void *callback_delete_option_pointer,
void *callback_delete_option_data);
config_file: configuration file pointer
name: name of section
user_can_add_options: 1 if user can create new options in section, or 0 if it is forbidden
user_can_delete_options: 1 if user can delete options in section, or 0 if it is forbidden
callback_read: function called when an option in section is read from disk (should be NULL in most cases, except if options in section need custom function), arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_config_file *config_file: configuration file pointer
struct t_config_section *section: section pointer
const char *option_name: name of option
const char *value: value
return value:
callback_read_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_read_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the section is freed
callback_write: function called when section is written in file (should be NULL for most cases, except if section needs to be written by a custom function), arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_config_file *config_file: configuration file pointer
struct t_config_section *section: section pointer
const char *section_name: name of section
return value:
callback_write_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_write_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the section is freed
callback_write_default: function called when default values for section must be written in file, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_config_file *config_file: configuration file pointer
const char *section_name: name of section
return value:
callback_write_default_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_write_default_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the section is freed
callback_create_option: function called when a new option is created in section (NULL if section does not allow new options to be created), arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_config_file *config_file: configuration file pointer
struct t_config_section *section: section pointer
const char *option_name: name of option
const char *value: value
return value:
callback_create_option_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_create_option_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the section is freed
callback_delete_option: function called when an option is deleted in section (NULL if section does not allow options to be deleted), arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_config_file *config_file: configuration file pointer
struct t_config_section *section: section pointer
struct t_config_option *option: option pointer
return value:
callback_delete_option_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_delete_option_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the section is freed
Return value:
pointer to new section in configuration file, NULL if an error occurred
C example:
my_section_read_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
struct t_config_section *section,
const char *option_name,
const char *value)
/* ... */
my_section_write_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
const char *section_name)
/* ... */
my_section_write_default_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
const char *section_name)
/* ... */
my_section_create_option_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
struct t_config_section *section,
const char *option_name,
const char *value)
/* ... */
my_section_delete_option_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
struct t_config_section *section,
struct t_config_option *option)
/* ... */
/* standard section, user can not add/delete options */
struct t_config_section *new_section1 =
weechat_config_new_section (config_file, "section1", 0, 0,
/* special section, user can add/delete options, and options need
callback to be read/written */
struct t_config_section *new_section2 =
weechat_config_new_section (config_file, "section2", 1, 1,
&my_section_read_cb, NULL, NULL,
&my_section_write_cb, NULL, NULL,
&my_section_write_default_cb, NULL, NULL,
&my_section_create_option_cb, NULL, NULL,
&my_section_delete_option_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_new_section(config_file: str, name: str,
user_can_add_options: int, user_can_delete_options: int,
callback_read: str, callback_read_data: str,
callback_write: str, callback_write_data: str,
callback_write_default: str, callback_write_default_data: str,
callback_create_option: str, callback_create_option_data: str,
callback_delete_option: str, callback_delete_option_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_section_read_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section: str, option_name: str, value: Union[str, None]) -> int:
# ...
def my_section_write_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section_name: str) -> int:
# ...
def my_section_write_default_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section_name: str) -> int:
# ...
def my_section_create_option_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section: str, option_name: str, value: Union[str, None]) -> int:
# ...
def my_section_delete_option_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section: str, option: str) -> int:
# ...
section = weechat.config_new_section(config_file, "section1", 1, 1,
"my_section_read_cb", "",
"my_section_write_cb", "",
"my_section_write_default_cb", "",
"my_section_create_option_cb", "",
"my_section_delete_option_cb", "")
Search a section in a configuration file.
struct t_config_section *weechat_config_search_section (
struct t_config_file *config_file,
const char *section_name);
config_file: configuration file pointer
section_name: name of section to search
Return value:
pointer to section found, NULL if section was not found
C example:
struct t_config_section *section = weechat_config_search_section (config_file,
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_search_section(config_file: str, section_name: str) -> str: ...
# example
section = weechat.config_search_section(config_file, "section")
Updated in 1.5, 4.1.0.
Create a new option in a section of a configuration file.
struct t_config_option *weechat_config_new_option (
struct t_config_file *config_file,
struct t_config_section *section,
const char *name,
const char *type,
const char *description,
const char *string_values,
int min,
int max,
const char *default_value,
const char *value,
int null_value_allowed,
int (*callback_check_value)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_config_option *option,
const char *value),
const void *callback_check_value_pointer,
void *callback_check_value_data,
void (*callback_change)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_config_option *option),
const void *callback_change_pointer,
void *callback_change_data,
void (*callback_delete)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_config_option *option),
const void *callback_delete_pointer,
void *callback_delete_data);
config_file: configuration file pointer
section: section pointer
name: name of option; with WeeChat ≥ 1.4, the name can include a parent option name (the value of parent option will be displayed in
command output if this option is "null"), the syntax is then: "name << file.section.option" -
type: type of option:
boolean: boolean value (on/off)
integer: integer value
string: string value
color: color
enum: list of string values (stored as integer internally)
description: description of option
string_values: values as string (separated by
) (optional, required for type enum) -
min: minimum value (for type integer)
max: maximum value (for type integer)
default_value: default value for option (used when option is reset)
value: value for option
null_value_allowed: 1 if null (undefined value) is allowed for option, otherwise 0
callback_check_value: function called to check new value for option (optional), arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_config_option *option: option pointer
const char *value: new value for option
return value:
1 if value is OK
0 if value is invalid
callback_check_value_pointer: pointer given to check_value callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_check_value_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the option is freed
callback_change: function called when value of option has changed (optional), arguments:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_config_option *option: option pointer
callback_change_pointer: pointer given to change callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_change_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the option is freed
callback_delete: function called when option will be deleted (optional), arguments:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_config_option *option: option pointer
callback_delete_pointer: pointer given to delete callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_delete_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the option is freed
Return value:
pointer to new option in section, NULL if an error
C example:
/* boolean */
struct t_config_option *option_bool =
weechat_config_new_option (config_file, section, "option_bool", "boolean",
"My option, type boolean",
0, 0,
/* integer */
struct t_config_option *option_int =
weechat_config_new_option (config_file, section, "option_int", "integer",
"My option, type integer",
0, 100,
/* string */
struct t_config_option *option_str =
weechat_config_new_option (config_file, section, "option_str", "string",
"My option, type string",
0, 0,
/* color */
struct t_config_option *option_col =
weechat_config_new_option (config_file, section, "option_col", "color",
"My option, type color",
0, 0,
/* enum */
struct t_config_option *option_enum =
weechat_config_new_option (config_file, section, "option_enum", "enum",
"My option, type enum",
0, 0,
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_new_option(config_file: str, section: str, name: str, type: str, description: str,
string_values: str, min: int, max: int,
default_value: Union[str, None], value: Union[str, None], null_value_allowed: int,
callback_check_value: str, callback_check_value_data: str,
callback_change: str, callback_change_data: str,
callback_delete: str, callback_delete_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def option_str_check_value_cb(data: str, option: str, value: str) -> int:
# ...
return 1
# return 0
def option_str_change_cb(data: str, option: str) -> None:
# ...
def option_str_delete_cb(data: str, option: str) -> None:
# ...
option_bool = weechat.config_new_option(config_file, section, "option_bool", "boolean",
"My option, type boolean",
"", 0, 0, "on", "on", 0,
"", "",
"", "",
"", "")
option_int = weechat.config_new_option(config_file, section, "option_int", "integer",
"My option, type integer",
"", 0, 100, "15", "15", 0,
"", "",
"", "",
"", "")
option_str = weechat.config_new_option(config_file, section, "option_str", "string",
"My option, type string",
"", 0, 0, "test", "test", 1,
"option_str_check_value_cb", "",
"option_str_change_cb", "",
"option_str_delete_cb", "")
option_col = weechat.config_new_option(config_file, section, "option_col", "color",
"My option, type color",
"", 0, 0, "lightblue", "lightblue", 0,
"", "",
"", "",
"", "")
option_enum = weechat.config_new_option(config_file, section, "option_enum", "enum",
"My option, type enum",
0, 0, "bottom", "bottom", 0,
"", "",
"", "",
"", "")
In Ruby, the 3 callbacks + data (6 strings) must be given in an array of 6 strings (due to a Ruby limitation of 15 arguments by function), see the WeeChat scripting guide ↗ for more info (fixed in version 0.4.1). |
Search an option in a section of a configuration file.
struct t_config_option *weechat_config_search_option (
struct t_config_file *config_file,
struct t_config_section *section,
const char *option_name);
config_file: configuration file pointer
section: section pointer
name: name of option to search
Return value:
pointer to option found, NULL if option was not found
C example:
struct t_config_option *option =
weechat_config_search_option (config_file, section, "option");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_search_option(config_file: str, section: str, option_name: str) -> str: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_search_option(config_file, section, "option")
Search a section and an option in a configuration file or section.
void weechat_config_search_section_option (struct t_config_file *config_file,
struct t_config_section *section,
const char *option_name,
struct t_config_section **section_found,
struct t_config_option **option_found);
config_file: configuration file pointer
section: section pointer
option_name: option name
section_found: pointer to section pointer, will be set to section of option, if found
option_found: pointer to an option pointer, will be set to option pointer, if found
C example:
struct t_config_section *ptr_section;
struct t_config_option *ptr_option;
if (ptr_option)
/* option found */
/* option not found */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Get file/section/option info about an option with full name.
void weechat_config_search_with_string (const char *option_name,
struct t_config_file **config_file,
struct t_config_section **section,
struct t_config_option **option,
char **pos_option_name);
option_name: full option name (format: "file.section.option")
config_file: pointer to configuration file pointer, will be set with pointer to configuration file of option found
section: pointer to section pointer, will be set to section of option, if found
option: pointer to an option pointer, will be set to option pointer, if found
pos_option_name: pointer to a string pointer, will be set to pointer to name of option, if found
C example:
struct t_config_file *ptr_config_file;
struct t_config_section *ptr_section;
struct t_config_option *ptr_option;
char *option_name;
weechat_config_search_with_string ("file.section.option",
if (ptr_option)
/* option found */
/* option not found */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Check if a text is "true" or "false", as boolean value.
int weechat_config_string_to_boolean (const char *text);
text: text to analyze
Return value:
1 if text is "true" ("on", "yes", "y", "true", "t", "1")
0 if text is "false" ("off", "no", "n", "false", "f", "0")
C example:
if (weechat_config_string_to_boolean (option_value))
/* value is "true" */
/* value is "false" */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_string_to_boolean(text: str) -> int: ...
# example
if weechat.config_string_to_boolean(text):
# ...
Reset an option to its default value.
int weechat_config_option_reset (struct t_config_option *option,
int run_callback);
option: option pointer
run_callback: 1 for calling callback if value of option is changed, otherwise 0
Return value:
WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED if option value has been reset
C example:
switch (weechat_config_option_reset (option, 1))
/* .... */
/* .... */
/* .... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_option_reset(option: str, run_callback: int) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.config_option_reset(option, 1)
# ...
# ...
# ...
Set new value for an option.
int weechat_config_option_set (struct t_config_option *option,
const char *value, int run_callback);
option: option pointer
value: new value for option, special values are possible according to the type of option:
: toggle the current value
integer, color or enum:
: addN
(any integer) to the current value -
: subtractN
(any integer) from the current value
run_callback: 1 for calling change callback if value of option is changed, otherwise 0
Return value:
WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED if option value has been changed
C example:
switch (weechat_config_option_set (option, "new_value", 1))
/* .... */
/* .... */
/* .... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_option_set(option: str, value: str, run_callback: int) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.config_option_set(option, "new_value", 1)
# ...
# ...
# ...
Set null (undefined value) for an option.
int weechat_config_option_set_null (struct t_config_option *option,
int run_callback);
option: option pointer
run_callback: 1 for calling change callback if value of option is changed (if it was not null), otherwise 0
You can set value to null only if it is allowed for option (see config_new_option). |
Return value:
WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED if option value has been changed
C example:
switch (weechat_config_option_set_null (option, 1))
/* .... */
/* .... */
/* .... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_option_set_null(option: str, run_callback: int) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.config_option_set_null(option, 1)
# ...
# ...
# ...
Unset/reset option.
int weechat_config_option_unset (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value:
WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_NO_RESET if option value has not been reset
WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_RESET if option value has been reset
C example:
switch (weechat_config_option_unset (option))
/* .... */
/* .... */
/* .... */
/* .... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_option_unset(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.config_option_unset(option)
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
Rename an option.
void weechat_config_option_rename (struct t_config_option *option,
const char *new_name);
option: option pointer
new_name: new name for option
C example:
weechat_config_option_rename (option, "new_name");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_option_rename(option: str, new_name: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.config_option_rename(option, "new_name")
WeeChat ≥ 1.9.
Return string value of an option property.
const char *weechat_config_option_get_string (struct t_config_option *option,
const char *property);
option: option pointer
property: property name:
config_name: file name
section_name: section name
name: option name
parent_name: name of parent option
type: option type, one of:
description: option description
Return value:
string value of property
C example:
const char *type = weechat_config_option_get_string (option, "type");
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return a pointer on an option property.
void *weechat_config_option_get_pointer (struct t_config_option *option,
const char *property);
option: option pointer
property: property name:
config_file: configuration file pointer (struct t_config_file *)
section: section pointer (struct t_config_section *)
name: option name (char *)
parent_name: name of parent option (char *) (WeeChat ≥ 1.4)
type: option type (int *)
description: option description (char *)
string_values: string values (char *)
min: minimum value (int *)
max: maximum value (int *)
default_value: default value (depends on type)
value: current value (depends on type)
prev_option: previous option pointer (struct t_config_option *)
next_option: next option pointer (struct t_config_option *)
Return value:
pointer to property asked
C example:
char *description = weechat_config_option_get_pointer (option, "description");
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Check if an option is "null" (undefined value).
int weechat_config_option_is_null (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value:
1 if value of option is "null"
0 if value of option is not "null"
C example:
if (weechat_config_option_is_null (option))
/* value is "null" */
/* value is not "null" */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_option_is_null(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
if weechat.config_option_is_null(option):
# ...
Check if default value for an option is "null" (undefined value).
int weechat_config_option_default_is_null (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value:
1 if default value of option is "null"
0 if default value of option is not "null"
C example:
if (weechat_config_option_default_is_null (option))
/* default value is "null" */
/* default value is not "null" */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_option_default_is_null(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
if weechat.config_option_default_is_null(option):
# ...
Return boolean value of option.
int weechat_config_boolean (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value, depending on the option type:
boolean: boolean value of option (0 or 1)
integer: 0
string: 0
color: 0
enum: 0
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("plugin.section.option");
if (weechat_config_boolean (option))
/* value is "true" */
/* value is "false" */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_boolean(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
if weechat.config_boolean(option):
# ...
Return default boolean value of option.
int weechat_config_boolean_default (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value, depending on the option type:
boolean: default boolean value of option (0 or 1)
integer: 0
string: 0
color: 0
enum: 0
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("plugin.section.option");
if (weechat_config_boolean_default (option))
/* value is "true" */
/* value is "false" */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_boolean_default(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
if weechat.config_boolean_default(option):
# ...
WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0.
Return inherited boolean value of option: value of option if not NULL,
or value of the parent option (if option inherits from another option).
If the parent option is not found, return the default value of the option.
If the parent value is NULL, return the default value of the parent option.
int weechat_config_boolean_inherited (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value: see functions config_boolean and config_boolean_default.
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("irc.server.libera.autoconnect");
int autoconnect = weechat_config_boolean_inherited (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_boolean_inherited(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("irc.server.libera.autoconnect")
autoconect = weechat.config_boolean_inherited(option)
Return integer value of option.
int weechat_config_integer (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value, depending on the option type:
boolean: boolean value of option (0 or 1)
integer: integer value of option
string: 0
color: color index
enum: integer value of option (index of enum value)
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("plugin.section.option");
int value = weechat_config_integer (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_integer(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
value = weechat.config_integer(option)
Return default integer value of option.
int weechat_config_integer_default (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value, depending on the option type:
boolean: default boolean value of option (0 or 1)
integer: default integer value of option
string: 0
color: default color index
enum: default integer value of option (index of enum value)
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("plugin.section.option");
int value = weechat_config_integer_default (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_integer_default(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
value = weechat.config_integer_default(option)
WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0.
Return inherited integer value of option: value of option if not NULL,
or value of the parent option (if option inherits from another option).
If the parent option is not found, return the default value of the option.
If the parent value is NULL, return the default value of the parent option.
int weechat_config_integer_inherited (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value: see functions config_integer and config_integer_default.
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("irc.server.libera.autojoin_delay");
int delay = weechat_config_integer_inherited (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_integer_inherited(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("irc.server.libera.autojoin_delay")
delay = weechat.config_integer_inherited(option)
Return string value of option.
const char *weechat_config_string (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value, depending on the option type:
boolean: "on" if value is true, otherwise "off"
integer: NULL
string: string value of option
color: name of color
enum: string value of option
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("plugin.section.option");
const char *value = weechat_config_string (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_string(option: str) -> str: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
value = weechat.config_string(option)
Return default string value of option.
const char *weechat_config_string_default (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value, depending on the option type:
boolean: "on" if default value is true, otherwise "off"
integer: NULL
string: default string value of option
color: name of default color
enum: default string value of option
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("plugin.section.option");
const char *value = weechat_config_string_default (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_string_default(option: str) -> str: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
value = weechat.config_string_default(option)
WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0.
Return inherited string value of option: value of option if not NULL,
or value of the parent option (if option inherits from another option).
If the parent option is not found, return the default value of the option.
If the parent value is NULL, return the default value of the parent option.
const char *weechat_config_string_inherited (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value: see functions config_string and config_string_default.
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("irc.server.libera.msg_quit");
const char *msg_quit = weechat_config_string_inherited (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_string_inherited(option: str) -> str: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("irc.server.libera.msg_quit")
msg_quit = weechat.config_string_inherited(option)
Return color value of option.
const char *weechat_config_color (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value, depending on the option type:
boolean: NULL
integer: NULL
string: NULL
color: name of color
enum: NULL
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("plugin.section.option");
const char *color = weechat_config_color (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_color(option: str) -> str: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
color = weechat.config_color(option)
Return default color value of option.
const char *weechat_config_color_default (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value, depending on the option type:
boolean: NULL
integer: NULL
string: NULL
color: name of default color
enum: NULL
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("plugin.section.option");
const char *color = weechat_config_color_default (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_color_default(option: str) -> str: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
color = weechat.config_color_default(option)
WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0.
Return inherited color value of option: value of option if not NULL,
or value of the parent option (if option inherits from another option).
If the parent option is not found, return the default value of the option.
If the parent value is NULL, return the default value of the parent option.
const char *weechat_config_color_inherited (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value: see functions config_color and config_color_default.
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("plugin.section.option");
const char *color = weechat_config_color_inherited (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_color_inherited(option: str) -> str: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
color = weechat.config_color_inherited(option)
WeeChat ≥ 4.1.0.
Return enum value of option, as integer.
int weechat_config_enum (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value, depending on the option type:
boolean: boolean value of option (0 or 1)
integer: integer value of option
string: 0
color: color index
enum: integer value of option (index of enum value)
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("plugin.section.option");
int value = weechat_config_enum (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_enum(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
value = weechat.config_enum(option)
WeeChat ≥ 4.1.0.
Return default enum value of option, as integer.
int weechat_config_enum_default (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value, depending on the option type:
boolean: default boolean value of option (0 or 1)
integer: default integer value of option
string: 0
color: default color index
enum: integer value of option (index of enum value)
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("plugin.section.option");
int value = weechat_config_enum_default (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_enum_default(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
value = weechat.config_enum_default(option)
WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0.
Return inherited enum value of option: value of option if not NULL,
or value of the parent option (if option inherits from another option).
If the parent option is not found, return the default value of the option.
If the parent value is NULL, return the default value of the parent option.
int weechat_config_enum_inherited (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
Return value: see functions config_enum and config_enum_default.
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("irc.server.libera.sasl_fail");
int sasl_fail = weechat_config_enum_inherited (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_enum_inherited(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("irc.server.libera.sasl_fail")
sasl_fail = weechat.config_enum_inherited(option)
Write a line in a configuration file with option and its value (this function should be called only in "write" or "write_default" callbacks for a section).
void weechat_config_write_option (struct t_config_file *config_file,
struct t_config_option *option);
config_file: configuration file pointer
option: option pointer
C example:
my_section_write_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
const char *section_name)
weechat_config_write_line (config_file, "my_section", NULL);
weechat_config_write_option (config_file, option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_write_option(config_file: str, option: str) -> int: ...
# example
def my_section_write_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section_name: str) -> int:
weechat.config_write_line(config_file, "my_section", "")
weechat.config_write_option(config_file, option)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
Write a line in a configuration file (this function should be called only in "write" or "write_default" callbacks for a section).
void weechat_config_write_line (struct t_config_file *config_file,
const char *option_name,
const char *value, ...);
config_file: configuration file pointer
option_name: option name
value: value (if NULL, then line with section name is written, for example: "[section]")
C example:
my_section_write_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_config_file *config_file,
const char *section_name)
weechat_config_write_line (config_file, "my_section", NULL);
weechat_config_write_line (config_file, "option", "%s;%d",
"value", 123);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_write_line(config_file: str, option_name: str, value: str) -> int: ...
# example
def my_section_write_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section_name: str) -> int:
weechat.config_write_line(config_file, "my_section", "")
weechat.config_write_line(config_file, "option", "value")
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
Write configuration file to disk.
int weechat_config_write (struct t_config_file *config_file);
config_file: configuration file pointer
Return value:
WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_OK if configuration was written
WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_MEMORY_ERROR if there was not enough memory
WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_ERROR if another error occurred
C example:
switch (weechat_config_write (config_file))
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_write(config_file: str) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.config_write(config_file)
if rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_OK:
# ...
# ...
elif rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_ERROR:
# ...
Read configuration file from disk.
int weechat_config_read (struct t_config_file *config_file);
config_file: configuration file pointer
Return value:
WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_OK if configuration was loaded
WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_MEMORY_ERROR if there was not enough memory
C example:
switch (weechat_config_read (config_file))
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_read(config_file: str) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.config_read(config_file)
if rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_OK:
# ...
# ...
# ...
Reload configuration file from disk.
int weechat_config_reload (struct t_config_file *config_file);
config_file: configuration file pointer
Return value:
WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_OK if configuration was reloaded
WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_MEMORY_ERROR if there was not enough memory
C example:
switch (weechat_config_reload (config_file))
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_reload(config_file: str) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.config_reload(config_file)
if rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_OK:
# ...
# ...
# ...
Free an option.
void weechat_config_option_free (struct t_config_option *option);
option: option pointer
C example:
weechat_config_option_free (option);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_option_free(option: str) -> int: ...
# example
Free all options in a section.
void weechat_config_section_free_options (struct t_config_section *section);
section: section pointer
C example:
weechat_config_section_free_options (section);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_section_free_options(section: str) -> int: ...
# example
Free a section.
void weechat_config_section_free (struct t_config_section *section);
section: section pointer
C example:
weechat_config_section_free (section);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_section_free(section: str) -> int: ...
# example
Free a configuration file.
void weechat_config_free (struct t_config_file *config_file);
config_file: configuration file pointer
C example:
weechat_config_free (config_file);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_free(config_file: str) -> int: ...
# example
Search an option with full name.
struct t_config_option *weechat_config_get (const char *option_name);
option_name: full option name (format: "file.section.option")
Return value:
pointer to option found, NULL if option was not found
C example:
struct t_config_option *option = weechat_config_get ("weechat.look.item_time_format");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_get(option_name: str) -> str: ...
# example
option = weechat.config_get("weechat.look.item_time_format")
Search an option in plugins configuration file (plugins.conf).
const char *weechat_config_get_plugin (const char *option_name);
option_name: option name, WeeChat will add prefix "" (where "xxx" is current plugin name)
Return value:
value of option found, NULL if option was not found
C example:
/* if current plugin is "test", then look for value of option
"plugins.var.test.option" in file plugins.conf */
char *value = weechat_config_get_plugin ("option");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_get_plugin(option_name: str) -> str: ...
# example
value = weechat.config_get_plugin("option")
Check if option is set in plugins configuration file (plugins.conf).
int weechat_config_is_set_plugin (const char *option_name);
option_name: option name, WeeChat will add prefix "" (where "xxx" is current plugin name)
Return value:
1 if option is set, 0 if option does not exist
C example:
if (weechat_config_is_set_plugin ("option"))
/* option is set */
/* option does not exist */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_is_set_plugin(option_name: str) -> int: ...
# example
if weechat.config_is_set_plugin("option"):
# option is set
# ...
# option does not exist
# ...
Set new value for option in plugins configuration file (plugins.conf).
int weechat_config_set_plugin (const char *option_name, const char *value);
option_name: option name, WeeChat will add prefix "" (where "xxx" is current plugin name)
value: new value for option
Return value:
WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED if option value has been changed
WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR if other error occurred
C example:
switch (weechat_config_set_plugin ("option", "test_value"))
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_set_plugin(option_name: str, value: str) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.config_set_plugin("option", "test_value")
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.5.
Set description for option in plugins configuration file (plugins.conf).
void weechat_config_set_desc_plugin (const char *option_name,
const char *description);
option_name: option name, WeeChat will add prefix "" (where "xxx" is current plugin name)
description: description for option
It is not a problem if option ( does not exist. A future creation of option with this name will use this description. |
C example:
weechat_config_set_desc_plugin ("option", "description of option");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_set_desc_plugin(option_name: str, description: str) -> int: ...
# example
version = weechat.info_get("version_number", "") or 0
if int(version) >= 0x00030500:
weechat.config_set_desc_plugin("option", "description of option")
Unset option in plugins configuration file (plugins.conf).
int weechat_config_unset_plugin (const char *option_name);
option_name: option name, WeeChat will add prefix "" (where xxx is current plugin name)
Return value:
WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_NO_RESET if option value has not been reset
WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_RESET if option value has been reset
C example:
switch (weechat_config_unset_plugin ("option"))
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def config_unset_plugin(option_name: str) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.config_unset_plugin("option")
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
3.12. Key bindings
Functions for key bindings.
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6, updated in 1.8.
Add new key bindings.
Unlike command /key bind , this function will never change an existing key
binding, only new keys are created. To remove a key binding, use key_unbind.
int weechat_key_bind (const char *context, struct t_hashtable *keys);
context: context for keys:
default: default context (common actions)
search: search context (when searching text in buffer)
cursor: free movement of cursor on screen
mouse: keys for mouse events
keys: hashtable with key bindings; it can contain following special keys:
__quiet: do not display the keys added in core buffer (WeeChat ≥ 1.8)
Return value:
number of key bindings added
C example:
struct t_hashtable *keys = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (keys)
weechat_hashtable_set (keys, "@chat(plugin.buffer):button1", "hsignal:test_mouse");
weechat_hashtable_set (keys, "@chat(plugin.buffer):wheelup", "/mycommand up");
weechat_hashtable_set (keys, "@chat(plugin.buffer):wheeldown", "/mycommand down");
weechat_key_bind ("mouse", keys);
weechat_hashtable_free (keys);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def key_bind(context: str, keys: Dict[str, str]) -> int: ...
# example
keys = {"@chat(python.test):button1": "hsignal:test_mouse",
"@chat(python.test):wheelup": "/mycommand up",
"@chat(python.test):wheeldown": "/mycommand down"}
weechat.key_bind("mouse", keys)
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6, updated in 2.0.
Remove key binding(s).
When calling this function, ensure that you will not remove a user key binding. |
int weechat_key_unbind (const char *context, const char *key);
context: context for keys (see key_bind)
key: key to remove or a special value "area:XXX" to remove all keys having XXX as first or second area; if the key starts with "quiet:", the keys removed are not displayed in core buffer (WeeChat ≥ 2.0).
Return value:
number of key bindings removed
C examples:
/* remove a single key */
weechat_key_unbind ("mouse", "@chat(plugin.buffer):button1");
/* remove all keys with area "chat(plugin.buffer)" */
weechat_key_unbind ("mouse", "area:chat(plugin.buffer)");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def key_unbind(context: str, key: str) -> int: ...
# examples
# remove a single key
weechat.key_unbind("mouse", "@chat(plugin.buffer):button1")
# remove all keys with area "chat(python.test)"
weechat.key_unbind("mouse", "area:chat(python.test)")
3.13. Display
Functions to display text in buffers.
Return a prefix.
const char *weechat_prefix (const char *prefix);
prefix: name of prefix (see table below)
Return value:
prefix value (string with prefix and color codes), empty string if prefix is not found
List of prefixes:
Prefix | Value | Color | Description |
yellow |
Error message. |
magenta |
Message from network. |
white |
Self action. |
lightgreen |
Someone joins current chat. |
lightred |
Someone leaves current chat. |
Values and colors can be customized with command /set .
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "%sThis is an error...", weechat_prefix ("error"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def prefix(prefix: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "%sThis is an error..." % weechat.prefix("error"))
Return a string color code for display.
const char *weechat_color (const char *color_name);
color_name: name of color, one of:
WeeChat color option name (from, for example chat_delimiters
option name (format: file.section.option), for example irc.color.message_quit (WeeChat ≥ 1.2)
color with optional attributes/background (see below)
blink: set blink
-blink: remove blink
dim: set "dim" (half bright)
-dim: remove "dim" (half bright)
bold: set bold
-bold: remove bold
reverse: set reverse
-reverse: remove reverse
italic: set italic
-italic: remove italic
underline: set underline
-underline: remove underline
emphasis: toggle the emphasis for text (note: this should be used only in bars, because WeeChat uses text emphasis when searching text in buffer) (WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2)
bar color name:
bar_fg: foreground color for bar
bar_delim: delimiters color for bar
bar_bg: background color for bar
reset: reset color and attributes
resetcolor: reset color (keep attributes) (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6)
Format of color is: attributes (optional) + color name + ",background" (optional). Possible attributes are:
: blink -
: "dim" (half bright) -
: bold text -
: reverse video -
: italic -
: underlined text -
: keep attributes: do not reset bold/reverse/italic/underlined when changing color (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6)
: yellow -
: underlined green -
: bold orange -
: yellow on red -
: cyan (and keep any attribute which was set previously)
Return value:
string with color code, or an empty string if color is not found
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "Color: %sblue %sdefault color %syellow on red",
weechat_color ("blue"),
weechat_color ("chat"),
weechat_color ("yellow,red"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def color(color_name: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "Color: %sblue %sdefault color %syellow on red"
% (weechat.color("blue"), weechat.color("chat"), weechat.color("yellow,red")))
Display a message on a buffer.
void weechat_printf (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *message, ...);
This function is a shortcut for function printf_datetime_tags.
These two calls give exactly same result:
weechat_printf (buffer, "message");
weechat_printf_datetime_tags (buffer, 0, 0, NULL, "message");
buffer: buffer pointer, if NULL, message is displayed on WeeChat buffer
message: message to display
The first tabulation in message ("\t") is used to separate prefix from message. If your message has some tabs and if you don’t want prefix, then use a space, a tab, then message (see example below): this will disable prefix (the space before tab will not be displayed). |
With two tabs ("\t") at beginning of message, time will not be displayed and message will have no alignment at all. Moreover, the date in message will be set to 0. |
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "Hello on WeeChat buffer");
weechat_printf (buffer, "Hello on this buffer");
weechat_printf (buffer, "%sThis is an error!", weechat_prefix ("error"));
weechat_printf (buffer, " \tMessage without prefix but with \t some \t tabs");
weechat_printf (buffer, "\t\tMessage without time/alignment");
weechat_printf (buffer, "\t\t"); /* empty line (without time) */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def prnt(buffer: str, message: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "Hello on WeeChat buffer")
weechat.prnt(buffer, "Hello on this buffer")
weechat.prnt(buffer, "%sThis is an error!" % weechat.prefix("error"))
weechat.prnt(buffer, " \tMessage without prefix but with \t some \t tabs")
weechat.prnt(buffer, "\t\tMessage without time/alignment")
weechat.prnt(buffer, "\t\t") # empty line (without time)
Function is called "print" in scripts ("prnt" in Python). |
Display a message on a buffer, using a custom date and tags.
void weechat_printf_date_tags (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date,
const char *tags, const char *message, ...);
This function is a shortcut for function printf_datetime_tags.
These two calls give exactly same result:
weechat_printf_date_tags (buffer, 0, NULL, "message");
weechat_printf_datetime_tags (buffer, 0, 0, NULL, "message");
buffer: buffer pointer, if NULL, message is displayed on WeeChat buffer
date: date for message (0 means current date/time)
tags: comma separated list of tags (NULL means no tags)
message: message to display
See the WeeChat user’s guide / Lines tags ↗ for a list of commonly used tags in WeeChat.
C example:
weechat_printf_date_tags (NULL, time (NULL) - 120, "notify_message",
"Message 2 minutes ago, with a tag 'notify_message'");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def prnt_date_tags(buffer: str, date: int, tags: str, message: str) -> int: ...
# example
time = int(time.time())
weechat.prnt_date_tags("", time - 120, "notify_message",
"Message 2 minutes ago, with a tag 'notify_message'")
Function is called "print_date_tags" in scripts ("prnt_date_tags" in Python). |
WeeChat ≥ 4.2.0.
Display a message on a buffer, using a custom date/time (with microseconds) and tags.
void weechat_printf_datetime_tags (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date,
int date_usec, const char *tags, const char *message, ...);
buffer: buffer pointer, if NULL, message is displayed on WeeChat buffer
date: date for message (0 means current date/time)
date_usec: microseconds of date (between 0 and 999999)
tags: comma separated list of tags (NULL means no tags)
message: message to display
See the WeeChat user’s guide / Lines tags ↗ for a list of commonly used tags in WeeChat.
C example:
struct timeval tv_now;
gettimeofday (&tv_now, NULL);
weechat_printf_datetime_tags (NULL, tv_now.tv_sec - 120, tv_now.tv_usec,
"Message 2 minutes ago, with a tag 'notify_message'");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def prnt_datetime_tags(buffer: str, date: int, date_usec: int, tags: str, message: str) -> int: ...
# example
now = time.time()
time_sec = int(now)
time_usec = int((now * 1000000) % 1000000)
weechat.prnt_datetime_tags("", time_sec - 120, time_usec, "notify_message",
"Message 2 minutes ago, with a tag 'notify_message'")
Function is called "print_datetime_tags" in scripts ("prnt_datetime_tags" in Python). |
Display a message on a line of a buffer with free content.
void weechat_printf_y (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int y, const char *message, ...);
This function is a shortcut for function printf_y_datetime_tags.
These two calls give exactly same result:
weechat_printf_y (buffer, 0, "message");
weechat_printf_y_datetime_tags (buffer, 0, 0, 0, NULL, "message");
buffer: buffer pointer
y: line number (first line is 0); a negative value adds a line after last line displayed: absolute value of y is the number of lines after last line (for example -1 is immediately after last line, -2 is 2 lines after last line) (WeeChat ≥ 1.0)
message: message to display
C example:
weechat_printf_y (buffer, 2, "My message on third line");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def prnt_y(buffer: str, y: int, message: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt_y("", 2, "My message on third line")
Function is called "print_y" in scripts ("prnt_y" in Python). |
WeeChat ≥ 3.5.
Display a message on a line of a buffer with free content, using a custom date and tags.
void weechat_printf_y_date_tags (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int y, time_t date,
const char *tags, const char *message, ...);
This function is a shortcut for function printf_y_datetime_tags.
These two calls give exactly same result:
weechat_printf_y_date_tags (buffer, 0, 0, NULL, "message");
weechat_printf_y_datetime_tags (buffer, 0, 0, 0, NULL, "message");
buffer: buffer pointer
y: line number (first line is 0); a negative value adds a line after last line displayed: absolute value of y is the number of lines after last line (for example -1 is immediately after last line, -2 is 2 lines after last line)
date: date for message (0 means current date/time)
tags: comma separated list of tags (NULL means no tags)
message: message to display
C example:
weechat_printf_y_date_tags (buffer, 2, 0, "my_tag", "My message on third line with a tag");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def prnt_y_date_tags(buffer: str, y: int, date: int, tags: str, message: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt_y_date_tags("", 2, 0, "my_tag", "My message on third line with a tag")
Function is called "print_y_date_tags" in scripts ("prnt_y_date_tags" in Python). |
WeeChat ≥ 4.2.0.
Display a message on a line of a buffer with free content, using a custom date/time (with microseconds) and tags.
void weechat_printf_y_datetime_tags (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int y, time_t date,
int date_usec, const char *tags, const char *message, ...);
buffer: buffer pointer
y: line number (first line is 0); a negative value adds a line after last line displayed: absolute value of y is the number of lines after last line (for example -1 is immediately after last line, -2 is 2 lines after last line)
date: date for message (0 means current date/time)
date_usec: microseconds of date (between 0 and 999999)
tags: comma separated list of tags (NULL means no tags)
message: message to display
C example:
weechat_printf_y_datetime_tags (buffer, 2, 0, 0, "my_tag", "My message on third line with a tag");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def prnt_y_datetime_tags(buffer: str, y: int, date: int, date_usec: int, tags: str, message: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt_y_datetime_tags("", 2, 0, 0, "my_tag", "My message on third line with a tag")
Function is called "print_y_datetime_tags" in scripts ("prnt_y_datetime_tags" in Python). |
Write a message in WeeChat log file (weechat.log).
void weechat_log_printf (const char *message, ...);
message: message to write
C example:
weechat_log_printf ("My message in log file");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def log_print(message: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.log_print("My message in log file")
Function is called "log_print" in scripts. |
3.14. Hooks
Hook priority
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
In some hooks, you can set a priority. A hook with higher priority is at the beginning of hooks list, so it will be found and executed before other hooks. It’s useful for modifiers, because execution order is important.
To set a priority, you must use this syntax, for argument where priority is
allowed: nnn|name
where nnn
is non-negative integer with priority and name
the name for argument (priority does not appear in name, it is automatically
removed from string).
Only a single priority per hook is allowed.
Default priority is 1000.
C examples:
/* hook modifier with priority = 2000 */
/* high priority: called before other modifier calbacks */
weechat_hook_modifier ("2000|input_text_display", &modifier_cb, NULL, NULL);
/* hook two signals with priority = 3000 */
/* high priority: called before other signal callbacks */
weechat_hook_signal ("3000|quit;upgrade", &signal_cb, NULL, NULL);
/* hook lines printed in formatted buffers with priority = 500 */
/* low priority: called after other line callbacks */
weechat_hook_line ("500|formatted", "*", NULL, &line_cb, NULL, NULL);
Following hook types allow priority:
Updated in 1.5, 1.7.
Hook a command.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_command (const char *command,
const char *description,
const char *args,
const char *args_description,
const char *completion,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
int argc,
char **argv,
char **argv_eol),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
command: command name (a priority is allowed before the command, see note about priority)
description: description for command (displayed with
/help command
) -
args: arguments for command (displayed with
/help command
) -
args_description: description of arguments (displayed with
/help command
) -
completion: completion template for command (see format below)
callback: function called when command is used, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer: buffer where command is executed
int argc: number of arguments given for command
char **argv: arguments given for command
char **argv_eol: arguments given for command (until end of line for each argument)
return value:
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
The completion template is a list of completions for each argument, separated
by spaces. Many completions are possible for one argument, separated by |
Many templates are possible for same command, separated by ||
The format of a completion can be:
%(name): the completion name
%(name:arguments): the completion name with arguments sent to the callback (WeeChat ≥ 1.7)
any string: it is used as-is in completion
For example the template list || add %(filters_names) || del %(filters_names)|-all
will complete with following values in command arguments:
first argument:
second argument, depending on first argument:
: nothing -
: names of filters -
: names of filters and-all
Default completion codes are:
Plugin | Name | Description |
alias |
alias |
list of aliases |
alias |
alias_value |
value of alias |
buflist |
buflist_items |
buflist bar items |
buflist |
buflist_items_used |
buflist bar items used (according to option buflist.look.use_items) |
exec |
exec_commands_ids |
ids (numbers and names) of executed commands |
fset |
fset_options |
configuration files, sections, options and words of options |
guile |
guile_script |
list of scripts |
irc |
irc_channel |
current IRC channel |
irc |
irc_channel_nicks_hosts |
nicks and hostnames of current IRC channel |
irc |
irc_channel_topic |
topic of current IRC channel |
irc |
irc_channels |
channels on all IRC servers |
irc |
irc_channels_autojoin |
channels automatically joined on the current server (option "autojoin") |
irc |
irc_ignores_numbers |
numbers for defined ignores |
irc |
irc_modelist_masks |
modelist masks of current IRC channel; required argument: modelist mode |
irc |
irc_modelist_numbers |
modelist numbers of current IRC channel; required argument: modelist mode |
irc |
irc_msg_kick |
default kick message |
irc |
irc_msg_part |
default part message for IRC channel |
irc |
irc_notify_nicks |
nicks in notify list |
irc |
irc_privates |
privates on all IRC servers |
irc |
irc_raw_filters |
filters for irc raw buffer |
irc |
irc_server |
current IRC server |
irc |
irc_server_channels |
channels on current IRC server |
irc |
irc_server_nick |
nick on current IRC server |
irc |
irc_server_nicks |
nicks on all channels of current IRC server |
irc |
irc_server_prefix_modes_filter |
arguments to filter by prefix mode (for example: "-o", "-h", "-v", "-*") |
irc |
irc_server_privates |
privates on current IRC server |
irc |
irc_servers |
IRC servers (internal names) |
irc |
nick |
nicks of current IRC channel |
lua |
lua_script |
list of scripts |
perl |
perl_script |
list of scripts |
php |
php_script |
list of scripts |
python |
python_script |
list of scripts |
relay |
relay_free_port |
first free port for relay plugin |
relay |
relay_protocol_name |
all possible for relay plugin |
relay |
relay_relays | of current relays for relay plugin |
relay |
relay_remotes |
relay remotes |
ruby |
ruby_script |
list of scripts |
script |
script_extensions |
list of script extensions |
script |
script_files |
files in script directories |
script |
script_languages |
list of script languages |
script |
script_scripts |
list of scripts in repository |
script |
script_scripts_installed |
list of scripts installed (from repository) |
script |
script_tags |
tags of scripts in repository |
spell |
spell_dicts |
list of installed dictionaries |
spell |
spell_langs |
list of all languages supported |
tcl |
tcl_script |
list of scripts |
trigger |
trigger_add_arguments |
arguments for command that adds a trigger: trigger name, hooks, hook arguments, hook conditions, hook regex, hook command, hook return code, post actions |
trigger |
trigger_hook_arguments |
default arguments for a hook |
trigger |
trigger_hook_command |
default command for a hook |
trigger |
trigger_hook_conditions |
default conditions for a hook |
trigger |
trigger_hook_rc |
default return codes for hook callback |
trigger |
trigger_hook_regex |
default regular expression for a hook |
trigger |
trigger_hooks |
hooks for triggers |
trigger |
trigger_hooks_filter |
hooks for triggers (for filter in monitor buffer) |
trigger |
trigger_names |
triggers |
trigger |
trigger_names_default |
default triggers |
trigger |
trigger_names_disabled |
disabled triggers |
trigger |
trigger_names_enabled |
enabled triggers |
trigger |
trigger_option_value |
value of a trigger option |
trigger |
trigger_options |
options for triggers |
trigger |
trigger_post_action |
trigger post actions |
weechat |
bars_items |
names of bar items |
weechat |
bars_names |
names of bars |
weechat |
bars_options |
options for bars |
weechat |
buffer_local_variable_value |
value of a buffer local variable |
weechat |
buffer_local_variables |
buffer local variables |
weechat |
buffer_properties_get |
properties that can be read on a buffer |
weechat |
buffer_properties_set |
properties that can be set on a buffer |
weechat |
buffer_properties_setauto |
properties that can be automatically set on a buffer |
weechat |
buffers_names |
names of buffers |
weechat |
buffers_numbers |
numbers of buffers |
weechat |
buffers_plugins_names |
names of buffers (including plugins names) |
weechat |
colors |
color names |
weechat |
commands |
commands (weechat and plugins); optional argument: prefix to add before the commands |
weechat |
config_files |
configuration files |
weechat |
config_option_values |
values for a configuration option |
weechat |
config_options |
configuration options |
weechat |
cursor_areas |
areas ("chat" or bar name) for free cursor movement |
weechat |
custom_bar_item_add_arguments |
arguments for command that adds a custom bar item: item name, conditions, content |
weechat |
custom_bar_item_conditions |
conditions for custom bar item |
weechat |
custom_bar_item_contents |
contents for custom bar item |
weechat |
custom_bar_items_names |
names of custom bar items |
weechat |
env_value |
value of an environment variable |
weechat |
env_vars |
environment variables |
weechat |
eval_variables |
variables that can be used in /eval command |
weechat |
filename |
filename; optional argument: default path (evaluated, see /help eval) |
weechat |
filters_names |
names of filters |
weechat |
filters_names_disabled |
names of disabled filters |
weechat |
filters_names_enabled |
names of enabled filters |
weechat |
infolists |
names of infolists hooked |
weechat |
infos |
names of infos hooked |
weechat |
keys_codes |
key codes |
weechat |
keys_codes_for_reset |
key codes that can be reset (keys added, redefined or removed) |
weechat |
keys_contexts |
key contexts |
weechat |
layouts_names |
names of layouts |
weechat |
nicks |
nicks in nicklist of current buffer |
weechat |
palette_colors |
palette colors |
weechat |
plugins_commands |
commands defined by plugins; optional argument: prefix to add before the commands |
weechat |
plugins_installed |
names of plugins installed |
weechat |
plugins_names |
names of plugins |
weechat |
proxies_names |
names of proxies |
weechat |
proxies_options |
options for proxies |
weechat |
secured_data |
names of secured data (file sec.conf, section data) |
weechat |
weechat_commands |
weechat commands; optional argument: prefix to add before the commands |
weechat |
windows_numbers |
numbers of windows |
xfer |
nick |
nicks of DCC chat |
Special codes:
: reuse completion template from command command -
: stop completion -
: repeat last completion
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
my_command_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
int argc, char **argv, char **argv_eol)
/* ... */
/* this example is inspired by command /filter */
struct t_hook *my_command_hook =
weechat_hook_command ("myfilter",
"description of myfilter",
"[list] | [enable|disable|toggle [name]] | "
"[add name plugin.buffer tags regex] | "
"[del name|-all]",
"description of arguments...",
" || enable %(filters_names)"
" || disable %(filters_names)"
" || toggle %(filters_names)"
" || add %(filters_names) %(buffers_plugins_names)|*"
" || del %(filters_names)|-all",
&my_command_cb, NULL, NULL);
For example, if command called is /command abc def ghi
, then argv and
argv_eol have following values:
argv[0] == "/command"
argv[1] == "abc"
argv[2] == "def"
argv[3] == "ghi"
argv_eol[0] == "/command abc def ghi"
argv_eol[1] == "abc def ghi"
argv_eol[2] == "def ghi"
argv_eol[3] == "ghi"
For scripts, args has value "abc def ghi".
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_command(command: str, description: str, args: str, args_description: str,
completion: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_command_cb(data: str, buffer: str, args: str) -> int:
# ...
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
hook = weechat.hook_command("myfilter", "description of myfilter",
"[list] | [enable|disable|toggle [name]] | [add name plugin.buffer tags regex] | [del name|-all]",
"description of arguments...",
" || enable %(filters_names)"
" || disable %(filters_names)"
" || toggle %(filters_names)"
" || add %(filters_names) %(buffers_plugins_names)|*"
" || del %(filters_names)|-all",
"my_command_cb", "")
Updated in 1.5, 1.7.
Hook a completion.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_completion (const char *completion_item,
const char *description,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *completion_item,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_completion *completion),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
completion_item: name of completion item, after you can use %(name) (or %(name:arguments) with WeeChat ≥ 1.7) in a command hooked (argument completion) (a priority is allowed before the completion item, see note about priority)
description: description of completion
callback: function called when completion item is used (user is completing something using this item), arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
const char *completion_item: name of completion item (with WeeChat ≥ 1.7 it can include arguments, with the format: name:arguments)
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer: buffer where completion is made
struct t_gui_completion *completion: structure used to add words for completion (see completion_list_add)
return value:
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Completion names are global (shared across WeeChat and plugins). So it is recommended to choose a name with a unique prefix, like "plugin_xxx" (where "xxx" is your item name). |
The callback must only call completion functions like
completion_list_add and must NOT update the command line. To update the command line when Tab is pressed, you can use the function hook_command_run with command: /input complete_next
(and you must return WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT if your callback has updated the command line,
so that WeeChat will not perform the completion).
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
my_completion_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *completion_item,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_completion *completion)
weechat_completion_list_add (completion, "word1", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT);
weechat_completion_list_add (completion, "test_word2", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT);
struct t_hook *my_completion_hook = weechat_hook_completion ("plugin_item",
"my custom completion!",
&my_completion_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_completion(completion_item: str, description: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_completion_cb(data: str, completion_item: str, buffer: str, completion: str) -> int:
weechat.completion_list_add(completion, "word1", 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT)
weechat.completion_list_add(completion, "test_word2", 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
hook = weechat.hook_completion("plugin_item", "my custom completion!",
"my_completion_cb", "")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Deprecated since WeeChat 2.9 (still there for compatibility).
This function has been replaced by completion_get_string.
Deprecated since WeeChat 2.9 (still there for compatibility).
This function has been replaced by completion_list_add.
Updated in 1.5.
Hook a command when WeeChat runs it.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_command_run (const char *command,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
const char *command),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
command: command to hook (wildcard
is allowed) (a priority is allowed before the command, see note about priority) -
callback: function called when command is run, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer: buffer where command is executed
const char *command: the command executed, with its arguments
return value:
WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT: command will not be executed by WeeChat after callback
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
my_command_run_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *command)
weechat_printf (NULL, "I'm eating the completion!");
struct t_hook *my_command_run_hook =
weechat_hook_command_run ("/input complete*",
&my_command_run_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_command_run(command: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_command_run_cb(data: str, buffer: str, command: str) -> int:
weechat.prnt("", "I'm eating the completion!")
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
hook = weechat.hook_command_run("/input complete*", "my_command_run_cb", "")
Updated in 1.5.
Hook a timer.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_timer (long interval,
int align_second,
int max_calls,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
int remaining_calls),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
interval: interval between two calls (milliseconds, so 1000 = 1 second)
align_second: alignment on a second. For example, if current time is 09:00, if interval = 60000 (60 seconds), and align_second = 60, then timer is called each minute when second is 0
max_calls: number of calls to timer (if 0, then timer has no end)
callback: function called when time is reached, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
int remaining_calls: remaining calls (-1 if timer has no end)
return value:
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
my_timer_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, int remaining_calls)
/* ... */
/* timer called each 20 seconds */
struct t_hook *my_timer_hook =
weechat_hook_timer (20 * 1000, 0, 0, &my_timer_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_timer(interval: int, align_second: int, max_calls: int, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_timer_cb(data: str, remaining_calls: int) -> int:
# ...
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
# timer called each 20 seconds
hook = weechat.hook_timer(20 * 1000, 0, 0, "my_timer_cb", "")
Updated in 1.3, 1.5, 2.0.
Hook a file descriptor (file or socket).
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_fd (int fd,
int flag_read,
int flag_write,
int flag_exception,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
int fd),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
fd: file descriptor
flag_read: 1 = catch read event, 0 = ignore
flag_write: 1 = catch write event, 0 = ignore
flag_exception: 1 = catch exception event, 0 = ignore (WeeChat ≥ 1.3: this argument is ignored and not used any more)
callback: function called a selected event occurs for file (or socket), arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
int fd: file descriptor
return value:
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
In scripts, with WeeChat ≥ 2.0, the callback argument fd is an integer
(with WeeChat ≤ 1.9, it was a string). To be compatible with all versions, it is recommended to convert the argument to integer before using it, for example in Python: int(fd) .
C example:
my_fd_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, int fd)
/* ... */
int sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
/* set socket options */
/* ... */
struct t_hook *my_fd_hook = weechat_hook_fd (sock, 1, 0, 0, &my_fd_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_fd(fd: int, flag_read: int, flag_write: int, flag_exception: int, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_fd_cb(data: str, fd: int) -> int:
# ...
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
sock = ...
hook = weechat.hook_fd(sock, 1, 0, 0, "my_fd_cb", "")
Updated in 1.5.
Hook a process (launched with fork), and catch output.
Since version, the shell is not used any more to execute the command.
WeeChat makes an automatic split of the command and its arguments (like the
shell does). If the split is not correct (according to quotes in your command), or if you want to use shell, you can use function hook_process_hashtable with arguments in the hashtable options (WeeChat ≥ 0.4.0). |
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_process (const char *command,
int timeout,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *command,
int return_code,
const char *out,
const char *err),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
command: command to launch in child process, URL (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7) or function (WeeChat ≥ 1.5) (see below)
timeout: timeout for command (in milliseconds): after this timeout, child process is killed (0 means no timeout)
callback: function called when data from child is available, or when child has ended, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
const char *command: command executed by child
int return_code: return code:
≥ 0: child return code for a command, and for URL possible values are:
0: transfer OK
1: invalid URL
2: transfer error
3: not enough memory
4: error with a file
< 0:
WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_RUNNING (-1): data available, but child still running
WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR (-2): error when launching command
WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_CHILD (-3): callback is called in the child process (used only in C API, not scripting API)
out: standard output of command (stdout)
err: error output of command (stderr)
return value:
child process return code (in case of function with "func:" in command)
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
When command has ended, or if timeout is reached, WeeChat will automatically unhook (and kill process if it is still running).
The command can be an URL with format: "url:", to download content of URL (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7). Options are possible for URL with function hook_process_hashtable.
The command can also be a function name with format: "func:name", to execute
the function "name" (WeeChat ≥ 1.5). This function receives a single argument
(data) and must return a string, which is sent to the callback.
In C API, the callback is called with the return code set to
WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_CHILD, which means the callback is running in the child
process (after fork).
In scripting API, the function name is called directly and its result
(string) is sent to the callback (like the output of an external command).
If you want to retrieve infos about WeeChat (like current stable version, latest git commit, etc.), you can use URLs on this page ↗. |
Buffer size for sending data to callback is 64KB (there are 2 buffers: one for stdout and one for stderr). If output from child process (stdout or stderr) is longer than 64KB, callback will be called more than one time. |
Even if most of times your callback is called only once, you must ensure that many calls to callback are OK in your code: you must concatenate data issued by many calls and use data only when return code is non-negative. |
C example:
/* example with an external command */
my_process_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *command,
int return_code, const char *out, const char *err)
if (return_code == WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR)
weechat_printf (NULL, "Error with command '%s'", command);
if (return_code >= 0)
weechat_printf (NULL, "return_code = %d", return_code);
if (out)
weechat_printf (NULL, "stdout: %s", out);
if (err)
weechat_printf (NULL, "stderr: %s", err);
struct t_hook *my_process_hook = weechat_hook_process ("ls", 5000,
&my_process_cb, NULL, NULL);
/* example with the callback called in the child process */
my_process_func_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *command,
int return_code, const char *out, const char *err)
if (return_code == WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_CHILD)
/* do something blocking... */
/* ... */
/* the stdout will be sent as "out" in the parent callback */
printf ("this is the result");
/* return code of the process */
return 0;
if (return_code == WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR)
weechat_printf (NULL, "Error with command '%s'", command);
if (return_code >= 0)
weechat_printf (NULL, "return_code = %d", return_code);
if (out)
weechat_printf (NULL, "stdout: %s", out);
if (err)
weechat_printf (NULL, "stderr: %s", err);
struct t_hook *my_process_hook = weechat_hook_process ("func:get_status", 5000,
&my_process_func_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_process(command: str, timeout: int, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example with an external command
def my_process_cb(data: str, command: str, return_code: int, out: str, err: str) -> int:
if return_code == weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR:
weechat.prnt("", "Error with command '%s'" % command)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
if return_code >= 0:
weechat.prnt("", "return_code = %d" % return_code)
if out:
weechat.prnt("", "stdout: %s" % out)
if err:
weechat.prnt("", "stderr: %s" % err)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
hook = weechat.hook_process("ls", 5000, "my_process_cb", "")
# example with a script function
def get_status(data: str) -> str:
# do something blocking...
# ...
return "this is the result"
def my_process_cb(data: str, command: str, return_code: int, out: str, err: str) -> int:
if return_code == weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR:
weechat.prnt("", "Error with command '%s'" % command)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
if return_code >= 0:
weechat.prnt("", "return_code = %d" % return_code)
if out:
weechat.prnt("", "stdout: %s" % out)
if err:
weechat.prnt("", "stderr: %s" % err)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
hook = weechat.hook_process("func:get_status", 5000, "my_process_cb", "")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7, updated in 1.5.
Hook a process (launched with fork) using options in a hashtable, and catch output.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_process_hashtable (const char *command,
struct t_hashtable *options,
int timeout,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *command,
int return_code,
const char *out,
const char *err),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
Arguments are the same as function hook_process, with an extra argument:
options: options for command executed; the hashtable is duplicated in function, so it’s safe to free it after this call
For a standard command (not beginning with "url:"), following options are available:
Option | Min WeeChat | Value | Default | Description |
argN (N ≥ 1) |
0.4.0 |
any string |
no arguments |
Arguments for command; if no argument is given with these options, the command is automatically split like the shell does (and then command arguments are read in the command argument). |
stdin |
0.4.3 |
(not used) |
no stdin |
Create a pipe for writing data on standard input (stdin) of child process (see function hook_set). |
buffer_flush |
1.0 |
number of bytes |
65536 |
Minimum number of bytes to flush stdout/stderr (to send output to callback), between 1 and 65536. With the value 1, the output is sent immediately to the callback. |
detached |
1.0 |
(not used) |
not detached |
Run the process in a detached mode: stdout and stderr are redirected to /dev/null. |
For command "url:…", see available options in function hook_url.
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
my_process_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *command,
int return_code, const char *out, const char *err)
if (return_code == WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR)
weechat_printf (NULL, "Error with command '%s'", command);
if (return_code >= 0)
weechat_printf (NULL, "return_code = %d", return_code);
if (out)
weechat_printf (NULL, "stdout: %s", out);
if (err)
weechat_printf (NULL, "stderr: %s", err);
/* example 1: download URL */
struct t_hashtable *options_url1 = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (options_url1)
weechat_hashtable_set (options_url1, "file_out", "/tmp/");
struct t_hook *my_process_hook = weechat_hook_process_hashtable ("url:",
&my_process_cb, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hashtable_free (options_url1);
/* example 2: open URL with custom HTTP headers */
struct t_hashtable *options_url2 = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (options_url2)
weechat_hashtable_set (options_url2, "httpheader",
"Header1: value1\n"
"Header2: value2");
struct t_hook *my_process_hook = weechat_hook_process_hashtable ("url:http://localhost:8080/",
&my_process_cb, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hashtable_free (options_url2);
/* example 3: execute a notify program with a message from someone */
struct t_hashtable *options_cmd1 = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (options_cmd1)
weechat_hashtable_set (options_cmd1, "arg1", "-from");
weechat_hashtable_set (options_cmd1, "arg2", nick);
weechat_hashtable_set (options_cmd1, "arg3", "-msg");
weechat_hashtable_set (options_cmd1, "arg4", message); /* untrusted argument */
struct t_hook *my_process_hook = weechat_hook_process_hashtable ("my-notify-command",
&my_process_cb, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hashtable_free (options_cmd1);
/* example 4: call shell to execute a command (command must be SAFE) */
struct t_hashtable *options_cmd2 = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (options_cmd2)
weechat_hashtable_set (options_cmd2, "arg1", "-c");
weechat_hashtable_set (options_cmd2, "arg2", "ls -l /tmp | grep something");
struct t_hook *my_process_hook = weechat_hook_process_hashtable ("sh",
&my_process_cb, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hashtable_free (options_cmd2);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_process_hashtable(command: str, options: Dict[str, str], timeout: int, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_process_cb(data: str, command: str, return_code: int, out: str, err: str) -> int:
if return_code == weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR:
weechat.prnt("", "Error with command '%s'" % command)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
if return_code >= 0:
weechat.prnt("", "return_code = %d" % return_code)
if out:
weechat.prnt("", "stdout: %s" % out)
if err:
weechat.prnt("", "stderr: %s" % err)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
# example 1: download URL
hook1 = weechat.hook_process_hashtable("url:",
{"file_out": "/tmp/"},
20000, "my_process_cb", "")
# example 2: open URL with custom HTTP headers
options = {
"httpheader": "\n".join([
"Header1: value1",
"Header2: value2",
hook2 = weechat.hook_process_hashtable("url:http://localhost:8080/",
20000, "my_process_cb", "")
# example 3: execute a notify program with a message from someone
hook3 = weechat.hook_process_hashtable("my-notify-command",
{"arg1": "-from",
"arg2": nick,
"arg3": "-msg",
"arg4": message}, # untrusted argument
20000, "my_process_cb", "")
# example 4: call shell to execute a command (command must be SAFE)
hook4 = weechat.hook_process_hashtable("sh",
{"arg1": "-c",
"arg2": "ls -l /tmp | grep something"},
20000, "my_process_cb", "")
WeeChat ≥ 4.1.0.
URL transfer.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_url (const char *url,
struct t_hashtable *options,
int timeout,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *url,
struct t_hashtable *options,
struct t_hashtable *output),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
url: URL
options: options for URL transfer (see below); the hashtable is duplicated in function, so it’s safe to free it after this call
timeout: timeout for URL transfer (in milliseconds): after this timeout, the transfer is stopped (0 means no timeout)
callback: function called when the transfer has ended, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
const char *url: URL
struct t_hashtable *options: options
struct t_hashtable *output: result (keys and values are strings), which may contain the following keys:
response_code: HTTP response code
headers: HTTP headers in response
output: standard output (set only if file_out was not set in options)
error: error message (set only in case of error)
return value:
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
The following Curl options are available (see man curl_easy_setopt
a description of each option):
Option | Type (1) | Constants (2) |
verbose |
long |
header |
long |
noprogress |
long |
nosignal |
long |
wildcardmatch |
long |
failonerror |
long |
keep_sending_on_error |
long |
proxy |
string |
proxyport |
long |
port |
long |
pre_proxy |
string |
httpproxytunnel |
long |
interface |
string |
dns_cache_timeout |
long |
proxytype |
long |
http, socks4, socks5, socks4a, socks5_hostname, http_1_0, https |
buffersize |
long |
tcp_nodelay |
long |
localport |
long |
localportrange |
long |
address_scope |
long |
noproxy |
string |
socks5_gssapi_nec |
long |
tcp_keepalive |
long |
tcp_keepidle |
long |
tcp_keepintvl |
long |
unix_socket_path |
string |
abstract_unix_socket |
string |
path_as_is |
long |
proxy_service_name |
string |
service_name |
string |
default_protocol |
string |
tcp_fastopen |
long |
socks5_auth |
long |
haproxyprotocol |
long |
doh_url |
string |
protocols_str |
string |
redir_protocols_str |
string |
netrc |
long |
ignored, optional, required |
userpwd |
string |
proxyuserpwd |
string |
httpauth |
mask |
none, basic, digest, ntlm, any, anysafe, digest_ie, only, ntlm_wb, negotiate, gssapi, bearer, aws_sigv4 |
proxyauth |
mask |
none, basic, digest, ntlm, any, anysafe, digest_ie, only, ntlm_wb, negotiate, gssapi, bearer, aws_sigv4 |
netrc_file |
string |
username |
string |
password |
string |
proxyusername |
string |
proxypassword |
string |
tlsauth_type |
mask |
none, srp |
tlsauth_username |
string |
tlsauth_password |
string |
sasl_authzid |
string |
sasl_ir |
long |
xoauth2_bearer |
string |
login_options |
string |
disallow_username_in_url |
long |
autoreferer |
long |
followlocation |
long |
post |
long |
postfields |
string |
referer |
string |
useragent |
string |
httpheader |
list |
cookie |
string |
cookiefile |
string |
postfieldsize |
long |
maxredirs |
long |
httpget |
long |
cookiejar |
string |
http_version |
long |
none, 1_0, 1_1, 2_0, 2, 2tls, 2_prior_knowledge, 3 |
cookiesession |
long |
http200aliases |
list |
unrestricted_auth |
long |
postfieldsize_large |
long long |
cookielist |
string |
ignore_content_length |
long |
accept_encoding |
string |
transfer_encoding |
long |
http_content_decoding |
long |
http_transfer_decoding |
long |
copypostfields |
string |
postredir |
mask |
post_301, post_302 |
expect_100_timeout_ms |
long |
headeropt |
mask |
unified, separate |
proxyheader |
list |
pipewait |
long |
stream_weight |
long |
request_target |
string |
http09_allowed |
long |
hsts |
string |
hsts_ctrl |
mask |
enable, readonlyfile |
mail_from |
string |
mail_rcpt |
list |
mail_auth |
string |
mail_rcpt_alllowfails |
long |
tftp_blksize |
long |
tftp_no_options |
long |
ftpport |
string |
quote |
list |
postquote |
list |
ftp_use_epsv |
long |
prequote |
list |
ftp_use_eprt |
long |
ftp_create_missing_dirs |
long |
ftpsslauth |
long |
default, ssl, tls |
ftp_account |
string |
ftp_skip_pasv_ip |
long |
ftp_filemethod |
long |
multicwd, nocwd, singlecwd |
ftp_alternative_to_user |
string |
ftp_ssl_ccc |
long |
ccc_none, ccc_active, ccc_passive |
dirlistonly |
long |
append |
long |
ftp_use_pret |
long |
rtsp_request |
long |
options, describe, announce, setup, play, pause, teardown, get_parameter, set_parameter, record, receive |
rtsp_session_id |
string |
rtsp_stream_uri |
string |
rtsp_transport |
string |
rtsp_client_cseq |
long |
rtsp_server_cseq |
long |
aws_sigv4 |
string |
crlf |
long |
range |
string |
resume_from |
long |
customrequest |
string |
nobody |
long |
infilesize |
long |
upload |
long |
timecondition |
long |
none, ifmodsince, ifunmodsince, lastmod |
timevalue |
long |
transfertext |
long |
filetime |
long |
maxfilesize |
long |
proxy_transfer_mode |
long |
resume_from_large |
long long |
infilesize_large |
long long |
maxfilesize_large |
long long |
timevalue_large |
long long |
upload_buffersize |
long |
mime_options |
mask |
formescape |
timeout |
long |
low_speed_limit |
long |
low_speed_time |
long |
fresh_connect |
long |
forbid_reuse |
long |
connecttimeout |
long |
ipresolve |
long |
whatever, v4, v6 |
connect_only |
long |
max_send_speed_large |
long long |
max_recv_speed_large |
long long |
timeout_ms |
long |
connecttimeout_ms |
long |
maxage_conn |
long |
maxconnects |
long |
use_ssl |
long |
none, try, control, all |
resolve |
list |
dns_servers |
string |
accepttimeout_ms |
long |
dns_interface |
string |
dns_local_ip4 |
string |
dns_local_ip6 |
string |
connect_to |
list |
happy_eyeballs_timeout_ms |
long |
dns_shuffle_addresses |
long |
upkeep_interval_ms |
long |
maxlifetime_conn |
long |
sslcert |
string |
sslversion |
long |
default, tlsv1, sslv2, sslv3, tlsv1_0, tlsv1_1, tlsv1_2, tlsv1_3, max_default, max_none, max_tlsv1_0, max_tlsv1_1, max_tlsv1_2, max_tlsv1_3 |
ssl_verifypeer |
long |
cainfo |
string |
ssl_verifyhost |
long |
ssl_cipher_list |
string |
sslcerttype |
string |
sslkey |
string |
sslkeytype |
string |
sslengine |
string |
sslengine_default |
long |
capath |
string |
ssl_sessionid_cache |
long |
krblevel |
string |
keypasswd |
string |
issuercert |
string |
crlfile |
string |
certinfo |
long |
gssapi_delegation |
long |
none, policy_flag, flag |
ssl_options |
long |
allow_beast, no_revoke, no_backends, ok, too_late, unknown_backend, no_partialchain, revoke_best_effort, native_ca, auto_client_cert |
ssl_enable_alpn |
long |
pinnedpublickey |
string |
ssl_verifystatus |
long |
ssl_falsestart |
long |
proxy_cainfo |
string |
proxy_capath |
string |
proxy_crlfile |
string |
proxy_keypasswd |
string |
proxy_pinnedpublickey |
string |
proxy_sslcert |
string |
proxy_sslcerttype |
string |
proxy_sslkey |
string |
proxy_sslkeytype |
string |
proxy_sslversion |
long |
default, tlsv1, sslv2, sslv3, tlsv1_0, tlsv1_1, tlsv1_2, tlsv1_3, max_default, max_none, max_tlsv1_0, max_tlsv1_1, max_tlsv1_2, max_tlsv1_3 |
proxy_ssl_cipher_list |
list |
proxy_ssl_options |
long |
allow_beast, no_revoke, no_backends, ok, too_late, unknown_backend, no_partialchain, revoke_best_effort, native_ca, auto_client_cert |
proxy_ssl_verifyhost |
long |
proxy_ssl_verifypeer |
long |
proxy_tlsauth_password |
string |
proxy_tlsauth_type |
string |
proxy_tlsauth_username |
string |
tls13_ciphers |
list |
proxy_tls13_ciphers |
list |
proxy_issuercert |
string |
ssl_ec_curves |
string |
doh_ssl_verifyhost |
long |
doh_ssl_verifypeer |
long |
doh_ssl_verifystatus |
long |
ca_cache_timeout |
long |
ssh_auth_types |
mask |
none, policy_flag, flag |
ssh_public_keyfile |
string |
ssh_private_keyfile |
string |
ssh_host_public_key_md5 |
string |
ssh_knownhosts |
string |
ssh_compression |
long |
ssh_host_public_key_sha256 |
string |
telnetoptions |
list |
ws_options |
mask |
binary, close, cont, offset, ping, pong, raw_mode, text |
new_file_perms |
long |
new_directory_perms |
long |
quick_exit |
long |
(1) For options with type "mask", format is: "value1+value2+value3";
for options with type "list", the list items must be separated by a newline
(\n ).(2) When constants are available they must be used as value for option. |
These two extra options (strings) are allowed for input/output file:
Option | Type | Description |
file_in |
string |
file to read and send with URLs (post file) |
file_out |
string |
write downloaded URL/file in this file (instead of standard output) |
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
my_url_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *url,
struct t_hashtable *options, struct t_hashtable *output)
weechat_printf (NULL, "response_code: %s", weechat_hashtable_get (output, "response_code"));
weechat_printf (NULL, "headers: %s", weechat_hashtable_get (output, "headers"));
weechat_printf (NULL, "output: %s", weechat_hashtable_get (output, "output"));
weechat_printf (NULL, "error: %s", weechat_hashtable_get (output, "error"));
/* example 1: output to a file */
struct t_hashtable *options_url1 = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (options_url1)
weechat_hashtable_set (options_url1, "file_out", "/tmp/");
struct t_hook *my_url_hook = weechat_hook_url ("",
&my_url_cb, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hashtable_free (options_url1);
/* example 2: custom HTTP headers, output sent to callback */
struct t_hashtable *options_url2 = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (options_url2)
weechat_hashtable_set (options_url2, "httpheader",
"Header1: value1\n"
"Header2: value2");
struct t_hook *my_url_hook = weechat_hook_url ("http://localhost:8080/",
&my_url_cb, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hashtable_free (options_url2);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_url(url: str, options: Dict[str, str], timeout: int, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_url_cb(data: str, url: str, options: Dict[str, str], output: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
weechat.prnt("", "output: %s" % output)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
# example 1: output to a file
hook1 = weechat.hook_url("",
{"file_out": "/tmp/"},
20000, "my_url_cb", "")
# example 2: custom HTTP headers, output sent to callback
options = {
"httpheader": "\n".join([
"Header1: value1",
"Header2: value2",
hook2 = weechat.hook_url("http://localhost:8080/", options, 20000, "my_url_cb", "")
Updated in 1.5, 2.0, 4.4.0.
Hook a connection (background connection to a remote host).
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_connect (const char *proxy,
const char *address,
int port,
int ipv6,
int retry,
void *gnutls_sess,
void *gnutls_cb,
int gnutls_dhkey_size,
const char *gnutls_priorities,
const char *local_hostname,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
int status,
int gnutls_rc,
int sock,
const char *error,
const char *ip_address),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
proxy: name of proxy to use for connection (optional, NULL means connection without proxy)
address: name or IP address to connect to
port: port number
(1): disable IPv6 (use only IPv4) -
(1): use IPv6 with fallback to IPv4 -
(1): force IPv6 (do not use IPv4) (WeeChat ≥ 4.4.0)
retry: retry count, used to fallback to IPv4 hosts if IPv6 hosts connect but then fail to accept the client
gnutls_sess: GnuTLS session (optional)
gnutls_cb: GnuTLS callback (optional)
gnutls_dhkey_size: size of the key used during the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (GnuTLS)
gnutls_priorities: priorities for gnutls (for syntax, see documentation of function gnutls_priority_init in gnutls manual), basic values are:
NORMAL (default)
local_hostname: local hostname to use for connection (optional)
callback: function called when connection is OK or failed, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
int status: connection status (2):
WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_SOCKET_ERROR: unable to create socket
gnutls_rc: return value of gnutls_handshake() (2)
sock: socket used to connect (2)
const char *error: return value of gnutls_strerror(gnutls_rc)
const char *ip_address: IP address found
return value:
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
(1) Constants for parameter ipv6 are available since WeeChat 4.4.0. For older releases, allowed values are 1 (use IPv6 with fallback to IPv4) and
0 (disable IPv6, use only IPv4).(2) In scripts, with WeeChat ≥ 2.0, the callback arguments status, gnutls_rc and sock are integers (with WeeChat ≤ 1.9, they were strings). To be compatible with all versions, it is recommended to convert the argument to integer before using it, for example in Python: int(sock) .
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
my_connect_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, int status, int gnutls_rc,
int sock, const char *error, const char *ip_address)
switch (status)
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
struct t_hook *my_connect_hook = weechat_hook_connect (NULL,
"", 1234,
NULL, NULL, 0, /* GnuTLS */
&my_connect_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_connect(proxy: str, address: str, port: int, ipv6: int, retry: int, local_hostname: str,
callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_connect_cb(data: str, status: int, gnutls_rc: int, sock: int, error: str, ip_address: str) -> int:
if status == weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_OK:
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
elif status == weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_PROXY_ERROR:
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
elif status == weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT:
# ...
# ...
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
hook = weechat.hook_connect("", "", 1234,
"my_connect_cb", "")
WeeChat ≥ 2.3, updated in 4.2.0.
Hook a line to be printed in a buffer.
When a line is printed in a buffer, hooks are called in this order:
hook line (this hook): it can change the buffer, prefix, message, tags, notify level, … (see below)
hook modifier "weechat_print": it can change the prefix and message on a buffer with formatted content
hook print: called when the line has been added in a buffer with formatted content (nothing can be changed directly with this hook).
The "line" hook is the only one among these three hooks that can work on buffers with free content. |
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_line (const char *buffer_type,
const char *buffer_name,
const char *tags,
struct t_hashtable *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_hashtable *line),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
buffer_type: catch lines on the given buffer type (if NULL or empty string, formatted is the default) (WeeChat ≥ 3.7: a priority is allowed before the buffer type, see note about priority):
formatted: catch lines on formatted buffers only (default)
free: catch lines on buffers with free content only
*: catch lines on all buffer types
buffer_name: comma-separated list of buffer masks (see buffer_match_list); NULL, empty string or "*" matches any buffer
tags: catch only messages with these tags (optional): comma-separated list of tags that must be in message (logical "or"); it is possible to combine many tags as a logical "and" with separator
; wildcard*
is allowed in tags -
callback: function called when a line is added in a buffer, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_hashtable *line: hashtable with the line info, keys and values are strings (see table below)
return value: hashtable with new values (see table below)
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
Line data sent to the callback is a hashtable, with following values (keys and values are strings):
Key | Value (formatted buffer) | Value (free buffer) | Examples |
buffer |
Buffer pointer. |
Buffer pointer. |
buffer_name |
Buffer name. |
Buffer name. |
buffer_type |
"formatted" |
"free" |
y |
N/A ("-1"). |
Line number (≥ "0"). |
date |
Line date (timestamp). |
N/A ("0"). |
date_usec |
Microseconds of line date (between 0 and 999999). |
N/A ("0"). |
date_printed |
Date when line was displayed (timestamp). |
N/A ("0"). |
date_usec_printed |
Microseconds of date when line was displayed (between 0 and 999999). |
N/A ("0"). |
str_time |
Date for display (possible color codes inside). |
N/A (empty string). |
tags_count |
Number of tags in the line (≥ "0"). |
N/A ("0"). |
tags |
Comma-separated list of tags. |
N/A (empty string). |
displayed |
"0" = line is filtered (hidden) |
"0" = line is filtered (hidden) |
notify_level |
"-1" = no notify |
N/A ("0"). |
highlight |
"0" = no highlight |
N/A ("0"). |
prefix |
Prefix of the line. |
N/A (empty string). |
message |
Message of the line. |
Message of the line. |
The callback can return a hashtable with some fields to update the line. Any invalid value in a field is silently ignored by WeeChat.
The following keys can be set in the hashtable (keys and values are strings in this hashtable):
Key | Allowed value (formatted buffer) | Allowed value (free buffer) | Result |
buffer |
Pointer of a buffer with formatted content. |
Pointer of a buffer with free content. |
The line is displayed on this buffer. |
buffer_name |
Name of a buffer with formatted content. |
Name of a buffer with free content. |
The line is displayed on this buffer. |
y |
N/A. |
Integer (≥ "0"). |
The line number is set to this value. |
date |
Timestamp. |
N/A. |
The date is set to this value. |
date_usec |
Integer ("0" to "999999"). |
N/A. |
The microseconds of line date is set to this value. |
date_printed |
Timestamp. |
N/A. |
The printed date is set to this timestamp (not displayed). |
date_usec_printed |
Integer ("0" to "999999"). |
N/A. |
The microseconds of printed date is set to this value. |
str_time |
String. |
N/A. |
This string is used to display the date line. |
tags |
String. |
N/A. |
The line tags are replaced with this comma-separated list of tags. |
notify_level |
Integer ("-1" to "3"). |
N/A. |
The notify level is set to this value. The hotlist will be updated
accordingly once the line is added in the buffer. |
highlight |
Integer ("0" or "1"). |
N/A. |
"0" disables highlight on the line, "1" forces a highlight on the line. |
prefix |
String. |
N/A. |
The line prefix is set to this value. |
message |
String. |
String. |
The line message is set to this value. |
C example:
my_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_hasbtable *line)
struct t_hashtable *hashtable;
hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
/* force a highlight on the line */
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "highlight", "1");
return hashtable;
/* catch lines with tag "irc_join" */
struct t_hook *my_line_hook =
weechat_hook_line ("", "", "irc_join", &my_line_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_line(buffer_type: str, buffer_name: str, tags: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_line_cb(data: str, line: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
# force a highlight on the line
return {"highlight": "1"}
# catch lines with tag "irc_join"
hook = weechat.hook_line("", "", "irc_join", "my_line_cb", "")
Updated in 0.4.3, 1.0, 1.5, 4.2.0.
Hook a message printed. It is called when a line has been added in a buffer with formatted content.
For more information on the hooks called when a line is printed, see hook_line.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_print (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
const char *tags,
const char *message,
int strip_colors,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
time_t date,
int date_usec,
int tags_count,
const char **tags,
int displayed,
int highlight,
const char *prefix,
const char *message),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
buffer: buffer pointer, if NULL, messages from any buffer are caught
tags: catch only messages with these tags (optional):
with WeeChat ≥ 0.4.3: comma-separated list of tags that must be in message (logical "or"); it is possible to combine many tags as a logical "and" with separator
; wildcard*
is allowed in tags -
with WeeChat ≤ 0.4.2: comma-separated list of tags that must all be in message (logical "and")
message: only messages with this string will be caught (optional, case insensitive)
strip_colors: if 1, colors will be stripped from message displayed, before calling callback
callback: function called when a message is printed, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer: buffer pointer
time_t date: date
int date_usec: microseconds of date
int tags_count: number of tags for line
const char **tags: array with tags for line
int displayed: 1 if line is displayed, 0 if it is filtered (hidden)
int highlight: 1 if line has highlight, otherwise 0
const char *prefix: prefix
const char *message: message
return value:
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
In scripts, with WeeChat ≥ 1.0, the callback arguments displayed and
highlight are integers (with WeeChat ≤ 0.4.3, they were strings). To be compatible with all versions, it is recommended to convert the argument to integer before testing it, for example in Python: if int(highlight): .
C example:
my_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
time_t date, int date_usec, int tags_count, const char **tags,
int displayed, int highlight,
const char *prefix, const char *message)
/* ... */
/* catch all messages, on all buffers, without color */
struct t_hook *my_print_hook =
weechat_hook_print (NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, &my_print_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_print(buffer: str, tags: str, message: str, strip_colors: int, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_print_cb(data: str, buffer: str, date: str, tags: str, displayed: int, highlight: int, prefix: str, message: str) -> int:
if highlight:
# ...
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
# catch all messages, on all buffers, without color
hook = weechat.hook_print("", "", "", 1, "my_print_cb", "")
Updated in 1.5, 3.6.
Hook a signal.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_signal (const char *signal,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *signal,
const char *type_data,
void *signal_data),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
signal: signal to catch, wildcard
is allowed; multiple signals can be separated by semi-colons (a priority is allowed before one or more signals, see note about priority) (see table below) -
callback: function called when signal is received, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
const char *signal: signal received
const char *type_data: type of data sent with signal:
void *signal_data: data sent with signal
return value:
WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT (stop sending the signal immediately) (WeeChat ≥ 0.4.0)
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
List of signals sent by WeeChat and plugins:
Plugin | Signal | Min WeeChat | Arguments | Description |
guile |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Scheme script loaded. |
guile |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Scheme script unloaded. |
guile |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of paths to scripts installed. |
Scheme script(s) installed. |
guile |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of scripts removed. |
Scheme script(s) removed. |
irc |
String: message. |
IRC message from server (before irc plugin uses it,
signal sent only if message is not ignored). |
irc |
String: message. |
IRC message from server (after irc plugin uses it,
signal sent only if message is not ignored). |
irc |
0.3.2 |
String: message. |
IRC message from server (before irc plugin uses it,
signal sent even if message is ignored). |
irc |
0.3.2 |
String: message. |
IRC message from server (after irc plugin uses it,
signal sent even if message is ignored). |
irc |
0.3.7 |
String: message. |
IRC message sent to server before automatic split (to fit in 512 bytes by default). |
irc |
String: message. |
IRC message sent to server after automatic split
(to fit in 512 bytes by default). |
irc |
0.3.4 |
String: tags + ";" + message. |
Tags + IRC message sent to server. |
irc |
String: message. |
CTCP received. |
irc |
String: message. |
New DCC. |
irc |
String: message. |
Private message received. |
irc |
Pointer: buffer. |
Channel opened. |
irc |
Pointer: buffer. |
Private opened. |
irc |
0.3.7 |
Pointer: buffer. |
Server buffer opened. |
irc |
String: server name. |
Connecting to server. |
irc |
String: server name. |
Connected to server. |
irc |
String: server name. |
Disconnected from server. |
irc |
1.8 |
String: server name. |
Lag changed on the server. |
irc |
Pointer: ignore. |
Removing ignore. |
irc |
- |
Ignore removed. |
irc |
0.3.8 |
String: server name + "," + nick. |
A nick in notify list has joined server. |
irc |
0.3.8 |
String: server name + "," + nick. |
A nick in notify list has quit server. |
irc |
0.3.8 |
String: server name + "," + nick + "," + away message. |
A nick in notify list is now away on server. |
irc |
0.3.8 |
String: server name + "," + nick + "," + away message. |
A nick in notify list is still away on server (away message has changed). |
irc |
0.3.8 |
String: server name + "," + nick. |
A nick in notify list is back (away status removed). |
javascript |
1.2 |
String: path to script. |
JavaScript script loaded. |
javascript |
1.2 |
String: path to script. |
JavaScript script unloaded. |
javascript |
1.2 |
String: comma-separated list of paths to scripts installed. |
JavaScript script(s) installed. |
javascript |
1.2 |
String: comma-separated list of scripts removed. |
JavaScript script(s) removed. |
logger |
Pointer: buffer. |
Start logging for buffer. |
logger |
Pointer: buffer. |
Stop logging for buffer. |
logger |
Pointer: buffer. |
Display backlog for buffer. |
lua |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Lua script loaded. |
lua |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Lua script unloaded. |
lua |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of paths to scripts installed. |
Lua script(s) installed. |
lua |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of scripts removed. |
Lua script(s) removed. |
perl |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Perl script loaded. |
perl |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Perl script unloaded. |
perl |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of paths to scripts installed. |
Perl script(s) installed. |
perl |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of scripts removed. |
Perl script(s) removed. |
php |
2.0 |
String: path to script. |
PHP script loaded. |
php |
2.0 |
String: path to script. |
PHP script unloaded. |
php |
2.0 |
String: comma-separated list of paths to scripts installed. |
PHP script(s) installed. |
php |
2.0 |
String: comma-separated list of scripts removed. |
PHP script(s) removed. |
python |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Python script loaded. |
python |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Python script unloaded. |
python |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of paths to scripts installed. |
Python script(s) installed. |
python |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of scripts removed. |
Python script(s) removed. |
relay |
1.0 |
Pointer: relay client. |
A relay client is connecting. |
relay |
1.0 |
Pointer: relay client. |
Waiting for authentication from a relay client. |
relay |
1.0 |
Pointer: relay client. |
Successful authentication from a relay client. |
relay |
1.0 |
Pointer: relay client. |
A relay client is connected. |
relay |
1.0 |
Pointer: relay client. |
Authentication of a relay client has failed. |
relay |
1.0 |
Pointer: relay client. |
A relay client is disconnected. |
ruby |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Ruby script loaded. |
ruby |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Ruby script unloaded. |
ruby |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of paths to scripts installed. |
Ruby script(s) installed. |
ruby |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of scripts removed. |
Ruby script(s) removed. |
spell |
2.4 |
Pointer: buffer. |
New suggestions for a misspelled word. |
tcl |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Tcl script loaded. |
tcl |
0.3.9 |
String: path to script. |
Tcl script unloaded. |
tcl |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of paths to scripts installed. |
Tcl script(s) installed. |
tcl |
0.3.9 |
String: comma-separated list of scripts removed. |
Tcl script(s) removed. |
typing |
3.3 |
Pointer: buffer. |
User is typing a message (sent by typing plugin, used by irc plugin). |
typing |
3.3 |
Pointer: buffer. |
User paused during typing (sent by typing plugin, used by irc plugin). |
typing |
3.3 |
Pointer: buffer. |
User cleared the input without sending the message (sent by typing plugin, used by irc plugin). |
typing |
3.3 |
Pointer: buffer. |
Message (not a command) sent to the buffer (sent by typing plugin, used by irc plugin). |
typing |
3.3 |
String: buffer pointer + ";" + state (one of: "off", "typing", "paused", "cleared") + ";" + nick. |
Set typing state for a nick on a buffer (sent by irc plugin, handled by typing plugin). |
typing |
3.3 |
Pointer: buffer. |
Remove typing state for all nicks on a buffer (sent by irc plugin, handled by typing plugin). |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Buffer opened. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Closing buffer. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Buffer closed. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Buffer cleared. |
weechat |
2.0 |
Pointer: buffer. |
Filters enabled in buffer. |
weechat |
2.0 |
Pointer: buffer. |
Filters disabled in buffer. |
weechat |
buffer_hidden |
Pointer: buffer. |
Buffer hidden. |
weechat |
buffer_unhidden |
Pointer: buffer. |
Buffer unhidden. |
weechat |
0.3.7 |
Pointer: line. |
Line added in a buffer. |
weechat |
4.4.0 |
Pointer: line data. |
Line data has been updated in a buffer. |
weechat |
buffer_lines_hidden |
Pointer: buffer. |
Lines hidden in buffer. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Local variable has been added. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Local variable has changed. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Local variable has been removed. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Buffer merged. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Buffer unmerged. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Buffer moved. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Buffer renamed. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Switching buffer. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Title of buffer changed. |
weechat |
4.3.0 |
Pointer: buffer. |
Modes of buffer changed. |
weechat |
4.4.0 |
Pointer: buffer. |
Display time for each line changed. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Type of buffer changed. |
weechat |
0.4.3 |
Pointer: buffer. |
Merged buffer zoomed. |
weechat |
0.4.3 |
Pointer: buffer. |
Merged buffer unzoomed. |
weechat |
3.8 |
String: text sent to buffer. |
Text sent to a user buffer as input (sent only for buffers created with |
weechat |
3.8 |
- |
User buffer is closing (sent only for buffers created with |
weechat |
3.2 |
- |
Start cursor mode. |
weechat |
3.2 |
- |
End cursor mode. |
weechat |
0.3.2 |
String: new date, format: "2010-01-31". |
Day of system date has changed. |
weechat |
String: plugin name. |
Dump request. |
weechat |
- |
Display external libraries used. |
weechat |
Pointer: filter. |
Filter added. |
weechat |
Pointer: filter. |
Removing filter. |
weechat |
- |
Filter removed. |
weechat |
- |
Filters enabled. |
weechat |
- |
Filters disabled. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer (can be NULL). |
Hotlist changed. |
weechat |
- |
Paste pending. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Text search in buffer. |
weechat |
4.3.0 |
Pointer: buffer. |
Input prompt changed. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Input text changed. |
weechat |
Pointer: buffer. |
Input text cursor moved. |
weechat |
String: key. |
Key added. |
weechat |
String: key. |
Key removed. |
weechat |
String: key pressed. |
Key pressed. |
weechat |
1.0 |
String: key combo. |
Key combo in default context. |
weechat |
1.0 |
String: key combo. |
Key combo in search context. |
weechat |
1.0 |
String: key combo. |
Key combo in cursor context. |
weechat |
4.4.0 |
String: layout name. |
Layout applied for buffers. |
weechat |
4.4.0 |
String: layout name. |
Layout applied for windows. |
weechat |
1.1 |
- |
Mouse enabled. |
weechat |
1.1 |
- |
Mouse disabled. |
weechat |
0.3.2 |
String: buffer pointer + "," + group name. |
Group added in nicklist. |
weechat |
0.3.4 |
String: buffer pointer + "," + group name. |
Group changed in nicklist. |
weechat |
0.4.1 |
String: buffer pointer + "," + group name. |
Removing group from nicklist. |
weechat |
0.3.2 |
String: buffer pointer + "," + group name. |
Group removed from nicklist. |
weechat |
0.3.2 |
String: buffer pointer + "," + nick name. |
Nick added in nicklist. |
weechat |
0.3.4 |
String: buffer pointer + "," + nick name. |
Nick changed in nicklist. |
weechat |
0.4.1 |
String: buffer pointer + "," + nick name. |
Removing nick from nicklist. |
weechat |
0.3.2 |
String: buffer pointer + "," + nick name. |
Nick removed from nicklist. |
weechat |
- |
Partial completion happened. |
weechat |
0.3.9 |
String: path to plugin loaded. |
Plugin loaded. |
weechat |
0.3.9 |
String: name of plugin unloaded (example: "irc"). |
Plugin unloaded. |
weechat |
String: arguments for /quit. |
Command |
weechat |
1.3 |
- |
Signal SIGHUP received. |
weechat |
1.2 |
- |
Signal SIGQUIT received (quit request with core dump). |
weechat |
1.2 |
- |
Signal SIGTERM received (graceful termination of WeeChat process). |
weechat |
0.4.3 |
- |
Signal SIGWINCH received (terminal was resized). |
weechat |
String: "quit" if "-quit" argument was given for /upgrade, "save" if "-save" if "-save" argument was given for /upgrade, otherwise NULL. |
Command |
weechat |
0.3.4 |
- |
End of upgrade process (command |
weechat |
String: message with prefix. |
Highlight happened. |
weechat |
String: message with prefix. |
Private message displayed. |
weechat |
0.3.6 |
Pointer: window. |
Closing window. |
weechat |
0.3.6 |
Pointer: window. |
Window closed. |
weechat |
0.4.1 |
Pointer: window. |
Window opened. |
weechat |
Pointer: window. |
Scroll in window. |
weechat |
0.3.7 |
Pointer: window. |
Switching window. |
weechat |
Pointer: current window. |
Zooming window. |
weechat |
Pointer: current window. |
Window zoomed. |
weechat |
Pointer: current window. |
Unzooming window. |
weechat |
Pointer: current window. |
Window unzoomed. |
xfer |
Pointer: infolist with xfer info. |
New xfer. |
xfer |
Pointer: infolist with xfer info. |
Xfer ready. |
xfer |
Pointer: infolist with xfer info. |
Accept xfer resume. |
xfer |
Pointer: infolist with xfer info. |
Xfer resumed. |
xfer |
Pointer: infolist with xfer info. |
Start resume. |
xfer |
Pointer: infolist with xfer info. |
Xfer resume ready. |
xfer |
0.3.2 |
Pointer: infolist with xfer info. |
Xfer has ended. |
(1) xxx is IRC server name, yyy is IRC command name. (2) xxx is buffer name. |
C example:
my_signal_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *signal,
const char *type_data, void *signal_data)
/* ... */
/* catch signals "quit" and "upgrade" */
struct t_hook *my_signal_hook = weechat_hook_signal ("quit;upgrade",
&my_signal_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_signal(signal: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_signal_cb(data: str, signal: str, signal_data: str) -> int:
# ...
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
# catch signals "quit" and "upgrade"
hook = weechat.hook_signal("quit;upgrade", "my_signal_cb", "")
Updated in 1.0.
Send a signal.
int weechat_hook_signal_send (const char *signal, const char *type_data,
void *signal_data);
signal: signal to send
type_data: type of data sent with signal (see hook_signal)
signal_data: data sent with signal
Return value (WeeChat ≥ 1.0):
return code of last callback executed (WEECHAT_RC_OK if no callback was executed):
C example:
int rc = weechat_hook_signal_send ("my_signal", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, my_string);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_signal_send(signal: str, type_data: str, signal_data: str) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.hook_signal_send("my_signal", weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, my_string)
Signal logger_backlog
The signal "logger_backlog" can be sent to display backlog (chat history) in buffer (for example if you open your own buffer in your plugin/script).
Argument is a pointer to buffer.
C example:
weechat_hook_signal_send ("logger_backlog", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, buffer);
Script (Python):
weechat.hook_signal_send("logger_backlog", weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, buffer)
Signals xxx_script_install
Five signals can be sent to install a script, according to language:
The callback will do following actions when receiving signal:
Unload and remove installed script.
Move new script to directory ~/.local/share/weechat/xxx/ (where xxx is language).
Create link to new script in directory ~/.local/share/weechat/xxx/autoload/ (only if the script was already auto-loaded, or if the option script.scripts.autoload is enabled for a new script).
Load new script (if the script was loaded).
These signals are used by script plugin to install scripts.
Argument is a string with path to script to install.
C example:
weechat_hook_signal_send ("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, "/path/to/");
Script (Python):
weechat.hook_signal_send("python_script_install", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, "/path/to/")
Signals xxx_script_remove
Five signals can be sent to remove list of scripts, according to language:
For each script in list, the callback will unload then remove script.
These signals are used by script plugin to remove scripts.
Argument is a string with comma-separated list of script to remove (script is name without path, for example
C example:
/* unload and remove scripts and */
weechat_hook_signal_send ("python_script_remove", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
Script (Python):
# unload and remove scripts and
weechat.hook_signal_send("python_script_remove", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
Signal irc_input_send
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4, updated in 1.5.
The signal "irc_input_send" can be sent to simulate input in an irc buffer (server, channel or private).
Argument is a string with following format:
internal server name (required)
channel name (optional)
comma-separated list of options (optional):
priority_high: queue with high priority (like user messages); this is the default priority
priority_low: queue with low priority (like messages automatically sent by WeeChat)
user_message: force user message (don’t execute a command)
comma-separated list of tags used when sending message (optional)
text or command (required)
C examples:
/* say "Hello!" on libera server, #weechat channel */
weechat_hook_signal_send ("irc_input_send", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
/* send command "/whois FlashCode" on libera server, with low priority */
weechat_hook_signal_send ("irc_input_send", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
"libera;;priority_low;;/whois FlashCode");
Script (Python):
# say "Hello!" on libera server, #weechat channel
weechat.hook_signal_send("irc_input_send", weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
# send command "/whois FlashCode" on libera server, with low priority
weechat.hook_signal_send("irc_input_send", weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
"libera;;priority_low;;/whois FlashCode")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4, updated in 1.5, 3.6.
Hook a hsignal (signal with hashtable).
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_hsignal (const char *signal,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *signal,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
signal: signal to catch, wildcard
is allowed; multiple signals can be separated by semi-colons (a priority is allowed before one or more signals, see note about priority) (see table below) -
callback: function called when signal is received, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
const char *signal: signal received
struct t_hashtable *hashtable: hashtable
return value:
WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT (stop sending the signal immediately) (WeeChat ≥ 0.4.0)
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
List of hsignals:
Plugin | Signal | Min WeeChat | Arguments | Description |
irc |
0.3.4 |
Redirection output. |
weechat |
0.4.1 |
buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *): buffer |
Group added in nicklist. |
weechat |
0.4.1 |
buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *): buffer |
Nick added in nicklist. |
weechat |
0.4.1 |
buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *): buffer |
Removing group from nicklist. |
weechat |
0.4.1 |
buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *): buffer |
Removing nick from nicklist. |
weechat |
0.4.1 |
buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *): buffer |
Group changed in nicklist. |
weechat |
0.4.1 |
buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *): buffer |
Nick changed in nicklist. |
(1) xxx is signal argument used in redirection, yyy is redirection pattern. |
C example:
my_hsignal_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *signal,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable)
/* ... */
struct t_hook *my_hsignal_hook = weechat_hook_hsignal ("test",
&my_hsignal_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_hsignal(signal: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_hsignal_cb(data: str, signal: str, hashtable: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
# ...
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
hook = weechat.hook_hsignal("test", "my_hsignal_cb", "")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4, updated in 1.0.
Send a hsignal (signal with hashtable).
int weechat_hook_hsignal_send (const char *signal, struct t_hashtable *hashtable);
signal: signal to send
hashtable: hashtable
Return value (WeeChat ≥ 1.0):
return code of last callback executed (WEECHAT_RC_OK if no callback was executed):
C example:
int rc;
struct t_hashtable *hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (hashtable)
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "key", "value");
rc = weechat_hook_hsignal_send ("my_hsignal", hashtable);
weechat_hashtable_free (hashtable);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_hsignal_send(signal: str, hashtable: Dict[str, str]) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.hook_hsignal_send("my_hsignal", {"key": "value"})
Hsignal irc_redirect_command
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
The hsignal "irc_redirect_command" can be sent to redirect output of irc command to a callback.
Argument is a hashtable with following entries (keys and values are string):
server: internal server name (required)
pattern: redirect pattern to use (required), either a default one (defined by irc plugin), or a user pattern (see Hsignal irc_redirect_pattern), default patterns are:
mode_channel_ban ("mode #channel b")
mode_channel_ban_exception ("mode #channel e")
mode_channel_invite ("mode #channel I")
signal: signal name (required)
count: number of times redirection will work (optional, 1 by default)
string: string that must be in irc messages received (optional, but recommended, if a string can be used to identify messages)
timeout: timeout for redirect, in seconds (optional, 60 by default)
cmd_filter: comma-separated list of irc commands to filter (only these commands will be sent to callbacks, other will be ignored) (optional)
Immediately after sending this hsignal, you must send command to irc server, and redirection will be used for this command.
When complete answer to your command has been be received, a hsignal will be send. This hsignal has name irc_redirection_xxx_yyy where xxx is the signal and yyy the pattern used.
Hashtable sent in hsignal has following content (key and values are strings):
output: output of command (messages are separated by "\n")
output_size: number of bytes in output (as string)
error: error string (if an error occurred):
timeout: redirection stopped after timeout
server: internal server name
pattern: redirect pattern
signal: signal name
command: redirected command
C example:
test_whois_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *signal,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable)
weechat_printf (NULL, "error = %s", weechat_hashtable_get (hashtable, "error"));
weechat_printf (NULL, "output = %s", weechat_hashtable_get (hashtable, "output"));
weechat_hook_hsignal ("irc_redirection_test_whois", &test_whois_cb, NULL, NULL);
struct t_hashtable *hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (hashtable)
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "server", "libera");
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "pattern", "whois");
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "signal", "test");
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "string", "FlashCode");
weechat_hook_hsignal_send ("irc_redirect_command", hashtable);
weechat_hook_signal_send ("irc_input_send", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
"libera;;2;;/whois FlashCode");
weechat_hashtable_free (hashtable);
Script (Python):
def test_whois_cb(data: str, signal: str, hashtable: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
weechat.prnt("", "error = %s" % hashtable["error"])
weechat.prnt("", "output = %s" % hashtable["output"])
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
weechat.hook_hsignal("irc_redirection_test_whois", "test_whois_cb", "")
{"server": "libera", "pattern": "whois", "signal": "test",
"string": "FlashCode"})
weechat.hook_signal_send("irc_input_send", weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING,
"libera;;2;;/whois FlashCode")
Hsignal irc_redirect_pattern
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
The hsignal "irc_redirect_pattern" can be sent to create a pattern for irc redirect (see Hsignal irc_redirect_command).
Argument is a hashtable with following entries (keys and values are string):
pattern: name of pattern (required)
timeout: default timeout for pattern, in seconds (optional, 60 by default)
cmd_start: comma-separated list of commands starting redirect (optional)
cmd_stop: comma-separated list of commands stopping redirect (required)
cmd_extra: comma-separated list of commands that may be received after stop commands (optional)
For each command in cmd_start, cmd_stop and cmd_extra, it is possible to give integer with position of "string" that must be found in received message, for example:
For commands 352 and 401, "string" must be found in received message, as first argument.
The pattern is destroyed when it is used by a redirection. If you need pattern for many redirections, you must create pattern before each redirect. |
C example:
struct t_hashtable *hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (hashtable)
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "pattern", "my_whois");
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "timeout", "30");
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "cmd_start", "311:1");
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "cmd_stop", "318:1,401:1,402:1,431:1,461");
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "cmd_extra", "318:1");
weechat_hook_hsignal_send ("irc_redirect_pattern", hashtable);
* now redirect irc whois command with hsignal irc_redirect_command,
* using pattern "my_whois"
/* ... */
weechat_hashtable_free (hashtable);
Script (Python):
{"pattern": "my_whois", "timeout": "30",
"cmd_start": "311:1",
"cmd_stop": "318:1,401:1,402:1,431:1,461",
"cmd_extra": "318:1"})
# now redirect irc whois command with hsignal irc_redirect_command
# using pattern "my_whois"
# ...
Updated in 1.5.
Hook a configuration option.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_config (const char *option,
int (*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *option,
const char *value),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
option: option, format is full name, as used with command
(for example:weechat.look.item_time_format
), wildcard*
is allowed (a priority is allowed before the option, see note about priority) -
callback: function called when configuration option is changed, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
const char *option: name of option
const char *value: new value for option
return value:
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
my_config_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *option,
const char *value)
/* ... */
/* catch changes to option "weechat.look.item_time_format" */
struct t_hook *my_config_hook = weechat_hook_config ("weechat.look.item_time_format",
&my_config_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_config(option: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_config_cb(data: str, option: str, value: str) -> int:
# ...
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
# catch changes to option "weechat.look.item_time_format"
hook = weechat.hook_config("weechat.look.item_time_format", "my_config_cb", "")
Updated in 1.5.
Hook a modifier.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_modifier (const char *modifier,
char *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *modifier,
const char *modifier_data,
const char *string),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
modifier: modifier name (a priority is allowed before the modifier, see note about priority) (see table below)
callback: function called when modifier is used, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
const char *modifier: name of modifier
const char *modifier_data: data for modifier
const char *string: string to modify
return value: new string
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
List of modifiers used by WeeChat and plugins:
Modifier | Min WeeChat | Modifier data | String | Output |
4.0.0 |
Server name + "," + batch type + "," + batch parameters |
Content of multiple messages, separated by a newline char ("\n"). |
New content of messages (number can be different), an empty string discards all messages in the batch. |
4.0.0 |
Server name + "," + supported capabilities on server (separated by spaces) |
Capabilities to request (separated by spaces). |
New content of capabilities to request (separated by spaces). |
Server name |
Content of message received from IRC server (before charset decoding). |
New content of message. |
0.3.5 |
Server name |
Content of message received from IRC server (after charset decoding). |
New content of message. |
0.3.7 |
Server name |
Content of message about to be sent to IRC server before automatic split (to fit in 512 bytes by default). |
New content of message. |
Server name |
Content of message about to be sent to IRC server after automatic split (to fit in 512 bytes by default). |
New content of message. |
4.0.0 |
String with relay client pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of message received from relay IRC client. |
New content of message. |
4.0.0 |
String with relay client pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of message about to be sent to relay IRC client before automatic split (to fit in 512 bytes by default). |
New content of message. |
4.0.0 |
String with relay client pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of message about to be sent to relay IRC client after automatic split (to fit in 512 bytes by default). |
New content of message. |
String with window pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Empty string. |
"1" to display bar, "0" to hide it. |
0.3.2 |
String with buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of command line to add in command history (buffer and global). |
String added to command history. |
String with buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of command line. |
New content of command line. |
String with buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of command line, without cursor tag. |
New string, for display only (command line is not changed). |
String with buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of command line, with cursor tag. |
New string, for display only (command line is not changed). |
0.3.7 |
String with buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of command line sent to buffer (text or command). |
New content of command line sent to buffer. |
buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") + ";" + tags (3) |
Message printed. |
New message printed. |
(1) xxx is IRC command name. (2) yyy is bar name. (3) With WeeChat ≤ 2.8, the format was: plugin + ";" + buffer_name + ";" + tags. |
C example:
char *
my_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *modifier,
const char *modifier_data,
const char *string)
char *result;
int length;
if (!string)
return NULL;
length = strlen (string) + 5;
result = malloc (length);
if (result)
/* add "xxx" to any message printed */
snprintf (result, length, "%s xxx", string);
return result;
struct t_hook *my_modifier_hook = weechat_hook_modifier ("weechat_print",
&my_modifier_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_modifier(modifier: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_modifier_cb(data: str, modifier: str, modifier_data: str, string: str) -> str:
return "%s xxx" % string
hook = weechat.hook_modifier("weechat_print", "my_modifier_cb", "")
Execute modifier(s).
char *weechat_hook_modifier_exec (const char *modifier,
const char *modifier_data,
const char *string);
modifier: modifier name
modifier_data: modifier data
string: string to modify
Return value:
string modified, NULL if error occurred
List of modifiers defined by WeeChat and plugins that can be used:
Modifier | Min WeeChat | Modifier data | String | Output |
plugin.buffer_name |
Any string. |
String decoded from charset found for plugin/buffer to UTF-8. |
plugin.buffer_name |
Any string. |
String encoded from UTF-8 to charset found for plugin/buffer. |
"1" to keep colors, "0" to remove colors |
Any string. |
String with IRC colors converted to WeeChat colors (or IRC colors removed). |
"1" to keep colors, "0" to remove colors |
Any string. |
String with IRC colors (or IRC colors removed). |
1.0 |
"1" to keep colors, "0" to remove colors |
Any string. |
String with ANSI colors converted to IRC colors (or ANSI colors removed). |
0.4.1 |
Server name |
Authentication command (for example: |
command with hidden password (for example: |
0.4.1 |
Server name |
Message displayed after |
Message with hidden password. |
3.3 |
- |
Any string. |
String with IRC tag value escaped, see this page ↗. |
3.3 |
- |
Any string. |
String with IRC tag value unescaped, see this page ↗. |
4.3.0 |
Replacement string for colors removed |
Any string. |
String with WeeChat colors converted to a replacement string (colors stripped if the replacement string is empty). |
1.0 |
"1" to keep colors, "0" to remove colors |
Any string. |
String with ANSI colors converted to WeeChat colors (or ANSI colors removed). |
2.7 |
- |
Any string. |
String with WeeChat colors converted to ANSI colors. |
2.7 |
Optional: |
Any string. |
Evaluated path, result of the function string_eval_path_home. |
C example:
char *new_string = weechat_hook_modifier_exec ("my_modifier",
my_data, my_string);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_modifier_exec(modifier: str, modifier_data: str, string: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.hook_modifier_exec("my_modifier", my_data, my_string)
Updated in 1.5, 2.5.
Hook an information (callback takes and returns a string).
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_info (const char *info_name,
const char *description,
const char *args_description,
char *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *info_name,
const char *arguments),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
info_name: name of info (a priority is allowed before the info name, see note about priority)
description: description
args_description: description of arguments (optional, can be NULL)
callback: function called when info is asked, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
const char *info_name: name of info
const char *arguments: additional arguments, depending on info
return value: value of info asked
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
With WeeChat ≥ 2.5, the callback returns an allocated string (with WeeChat ≤ 2.4, it was a pointer to a static string). |
C example:
char *
my_info_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *info_name,
const char *arguments)
/* ... */
return strdup ("some_info");
/* add info "my_info" */
struct t_hook *my_info_hook = weechat_hook_info ("my_info",
"Some info",
"Info about arguments",
&my_info_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_info(info_name: str, description: str, args_description: str,
callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_info_cb(data: str, info_name: str, arguments: str) -> str:
return "some_info"
hook = weechat.hook_info("my_info", "Some info", "Info about arguments",
"my_info_cb", "")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4, updated in 1.5.
Hook an information (callback takes and returns a hashtable).
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_info_hashtable (const char *info_name,
const char *description,
const char *args_description,
const char *output_description,
struct t_hashtable *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *info_name,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
info_name: name of info (a priority is allowed before the info name, see note about priority)
description: description
args_description: description of expected hashtable (optional, can be NULL)
output_description: description of hashtable returned by callback (optional, can be NULL)
callback: function called when info is asked, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
const char *info_name: name of info
struct t_hashtable *hashtable: hashtable, depending on info
return value: hashtable asked
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
struct t_hashtable *
my_info_hashtable_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *info_name,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable)
/* ... */
return pointer_to_new_hashtable;
/* add info "my_info_hashtable" */
struct t_hook *my_info_hook = weechat_hook_info_hashtable ("my_info_hashtable",
"Some info",
"Info about input hashtable",
"Info about output hashtable",
&my_info_hashtable_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_info_hashtable(info_name: str, description: str, args_description: str,
output_description: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_info_hashtable_cb(data: str, info_name: str, hashtable: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
return {"test_key": "test_value"}
hook = weechat.hook_info_hashtable("my_info_hashtable", "Some info",
"Info about input hashtable",
"Info about output hashtable",
"my_info_hashtable_cb", "")
Updated in 1.5.
Hook an infolist: callback will return pointer to infolist asked.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_infolist (const char *infolist_name,
const char *description,
const char *pointer_description,
const char *args_description,
struct t_infolist *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *infolist_name,
void *obj_pointer,
const char *arguments),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
infolist_name: name of infolist (a priority is allowed before the infolist name, see note about priority)
description: description
pointer_description: description of pointer (optional, can be NULL)
args_description: description of arguments (optional, can be NULL)
callback: function called when infolist is asked, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
const char *infolist_name: name of infolist
void *pointer: pointer to an object that infolist must return (to get only one item in infolist)
const char *arguments: additional arguments, depending on infolist
return value: infolist asked
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
struct t_infolist *
my_infolist_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *infolist_name,
void *obj_pointer, const char *arguments)
struct t_infolist *my_infolist;
/* build infolist */
/* ... */
return my_infolist;
/* add infolist "my_infolist" */
struct t_hook *my_infolist = weechat_hook_infolist ("my_infolist",
"Infolist with some data",
"Info about pointer",
"Info about arguments",
&my_infolist_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_infolist(infolist_name: str, description: str, pointer_description: str,
args_description: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_infolist_cb(data: str, infolist_name: str, pointer: str, arguments: str) -> str:
# build infolist
# ...
return my_infolist
hook = weechat.hook_infolist("my_infolist", "Infolist with some data",
"Info about pointer", "Info about arguments",
"my_infolist_cb", "")
Updated in 1.5.
Hook a hdata: callback will return pointer to hdata asked.
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_hdata (const char *hdata_name,
const char *description,
struct t_hdata *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
const char *hdata_name),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
hdata_name: name of hdata (a priority is allowed before the hdata name, see note about priority)
description: description
callback: function called when hdata is asked, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
const char *hdata_name: name of hdata
return value: hdata asked
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
struct t_hdata *
my_hdata_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name)
struct t_hdata *my_hdata;
/* build hdata */
/* ... */
return my_hdata;
/* add hdata "my_hdata" */
struct t_hook *my_hdata = weechat_hook_hdata ("my_hdata",
"Hdata for my structure",
&my_hdata_cb, NULL, NULL);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 1.5, 4.0.0, 4.1.0.
Hook a focus: mouse event or key pressed in cursor mode (free movement of cursor).
struct t_hook *weechat_hook_focus (const char *area,
struct t_hashtable *(*callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_hashtable *info),
const void *callback_pointer,
void *callback_data);
area: "chat" for chat area, or name of bar item (a priority is allowed before the area, see note about priority)
callback: function called when focus is made, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_hashtable *info: hashtable with info on focus and strings returned by other calls to focus callbacks (with higher priority) (see table below)
return value: either "info" pointer (hashtable completed), or pointer to a new hashtable (created by callback, with keys and values of type "string"), this new hashtable content will be added to info for other calls to focus callbacks
callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the hook is deleted
For a mouse gesture, your callback will be called two times: first time when button is pressed (here the area always matches your area), second time when button is released, and then the area may not match your area: so you must always test in your callback if area is matching before using info in hashtable. |
Content of hashtable sent to callback (keys and values are of type "string"):
Key (1) | Description | Value examples | Value if N/A |
_x |
Column on screen. |
"0" … "n" |
_y |
Line on screen. |
"0" … "n" |
_key |
Key or mouse event. |
"button1", "button2-gesture-left", … |
_window |
Pointer to window. |
"0x1234abcd" |
"" |
_window_number |
Number of window . |
"1" … "n" |
"*" |
_buffer |
Pointer to buffer. |
"0x1234abcd" |
"" |
_buffer_number |
Number of buffer. |
"1" … "n" |
"-1" |
_buffer_plugin |
Plugin name of buffer. |
"core", "irc", … |
"" |
_buffer_name |
Name of buffer. |
"weechat", "libera.#weechat", … |
"" |
_buffer_full_name |
Full name of buffer. |
"core.weechat", "irc.libera.#weechat", … |
"" |
_buffer_localvar_XXX (2) |
Local variables of buffer. |
any value |
not set |
_chat |
Chat area indicator. |
"0" or "1" |
"0" |
_chat_line |
Pointer to line (WeeChat ≥ 1.2). |
"0x1234abcd" |
"" |
_chat_line_x |
Column in line (3). |
"0" … "n" |
"-1" |
_chat_line_y |
Line number (3). |
"0" … "n" |
"-1" |
_chat_line_date |
Line date/time. |
"1313237175" |
"0" |
_chat_line_date_usec |
Microseconds of line date/time. |
"123456" |
"0" |
_chat_line_date_printed |
Line date/time (4). |
"1313237175" |
"0" |
_chat_line_date_usec_printed |
Microseconds of line printed date/time (4). |
"123456" |
"0" |
_chat_line_time |
Time displayed. |
"14:06:15" |
"" |
_chat_line_tags |
Tags of line. |
"irc_privmsg,nick_flashy,log1" |
"" |
_chat_line_nick |
Nick of line. |
"FlashCode" |
"" |
_chat_line_prefix |
Prefix of line. |
"@FlashCode" |
"" |
_chat_line_message |
Message of line. |
"Hello world!" |
"" |
_chat_focused_line |
Line at (x, y) (WeeChat ≥ 4.0.0). |
"Hello world!" |
"" |
_chat_focused_line_bol |
Text from beginning of line to (x-1, y) (WeeChat ≥ 4.1.0). |
"Hello" |
"" |
_chat_focused_line_eol |
Text from (x, y) to end of line (WeeChat ≥ 4.1.0). |
"llo world!" |
"" |
_chat_word |
Word at (x,y). |
"Hello" |
"" |
_chat_bol |
Text from beginning of message to (x-1, y). |
"He" |
"" |
_chat_eol |
Text from (x, y) to the end of message. |
"llo world!" |
"" |
_bar_name |
Name of bar. |
"title", "nicklist", … |
"" |
_bar_filling |
Filling of bar. |
"horizontal", "vertical", … |
"" |
_bar_item_name |
Name of bar item. |
"buffer_nicklist", "hotlist", … |
"" |
_bar_item_line |
Line in bar item. |
"0" … "n" |
"-1" |
_bar_item_col |
Column in bar item. |
"0" … "n" |
"-1" |
_bar_window |
Pointer to bar window (WeeChat ≥ 2.9). |
"0x1234abcd" |
"" |
(1) There are same keys suffixed with "2" (ie: "_x2", "_y2", "_window2", …)
with info on second point (useful only for mouse gestures, to know where mouse
button has been released). (2) XXX is name of local variable in buffer.(3) It is set only for buffers with free content. (4) It is date when WeeChat adds line in buffer (greater or equal to "_chat_line_date"). |
Extra info for bar item "buffer_nicklist":
Plugin (1) | Key | Description |
irc |
irc_nick |
Pointer to IRC nick (WeeChat ≥ 3.0). |
irc |
irc_host |
Host for nick (if known). |
weechat |
nick |
Nick name. |
weechat |
prefix |
Prefix for nick. |
weechat |
group |
Group name. |
(1) The name of plugin which defines a hook_focus to return info for this bar item (so for example if plugin is "irc", such info will be available only on irc buffers). |
Return value:
pointer to new hook, NULL if error occurred
C example:
struct t_hashtable *
my_focus_nicklist_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_hashtable *info)
/* add strings in hashtable */
/* ... */
return info;
/* add focus on nicklist */
struct t_hook *my_focus = weechat_hook_focus ("buffer_nicklist",
&my_focus_nicklist_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_focus(area: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_focus_nicklist_cb(data: str, info: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
# build dict
# ...
return my_dict
hook = weechat.hook_focus("buffer_nicklist", "my_focus_nicklist_cb", "")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9 (script: WeeChat ≥ 0.4.3).
Set string value of a hook property.
void weechat_hook_set (struct t_hook *hook, const char *property,
const char *value);
hook: something hooked with "weechat_hook_xxx()"
property: property name (see table below)
value: new value for property
Name | Min WeeChat | Hook type | Value | Description |
subplugin |
any type |
any string |
Name of sub plugin (commonly script name, which is displayed in
stdin |
0.4.3 |
process, process_hashtable |
any string |
Send data on standard input (stdin) of child process. |
stdin_close |
0.4.3 |
process, process_hashtable |
(not used) |
Close pipe used to send data on standard input (stdin) of child process. |
signal |
1.0 |
process, process_hashtable |
signal number or one of these names: |
Send a signal to the child process. |
C example:
struct t_hook *my_command_hook =
weechat_hook_command ("abcd", "description",
"args", "description args",
"", &my_command_cb, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hook_set (my_command_hook, "subplugin", "test");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hook_set(hook: str, property: str, value: str) -> int: ...
# example
def my_process_cb(data: str, command: str, return_code: int, out: str, err: str) -> int:
# ...
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
hook = weechat.hook_process_hashtable("/path/to/command", {"stdin": "1"},
20000, "my_process_cb", "")
weechat.hook_set(hook, "stdin", "data sent to stdin of child process")
weechat.hook_set(hook, "stdin_close", "") # optional
Unhook something hooked.
void weechat_unhook (struct t_hook *hook);
hook: something hooked with "weechat_hook_xxx()"
C example:
struct t_hook *my_hook = weechat_hook_command ( /* ... */ );
/* ... */
weechat_unhook (my_hook);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def unhook(hook: str) -> int: ...
# example
Updated in 1.5.
Unhook everything that has been hooked by current plugin.
void weechat_unhook_all (const char *subplugin);
subplugin: if not NULL, unhook only hooks with this "subplugin" set (this argument is not available in scripting API)
C example:
weechat_unhook_all (NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def unhook_all() -> int: ...
# example
3.15. Buffers
Functions to create/query/close buffers.
Updated in 1.5.
Open a new buffer.
If you want to immediately set buffer properties (buffer type, local variables, key bindings, etc.), then better use the function buffer_new_props which sets these properties during the buffer creation, before sending signal buffer_opened. |
struct t_gui_buffer *weechat_buffer_new (const char *name,
int (*input_callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
const char *input_data),
const void *input_callback_pointer,
void *input_callback_data,
int (*close_callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer),
const void *close_callback_pointer,
void *close_callback_data);
name: name of buffer (must be unique for plugin)
input_callback: function called when input text is entered on buffer, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer: buffer pointer
const char *input_data: input data
return value:
input_callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
input_callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the buffer is closed
close_callback: function called when buffer is closed, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer: buffer pointer
return value:
close_callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
close_callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the buffer is closed
Return value:
pointer to new buffer, NULL if error occurred
C example:
my_input_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *input_data)
weechat_printf (buffer, "Text: %s", input_data);
my_close_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer)
weechat_printf (NULL, "Buffer '%s' will be closed!",
weechat_buffer_get_string (buffer, "name"));
struct t_gui_buffer *my_buffer = weechat_buffer_new ("my_buffer",
&my_input_cb, NULL, NULL,
&my_close_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_new(name: str, input_callback: str, input_callback_data: str,
close_callback: str, close_callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_input_cb(data: str, buffer: str, input_data: str) -> int:
weechat.prnt(buffer, "Text: %s" % input_data)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def my_close_cb(data: str, buffer: str) -> int:
weechat.prnt("", "Buffer '%s' will be closed!" % weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "name"))
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
buffer = weechat.buffer_new("my_buffer", "my_input_cb", "", "my_close_cb", "")
WeeChat ≥ 3.5.
Open a new buffer and apply properties.
struct t_gui_buffer *weechat_buffer_new_props (const char *name,
struct t_hashtable *properties,
int (*input_callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
const char *input_data),
const void *input_callback_pointer,
void *input_callback_data,
int (*close_callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer),
const void *close_callback_pointer,
void *close_callback_data);
name: name of buffer (must be unique for plugin)
properties: properties to apply (see function buffer_set for the allowed properties)
input_callback: function called when input text is entered on buffer, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer: buffer pointer
const char *input_data: input data
return value:
input_callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
input_callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the buffer is closed
close_callback: function called when buffer is closed, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer: buffer pointer
return value:
close_callback_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
close_callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the buffer is closed
Return value:
pointer to new buffer, NULL if error occurred
C example:
my_input_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *input_data)
weechat_printf (buffer, "Text: %s", input_data);
my_close_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer)
weechat_printf (NULL, "Buffer '%s' will be closed!",
weechat_buffer_get_string (buffer, "name"));
struct t_hashtable *properties = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
/* buffer with free content */
weechat_hashtable_set (properties, "type", "free");
/* no logging on this buffer */
weechat_hashtable_set (properties, "localvar_set_no_log", "1");
/* bind key alt-c on this buffer */
weechat_hashtable_set (properties, "key_bind_meta-c", "/my_command");
struct t_gui_buffer *my_buffer = weechat_buffer_new_props ("my_buffer",
&my_input_cb, NULL, NULL,
&my_close_cb, NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_new_props(name: str, properties: Dict[str, str],
input_callback: str, input_callback_data: str,
close_callback: str, close_callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_input_cb(data: str, buffer: str, input_data: str) -> int:
weechat.prnt(buffer, "Text: %s" % input_data)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def my_close_cb(data: str, buffer: str) -> int:
weechat.prnt("", "Buffer '%s' will be closed!" % weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "name"))
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
properties = {
"type": "free", # buffer with free content
"localvar_set_no_log": "1", # no logging on this buffer
"key_bind_meta-c": "/my_command", # bind key alt-c on this buffer
buffer = weechat.buffer_new_props("my_buffer", properties, "my_input_cb", "", "my_close_cb", "")
Return pointer to current buffer (buffer displayed by current window).
struct t_gui_buffer *weechat_current_buffer ();
Return value:
pointer to current buffer
C example:
weechat_printf (weechat_current_buffer (), "Text on current buffer");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def current_buffer() -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt(weechat.current_buffer(), "Text on current buffer")
Updated in 1.0, 4.3.0.
Search a buffer by plugin/name, full name or unique identifier (id
struct t_gui_buffer *weechat_buffer_search (const char *plugin,
const char *name);
plugin: name of plugin, following special values are allowed:
: the name used is the buffer full name (for example:irc.libera.#weechat
instead oflibera.#weechat
) (WeeChat ≥ 1.0) -
: the name used is the buffer unique identifier (id
) (WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0)
name: name of buffer, if it is NULL or empty string, the current buffer is returned (buffer displayed by current window); if the name starts with
, the search is case insensitive (WeeChat ≥ 1.0)
Return value:
pointer to buffer found, NULL if not found
C examples:
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer1 = weechat_buffer_search ("irc", "libera.#weechat");
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer2 = weechat_buffer_search ("==", "irc.libera.#test"); /* WeeChat ≥ 1.0 */
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer3 = weechat_buffer_search ("==id", "1709797810942688"); /* WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0 */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_search(plugin: str, name: str) -> str: ...
# example
buffer = weechat.buffer_search("my_plugin", "my_buffer")
Search WeeChat main buffer (core buffer, first buffer displayed when WeeChat is starting).
struct t_gui_buffer *weechat_buffer_search_main ();
Return value:
pointer to WeeChat main buffer (core buffer)
C example:
struct t_gui_buffer *weechat_buffer = weechat_buffer_search_main ();
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_search_main() -> str: ...
# example
buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
Clear content of a buffer.
void weechat_buffer_clear (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
buffer: buffer pointer
C example:
struct t_gui_buffer *my_buffer = weechat_buffer_search ("my_plugin",
if (my_buffer)
weechat_buffer_clear (my_buffer);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_clear(buffer: str) -> int: ...
# example
buffer = weechat.buffer_search("my_plugin", "my_buffer")
if buffer:
Close a buffer.
void weechat_buffer_close (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
buffer: buffer pointer
C example:
struct t_gui_buffer *my_buffer = weechat_buffer_new ("my_buffer",
&my_input_cb, NULL,
&my_close_cb, NULL);
/* ... */
weechat_buffer_close (my_buffer);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_close(buffer: str) -> int: ...
# example
buffer = weechat.buffer_new("my_buffer", "my_input_cb", "", "my_close_cb", "")
# ...
Merge buffer into another buffer: both buffers will still exist separately, but with same number, and WeeChat will display lines from both buffers (mixed lines).
void weechat_buffer_merge (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_buffer *target_buffer);
buffer: buffer pointer
target_buffer: target buffer, where buffer will be merged
C example:
/* merge current buffer with weechat "core" buffer */
weechat_buffer_merge (weechat_current_buffer (),
weechat_buffer_search_main ());
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_merge(buffer: str, target_buffer: str) -> int: ...
# example
# merge current buffer with WeeChat "core" buffer
weechat.buffer_merge(weechat.current_buffer(), weechat.buffer_search_main())
Unmerge buffer from a group of merged buffers.
void weechat_buffer_unmerge (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
int number);
buffer: buffer pointer
number: target number for detached buffer, if it is < 1, then buffer will be moved to number of buffer + 1
C example:
weechat_buffer_unmerge (weechat_current_buffer (), 1);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_unmerge(buffer: str, number: int) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.buffer_unmerge(weechat.current_buffer(), 1)
Return integer value of a buffer property.
int weechat_buffer_get_integer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
const char *property);
buffer: buffer pointer
property: property name:
opening: 1 if buffer is opening, otherwise 0 (WeeChat ≥ 4.2.0)
number: number of buffer (starts to 1)
layout_number: number of buffer saved in layout
layout_number_merge_order: order in merge for layout
type: buffer type (0: formatted, 1: free content)
notify: notify level for buffer
num_displayed: number of windows displaying buffer
active: 2 if buffer is the only active (merged), 1 if buffer is active, 0 if buffer is merged and not selected
hidden: 1 if buffer is hidden, otherwise 0 (WeeChat ≥ 1.0)
zoomed: 1 if buffer is merged and zoomed, otherwise 0 (WeeChat ≥ 1.0)
print_hooks_enabled: 1 if print hooks are enabled, otherwise 0
day_change: 1 if messages for the day change are displayed, otherwise 0 (WeeChat ≥ 0.4.3)
clear: 1 if buffer can be cleared with command
/buffer clear
, otherwise 0 (WeeChat ≥ 1.0) -
filter: 1 if filters are enabled on buffer, otherwise 0 (WeeChat ≥ 1.0)
closing: 1 if buffer is closing, otherwise 0 (WeeChat ≥ 1.0)
lines_hidden: 1 if at least one line is hidden on buffer (filtered), or 0 if all lines are displayed
prefix_max_length: max length for prefix in this buffer
next_line_id: next line id in buffer (WeeChat ≥ 3.8)
time_for_each_line: 1 if time is displayed for each line in buffer (default), otherwise 0
nicklist: 1 if nicklist is enabled, otherwise 0
nicklist_case_sensitive: 1 if nicks are case sensitive, otherwise 0
nicklist_max_length: max length for a nick
nicklist_display_groups: 1 if groups are displayed, otherwise 0
nicklist_count: number of nicks and groups in nicklist
nicklist_visible_count: number of nicks/groups displayed
nicklist_groups_count: number of groups in nicklist
nicklist_groups_visible_count: number of groups displayed
nicklist_nicks_count: number of nicks in nicklist
nicklist_nicks_visible_count: number of nicks displayed
input: 1 if input is enabled, otherwise 0
input_get_any_user_data: 1 if any user data, including commands, are sent to input callback, otherwise 0
input_get_unknown_commands: 1 if unknown commands are sent to input callback, otherwise 0
input_get_empty: 1 if empty input is sent to input callback, otherwise 0
input_multiline: 1 if multiple lines are sent as one message to input callback, otherwise 0
input_size: input size (in bytes)
input_length: input length (number of chars)
input_pos: cursor position in buffer input
input_1st_display: first char displayed on screen
num_history: number of commands in history
text_search: text search type:
0: no search at this moment
1: search in buffer lines
2: search in commands history
text_search_direction: direction for search:
0: backward search (direction: oldest messages/commands)
1: forward search (direction: newest messages/commands)
text_search_exact: 1 if text search is case sensitive
text_search_regex: 1 if searching with a regular expression
0: no search at this moment
1: search in message
2: search in prefix
3: search in prefix and message
0: no search at this moment
1: search in buffer local history
2: search in global history
text_search_found: 1 if text found, otherwise 0
Return value:
integer value of property
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "my buffer number is: %d",
weechat_buffer_get_integer (my_buffer, "number"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_get_integer(buffer: str, property: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "my buffer number is: %d" % weechat.buffer_get_integer(my_buffer, "number"))
Return string value of a buffer property.
const char *weechat_buffer_get_string (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
const char *property);
buffer: buffer pointer
property: property name:
id: unique identifier (WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0)
plugin: name of plugin which created this buffer ("core" for WeeChat main buffer)
name: name of buffer
full_name: full name of buffer ("") (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7)
old_full_name: old full name of buffer (""), set before the buffer is renamed (WeeChat ≥ 2.8)
short_name: short name of buffer (note: used for display only and can be changed by user, this must not be used to find name of buffer, use instead name, full_name or local variable channel)
type: type of buffer: "formatted" or "free" (WeeChat ≥ 4.2.0)
title: title of buffer
modes: modes (WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0)
nicklist_last_id_assigned: last unique identifier used in this buffer for a group or nick (WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0)
input_prompt: input prompt (WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0)
input: input text
text_search_input: input saved before text search
highlight_words: list of words to highlight
highlight_disable_regex: POSIX extended regular expression for disabling highlight
highlight_regex: POSIX extended regular expression for highlight
highlight_tags_restrict: restrict highlights to messages with these tags
highlight_tags: force highlight on messages with these tags
hotlist_max_level_nicks: max hotlist level for some nicks
localvar_xxx: get content of local variable "xxx" (replace "xxx" by the name of variable to read)
Return value:
string value of property
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "name / short name of buffer are: %s / %s",
weechat_buffer_get_string (my_buffer, "name"),
weechat_buffer_get_string (my_buffer, "short_name"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_get_string(buffer: str, property: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "name / short name of buffer are: %s / %s"
% (weechat.buffer_get_string(my_buffer, "name"),
weechat.buffer_get_string(my_buffer, "short_name")))
Return pointer value of a buffer property.
void *weechat_buffer_pointer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
const char *property);
buffer: buffer pointer
property: property name:
plugin: pointer to plugin which created this buffer (NULL for WeeChat main buffer)
text_search_regex_compiled: compiled regular expression
text_search_ptr_history: history found
highlight_disable_regex_compiled: regular expression highlight_disable_regex compiled
highlight_regex_compiled: regular expression highlight_regex compiled
Return value:
pointer value of property
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "plugin pointer of my buffer: %p",
weechat_buffer_get_pointer (my_buffer, "plugin"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_get_pointer(buffer: str, property: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "plugin pointer of my buffer: %s" % weechat.buffer_get_pointer(my_buffer, "plugin"))
Set string value of a buffer property.
void weechat_buffer_set (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *property,
const char *value);
buffer: buffer pointer
property: property name (see table below)
value: new value for property
Name | Min WeeChat | Value | Description |
hotlist |
"+": enable hotlist (global setting, buffer pointer is not used) |
completion_freeze |
"0" or "1" |
"0": no freeze of completion (default value)
(global setting, buffer pointer is not used) |
unread |
empty string, "0", "+N", "-N" or "N" (N is integer) |
empty string: set unread marker after last line of buffer |
display |
"1" or "auto" |
"1": switch to this buffer in current window |
hidden |
1.0 |
"0" or "1" |
"0": unhide the buffer |
number |
number |
Move buffer to this number. |
name |
any string |
Set new name for buffer. |
short_name |
any string |
Set new short name for buffer. |
type |
"formatted" or "free" |
Set type for buffer: "formatted" (for printing chat messages), or "free" (for free content); when the value is "free", the property clear is forced to "0" (WeeChat ≥ 1.0). |
notify |
"0", "1", "2", "3" |
Set notify level for buffer: "0" = never add to hotlist, "1" = add for highlights only, "2" = add for highlights and messages, "3" = add for all messages. |
print_hooks_enabled |
"0" or "1" |
"0" to disable print hooks, "1" to enable them (default for a new buffer). |
day_change |
0.4.3 |
"0" or "1" |
"0" to hide messages for the day change, "1" to see them (default for a new buffer). |
clear |
1.0 |
"0" or "1" |
"0" to prevent user from clearing buffer with the command |
filter |
1.0 |
"0" or "1" |
"0": disable filters on buffer |
title |
any string |
Set new title for buffer. |
modes |
4.3.0 |
any string |
Set new modes for buffer. |
time_for_each_line |
"0" or "1" |
"0" to hide time for all lines in buffer, "1" to see time for all lines (default for a new buffer). |
nicklist |
"0" or "1" |
"0" to remove nicklist for buffer, "1" to add nicklist for buffer. |
nicklist_case_sensitive |
"0" or "1" |
"0" to have case insensitive nicklist, "1" to have case sensitive nicklist. |
nicklist_display_groups |
"0" or "1" |
"0" to hide nicklist groups, "1" to display nicklist groups. |
highlight_words |
"-" or comma separated list of words |
"-" is a special value to disable any highlight on this buffer, or comma separated list of words to highlight in this buffer, for example: "abc,def,ghi". |
highlight_words_add |
comma separated list of words |
Comma separated list of words to highlight in this buffer, these words are added to existing highlighted words in buffer. |
highlight_words_del |
comma separated list of words |
Comma separated list of words to remove from highlighted words on buffer. |
highlight_disable_regex |
any string |
POSIX extended regular expression for disabling highlight. |
highlight_regex |
any string |
POSIX extended regular expression for highlight. |
highlight_tags_restrict |
comma separated list of tags |
Restrict highlights to messages with these tags in this buffer (it is possible to combine many tags as a logical "and" with separator "+", for example: "nick_toto+irc_action"). |
highlight_tags |
comma separated list of tags |
Force highlight on messages with these tags in this buffer (it is possible to combine many tags as a logical "and" with separator "+", for example: "nick_toto+irc_action"). |
hotlist_max_level_nicks |
comma separated list of "nick:level" |
Comma separated list of nicks with max level for hotlist on this buffer (level can be: -1: never in hotlist, 0: low, 1: message, 2: private, 3: highlight), for example: "joe:2,mike:-1,robert:-1" (joe will never produce highlight on buffer, mike and robert will never change hotlist). |
hotlist_max_level_nicks_add |
comma separated list of "nick:level" |
Comma separated list of nicks with level for hotlist, these nicks are added to existing nicks in buffer. |
hotlist_max_level_nicks_del |
comma separated list of nicks |
Comma separated list of nicks to remove from hotlist max levels. |
key_bind_xxx |
any string |
Bind a new key xxx, specific to this buffer, value is command to execute for this key. |
key_unbind_xxx |
- |
Unbind key xxx for this buffer. |
input_prompt |
4.3.0 |
any string |
Set new value for input prompt. |
input |
any string |
Set new value for buffer input. |
input_pos |
position |
Set cursor position in buffer input. |
input_get_any_user_data |
4.3.0 |
"0" or "1" |
"0" to get only user messages (default behavior), "1" to get everything, including commands. |
input_get_unknown_commands |
"0" or "1" |
"0" to disable unknown commands on this buffer (default behavior), "1" to get unknown commands, for example if user type "/unknowncmd", buffer will receive it (no error about unknown command). |
input_get_empty |
"0" or "1" |
"0" to disable empty input on this buffer (default behavior), "1" to get empty input. |
input_multiline |
"0" or "1" |
"0" to send each line separately to this buffer (default behavior), "1" to send multiple lines as a single message. |
localvar_set_xxx |
any string |
Set new value for local variable xxx (variable is created if it does not exist). |
localvar_del_xxx |
- |
Remove local variable xxx. |
C example:
/* disable hotlist (for all buffers) */
weechat_buffer_set (NULL, "hotlist", "-");
/* enable again hotlist */
weechat_buffer_set (NULL, "hotlist", "+");
/* change buffer name */
weechat_buffer_set (my_buffer, "name", "my_new_name");
/* add new local variable "toto" with value "abc" */
weechat_buffer_set (my_buffer, "localvar_set_toto", "abc");
/* remove local variable "toto" */
weechat_buffer_set (my_buffer, "localvar_del_toto", "");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_set(buffer: str, property: str, value: str) -> int: ...
# examples
# disable hotlist (for all buffers)
weechat.buffer_set("", "hotlist", "-")
# enable again hotlist
weechat.buffer_set("", "hotlist", "+")
# change buffer name
weechat.buffer_set(my_buffer, "name", "my_new_name")
# add new local variable "toto" with value "abc"
weechat.buffer_set(my_buffer, "localvar_set_toto", "abc")
# remove local variable "toto"
weechat.buffer_set(my_buffer, "localvar_del_toto", "")
Set pointer value of a buffer property.
void weechat_buffer_set_pointer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *property,
void *pointer);
buffer: buffer pointer
property: property name:
close_callback: set close callback function
close_callback_data: set close callback data
input_callback: set input callback function
input_callback_data: set input callback data
nickcmp_callback: set nick comparison callback function (this callback is called when searching nick in nicklist) (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9)
nickcmp_callback_data: set nick comparison callback data (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9)
pointer: new pointer value for property
Prototypes for callbacks:
int close_callback (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
int input_callback (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *input_data);
int nickcmp_callback (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
const char *nick1, const char *nick2);
C example:
my_close_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer)
/* ... */
weechat_buffer_set_pointer (my_buffer, "close_callback", &my_close_cb);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Replace local variables in a string by their values, using buffer local variables.
char *weechat_buffer_string_replace_local_var (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
const char *string);
buffer: buffer pointer
string: string with text and local variables using format "$var"
Return value:
string with values of local variables
C example:
weechat_buffer_set (my_buffer, "localvar_set_toto", "abc");
char *str = weechat_buffer_string_replace_local_var (my_buffer,
"test with $toto");
/* str contains "test with abc" */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_string_replace_local_var(buffer: str, string: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.buffer_set(my_buffer, "localvar_set_toto", "abc")
str = weechat.buffer_string_replace_local_var(my_buffer, "test with $toto")
# str contains "test with abc"
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.5, updated in 4.0.0.
Check if buffer matches a list of buffers.
int weechat_buffer_match_list (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *string);
buffer: buffer pointer
string: comma-separated list of buffers:
means all buffers -
name beginning with
is excluded -
is allowed in name
Since version 4.0.0, comparison of buffer names is case sensitive. |
Return value:
1 if buffer matches list of buffers, 0 otherwise
C example:
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer = weechat_buffer_search ("irc", "libera.#weechat");
if (buffer)
weechat_printf (NULL, "%d", weechat_buffer_match_list (buffer, "*")); /* 1 */
weechat_printf (NULL, "%d", weechat_buffer_match_list (buffer, "*,!*#weechat*")); /* 0 */
weechat_printf (NULL, "%d", weechat_buffer_match_list (buffer, "irc.libera.*")); /* 1 */
weechat_printf (NULL, "%d", weechat_buffer_match_list (buffer, "irc.oftc.*,python.*")); /* 0 */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def buffer_match_list(buffer: str, string: str) -> int: ...
# example
buffer = weechat.buffer_search("irc", "libera.#weechat")
if buffer:
weechat.prnt("", "%d" % weechat.buffer_match_list(buffer, "*")) # 1
weechat.prnt("", "%d" % weechat.buffer_match_list(buffer, "*,!*#weechat*")) # 0
weechat.prnt("", "%d" % weechat.buffer_match_list(buffer, "irc.libera.*")) # 1
weechat.prnt("", "%d" % weechat.buffer_match_list(buffer, "irc.oftc.*,python.*")) # 0
3.16. Buffer lines
Functions for buffer lines.
WeeChat ≥ 4.4.0.
Search line in buffer by identifier.
struct t_gui_line *weechat_line_search_by_id (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int id);
Return value:
pointer to line found, NULL if not found
C example:
struct t_gui_line *line = weechat_line_search_by_id (buffer, 123);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def line_search_by_id(buffer: str, line_id: int) -> str: ...
# example
line = weechat.line_search_by_id(buffer, 123)
3.17. Windows
Functions to query windows.
Return pointer to current window.
struct t_gui_window *weechat_current_window ();
Return value:
pointer to current window
C example:
struct t_gui_window *current_window = weechat_current_window ();
Script (Python):
# prototype
def current_window() -> str: ...
# example
current_window = weechat.current_window()
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.5.
Return pointer to window displaying buffer.
struct t_gui_window *weechat_window_search_with_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
buffer: buffer pointer
Return value:
pointer to window displaying buffer (NULL if no window is displaying buffer)
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL,
"window displaying core buffer: %p",
weechat_window_search_with_buffer (weechat_buffer_search_main ()));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def window_search_with_buffer(buffer: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "window displaying core buffer: %s"
% weechat.window_search_with_buffer(weechat.buffer_search_main()))
Return integer value of a window property.
int weechat_window_get_integer (struct t_gui_window *window,
const char *property);
window: window pointer
property: property name:
number: number of window (starts to 1)
win_x: X position of window in terminal (first column is 0)
win_y: Y position of window in terminal (first line is 0)
win_width: width of window, in chars
win_height: height of window, in chars
win_width_pct: percentage size, compared to parent window (for example 50 means half size)
win_height_pct: percentage size, compared to parent window (for example 50 means half size)
win_chat_x: X position of chat window in terminal (first column is 0)
win_chat_y: Y position of chat window in terminal (first line is 0)
win_chat_width: width of chat window, in chars
win_chat_height: height of chat window, in chars
first_line_displayed: 1 if first line of buffer is displayed on screen, otherwise 0
scrolling: 1 if scroll is active on window (last line not displayed)
lines_after: number of lines not displayed after last one displayed (when scrolling)
Return value:
integer value of property
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "current window is at position (x,y): (%d,%d)",
weechat_window_get_integer (weechat_current_window (), "win_x"),
weechat_window_get_integer (weechat_current_window (), "win_y"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def window_get_integer(window: str, property: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "current window is at position (x,y): (%d,%d)"
% (weechat.window_get_integer(weechat.current_window(), "win_x"),
weechat.window_get_integer(weechat.current_window(), "win_y")))
Return string value of a window property.
This function is not used today, it is reserved for a future version. |
const char *weechat_window_get_string (struct t_gui_window *window,
const char *property);
window: window pointer
property: property name
Return value:
string value of property
Script (Python):
# prototype
def window_get_string(window: str, property: str) -> str: ...
Return pointer value of a window property.
void *weechat_window_get_pointer (struct t_gui_window *window,
const char *property);
window: window pointer
property: property name:
current: current window pointer
buffer: pointer to buffer displayed by window
Return value:
pointer value of property
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL,
"buffer displayed in current window: %p",
weechat_window_get_pointer (weechat_current_window (), "buffer"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def window_get_pointer(window: str, property: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "buffer displayed in current window: %s"
% weechat.window_get_pointer(weechat.current_window(), "buffer"))
Set title for terminal.
void weechat_window_set_title (const char *title);
title: new title for terminal (NULL to reset title); string is evaluated, so variables like
can be used (see string_eval_expression)
C example:
weechat_window_set_title ("new title here");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def window_set_title(title: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.window_set_title("new title here")
3.18. Nicklist
Functions for buffer nicklist.
Add a group in a nicklist.
struct t_gui_nick_group *weechat_nicklist_add_group (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick_group *parent_group,
const char *name,
const char *color,
int visible);
buffer: buffer pointer
parent_group: pointer to parent of group, NULL if group has no parent (nicklist root)
name: group name
color: color option name:
WeeChat option name, for example weechat.color.nicklist_group
color with optional background, for example yellow or yellow,red
bar color name:
bar_fg: foreground color for bar
bar_delim: delimiters color for bar
bar_bg: background color for bar
1: group and sub-groups/nicks are visible
0: group and sub-groups/nicks are hidden
The group name can begin with one or more digits, followed by pipe, and then group name. When such string is found at beginning, it’s used to sort groups in nicklist. For example groups "1|test" and "2|abc" will be displayed in that order: first "test" then "abc". |
Return value:
pointer to new group, NULL if an error occurred
C example:
struct t_gui_nick_group *my_group =
weechat_nicklist_add_group (my_buffer,
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_add_group(buffer: str, parent_group: str, name: str, color: str, visible: int) -> str: ...
# example
group = weechat.nicklist_add_group(my_buffer, my_parent_group, "test_group",
"weechat.color.nicklist_group", 1)
Updated in 4.3.0.
Search a group in a nicklist by name or unique identifier (id
struct t_gui_nick_group *weechat_nicklist_search_group (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick_group *from_group,
const char *name);
buffer: buffer pointer
from_group: search from this group only, if NULL, then search in whole nicklist
name: group name to search; with WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0, a unique identifier can be given with the format:
is the identifier)
Return value:
pointer to group found, NULL if not found
C example:
struct t_gui_nick_group *ptr_group1 = weechat_nicklist_search_group (my_buffer,
NULL, "test_group");
struct t_gui_nick_group *ptr_group2 = weechat_nicklist_search_group (my_buffer,
NULL, "==id:1714382231198764");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_search_group(buffer: str, from_group: str, name: str) -> str: ...
# examples
group1 = weechat.nicklist_search_group(my_buffer, "", "test_group")
group2 = weechat.nicklist_search_group(my_buffer, "", "==id:1714382231198764")
Add a nick in a group.
struct t_gui_nick *weechat_nicklist_add_nick (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick_group *group,
const char *name,
const char *color,
const char *prefix,
const char *prefix_color,
int visible);
buffer: buffer pointer
group: group pointer
name: nick name
color: color option name:
WeeChat option name (from, for example chat_delimiters
color with optional background, for example yellow or yellow,red
bar color name:
bar_fg: foreground color for bar
bar_delim: delimiters color for bar
bar_bg: background color for bar
prefix: prefix displayed before nick
prefix_color: color option name:
WeeChat option name (from, for example chat_delimiters
color with optional background, for example yellow or yellow,red
bar color name:
bar_fg: foreground color for bar
bar_delim: delimiters color for bar
bar_bg: background color for bar
1: nick is visible
0: nick is hidden
Return value:
pointer to new nick, NULL if an error occurred
C example:
struct t_gui_nick *my_nick =
weechat_nicklist_add_nick (my_buffer, my_group,
(nick_away) ? "weechat.color.nicklist_away" : "bar_fg",
"@", "lightgreen",
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_add_nick(buffer: str, group: str, name: str, color: str, prefix: str, prefix_color: str, visible: int) -> str: ...
# example
if nick_away:
color = "weechat.color.nicklist_away"
color = "bar_fg"
nick = weechat.nicklist_add_nick(my_buffer, my_group, "test_nick", color, "@", "lightgreen", 1)
Updated in 4.3.0.
Search a nick in a nicklist by name or unique identifier (id
struct t_gui_nick *weechat_nicklist_search_nick (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick_group *from_group,
const char *name);
buffer: buffer pointer
from_group: search from this group only, if NULL, then search in whole nicklist
name: nick name to search; with WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0, a unique identifier can be given with the format:
is the identifier)
Return value:
pointer to nick found, NULL if not found
C example:
struct t_gui_nick *ptr_nick1 = weechat_nicklist_search_nick (my_buffer,
NULL, "test_nick");
struct t_gui_nick *ptr_nick2 = weechat_nicklist_search_nick (my_buffer,
NULL, "==id:1714382252187496");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_search_nick(buffer: str, from_group: str, name: str) -> str: ...
# examples
nick1 = weechat.nicklist_search_nick(my_buffer, "", "test_nick")
nick2 = weechat.nicklist_search_nick(my_buffer, "", "==id:1714382252187496")
Remove a group from a nicklist.
void weechat_nicklist_remove_group (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick_group *group);
buffer: buffer pointer
group: group pointer to remove (all sub-groups/nicks will be removed too)
C example:
weechat_nicklist_remove_group (my_buffer, my_group);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_remove_group(buffer: str, group: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.nicklist_remove_group(my_buffer, my_group)
Remove a nick from a nicklist.
void weechat_nicklist_remove_nick (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick *nick);
buffer: buffer pointer
nick: nick pointer to remove
C example:
weechat_nicklist_remove_nick (my_buffer, my_nick);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_remove_nick(buffer: str, nick: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.nicklist_remove_nick(my_buffer, my_nick)
Remove all groups/nicks from a nicklist.
void weechat_nicklist_remove_all (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
buffer: buffer pointer
C example:
weechat_nicklist_remove_all (my_buffer);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_remove_all(buffer: str) -> int: ...
# example
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7.
Get next group or nick from nicklist (mainly used to display nicklist).
void weechat_nicklist_get_next_item (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick_group **group,
struct t_gui_nick **nick);
buffer: buffer pointer
group: pointer on pointer to group
nick: pointer on pointer to nick
C example:
struct t_gui_nick_group *ptr_group;
struct t_gui_nick *ptr_nick;
ptr_group = NULL;
ptr_nick = NULL;
weechat_nicklist_get_next_item (buffer, &ptr_group, &ptr_nick);
while (ptr_group || ptr_nick)
if (ptr_nick)
/* nick */
/* ... */
/* group */
/* ... */
weechat_nicklist_get_next_item (buffer, &ptr_group, &ptr_nick);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Return integer value of a group property.
int weechat_nicklist_group_get_integer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick_group *group,
const char *property);
buffer: buffer pointer
group: group pointer
property: property name:
visible: 1 if group is visible, otherwise 0
level: group level (root is 0)
Return value:
integer value of property
C example:
int visible = weechat_nicklist_group_get_integer (buffer, group, "visible");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_group_get_integer(buffer: str, group: str, property: str) -> int: ...
# example
visible = weechat.nicklist_group_get_integer(buffer, group, "visible")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Return string value of a group property.
const char *weechat_nicklist_group_get_string (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick_group *group,
const char *property);
buffer: buffer pointer
group: group pointer
property: property name:
id: unique identifier (WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0)
name: name of group
color: group color in nicklist
Return value:
string value of property
C example:
const char *color = weechat_nicklist_group_get_string (buffer, group, "color");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_group_get_string(buffer: str, group: str, property: str) -> str: ...
# example
color = weechat.nicklist_group_get_string(buffer, group, "color")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Return pointer value of a group property.
void *weechat_nicklist_group_get_pointer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick_group *group,
const char *property);
buffer: buffer pointer
group: group pointer
property: property name:
parent: pointer to parent group
Return value:
pointer value of property
C example:
struct t_gui_nick_group *parent = weechat_nicklist_group_get_pointer (buffer, group, "parent");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_group_get_pointer(buffer: str, group: str, property: str) -> str: ...
# example
parent = weechat.nicklist_group_get_pointer(buffer, group, "parent")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4, updated in 4.3.0.
Set string value of a group property.
void weechat_nicklist_group_set (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick_group *group,
const char *property,
const char *value);
buffer: buffer pointer
group: group pointer
property: property name (see table below)
value: new value for property
Name | Min WeeChat | Value | Description |
id |
4.3.0 |
long long integer ≥ 0 |
New id for the group (it must be unique in the buffer). |
color |
WeeChat color option name |
See argument "color" of function nicklist_add_group. |
visible |
"0", "1" |
"0" = hidden group, "1" = visible group. |
C examples:
/* change group color to "bar_fg" */
weechat_nicklist_group_set (buffer, group, "color", "bar_fg");
/* change group color to yellow */
weechat_nicklist_group_set (buffer, group, "color", "yellow");
/* hide group in nicklist */
weechat_nicklist_group_set (buffer, group, "visible", "0");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_group_set(buffer: str, group: str, property: str, value: str) -> int: ...
# examples
# change group color to "bar_fg"
weechat.nicklist_group_set(buffer, group, "color", "bar_fg")
# change group color to yellow
weechat.nicklist_group_set(buffer, group, "color", "yellow")
# hide group in nicklist
weechat.nicklist_group_set(buffer, group, "visible", "0")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Return integer value of a nick property.
int weechat_nicklist_nick_get_integer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick *nick,
const char *property);
buffer: buffer pointer
nick: nick pointer
property: property name:
visible: 1 if nick is visible, otherwise 0
Return value:
integer value of property
C example:
int visible = weechat_nicklist_nick_get_integer (buffer, nick, "visible");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_nick_get_integer(buffer: str, nick: str, property: str) -> int: ...
# example
visible = weechat.nicklist_nick_get_integer(buffer, nick, "visible")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Return string value of a nick property.
const char *weechat_nicklist_nick_get_string (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick *nick,
const char *property);
buffer: buffer pointer
nick: nick pointer
property: property name:
id: unique identifier (WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0)
name: name of nick
color: nick color in nicklist
prefix: prefix of nick
prefix_color: prefix color in nicklist
Return value:
string value of property
C example:
const char *color = weechat_nicklist_nick_get_string (buffer, nick, "color");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_nick_get_string(buffer: str, nick: str, property: str) -> str: ...
# example
color = weechat.nicklist_nick_get_string(buffer, nick, "color")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Return pointer value of a nick property.
void *weechat_nicklist_nick_get_pointer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick *nick,
const char *property);
buffer: buffer pointer
nick: nick pointer
property: property name:
group: pointer to group containing this nick
Return value:
pointer value of property
C example:
struct t_gui_nick_group *group = weechat_nicklist_nick_get_pointer (buffer, nick, "group");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_nick_get_pointer(buffer: str, nick: str, property: str) -> str: ...
# example
group = weechat.nicklist_nick_get_pointer(buffer, nick, "group")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4, updated in 4.3.0.
Set string value of a nick property.
void weechat_nicklist_nick_set (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_nick *nick,
const char *property,
const char *value);
buffer: buffer pointer
nick: nick pointer
property: property name (see table below)
value: new value for property
Name | Min WeeChat | Value | Description |
id |
4.3.0 |
long long integer ≥ 0 |
New id for the nick (it must be unique in the buffer). |
color |
WeeChat color option name |
See argument "color" of function nicklist_add_nick. |
prefix |
any string |
Prefix of nick. |
prefix_color |
WeeChat color option name |
See argument "prefix_color" of function nicklist_add_nick. |
visible |
"0", "1" |
"0" = hidden nick, "1" = visible nick. |
C examples:
/* change nick color to cyan */
weechat_nicklist_nick_set (buffer, nick, "color", "cyan");
/* change prefix to "+" */
weechat_nicklist_nick_set (buffer, nick, "prefix", "+");
/* change prefix color to yellow */
weechat_nicklist_nick_set (buffer, nick, "prefix_color", "yellow");
/* hide nick in nicklist */
weechat_nicklist_nick_set (buffer, nick, "visible", "0");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def nicklist_nick_set(buffer: str, nick: str, property: str, value: str) -> int: ...
# examples
# change nick color to cyan
weechat.nicklist_nick_set(buffer, nick, "color", "cyan")
# change prefix to "+"
weechat.nicklist_nick_set(buffer, nick, "prefix", "+")
# change prefix color to yellow
weechat.nicklist_nick_set(buffer, nick, "prefix_color", "yellow")
# hide nick in nicklist
weechat.nicklist_nick_set(buffer, nick, "visible", "0")
3.19. Bars
Functions for bars.
Search a bar item.
struct t_gui_bar_item *weechat_bar_item_search (const char *name);
name: bar item name
Return value:
pointer to bar item found, NULL if bar item was not found
C example:
struct t_gui_bar_item *bar_item = weechat_bar_item_search ("myitem");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def bar_item_search(name: str) -> str: ...
# example
bar_item = weechat.bar_item_search("myitem")
Updated in 0.4.2, 1.5.
Create a new bar item.
struct t_gui_bar_item *weechat_bar_item_new (const char *name,
char *(*build_callback)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_gui_bar_item *item,
struct t_gui_window *window,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_hashtable *extra_info),
const void *build_callback_pointer,
void *build_callback_data);
name: bar item name
build_callback: function called when bar item is built, arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_gui_bar_item *item: item pointer
struct t_gui_window *window: window pointer (NULL when called for a root bar)
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer: buffer displayed in window (if window is NULL, then it is current buffer) or buffer given in bar item with syntax: "@buffer:item" (WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2)
struct t_hashtable *extra_info: always NULL (argument is reserved for a future version) (WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2)
return value: content of bar item
build_callback_pointer: pointer given to build callback, when it is called by WeeChat
build_callback_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the bar item is removed
Return value:
pointer to new bar item, NULL if an error occurred
C example:
char *
my_build_callback (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_bar_item *item,
struct t_gui_window *window,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_hashtable *extra_info)
return strdup ("my content");
struct t_gui_bar_item *my_item = weechat_bar_item_new ("myitem",
Script (Python):
For compatibility with versions ≤ 0.4.1, the default callback has only 3
arguments: data, item and window (no buffer and extra_info). To use a callback with all arguments, you must add "(extra)" before the name, see example below (supported only in WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2). |
# prototype
def bar_item_new(name: str, build_callback: str, build_callback_data: str) -> str: ...
# example (callback without "buffer" and "extra_info")
def my_build_callback(data: str, item: str, window: str) -> str:
return "my content"
bar_item = weechat.bar_item_new("myitem", "my_build_callback", "")
# example (callback with all arguments, for WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2)
def my_build_callback2(data: str, item: str, window: str, buffer: str, extra_info: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
return "my content"
bar_item2 = weechat.bar_item_new("(extra)myitem2", "my_build_callback2", "") # WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2
Update content of a bar item, by calling its build callback.
void weechat_bar_item_update (const char *name);
name: bar item name
C example:
weechat_bar_item_update ("myitem");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def bar_item_update(name: str) -> int: ...
# example
Remove a bar item.
void weechat_bar_item_remove (struct t_gui_bar_item *item);
item: bar item pointer
C example:
weechat_bar_item_remove (&my_item);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def bar_item_remove(item: str) -> int: ...
# example
Search a bar.
struct t_gui_bar *weechat_bar_search (const char *name);
name: bar name
Return value:
pointer to bar found, NULL if bar was not found
C example:
struct t_gui_bar *bar = weechat_bar_search ("mybar");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def bar_search(name: str) -> str: ...
# example
bar = weechat.bar_search("mybar")
Updated in 2.9, 4.0.0.
Create a new bar.
struct t_gui_bar *weechat_bar_new (const char *name,
const char *hidden,
const char *priority,
const char *type,
const char *condition,
const char *position,
const char *filling_top_bottom,
const char *filling_left_right,
const char *size,
const char *size_max,
const char *color_fg,
const char *color_delim,
const char *color_bg,
const char *color_bg_inactive,
const char *separator,
const char *items);
name: bar name
on: bar is hidden
off: bar is visible
priority: bar priority (integer)
root: bar displayed once, outside windows
window: bar displayed in each window
condition: condition for displaying bar:
active: bar is displayed in active window only
inactive: bar is displayed in inactive windows only
nicklist: bar is displayed in windows with nicklist
evaluated expression: see the WeeChat user’s guide / Bar conditions ↗
position: top, bottom, left or right
horizontal: items are filled horizontally (space after each item)
vertical: items are filled vertically (new line after each item)
columns_horizontal: items are filled horizontally, displayed with columns
columns_vertical: items are filled vertically, displayed with columns
horizontal: items are filled horizontally (space after each item)
vertical: items are filled vertically (new line after each item)
columns_horizontal: items are filled horizontally, displayed with columns
columns_vertical: items are filled vertically, displayed with columns
size: bar size in chars (0 means automatic size)
size_max: max size for bar (0 means no max size)
color_fg: color for text in bar
color_delim: color for delimiters in bar
color_bg: background color for bar
color_bg_inactive: background color for window bar which is not displayed in active window
on: bar has separator line with other windows/bars
off: no separator
items: list of items in bar, separated by comma (space between items), or "+" (glued items)
Return value:
pointer to new bar, NULL if an error occurred
Since version 4.0.0, if the bar already exists, WeeChat sets the values received as default values for bar options and returns the bar pointer instead of NULL. |
C example:
struct t_gui_bar *my_bar = weechat_bar_new (
"mybar", "off", "100", "window", "", "top", "horizontal", "vertical",
"0", "5", "default", "cyan", "blue", "darkgray", "off",
Script (Python):
# prototype
def bar_new(name: str, hidden: str, priority: str, type: str, condition: str, position: str,
filling_top_bottom: str, filling_left_right: str, size: str, size_max: str,
color_fg: str, color_delim: str, color_bg: str, color_bg_inactive: str,
separator: str, items: str) -> str: ...
# example
bar = weechat.bar_new("mybar", "off", "100", "window", "", "top", "horizontal", "vertical",
"0", "5", "default", "cyan", "blue", "darkgray", "off", "time,buffer_number+buffer_name")
With WeeChat ≥ 2.9, in Ruby, the 4 colors (color_fg, color_delim, color_bg, color_bg_inactive) must be given in an array of 4 strings (due to a Ruby limitation of 15 arguments by function), see the WeeChat scripting guide ↗ for more info. |
Set a new value for a bar property.
int weechat_bar_set (struct t_gui_bar *bar, const char *property,
const char *value);
bar: bar pointer
property: name, hidden, priority, conditions, position, filling_top_bottom, filling_left_right, size, size_max, color_fg, color_delim, color_bg, separator, items (see bar_new)
value: new value for property
Return value:
1 if new value was set, 0 if an error occurred
C example:
weechat_bar_set (mybar, "position", "bottom");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def bar_set(bar: str, property: str, value: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.bar_set(my_bar, "position", "bottom")
3.20. Commands
Functions for executing WeeChat commands.
Updated in 1.1, 4.0.0.
Execute a command or send text to buffer.
int weechat_command (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *command);
buffer: buffer pointer (command is executed on this buffer, use NULL for current buffer)
command: command to execute (if beginning with a "/"), or text to send to buffer
On buffer with input_multiline set to 0 (default), only the first command
is executed (before the first newline char: \n ).
Return value (WeeChat ≥ 1.1):
WEECHAT_RC_OK if successful
C example:
int rc;
rc = weechat_command (weechat_buffer_search ("irc", "libera.#weechat"),
"/whois FlashCode");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def command(buffer: str, command: str) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.command(weechat.buffer_search("irc", "libera.#weechat"), "/whois FlashCode")
WeeChat ≥ 2.5, updated in 4.0.0.
Execute a command or send text to buffer with options.
int weechat_command_options (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *command,
struct t_hashtable *options);
buffer: buffer pointer (command is executed on this buffer, use NULL for current buffer)
command: command to execute (if beginning with a "/"), or text to send to buffer
options: a hashtable with some options (keys and values must be string) (can be NULL):
commands: a comma-separated list of commands allowed to be executed during this call; see function string_match_list for the format
delay: delay to execute command, in milliseconds
to split commands on newline char (\n
) (WeeChat ≥ 4.0.0)
Return value:
WEECHAT_RC_OK if successful
C example:
/* allow any command except /exec, run command in 2 seconds */
int rc;
struct t_hashtable *options = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
weechat_hashtable_set (options, "commands", "*,!exec");
weechat_hashtable_set (options, "delay", "2000");
rc = weechat_command_options (NULL, "/some_command arguments", options);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def command_options(buffer: str, command: str, options: Dict[str, str]) -> int: ...
# example: allow any command except /exec
rc = weechat.command_options("", "/some_command arguments", {"commands": "*,!exec"})
3.21. Completion
Functions to complete a command line.
WeeChat ≥ 2.9.
Create a new completion.
struct t_gui_completion *weechat_completion_new (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer);
buffer: buffer pointer
Return value:
pointer to new completion
C example:
struct t_gui_completion *completion = weechat_completion_new (weechat_buffer_search_main ());
Script (Python):
# prototype
def completion_new(buffer: str) -> str: ...
# example
completion = weechat.completion_new(weechat.buffer_search_main())
WeeChat ≥ 2.9.
Search possible words at a given position of a string, in the completion context.
int weechat_completion_search (struct t_gui_completion *completion, const char *data,
int position, int direction);
completion: completion pointer
data: the string to complete
position: index of the char in string to complete (starts to 0)
direction: 1 for next completion, -1 for previous completion
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
struct t_gui_completion *completion = weechat_completion_new (weechat_buffer_search_main ());
if (weechat_completion_search (completion, "/help filt", 10, 1))
/* ... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def completion_search(completion: str, data: str, position: int, direction: int) -> int: ...
# example
completion = weechat.completion_new(weechat.buffer_search_main())
if weechat.completion_search(completion, "/help filt", 10, 1):
# ...
WeeChat ≥ 2.9.
Get a completion property as string.
const char *weechat_completion_get_string (struct t_gui_completion *completion,
const char *property);
completion: completion pointer
property: property name:
base_command: command used for completion
base_word: word being completed
args: command arguments (including base word)
C example:
my_completion_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *completion_item,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
struct t_gui_completion *completion)
/* get arguments of command */
const char *args = weechat_completion_get_string (completion, "args");
/* completion depending on args */
/* ... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def completion_get_string(completion: str, property: str) -> str: ...
# example
def my_completion_cb(data: str, completion_item: str, buffer: str, completion: str) -> int:
# get arguments of command
args = weechat.completion_get_string(completion, "args")
# completion depending on args
# ...
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
WeeChat ≥ 2.9.
Add a word for a completion.
void weechat_completion_list_add (struct t_gui_completion *completion,
const char *word,
int nick_completion,
const char *where);
completion: completion pointer
word: word to add
nick_completion: 1 if word is a nick, otherwise 0
where: position where word will be inserted in list:
WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT: any position, to keep list sorted
C example: see hook_completion.
Script (Python):
# prototype
def completion_list_add(completion: str, word: str, nick_completion: int, where: str) -> int: ...
# example: see function hook_completion
WeeChat ≥ 2.9.
Free a completion.
void weechat_completion_free (struct t_gui_completion *completion);
completion: completion pointer
C example:
weechat_completion_free (completion);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def completion_free(completion: str) -> int: ...
# example
3.22. Network
Network functions.
Establish a connection/authentication to a proxy.
This function is blocking on call to connect(), so it must be called in a forked process only, to not block WeeChat. |
int weechat_network_pass_proxy (const char *proxy,
int sock,
const char *address,
int port);
proxy: proxy name to use
sock: socket to use
address: address (hostname or IP address)
port: port
Return value:
1 if connection is OK, 0 if an error occurred
C example:
if (weechat_network_pass_proxy ("my_proxy", sock, "", 6667))
/* OK */
/* error */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Updated in 0.4.3.
Establish a connection to a remote host.
This function is blocking on call to connect(), so it must be called in a forked process only, to not block WeeChat. |
int weechat_network_connect_to (const char *proxy,
struct sockaddr *address,
socklen_t address_length);
proxy: proxy name to use
address: address to connect to (with port)
address_length: length of argument address
Return value:
socket number (≥ 0) if connection is OK, -1 if an error occurred
C example:
struct sockaddr *addr;
socklen_t length;
int sock;
/* allocate/set address and port in _addr_, set _length_ */
/* ... */
sock = weechat_network_connect_to (NULL, addr, length);
if (sock >= 0)
/* OK */
/* error */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
3.23. Infos
Functions to get infos.
Updated in 2.5.
Return info, as string, from WeeChat or a plugin.
char *weechat_info_get (const char *info_name, const char *arguments);
info_name: name of info to read (see table below)
arguments: arguments for info asked (optional, NULL if no argument is needed)
Return value:
string with info asked, NULL if an error occurred (must be freed by calling "free" after use)
With WeeChat ≥ 2.5, the value returned is an allocated string (with WeeChat ≤ 2.4, it was a pointer to a static string). |
Plugin | Name | Description | Arguments |
fifo |
fifo_filename |
name of FIFO pipe |
- |
guile |
guile_eval |
evaluation of source code |
source code to execute |
guile |
guile_interpreter |
name of the interpreter used |
- |
guile |
guile_version |
version of the interpreter used |
- |
irc |
irc_buffer |
get buffer pointer for an IRC server/channel/nick |
server,channel,nick (channel and nicks are optional) |
irc |
irc_is_channel |
1 if string is a valid IRC channel name for server |
server,channel (server is optional) |
irc |
irc_is_message_ignored |
1 if the nick is ignored (message is not displayed) |
server,message (message is the raw IRC message) |
irc |
irc_is_nick |
1 if string is a valid IRC nick name |
server,nickname (server is optional) |
irc |
irc_nick |
get current nick on a server |
server name |
irc |
irc_nick_color |
get nick color code (deprecated since version 1.5, replaced by "nick_color") |
nickname |
irc |
irc_nick_color_name |
get nick color name (deprecated since version 1.5, replaced by "nick_color_name") |
nickname |
irc |
irc_nick_from_host |
get nick from IRC host |
IRC host (like |
irc |
irc_server_cap |
1 if capability is enabled in server |
server,capability |
irc |
irc_server_cap_value |
value of capability, if enabled in server |
server,capability |
irc |
irc_server_isupport |
1 if server supports this feature (from IRC message 005) |
server,feature |
irc |
irc_server_isupport_value |
value of feature, if supported by server (from IRC message 005) |
server,feature |
logger |
logger_log_file |
path to current log filename for the buffer |
buffer pointer ("0x12345678") or buffer full name ("irc.libera.#weechat") |
lua |
lua_eval |
evaluation of source code |
source code to execute |
lua |
lua_interpreter |
name of the interpreter used |
- |
lua |
lua_version |
version of the interpreter used |
- |
perl |
perl_eval |
evaluation of source code |
source code to execute |
perl |
perl_interpreter |
name of the interpreter used |
- |
perl |
perl_version |
version of the interpreter used |
- |
php |
php_eval |
evaluation of source code |
source code to execute |
php |
php_interpreter |
name of the interpreter used |
- |
php |
php_version |
version of the interpreter used |
- |
python |
python_eval |
evaluation of source code |
source code to execute |
python |
python_interpreter |
name of the interpreter used |
- |
python |
python_version |
version of the interpreter used |
- |
relay |
relay_api_version |
relay API version |
- |
relay |
relay_api_version_number |
relay API version (as number) |
- |
relay |
relay_client_count |
number of clients for relay |
protocol,status (both are optional, for each argument "*" means all; protocols: irc, weechat; statuses: connecting, waiting_auth, connected, auth_failed, disconnected) |
ruby |
ruby_eval |
evaluation of source code |
source code to execute |
ruby |
ruby_interpreter |
name of the interpreter used |
- |
ruby |
ruby_version |
version of the interpreter used |
- |
script |
script_info |
info on a script |
script,info (script name with extension and info is a hdata variable |
script |
script_loaded |
1 if script is loaded |
script name with extension |
spell |
spell_dict |
comma-separated list of dictionaries used in buffer |
buffer pointer ("0x12345678") or buffer full name ("irc.libera.#weechat") |
tcl |
tcl_eval |
evaluation of source code |
source code to execute |
tcl |
tcl_interpreter |
name of the interpreter used |
- |
tcl |
tcl_version |
version of the interpreter used |
- |
weechat |
auto_connect |
1 if automatic connection to servers is enabled, 0 if it has been disabled by the user (option "-a" or "--no-connect") |
- |
weechat |
auto_load_scripts |
1 if scripts are automatically loaded, 0 if the auto-load has been disabled by the user (option "-s" or "--no-script") |
- |
weechat |
buffer |
buffer pointer |
buffer full name |
weechat |
charset_internal |
WeeChat internal charset |
- |
weechat |
charset_terminal |
terminal charset |
- |
weechat |
color_ansi_regex |
POSIX extended regular expression to search ANSI escape codes |
- |
weechat |
color_rgb2term |
RGB color converted to terminal color (0-255) |
rgb,limit (limit is optional and is set to 256 by default) |
weechat |
color_term2rgb |
terminal color (0-255) converted to RGB color |
color (terminal color: 0-255) |
weechat |
cursor_mode |
1 if cursor mode is enabled |
- |
weechat |
date |
WeeChat compilation date/time |
- |
weechat |
dir_separator |
directory separator |
- |
weechat |
filters_enabled |
1 if filters are enabled |
- |
weechat |
inactivity |
keyboard inactivity (seconds) |
- |
weechat |
locale |
locale used for translating messages |
- |
weechat |
mouse |
1 if mouse is enabled |
- |
weechat |
nick_color |
get nick color code |
nickname;colors (colors is an optional comma-separated list of colors to use; background is allowed for a color with format text:background; if colors is present, WeeChat options with nick colors and forced nick colors are ignored) |
weechat |
nick_color_ignore_case |
get nick color code, ignoring case |
nickname;range;colors (range is a number of chars (see function strcasecmp_range, 0 = convert to lower case without using a range), colors is an optional comma-separated list of colors to use; background is allowed for a color with format text:background; if colors is present, WeeChat options with nick colors and forced nick colors are ignored) |
weechat |
nick_color_name |
get nick color name |
nickname;colors (colors is an optional comma-separated list of colors to use; background is allowed for a color with format text:background; if colors is present, WeeChat options with nick colors and forced nick colors are ignored) |
weechat |
nick_color_name_ignore_case |
get nick color name, ignoring case |
nickname;range;colors (range is a number of chars (see function strcasecmp_range, 0 = convert to lower case without using a range), colors is an optional comma-separated list of colors to use; background is allowed for a color with format text:background; if colors is present, WeeChat options with nick colors and forced nick colors are ignored) |
weechat |
pid |
WeeChat PID (process ID) |
- |
weechat |
plugin_loaded |
1 if plugin is loaded |
plugin name |
weechat |
term_color_pairs |
number of color pairs supported in terminal |
- |
weechat |
term_colors |
number of colors supported in terminal |
- |
weechat |
term_height |
height of terminal |
- |
weechat |
term_width |
width of terminal |
- |
weechat |
totp_generate |
generate a Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) |
secret (in base32), timestamp (optional, current time by default), number of digits (optional, between 4 and 10, 6 by default) |
weechat |
totp_validate |
validate a Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP): 1 if TOTP is correct, otherwise 0 |
secret (in base32), one-time password, timestamp (optional, current time by default), number of passwords before/after to test (optional, 0 by default) |
weechat |
uptime |
WeeChat uptime (format: "days:hh:mm:ss") |
"days" (number of days) or "seconds" (number of seconds) (optional) |
weechat |
uptime_current |
WeeChat uptime for the current process only (upgrades with /upgrade command are ignored) (format: "days:hh:mm:ss") |
"days" (number of days) or "seconds" (number of seconds) (optional) |
weechat |
version |
WeeChat version |
- |
weechat |
version_git |
WeeChat git version (output of command "git describe" for a development version only, empty for a stable release) |
- |
weechat |
version_number |
WeeChat version (as number) |
version (optional, by default the version of the running WeeChat is returned) |
weechat |
weechat_cache_dir |
WeeChat cache directory |
- |
weechat |
weechat_config_dir |
WeeChat config directory |
- |
weechat |
weechat_daemon |
1 if WeeChat is running in daemon mode (headless, in background) |
- |
weechat |
weechat_data_dir |
WeeChat data directory |
- |
weechat |
weechat_dir |
WeeChat directory (deprecated since version 3.2, replaced by "weechat_config_dir", "weechat_data_dir", "weechat_state_dir" , "weechat_cache_dir" and "weechat_runtime_dir") |
- |
weechat |
weechat_headless |
1 if WeeChat is running headless |
- |
weechat |
weechat_libdir |
WeeChat "lib" directory |
- |
weechat |
weechat_localedir |
WeeChat "locale" directory |
- |
weechat |
weechat_runtime_dir |
WeeChat runtime directory |
- |
weechat |
weechat_sharedir |
WeeChat "share" directory |
- |
weechat |
weechat_site |
WeeChat site |
- |
weechat |
weechat_site_download |
WeeChat site, download page |
- |
weechat |
weechat_state_dir |
WeeChat state directory |
- |
weechat |
weechat_upgrading |
1 if WeeChat is upgrading (command |
- |
weechat |
window |
window pointer |
window number |
C example:
char *version = weechat_info_get ("version", NULL);
char *date = weechat_info_get ("date", NULL);
weechat_printf (NULL, "Current WeeChat version is: %s (compiled on %s)",
version, date);
if (version)
free (version);
if (date)
free (date);
char *weechat_config_dir = weechat_info_get ("weechat_config_dir", NULL);
weechat_printf (NULL, "WeeChat config directory is: %s", weechat_config_dir);
if (weechat_config_dir)
free (weechat_config_dir);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def info_get(info_name: str, arguments: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "Current WeeChat version is: %s (compiled on %s)"
% (weechat.info_get("version", ""), weechat.info_get("date", ""))
weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat config directory is: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""))
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.4.
Return info, as hashtable, from WeeChat or a plugin.
struct t_hashtable *weechat_info_get_hashtable (const char *info_name,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable);
info_name: name of info to read (see table below)
hashtable: hashtable with arguments (depends on info asked) (optional, NULL if no argument is needed)
Return value:
hashtable with info asked, NULL if an error occurred (must be freed by calling hashtable_free after use)
Plugin | Name | Description | Hashtable (input) | Hashtable (output) |
irc |
irc_message_parse |
parse an IRC message |
"message": IRC message, "server": server name (optional) |
"tags": tags, "tag_xxx": unescaped value of tag "xxx" (one key per tag), "message_without_tags": message without the tags, "nick": nick, "user": user, "host": host, "command": command, "channel": channel, "arguments": arguments (includes channel), "text": text (for example user message), "param1" … "paramN": parsed command parameters, "num_params": number of parsed command parameters, "pos_command": index of "command" message ("-1" if "command" was not found), "pos_arguments": index of "arguments" message ("-1" if "arguments" was not found), "pos_channel": index of "channel" message ("-1" if "channel" was not found), "pos_text": index of "text" message ("-1" if "text" was not found) |
irc |
irc_message_split |
split an IRC message (to fit in 512 bytes by default) |
"message": IRC message, "server": server name (optional) |
"msg1" … "msgN": messages to send (without final "\r\n"), "args1" … "argsN": arguments of messages, "count": number of messages |
weechat |
focus_info |
get focus info |
"x": x coordinate (string with integer >= 0), "y": y coordinate (string with integer >= 0) |
see function "hook_focus" in Plugin API reference |
weechat |
secured_data |
secured data |
- |
secured data: names and values (be careful: the values are sensitive data: do NOT print/log them anywhere) |
C example:
struct t_hashtable *hashtable_in, *hashtable_out;
hashtable_in = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (hashtable_in)
weechat_hashtable_set (
"@time=2015-06-27T16:40:35.000Z;tag2=value\\sspace :nick!user@host PRIVMSG #weechat :Hello world!");
hashtable_out = weechat_info_get_hashtable ("irc_message_parse",
* now hashtable_out has following keys/values:
* "tags" : "time=2015-06-27T16:40:35.000Z;tag2=value\\sspace"
* "tag_time" : "2015-06-27T16:40:35.000Z"
* "tag_tag2" : "value space"
* "message_without_tags": ":nick!user@host PRIVMSG #weechat :Hello world!"
* "nick" : "nick"
* "user" : "user"
* "host" : "nick!user@host"
* "command" : "PRIVMSG"
* "channel" : "#weechat"
* "arguments" : "#weechat :Hello world!"
* "text" : "Hello world!"
* "param1" : "#weechat"
* "param2" : "Hello world!"
* "num_params" : "2"
* "pos_command" : "65"
* "pos_arguments" : "73"
* "pos_channel" : "73"
* "pos_text" : "83"
weechat_hashtable_free (hashtable_in);
weechat_hashtable_free (hashtable_out);
See the WeeChat scripting guide / Parse message ↗ for more info about "irc_message_parse" output. |
Script (Python):
# prototype
def info_get_hashtable(info_name: str, dict_in: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: ...
# example
dict_in = {"message": ":nick!user@host PRIVMSG #weechat :message here"}
weechat.prnt("", "message parsed: %s"
% weechat.info_get_hashtable("irc_message_parse", dict_in))
3.24. Infolists
An infolist is a list of "items". Each item contains variables.
For example, infolist "irc_server" has N items (N is number of IRC servers defined). For each item, there is variables like "name", "buffer", "is_connected", …
Each variable has a type and a value. Possible types are:
integer: any integer value
string: any string value
pointer: any pointer
buffer: buffer with fixed length, containing any data
time: time value
Create a new infolist.
struct t_infolist *weechat_infolist_new ();
Return value:
pointer to new infolist
C example:
struct t_infolist *infolist = weechat_infolist_new ();
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_new() -> str: ...
# example
infolist = weechat.infolist_new()
Add an item in an infolist.
struct t_infolist_item *weechat_infolist_new_item (struct t_infolist *infolist);
infolist: infolist pointer
Return value:
pointer to new item
C example:
struct t_infolist_item *item = weechat_infolist_new_item (infolist);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_new_item(infolist: str) -> str: ...
# example
item = weechat.infolist_new_item(infolist)
Add an integer variable to an infolist item.
struct t_infolist_var *weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (struct t_infolist_item *item,
const char *name,
int value);
item: infolist item pointer
name: variable name
value: integer value
Return value:
pointer to new variable
C example:
struct t_infolist_var *var = weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (item,
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_new_var_integer(item: str, name: str, value: int) -> str: ...
# example
var = weechat.infolist_new_var_integer(item, "my_integer", 123)
Add a string variable to an infolist item.
struct t_infolist_var *weechat_infolist_new_var_string (struct t_infolist_item *item,
const char *name,
const char *value);
item: infolist item pointer
name: variable name
value: string value
Return value:
pointer to new variable
C example:
struct t_infolist_var *var = weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item,
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_new_var_string(item: str, name: str, value: str) -> str: ...
# example
var = weechat.infolist_new_var_string(item, "my_string", "value")
Add a pointer variable to an infolist item.
struct t_infolist_var *weechat_infolist_new_var_pointer (struct t_infolist_item *item,
const char *name,
void *pointer);
item: infolist item pointer
name: variable name
pointer: pointer
Return value:
pointer to new variable
C example:
struct t_infolist_var *var = weechat_infolist_new_var_pointer (item,
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_new_var_pointer(item: str, name: str, pointer: str) -> str: ...
# example
var = weechat.infolist_new_var_pointer(item, "my_pointer", pointer)
Add a buffer variable to an infolist item.
struct t_infolist_var *weechat_infolist_new_var_buffer (struct t_infolist_item *item,
const char *name,
void *pointer,
int size);
item: infolist item pointer
name: variable name
pointer: pointer to buffer
size: size of buffer
Return value:
pointer to new variable
C example:
char buffer[256];
/* ... */
struct t_infolist_var *var = weechat_infolist_new_var_buffer (item,
sizeof (buffer));
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Add a time variable to an infolist item.
struct t_infolist_var *weechat_infolist_new_var_time (struct t_infolist_item *item,
const char *name,
time_t time);
item: infolist item pointer
name: variable name
time: time value
Return value:
pointer to new variable
C example:
struct t_infolist_var *var = weechat_infolist_new_var_time (item,
time (NULL));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_new_var_time(item: str, name: str, time: int) -> str: ...
# example
var = weechat.infolist_new_var_time(item, "my_time", int(time.time()))
Return infolist from WeeChat or a plugin.
Content of infolist is a duplication of actual data. So if you are asking
infolist with lot of data (like "buffer_lines"), WeeChat will allocate memory
to duplicate all data, and this can take some time. Instead of using big infolist, it is preferable to use hdata (but infolist may have more info than hdata, which is raw data), see hdata. |
struct t_infolist *weechat_infolist_get (const char *infolist_name,
void *pointer,
const char *arguments);
infolist_name: name of infolist to read (see table below)
pointer: pointer to an item, to get only this item in infolist (optional, can be NULL)
arguments: arguments for infolist asked (optional, NULL if no argument is needed)
Return value:
pointer to infolist, NULL if an error occurred
Plugin | Name | Description | Pointer | Arguments |
alias |
alias |
list of aliases |
alias pointer (optional) |
alias name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
alias |
alias_default |
list of default aliases |
- |
- |
buflist |
buflist |
list of buffers in a buflist bar item |
- |
buflist bar item name (optional) |
fset |
fset_option |
list of fset options |
fset option pointer (optional) |
option name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
guile |
guile_script |
list of scripts |
script pointer (optional) |
script name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
irc |
irc_channel |
list of channels for an IRC server |
channel pointer (optional) |
server,channel (channel is optional) |
irc |
irc_color_weechat |
mapping between IRC color codes and WeeChat color names |
- |
- |
irc |
irc_ignore |
list of IRC ignores |
ignore pointer (optional) |
- |
irc |
irc_modelist |
list of channel mode lists for an IRC channel |
mode list pointer (optional) |
server,channel,type (type is optional) |
irc |
irc_modelist_item |
list of items in a channel mode list |
mode list item pointer (optional) |
server,channel,type,number (number is optional) |
irc |
irc_nick |
list of nicks for an IRC channel |
nick pointer (optional) |
server,channel,nick (nick is optional) |
irc |
irc_notify |
list of notify |
notify pointer (optional) |
server name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
irc |
irc_server |
list of IRC servers |
server pointer (optional) |
server name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
logger |
logger_buffer |
list of logger buffers |
logger pointer (optional) |
- |
lua |
lua_script |
list of scripts |
script pointer (optional) |
script name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
perl |
perl_script |
list of scripts |
script pointer (optional) |
script name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
php |
php_script |
list of scripts |
script pointer (optional) |
script name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
python |
python_constant |
list of scripting API constants |
- |
- |
python |
python_function |
list of scripting API functions |
- |
- |
python |
python_script |
list of scripts |
script pointer (optional) |
script name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
relay |
relay |
list of relay clients |
relay pointer (optional) |
- |
ruby |
ruby_script |
list of scripts |
script pointer (optional) |
script name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
script |
script_script |
list of scripts |
script pointer (optional) |
script name with extension (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
tcl |
tcl_script |
list of scripts |
script pointer (optional) |
script name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
weechat |
bar |
list of bars |
bar pointer (optional) |
bar name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
weechat |
bar_item |
list of bar items |
bar item pointer (optional) |
bar item name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
weechat |
bar_window |
list of bar windows |
bar window pointer (optional) |
- |
weechat |
buffer |
list of buffers |
buffer pointer (optional) |
buffer name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
weechat |
buffer_lines |
lines of a buffer |
buffer pointer |
- |
weechat |
filter |
list of filters |
- |
filter name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
weechat |
history |
history of commands |
buffer pointer (if not set, return global history) (optional) |
- |
weechat |
hook |
list of hooks |
hook pointer (optional) |
type,arguments (type is command/timer/.., arguments to get only some hooks (wildcard "*" is allowed), both are optional) |
weechat |
hotlist |
list of buffers in hotlist |
- |
- |
weechat |
key |
list of key bindings |
- |
context ("default", "search", "cursor" or "mouse") (optional) |
weechat |
layout |
list of layouts |
- |
- |
weechat |
nicklist |
nicks in nicklist for a buffer |
buffer pointer |
nick_xxx or group_xxx to get only nick/group xxx (optional) |
weechat |
option |
list of options |
- |
option name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
weechat |
plugin |
list of plugins |
plugin pointer (optional) |
plugin name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
weechat |
proxy |
list of proxies |
proxy pointer (optional) |
proxy name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional) |
weechat |
url_options |
options for URL |
- |
- |
weechat |
window |
list of windows |
window pointer (optional) |
"current" for current window or a window number (optional) |
xfer |
xfer |
list of xfer |
xfer pointer (optional) |
- |
C example:
struct t_infolist *infolist = weechat_infolist_get ("irc_server", NULL, NULL);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_get(infolist_name: str, pointer: str, arguments: str) -> str: ...
# example
infolist = weechat.infolist_get("irc_server", "", "")
Move "cursor" to next item in an infolist. The first call to this function for an infolist moves cursor to first item in infolist.
int weechat_infolist_next (struct t_infolist *infolist);
infolist: infolist pointer
Return value:
1 if cursor has been moved on next item, 0 if end of list was reached
C example:
if (weechat_infolist_next (infolist))
/* read variables in item... */
/* no more item available */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_next(infolist: str) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.infolist_next(infolist)
if rc:
# read variables in item...
# no more item available
Move "cursor" to previous item in an infolist. The first call to this function for an infolist moves cursor to last item in infolist.
int weechat_infolist_prev (struct t_infolist *infolist);
infolist: infolist pointer
Return value:
1 if cursor has been moved on previous item, 0 if beginning of list was reached
C example:
if (weechat_infolist_prev (infolist))
/* read variables in item... */
/* no more item available */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_prev(infolist: str) -> int: ...
# example
rc = weechat.infolist_prev(infolist)
if rc:
# read variables in item...
# no more item available
Reset "cursor" for infolist.
void weechat_infolist_reset_item_cursor (struct t_infolist *infolist);
infolist: infolist pointer
C example:
weechat_infolist_reset_item_cursor (infolist);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_reset_item_cursor(infolist: str) -> int: ...
# example
WeeChat ≥ 0.4.3.
Search a variable in the current infolist item.
struct t_infolist_var *weechat_infolist_search_var (struct t_infolist *infolist,
const char *name);
infolist: infolist pointer
name: variable name
Return value:
pointer to variable found, NULL if the variable was not found
C example:
if (weechat_infolist_search_var (infolist, "name"))
/* variable "name" exists */
/* ... */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_search_var(infolist: str, name: str) -> str: ...
# example
if weechat.infolist_search_var(infolist, "name"):
# variable "name" exists
# ...
Return list of fields for current infolist item.
const char *weechat_infolist_fields (struct t_infolist *infolist);
infolist: infolist pointer
Return value:
string with list of fields for current infolist item. List is comma separated, and contains letter for type, followed by variable name. Types are: "i" (integer), "s" (string), "p" (pointer), "b" (buffer), "t" (time).
C example:
const char *fields = weechat_infolist_fields (infolist);
/* fields contains something like:
"i:my_integer,s:my_string,p:my_pointer,b:my_buffer,t:my_time" */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_fields(infolist: str) -> str: ...
# example
fields = weechat.infolist_fields(infolist)
# fields contains something like:
# "i:my_integer,s:my_string,p:my_pointer,b:my_buffer,t:my_time"
Return value of integer variable in current infolist item.
int weechat_infolist_integer (struct t_infolist *infolist, const char *var);
infolist: infolist pointer
var: variable name (must be type "integer")
Return value:
integer value of variable
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "integer = %d",
weechat_infolist_integer (infolist, "my_integer"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_integer(infolist: str, var: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "integer = %d" % weechat.infolist_integer(infolist, "my_integer"))
Return value of string variable in current infolist item.
const char *weechat_infolist_string (struct t_infolist *infolist, const char *var);
infolist: infolist pointer
var: variable name (must be type "string")
Return value:
string value of variable
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "string = %s",
weechat_infolist_string (infolist, "my_string"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_string(infolist: str, var: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "string = %s" % weechat.infolist_string(infolist, "my_string"))
Return value of pointer variable in current infolist item.
void *weechat_infolist_pointer (struct t_infolist *infolist, const char *var);
infolist: infolist pointer
var: variable name (must be type "pointer")
Return value:
pointer value of variable
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "pointer = %p",
weechat_infolist_pointer (infolist, "my_pointer"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_pointer(infolist: str, var: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "pointer = 0x%s" % weechat.infolist_pointer(infolist, "my_pointer"))
Return value of buffer variable in current infolist item.
void *weechat_infolist_buffer (struct t_infolist *infolist, const char *var,
int *size);
infolist: infolist pointer
var: variable name (must be type "buffer")
size: pointer to integer variable, will be set with buffer size
Return value:
buffer pointer
C example:
int size;
void *pointer = weechat_infolist_buffer (infolist, "my_buffer", &size);
weechat_printf (NULL, "buffer = %p, size = %d", pointer, size);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
Return value of time variable in current infolist item.
time_t weechat_infolist_time (struct t_infolist *infolist, const char *var);
infolist: infolist pointer
var: variable name (must be type "time")
Return value:
time value of variable
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "time = %ld",
weechat_infolist_time (infolist, "my_time"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def infolist_time(infolist: str, var: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "time = %d" % weechat.infolist_time(infolist, "my_time"))
3.25. Hdata
Functions for hdata (raw access to WeeChat or plugins data).
Hdata provides read-only access to data. It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to write
something in memory pointed by hdata variables. The only way to update data is to call function hdata_update. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6, updated in 0.3.9, 0.4.0.
Create a new hdata.
hdata vs infolist
Hdata is a fast way to read WeeChat or plugins data. It is similar to infolist, but there are some differences:
struct t_hdata *weechat_hdata_new (const char *hdata_name, const char *var_prev, const char *var_next,
int create_allowed, int delete_allowed,
int (*callback_update)(void *data,
struct t_hdata *hdata,
void *pointer,
struct t_hashtable *hashtable),
void *callback_update_data);
hdata_name: name of hdata
var_prev: name of variable in structure which is a pointer to previous element in list (may be NULL if no such variable is available)
var_next: name of variable in structure which is a pointer to next element in list (may be NULL if no such variable is available)
create_allowed: 1 if create of structure is allowed, otherwise 0 (WeeChat ≥ 0.4.0)
delete_allowed: 1 if delete of structure is allowed, otherwise 0 (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9)
callback_update: callback to update data in hdata, can be NULL if no update is allowed (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9), arguments and return value:
void *data: pointer
struct t_hdata *hdata: pointer to hdata
struct t_hashtable *hashtable: hashtable with variables to update (see hdata_update)
return value: number of variables updated
callback_update_data: pointer given to update callback when it is called by WeeChat (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9)
Return value:
pointer to new hdata
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_new ("myplugin_list", "prev", "next", 0, 0, &callback_update, NULL);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6, updated in 0.3.7, 0.3.9, 0.4.3, 3.4, 4.3.0.
Create a new variable in hdata.
void weechat_hdata_new_var (struct t_hdata *hdata, const char *name, int offset, int type,
int update_allowed, const char *array_size, const char *hdata_name);
hdata: hdata pointer
name: variable name
offset: offset of variable in structure
type: variable type, one of:
update_allowed: 1 if update of variable is allowed, otherwise 0 (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9)
array_size: not NULL only if a variable is an array, and it can be: (WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9)
name of variable in hdata: this variable will be used as size of array (dynamic size for array)
integer (as string): fixed size for array
*: automatic size: the size of array is computed by looking at values, when the first NULL is found (only for type string, pointer or hashtable)
hdata_name: name of a hdata (if it’s a pointer to a structure with hdata)
With WeeChat ≥ 3.4, the array_size parameter can be prefixed with *,
pointer to dynamically allocated array (without this prefix, the array is
considered static).
Examples of variables and the corresponding array size (WeeChat ≥ 3.4):
Variable declaration in C | Hdata type | Array size | Description |
Allocated array of 2 integers. |
Allocated array of integers, the size is stored in another variable called "array_size". |
Static array of 3 integers. |
Allocated array of strings, dynamic size (NULL pointer must be present after last word). |
Allocated array of strings, the size is stored in another variable called "count_words". |
C example:
struct t_myplugin_list
char *name;
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer;
int numbers[3];
int tags_count;
char **tags_array;
char **string_split;
struct t_myplugin_list *prev;
struct t_myplugin_list *next;
/* ... */
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_new ("myplugin_list", "prev", "next");
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "name", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, name), WEECHAT_HDATA_STRING, 0, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "buffer", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, buffer), WEECHAT_HDATA_POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "numbers", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, numbers), WEECHAT_HDATA_INTEGER, 0, "3", NULL);
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "tags_count", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, tags_count), WEECHAT_HDATA_INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "tags_array", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, tags_array), WEECHAT_HDATA_STRING, 0, "*,tags_count", NULL);
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "string_split", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, string_split), WEECHAT_HDATA_STRING, 0, "*,*", NULL);
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "prev", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, prev), WEECHAT_HDATA_POINTER, 0, NULL, "myplugin_list");
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "next", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, next), WEECHAT_HDATA_POINTER, 0, NULL, "myplugin_list");
The macro "WEECHAT_HDATA_VAR" can be used to shorten code:
WEECHAT_HDATA_VAR(struct t_myplugin_list, name, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL);
WEECHAT_HDATA_VAR(struct t_myplugin_list, buffer, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL);
WEECHAT_HDATA_VAR(struct t_myplugin_list, numbers, INTEGER, 0, "3", NULL);
WEECHAT_HDATA_VAR(struct t_myplugin_list, tags_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL);
WEECHAT_HDATA_VAR(struct t_myplugin_list, tags_array, STRING, 0, "*,tags_count", NULL);
WEECHAT_HDATA_VAR(struct t_myplugin_list, string_split, STRING, 0, "*,*", NULL);
WEECHAT_HDATA_VAR(struct t_myplugin_list, prev, POINTER, 0, NULL, "myplugin_list");
WEECHAT_HDATA_VAR(struct t_myplugin_list, next, POINTER, 0, NULL, "myplugin_list");
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6, updated in 1.0.
Create a new list pointer in hdata.
void weechat_hdata_new_list (struct t_hdata *hdata, const char *name, void *pointer, int flags);
hdata: hdata pointer
name: variable name
pointer: list pointer
flags: combination of following values: (WeeChat ≥ 1.0)
WEECHAT_HDATA_LIST_CHECK_POINTERS: list used to check pointers
C example:
struct t_myplugin_list
char *name;
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer;
int tags_count;
char **tags_array;
char **string_split;
struct t_myplugin_list *prev;
struct t_myplugin_list *next;
/* ... */
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_new ("myplugin_list", "prev", "next");
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "name", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, name), WEECHAT_HDATA_STRING, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "buffer", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, buffer), WEECHAT_HDATA_POINTER, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "tags_count", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, tags_count), WEECHAT_HDATA_INTEGER, NULL, NULL);
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "tags_array", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, tags_array), WEECHAT_HDATA_STRING, "tags_count", NULL);
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "string_split", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, string_split), WEECHAT_HDATA_STRING, "*", NULL);
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "prev", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, prev), WEECHAT_HDATA_POINTER, NULL, "myplugin_list");
weechat_hdata_new_var (hdata, "next", offsetof (struct t_myplugin_list, next), WEECHAT_HDATA_POINTER, NULL, "myplugin_list");
weechat_hdata_new_list (hdata, "buffers", &buffers, WEECHAT_HDATA_LIST_CHECK_POINTERS);
weechat_hdata_new_list (hdata, "last_buffer", &last_buffer, 0);
The macro "WEECHAT_HDATA_LIST" can be used to shorten code:
WEECHAT_HDATA_LIST(last_buffer, 0);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return hdata for a WeeChat or plugin structure.
Hdata does not contain data, it’s only a hashtable with position of variables in structure. That means you will need this hdata and a pointer to a WeeChat/plugin object to read some data. |
struct t_hdata *weechat_hdata_get (const char *hdata_name);
hdata_name: name of hdata (see list below)
Return value:
pointer to hdata, NULL if an error occurred
List of hdata:
Plugin | Name | Description | Lists | Variables |
fset |
fset options |
- |
index (integer) |
guile |
list of scripts |
scripts |
filename (string) |
irc |
irc batch |
- |
reference (string) |
irc |
irc channel |
- |
type (integer) |
irc |
irc channel_speaking |
- |
nick (string) |
irc |
irc ignore |
irc_ignore_list |
number (integer) |
irc |
irc data for /list buffer |
- |
buffer (pointer, hdata: "buffer") |
irc |
irc channel on /list buffer |
- |
name (string) |
irc |
irc modelist |
- |
type (char) |
irc |
irc modelist item |
- |
number (integer) |
irc |
irc nick |
- |
name (string) |
irc |
irc notify |
- |
server (pointer, hdata: "irc_server") |
irc |
irc redirect |
- |
server (pointer, hdata: "irc_server") |
irc |
pattern for irc redirect |
irc_redirect_patterns |
name (string) |
irc |
irc server |
irc_servers |
name (string) |
lua |
list of scripts |
scripts |
filename (string) |
perl |
list of scripts |
scripts |
filename (string) |
php |
list of scripts |
scripts |
filename (string) |
python |
list of scripts |
scripts |
filename (string) |
ruby |
list of scripts |
scripts |
filename (string) |
script |
scripts from repository |
scripts_repo |
name (string) |
tcl |
list of scripts |
scripts |
filename (string) |
weechat |
bar |
gui_bars |
name (string) |
weechat |
bar item |
gui_bar_items |
plugin (pointer, hdata: "plugin") |
weechat |
bar window |
- |
bar (pointer, hdata: "bar") Update allowed: |
weechat |
buffer |
gui_buffer_last_displayed |
id (longlong) |
weechat |
visited buffer |
gui_buffers_visited |
buffer (pointer, hdata: "buffer") |
weechat |
structure with completion |
weechat_completions |
plugin (pointer, hdata: "plugin") |
weechat |
structure with word found for a completion |
- |
word (string) |
weechat |
config file |
config_files |
plugin (pointer, hdata: "plugin") |
weechat |
config option |
- |
config_file (pointer, hdata: "config_file") |
weechat |
config section |
- |
config_file (pointer, hdata: "config_file") |
weechat |
filter |
gui_filters |
enabled (integer) |
weechat |
history of commands in buffer |
gui_history |
text (string) Update allowed: |
weechat |
hotlist |
gui_hotlist |
priority (integer) |
weechat |
structure with undo for input line |
- |
data (string) |
weechat |
a key (keyboard shortcut) |
gui_default_keys |
key (string) |
weechat |
layout |
gui_layout_current |
name (string) |
weechat |
buffer layout |
- |
plugin_name (string) |
weechat |
window layout |
- |
internal_id (integer) |
weechat |
structure with one line |
- |
data (pointer, hdata: "line_data") |
weechat |
structure with one line data |
- |
buffer (pointer, hdata: "buffer") Update allowed: |
weechat |
structure with lines |
- |
first_line (pointer, hdata: "line") |
weechat |
nick in nicklist |
- |
id (longlong) |
weechat |
group in nicklist |
- |
id (longlong) |
weechat |
plugin |
weechat_plugins |
filename (string) |
weechat |
proxy |
weechat_proxies |
name (string) |
weechat |
window |
gui_current_window |
number (integer) |
weechat |
scroll info in window |
- |
buffer (pointer, hdata: "buffer") |
weechat |
tree of windows |
gui_windows_tree |
parent_node (pointer, hdata: "window_tree") |
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("irc_server");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_get(hdata_name: str) -> str: ...
# example
hdata = weechat.hdata_get("irc_server")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return offset of variable in hdata.
int weechat_hdata_get_var_offset (struct t_hdata *hdata, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
name: variable name
Return value:
variable offset, -1 if an error occurred
C example:
int offset = weechat_hdata_get_var_offset (hdata, "name");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_get_var_offset(hdata: str, name: str) -> int: ...
# example
offset = weechat.hdata_get_var_offset(hdata, "name")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return type of variable in hdata (as integer).
int weechat_hdata_get_var_type (struct t_hdata *hdata, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
name: variable name
Return value:
variable type, -1 if an error occurred
C example:
int type = weechat_hdata_get_var_type (hdata, "name");
switch (type)
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* variable not found */
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return type of variable in hdata (as string).
const char *weechat_hdata_get_var_type_string (struct t_hdata *hdata, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
name: variable name
Return value:
variable type, NULL if an error occurred
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "type = %s", weechat_hdata_get_var_type_string (hdata, "name"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_get_var_type_string(hdata: str, name: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "type = %s" % weechat.hdata_get_var_type_string("name"))
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9.
Return array size for variable in hdata.
int weechat_hdata_get_var_array_size (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name
Return value:
array size for variable, -1 if variable is not an array or if an error occurred
C example:
int array_size = weechat_hdata_get_var_array_size (hdata, pointer, "name");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_get_var_array_size(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> int: ...
# example
array_size = weechat.hdata_get_var_array_size(hdata, pointer, "name")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9.
Return array size for variable in hdata (as string).
const char *weechat_hdata_get_var_array_size_string (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer,
const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name
Return value:
array size for variable as string, NULL if variable is not an array or if an error occurred
C example:
const char *array_size = weechat_hdata_get_var_array_size_string (hdata, pointer, "name");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_get_var_array_size_string(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> str: ...
# example
array_size = weechat.hdata_get_var_array_size_string(hdata, pointer, "name")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return hdata for a variable in hdata.
const char *weechat_hdata_get_var_hdata (struct t_hdata *hdata, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
name: variable name
Return value:
hdata for variable, NULL if no hdata or if an error occurred
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "hdata = %s", weechat_hdata_get_var_hdata (hdata, "name"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_get_var_hdata(hdata: str, name: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "hdata = %s" % weechat.hdata_get_var_hdata(hdata, "name"))
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return pointer to content of variable in hdata.
void *weechat_hdata_get_var (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name
Return value:
pointer to content of variable, NULL if an error occurred
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("buffer");
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer = weechat_buffer_search_main ();
void *pointer = weechat_hdata_get_var (hdata, buffer, "name");
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return pointer to content of variable in hdata, using offset.
void *weechat_hdata_get_var_at_offset (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, int offset);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
offset: offset of variable
Return value:
pointer to content of variable, NULL if an error occurred
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("buffer");
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer = weechat_buffer_search_main ();
int offset = weechat_hdata_get_var_offset (hdata, "name");
void *pointer = weechat_hdata_get_var_at_offset (hdata, buffer, offset);
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return list pointer from hdata.
void *weechat_hdata_get_list (struct t_hdata *hdata, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
name: list name
Return value:
list pointer, NULL if an error occurred
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("buffer");
struct t_gui_buffer *buffers = weechat_hdata_get_list (hdata, "gui_buffers");
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_get_list(hdata: str, name: str) -> str: ...
# example
hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
buffers = weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata, "gui_buffers")
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7, updated in 1.0.
Check if a pointer is valid for a hdata and a list pointer.
int weechat_hdata_check_pointer (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *list, void *pointer);
hdata: hdata pointer
list: list pointer; if NULL (WeeChat ≥ 1.0), the pointer is checked with the lists in hdata that have flag "check pointers" (see hdata_new_list), and if no such list exists, the pointer is considered as valid
pointer: pointer to check
Return value:
1 if pointer is in list, 0 if not found
C example:
/* check if a buffer pointer is valid */
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("buffer");
if (weechat_hdata_check_pointer (hdata,
weechat_hdata_get_list (hdata, "gui_buffers"),
/* valid pointer */
/* invalid pointer */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_check_pointer(hdata: str, list: str, pointer: str) -> int: ...
# example
hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
if weechat.hdata_check_pointer(hdata, weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata, "gui_buffers"), ptr_buffer):
# valid pointer
# ...
# invalid pointer
# ...
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Move pointer to another element in list.
void *weechat_hdata_move (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, int count);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to a WeeChat/plugin object
count: number of jump(s) to execute (negative or positive integer, different from 0)
Return value:
pointer to element reached, NULL if element is not found (for example end of list), or if an error occurred
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("buffer");
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer = weechat_buffer_search_main ();
/* move to next buffer, 2 times */
buffer = weechat_hdata_move (hdata, buffer, 2);
/* move to previous buffer */
if (buffer)
buffer = weechat_hdata_move (hdata, buffer, -1);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_move(hdata: str, pointer: str, count: int) -> str: ...
# example
hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
# move to next buffer, 2 times
buffer = weechat.hdata_move(hdata, buffer, 2)
# move to previous buffer
if buffer:
buffer = weechat.hdata_move(hdata, buffer, -1)
WeeChat ≥ 0.4.1, updated in 3.4.
Search element in a list: the expression search is evaluated for each element in list, until element is found (or end of list).
void *weechat_hdata_search (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *search,
struct t_hashtable *pointers, struct t_hashtable *extra_vars,
struct t_hashtable *options, int move);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to a WeeChat/plugin object
search: expression to evaluate, default pointer in expression is the name of hdata (and this pointer changes for each element in list); for help on expression, see the WeeChat user’s guide / Command /eval ↗
pointers: hashtable for call to function string_eval_expression
extra_vars: hashtable for call to function string_eval_expression
options: hashtable for call to function string_eval_expression
move: number of jump(s) to execute after unsuccessful search (negative or positive integer, different from 0)
You must ensure the search expression is safe and does not include any
user data. Such unsafe data must be given in the hashtable extra_vars and
referenced by ${xxx} in the search expression (see the example below).
Return value:
pointer to element found, NULL if not found
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("irc_server");
void *servers = weechat_hdata_get_list (hdata, "irc_servers");
struct t_hashtable *extra_vars = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
/* search irc server with name "libera" */
weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "server_name", "libera");
void *server = weechat_hdata_search (hdata, servers, "${} == ${server_name}",
NULL, extra_vars, NULL, 1);
if (server)
/* ... */
weechat_hashtable_free (extra_vars);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_search(hdata: str, pointer: str, search: str,
pointers: Dict[str, str], extra_vars: Dict[str, str], options: Dict[str, str],
count: int) -> str: ...
# example
hdata = weechat.hdata_get("irc_server")
servers = weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata, "irc_servers")
# search irc server with name "libera"
server = weechat.hdata_search(hdata, servers, "${} == ${server_name}",
{}, {"server_name": "libera"}, {}, 1)
if server:
# ...
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7.
Return value of char variable in structure using hdata.
char weechat_hdata_char (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name (must be type "char"); for arrays, the name can be "N|name" where N is the index in array (starting at 0), for example: "2|name"
Return value:
char value of variable
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "letter = %c", weechat_hdata_char (hdata, pointer, "letter"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_char(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "letter = %c" % weechat.hdata_char(hdata, pointer, "letter"))
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return value of integer variable in structure using hdata.
int weechat_hdata_integer (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name (must be type "integer"); for arrays, the name can be "N|name" where N is the index in array (starting at 0), for example: "2|name"
Return value:
integer value of variable
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("buffer");
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer = weechat_buffer_search_main ();
weechat_printf (NULL, "number = %d", weechat_hdata_integer (hdata, buffer, "number"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_integer(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> int: ...
# example
hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
weechat.prnt("", "number = %d" % weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "number"))
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return value of "long" variable in structure using hdata.
long weechat_hdata_long (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name (must be type "long"); for arrays, the name can be "N|name" where N is the index in array (starting at 0), for example: "2|name"
Return value:
long value of variable
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "longvar = %ld", weechat_hdata_long (hdata, pointer, "longvar"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_long(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "longvar = %d" % weechat.hdata_long(hdata, pointer, "longvar"))
WeeChat ≥ 4.3.0.
Return value of "long long" variable in structure using hdata.
long long weechat_hdata_longlong (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name (must be type "long long"); for arrays, the name can be "N|name" where N is the index in array (starting at 0), for example: "2|name"
Return value:
long long value of variable
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "longlongvar = %lld", weechat_hdata_longlong (hdata, pointer, "longlongvar"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_longlong(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "longlongvar = %d" % weechat.hdata_longlong(hdata, pointer, "longlongvar"))
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return value of string variable in structure using hdata.
const char *weechat_hdata_string (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name (must be type "string"); for arrays, the name can be "N|name" where N is the index in array (starting at 0), for example: "2|name"
Return value:
string value of variable
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("buffer");
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer = weechat_buffer_search_main ();
weechat_printf (NULL, "name = %s", weechat_hdata_string (hdata, buffer, "name"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_string(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> str: ...
# example
hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
weechat.prnt("", "name = %s" % weechat.hdata_string(hdata, buffer, "name"))
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return value of pointer variable in structure using hdata.
void *weechat_hdata_pointer (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name (must be type "pointer"); for arrays, the name can be "N|name" where N is the index in array (starting at 0), for example: "2|name"
Return value:
pointer value of variable
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("buffer");
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer = weechat_buffer_search_main ();
weechat_printf (NULL, "lines = %p", weechat_hdata_pointer (hdata, buffer, "lines"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_pointer(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> str: ...
# example
hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
weechat.prnt("", "lines = %x" % weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata, buffer, "lines"))
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return value of time variable in structure using hdata.
time_t weechat_hdata_time (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name (must be type "time"); for arrays, the name can be "N|name" where N is the index in array (starting at 0), for example: "2|name"
Return value:
time value of variable
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("buffer");
struct t_gui_buffer *ptr = weechat_buffer_search_main ();
ptr = weechat_hdata_pointer (hdata, ptr, "lines");
if (ptr)
hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("lines");
ptr = weechat_hdata_pointer (hdata, ptr, "first_line");
if (ptr)
hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("line");
ptr = weechat_hdata_pointer (hdata, ptr, "data");
if (ptr)
hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("line_data");
time_t date = weechat_hdata_time (hdata, hdata, "date");
weechat_printf (NULL, "time of last line displayed = %s", ctime (&date));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_time(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> int: ...
# example
buf = weechat.buffer_search_main()
ptr = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("buffer"), buf, "lines")
if ptr:
ptr = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("lines"), ptr, "first_line")
if ptr:
ptr = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("line"), ptr, "data")
if ptr:
date = weechat.hdata_time(weechat.hdata_get("line_data"), ptr, "date")
weechat.prnt("", "time of first line displayed = %s" % time.strftime("%F %T", time.localtime(int(date))))
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7.
Return value of hashtable variable in structure using hdata.
struct t_hashtable *weechat_hdata_hashtable (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *name);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name (must be type "hashtable"); for arrays, the name can be "N|name" where N is the index in array (starting at 0), for example: "2|name"
Return value:
hashtable value of variable (pointer to hashtable)
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("buffer");
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer = weechat_buffer_search_main ();
struct t_hashtable *hashtable = weechat_hdata_hashtable (hdata, buffer, "local_variables");
weechat_printf (NULL, "%d local variables in core buffer",
weechat_hashtable_get_integer (hashtable, "items_count"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_hashtable(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> Dict[str, str]: ...
# example
hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
hash = weechat.hdata_hashtable(hdata, buffer, "local_variables")
weechat.prnt("", "local variables in core buffer:")
for key in hash:
weechat.prnt("", " %s == %s" % (key, hash[key]))
WeeChat ≥ 1.9, updated in 4.1.0.
Compare a hdata variable of two objects.
int weechat_hdata_compare (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer1, void *pointer2, const char *name, int case_sensitive);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer1: pointer to first WeeChat/plugin object
pointer2: pointer to second WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name or path to a variable name; for arrays, the name can be "N|name" where N is the index in array (starting at 0), for example: "2|name"
case_sensitive: 1 for case sensitive comparison of strings, otherwise 0
Return value:
-1 if variable1 < variable2
0 if variable1 == variable2
1 if variable1 > variable2
C example:
struct t_hdata *hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("buffer");
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer1 = weechat_buffer_search ("irc", "libera.#weechat");
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer2 = weechat_buffer_search ("irc", "libera.#weechat-fr");
weechat_printf (NULL, "comparison of buffer number = %d",
weechat_hdata_compare (hdata, buffer1, buffer2, "number", 0));
weechat_printf (NULL, "comparison of number of lines = %d",
weechat_hdata_compare (hdata, buffer1, buffer2, "own_lines.lines_count", 0));
weechat_printf (NULL, "comparison of local variable = %d",
weechat_hdata_compare (hdata, buffer1, buffer2, "local_variables.myvar", 0));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_compare(hdata: str, pointer1: str, pointer2: str, name: str, case_sensitive: int) -> int: ...
# example
hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
buffer1 = weechat.buffer_search("irc", "libera.#weechat")
buffer2 = weechat.buffer_search("irc", "libera.#weechat-fr")
weechat.prnt("", "comparison of buffer number = %d" % weechat.hdata_compare(hdata, buffer1, buffer2, "number", 0))
weechat.prnt("", "comparison of number of lines = %d" % weechat.hdata_compare(hdata, buffer1, buffer2, "own_lines.lines_count", 0))
weechat.prnt("", "comparison of local variable = %d" % weechat.hdata_compare(hdata, buffer1, buffer2, "local_variables.myvar", 0))
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9.
Set new value for variable in a hdata.
This function can be called only in an update callback (see hdata_new and hdata_update), if the variable can be updated. |
int weechat_hdata_set (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, const char *name, const char *value);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
name: variable name (types allowed: char, integer, long, string, pointer, time)
value: new value for variable
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
weechat_hdata_set (hdata, pointer, "message", "test");
This function is not available in scripting API. |
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.9.
Update data in a hdata.
int weechat_hdata_update (struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, struct t_hashtable *hashtable);
hdata: hdata pointer
pointer: pointer to WeeChat/plugin object
hashtable: variables to update: keys are name of variables, values are new values for variables (keys and values are string), some special keys are allowed:
(with any value): return 1 if create is allowed for structure, otherwise 0 (WeeChat ≥ 0.4.0) -
(with any value): return 1 if delete is allowed for structure, otherwise 0 -
, value is name of a variable: return 1 if update is allowed for this variable, otherwise 0 -
(with any value): delete structure (if allowed)
Return value:
number of variables updated
C example:
/* subtract one hour on last message displayed in current buffer */
struct t_gui_lines *own_lines;
struct t_gui_line *line;
struct t_gui_line_data *line_data;
struct t_hdata *hdata;
struct t_hashtable *hashtable;
char str_date[64];
own_lines = weechat_hdata_pointer (weechat_hdata_get ("buffer"), weechat_current_buffer (), "own_lines");
if (own_lines)
line = weechat_hdata_pointer (weechat_hdata_get ("lines"), own_lines, "last_line");
if (line)
line_data = weechat_hdata_pointer (weechat_hdata_get ("line"), line, "data");
hdata = weechat_hdata_get ("line_data");
hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
if (hashtable)
snprintf (str_date, sizeof (str_date), "%ld", ((long int)weechat_hdata_time (hdata, line_data, "date")) - 3600);
weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "date", str_date);
weechat_hdata_update (hdata, line_data, hashtable);
weechat_hashtable_free (hashtable);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_update(hdata: str, pointer: str, hashtable: Dict[str, str]) -> int: ...
# example: subtract one hour on last message displayed in current buffer
own_lines = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("buffer"), weechat.current_buffer(), "own_lines")
if own_lines:
line = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("lines"), own_lines, "last_line")
if line:
line_data = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("line"), line, "data")
hdata = weechat.hdata_get("line_data")
weechat.hdata_update(hdata, line_data, {"date": str(weechat.hdata_time(hdata, line_data, "date") - 3600)})
WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6.
Return string value of a hdata property.
const char *weechat_hdata_get_string (struct t_hdata *hdata, const char *property);
hdata: hdata pointer
property: property name:
var_keys: string with list of keys for variables in hdata (format: "key1,key2,key3")
var_values: string with list of values for variables in hdata (format: "value1,value2,value3")
var_keys_values: string with list of keys and values for variables in hdata (format: "key1:value1,key2:value2,key3:value3")
var_prev: name of variable in structure which is a pointer to previous element in list
var_next: name of variable in structure which is a pointer to next element in list
list_keys: string with list of keys for lists in hdata (format: "key1,key2,key3")
list_values: string with list of values for lists in hdata (format: "value1,value2,value3")
list_keys_values: string with list of keys and values for lists in hdata (format: "key1:value1,key2:value2,key3:value3")
Return value:
string value of property
C example:
weechat_printf (NULL, "variables in hdata: %s", weechat_hdata_get_string (hdata, "var_keys"));
weechat_printf (NULL, "lists in hdata: %s", weechat_hdata_get_string (hdata, "list_keys"));
Script (Python):
# prototype
def hdata_get_string(hdata: str, property: str) -> str: ...
# example
weechat.prnt("", "variables in hdata: %s" % weechat.hdata_get_string(hdata, "var_keys"))
weechat.prnt("", "lists in hdata: %s" % weechat.hdata_get_string(hdata, "list_keys"))
3.26. Upgrade
Functions for upgrading WeeChat (command "/upgrade").
Updated in 1.5.
Create or read a file for upgrade.
struct t_upgrade_file *upgrade_file_new (const char *filename,
int (*callback_read)(const void *pointer,
void *data,
struct t_upgrade_file *upgrade_file,
int object_id,
struct t_infolist *infolist),
const void *callback_read_pointer,
void *callback_read_data);
filename: name of file (extension ".upgrade" is added to this name by WeeChat)
callback_read: function called for each object read in upgrade file (if NULL, the upgrade file is opened in write mode), arguments and return value:
const void *pointer: pointer
void *data: pointer
struct t_upgrade_file *upgrade_file: pointer to upgrade file
int object_id: object id
struct t_infolist *infolist: infolist with content of object
return value:
callback_read_pointer: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
callback_read_data: pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat; if not NULL, it must have been allocated with malloc (or similar function) and it is automatically freed when the upgrade file is closed
Return value:
pointer to upgrade file
C example:
struct t_upgrade_file *upgrade_file = weechat_upgrade_new ("my_file",
Script (Python):
# prototype
def upgrade_new(filename: str, callback_read: str, callback_read_data: str) -> str: ...
# example
upgrade_file = weechat.upgrade_new("my_file", "", "")
Write an object in upgrade file.
int weechat_upgrade_write_object (struct t_upgrade_file *upgrade_file,
int object_id,
struct t_infolist *infolist);
upgrade_file: upgrade file pointer
object_id: id for object
infolist: infolist to write in file
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
if (weechat_upgrade_write_object (upgrade_file, 1, &infolist))
/* OK */
/* error */
Script (Python):
# prototype
def upgrade_write_object(upgrade_file: str, object_id: int, infolist: str) -> int: ...
# example
weechat.upgrade_write_object(upgrade_file, 1, infolist)
Updated in 1.5.
Read an upgrade file.
int weechat_upgrade_read (struct t_upgrade_file *upgrade_file);
upgrade_file: upgrade file pointer
Return value:
1 if OK, 0 if error
C example:
weechat_upgrade_read (upgrade_file);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def upgrade_read(upgrade_file: str) -> int: ...
# example
Close an upgrade file.
void weechat_upgrade_close (struct t_upgrade_file *upgrade_file);
upgrade_file: upgrade file pointer
C example:
weechat_upgrade_close (upgrade_file);
Script (Python):
# prototype
def upgrade_close(upgrade_file: str) -> int: ...
# example