SCRIPT_NAME = "xdccq" SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "Randall Flagg " SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.1.2" SCRIPT_LICENSE = "GPL3" SCRIPT_DESC = "Queue Xdcc messages to bots" import_ok = True try: import weechat except ImportError: print("This script must be run under WeeChat.") print("Get WeeChat now at:") import_ok = False botname = "" pack = "" # create a dictionary to save botnames and packs # botname = {"botname1":"pack1","botname2":"pack2"} # print myDict["jeff"] # => "jeffs value" # print myDict.keys() # => ["john", "jeff"] channel = "" def xdccq_help_cb(data, buffer, args): """Callback for /xdccq command.""" global botname, pack, channel response = { 'add', 'list', 'listall', 'clear', 'clearall', } if args: words = args.strip().split(' ') if words[0] in response: if words[0] == "add": channel = buffer botname = words[1] pack = numToList(words[2]) # look for packs aldready added # if already in transfer just add to list # else add and start transfer # check if bot is in auto accept nicks autonicks = weechat.config_string(weechat.config_get("xfer.file.auto_accept_nicks")).split(",") if not botname in autonicks: xfer_option = weechat.config_get("xfer.file.auto_accept_nicks") newlist = weechat.config_string(xfer_option)+","+botname rc = weechat.config_option_set(xfer_option, newlist, 1) if rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED: weechat.prnt('', "%s added to xdcc auto-accept list" % botname) elif rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE: weechat.prnt('', "%s already in xdcc auto-accept list" % botname) elif rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR: weechat.prnt('', "Error in adding %s in auto-accept list" % botname) else: weechat.prnt('', "%s already in xdcc auto-accept nicks, not added." % botname) if len(pack): runcommands() pass elif words[0] == "list": # if botname[words[1]]: # weechat.prnt('',"%s packs left" % botname[words[1]]) # weechat.prnt('',"from %s bot" % words[1]) # else: # weechat.prnt('',"Botname not in queue. Can't list!") pass elif words[0] == "listall": if len(pack): weechat.prnt('', "%s packs left" % pack) weechat.prnt('', "from %s bot" % botname) else: weechat.prnt('', "No packs left") elif words[0] == "clear": # if botname[words[1]]: # del botname[words[1]] # weechat.prnt('',"%s bot queue cleared" % words[1]) # else: # weechat.prnt('',"Botname not in queue. Can't clear!") pass elif words[0] == "clearall": botname = "" pack = "" # botname.clear() weechat.prnt('', "Queue cleared") else: weechat.prnt('', "xdccq error: %s not a recognized command. Try /help xdccq" % words[0]) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def numToList(string): """Converts a string like '3,5,7-9,14' into a list.""" ret = [] numsplit = string.split(",") # the following code makes nums into a list of all integers for n in numsplit: nr = n.split('-') # handle the case of a single number if len(nr) == 1: try: ret.append(int(n)) except: raise ValueError("number") # handle the case of a range elif len(nr) == 2: try: low = int(nr[0]) nx = nr[1].split("%", 1) if len(nx) == 1: high = int(nr[1]) + 1 step = 1 else: high = int(nx[0]) + 1 step = int(nx[1]) if low > high: raise ValueError("number") ret += list(range(low, high, step)) except ValueError: raise ValueError("number") else: raise ValueError("range") return ret def runcommands(): global botname, pack, channel weechat.prnt('', "Pack %s remaining" % pack) if len(pack): onepack = pack.pop(0) weechat.command(channel, "/msg " + botname + " xdcc send " + str(onepack)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def xfer_ended_signal_cb(data, signal, signal_data): # at the end of transfer print the botname and completed file # weechat.infolist_next(signal_data) # weechat.prnt('',"%s" % weechat.infolist_string(signal_data, 'remote_nick')) runcommands() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if __name__ == "__main__" and import_ok: weechat.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, "", "") weechat.hook_command( SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_DESC, '\nadd [name] packs\n list\n listall [name]\n clear\n clearall [name]', 'ADD: adds packs to [botname] queue \n LIST: list [botname] queue \n Pack format can be 1-10 or 1,2,3 or 1-10,12,15 \n LISTALL: list all queue \n CLEAR: clean all queues \n CLEARALL: clears queue for [botname]', 'add %(nick) packs' ' || list %(nick)' ' || listall' ' || clear %(nick)' ' || clearall', 'xdccq_help_cb', '') weechat.hook_signal("xfer_ended", "xfer_ended_signal_cb", "")