# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Sébastien Helleu # Copyright (C) 2011 xt # Copyright (C) 2012 Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter # # Copyright (C) 2012 WillyKaze # Copyright (C) 2013 Thomas Kindler # Copyright (C) 2013 Felix Eckhofer # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # Shorten URLs with own HTTP server. # (this script requires Python >= 2.6) # # How does it work? # # 1. The URLs displayed in buffers are shortened and stored in memory (saved in # a file when script is unloaded). # 2. URLs shortened can be displayed below messages, in a dedicated buffer, or # as HTML page in your browser. # 3. This script embeds an HTTP server, which will redirect shortened URLs # to real URL and display list of all URLs if you browse address without # URL key. # 4. It is recommended to customize/protect the HTTP server using script # options (see /help urlserver). # # List of URLs: # - in WeeChat: /urlserver # - in browser: http://myhost.org:1234/ # # History: # # 2021-05-06, Sébastien Helleu : # v2.6: add compatibility with WeeChat >= 3.2 (XDG directories) # 2021-03-06, Sébastien Helleu : # v2.5: replace cgi by html in Python 3 # 2018-10-01, Pol Van Aubel : # v2.4: rework URL matching to positive regex match with heuristics # 2018-09-30, Sébastien Helleu : # v2.3: fix regex in help of option "http_allowed_ips" # 2017-07-26, Sébastien Helleu : # v2.2: fix write on socket with python 3.x # 2016-11-01, Sébastien Helleu : # v2.1: add option "msg_filtered" # 2016-01-20, Yves Stadler : # v2.0: add option "http_open_in_new_page" # 2015-05-16, Sébastien Helleu : # v1.9: add option "http_auth_redirect", fix flake8 warnings # 2015-04-14, Sébastien Helleu : # v1.8: evaluate option "http_auth" (to use secured data) # 2013-12-09, WakiMiko # v1.7: use HTTPS for youtube embedding # 2013-12-09, Sébastien Helleu : # v1.6: add reason phrase after HTTP code 302 and empty line at the end # 2013-12-05, Sébastien Helleu : # v1.5: replace HTTP 301 by 302 # 2013-12-05, Sébastien Helleu : # v1.4: use HTTP 301 instead of meta for the redirection when # there is no referer in request # 2013-11-29, Felix Eckhofer # v1.3: - make it possible to run reverse proxy in a subdirectory by # generating relative links and using the tag. to use this, # set http_hostname_display to 'domain.tld/subdir'. # - mention favicon explicitly (now works in subdirectories, too). # - update favicon to new weechat logo. # - set meta referrer to never in redirect page, so chrome users' # referrers are hidden, too # - fix http_auth in chrome and other browsers which send header # names in lower case # 2013-05-04, Thomas Kindler # v1.2: added a "http_scheme_display" option. This makes it possible to run # the server behind a reverse proxy with https:// URLs. # 2013-03-25, Hermit (@irc.freenode.net): # v1.1: made links relative in the html, so that they can be followed when # accessing the listing remotely using the weechat box's IP directly. # 2012-12-12, WillyKaze : # v1.0: add options "http_time_format", "display_msg_in_url" (works with # relay/irc), "color_in_msg", "separators" # 2012-04-18, Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter : # v0.9: add options "http_autostart", "http_port_display" # "url_min_length" can now be set to -1 to auto-detect minimal url # length; also, if port is 80 now, :80 will no longer be added to the # shortened url. # 2012-04-17, Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter : # v0.8: add more CSS support by adding options "http_fg_color", # "http_css_url" and "http_title", add descriptive classes to most # html elements. # 2012-04-11, Sébastien Helleu : # v0.7: fix truncated HTML page (thanks to xt), fix base64 decoding with # Python 3.x # 2012-01-19, Sébastien Helleu : # v0.6: add option "http_hostname_display" # 2012-01-03, Sébastien Helleu : # v0.5: make script compatible with Python 3.x # 2011-10-31, Sébastien Helleu : # v0.4: add options "http_embed_youtube_size" and "http_bg_color", # add extensions jpeg/bmp/svg for embedded images # 2011-10-30, Sébastien Helleu : # v0.3: escape HTML chars for page with list of URLs, add option # "http_prefix_suffix", disable highlights on urlserver buffer # 2011-10-30, Sébastien Helleu : # v0.2: fix error on loading of file "urlserver_list.txt" when it is empty # 2011-10-30, Sébastien Helleu : # v0.1: initial release # SCRIPT_NAME = 'urlserver' SCRIPT_AUTHOR = 'Sébastien Helleu ' SCRIPT_VERSION = '2.6' SCRIPT_LICENSE = 'GPL3' SCRIPT_DESC = 'Shorten URLs with own HTTP server' SCRIPT_COMMAND = 'urlserver' SCRIPT_BUFFER = 'urlserver' import_ok = True try: import weechat except ImportError: print('This script must be run under WeeChat.') print('Get WeeChat now at: http://www.weechat.org/') import_ok = False try: import html # python 3.x except ImportError: import cgi as html # python 2.x try: import ast import base64 import datetime import os import re import socket import string import sys except ImportError as message: print('Missing package(s) for %s: %s' % (SCRIPT_NAME, message)) import_ok = False # regex are based on urlbar.py, written by xt # Extended to reflect RFC3986/3987 by MacGyver url_scheme = r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+\-.]*' url_octet = r'(?:2(?:[0-4]\d|5[0-5])|1\d\d|\d{1,2})' url_ipaddr = r'%s(?:\.%s){3}' % (url_octet, url_octet) url_hexdig = r'[0-9a-fA-F]' url_h16 = r'%s{1,4}' % (url_hexdig) url_ls32 = r'(?:%s:%s|%s)' % (url_h16, url_h16, url_ipaddr) url_ip6addr = [r'(?:%s:){6}%s' % (url_h16, url_ls32), r'::(?:%s:){5}%s' % (url_h16, url_ls32), r'%s?::(?:%s:){4}%s' % (url_h16, url_h16, url_ls32), r'(?:(?:%s:){0,1}%s)?::(?:%s:){3}%s' % (url_h16, url_h16, url_h16, url_ls32), r'(?:(?:%s:){0,2}%s)?::(?:%s:){2}%s' % (url_h16, url_h16, url_h16, url_ls32), r'(?:(?:%s:){0,3}%s)?::(?:%s:)%s' % (url_h16, url_h16, url_h16, url_ls32), r'(?:(?:%s:){0,4}%s)?::%s' % (url_h16, url_h16, url_ls32), r'(?:(?:%s:){0,5}%s)?::%s' % (url_h16, url_h16, url_h16), r'(?:(?:%s:){0,6}%s)?::' % (url_h16, url_h16)] url_ip6addr = "(?:" + ")|(?:".join(url_ip6addr) + ")" url_iplit = r'\[(?:%s)\]' % (url_ip6addr) # We're ignoring the IPvFuture url_gendelims = r'[:/?#\[\]@]' url_subdelims = r"[!$&'()*+,;=]" url_reserved = r'(?:%s|%s)' % (url_gendelims, url_subdelims) url_iunreserved = r'[\w\-.~]' url_pctencoded = r'%%%s{2}' % (url_hexdig) url_iregname = r'(?:%s|%s|%s)*' % (url_iunreserved, url_pctencoded, url_subdelims) url_iuserinfo = r'(?:%s|%s|%s|:)*' % (url_iunreserved, url_pctencoded, url_subdelims) url_ihost = r'(?:%s|%s|%s)' % (url_iplit, url_ipaddr, url_iregname) url_iauth = r'(?:%s@)?%s(?::\d*)?' % (url_iuserinfo, url_ihost) url_ipchar = r'(?:%s|%s|%s|:|@)' % (url_iunreserved, url_pctencoded, url_subdelims) url_ipath_abempty = r'(?:/%s*)*' % (url_ipchar) # Some complex stuff about reserved parts of the UCS namespace we're not doing # in iquery, so iquery == ifragment. # It seems that [ and ] are not used as delimiters in iquery and ifragment, so # allow them in these segments. url_iquery = r'(?:%s|/|\?|\[\])*' % (url_ipchar) url_ifragment = url_iquery # Grab one additional character (if present) so that we can later determine # whether the user knew what they were doing. url_full = r'(?P(?:%s)://(?:%s)(?:%s)(?:\?%s)?(?:#%s)?)(?P.)?' % ( url_scheme, url_iauth, url_ipath_abempty, url_iquery, url_ifragment) urlserver = { 'socket': None, 'hook_fd': None, 'regex': re.compile(url_full, re.IGNORECASE), 'urls': {}, 'number': 0, 'buffer': '', } # script options urlserver_settings_default = { # HTTP server settings 'http_autostart': ( 'on', 'start the built-in HTTP server automatically)'), 'http_scheme_display': ( 'http', 'display this scheme in shortened URLs'), 'http_hostname': ( '', 'force hostname/IP in bind of socket ' '(empty value = auto-detect current hostname)'), 'http_hostname_display': ( '', 'display this hostname in shortened URLs'), 'http_port': ( '', 'force port for listening (empty value = find a random free port)'), 'http_port_display': ( '', 'display this port in shortened URLs. Useful if you forward ' 'a different external port to the internal port'), 'http_allowed_ips': ( '', 'regex for IPs allowed to use server ' '(example: "^(123\.45\.67\.89|192\.160\..*)$")'), 'http_auth': ( '', 'login and password (format: "login:password") required to access to ' 'page with list of URLs (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval)'), 'http_auth_redirect': ( 'on', 'require the login/password (if option "http_auth" is set) for URLs ' 'redirections'), 'http_url_prefix': ( '', 'prefix to add in URLs to prevent external people to scan your URLs ' '(for example: prefix "xx" will give URL: http://host.com:1234/xx/8)'), 'http_bg_color': ( '#f4f4f4', 'background color for HTML page'), 'http_fg_color': ( '#000', 'foreground color for HTML page'), 'http_css_url': ( '', 'URL of external Cascading Style Sheet to add (BE CAREFUL: the HTTP ' 'referer will be sent to site hosting CSS file!) (empty value = use ' 'default embedded CSS)'), 'http_embed_image': ( 'off', 'embed images in HTML page (BE CAREFUL: the HTTP referer will be sent ' 'to site hosting image!)'), 'http_embed_youtube': ( 'off', 'embed youtube videos in HTML page (BE CAREFUL: the HTTP referer ' 'will be sent to youtube!)'), 'http_embed_youtube_size': ( '480*350', 'size for embedded youtube video, format is "xxx*yyy"'), 'http_prefix_suffix': ( ' ', 'suffix displayed between prefix and message in HTML page'), 'http_title': ( 'WeeChat URLs', 'title of the HTML page'), 'http_time_format': ( '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S', 'time format in the HTML page'), 'http_open_in_new_page': ( 'on', 'open links in new pages/tabs'), # message filter settings 'msg_ignore_buffers': ( 'core.weechat,python.grep', 'comma-separated list (without spaces) of buffers to ignore ' '(full name like "irc.freenode.#weechat")'), 'msg_ignore_tags': ( 'irc_quit,irc_part,notify_none', 'comma-separated list (without spaces) of tags (or beginning of tags) ' 'to ignore (for example, use "notify_none" to ignore self messages or ' '"nick_weebot" to ignore messages from nick "weebot")'), 'msg_require_tags': ( 'nick_', 'comma-separated list (without spaces) of tags (or beginning of tags) ' 'required to shorten URLs (for example "nick_" to shorten URLs only ' 'in messages from other users)'), 'msg_ignore_regex': ( '', 'ignore messages matching this regex'), 'msg_ignore_dup_urls': ( 'off', 'ignore duplicated URLs (do not add an URL in list if it is already)'), 'msg_filtered': ( 'off', 'shorten URLs in filtered messages (with /filter)'), # display settings 'color': ( 'darkgray', 'color for urls displayed after message'), 'color_in_msg': ( '', 'color for urls displayed inside irc message: it is a number ' '(irc color) between 00 and 15 (see doc for a list of irc colors)'), 'separators': ( '[|]', 'separators for short url list (string with exactly 3 chars)'), 'display_urls': ( 'on', 'display URLs below messages'), 'display_urls_in_msg': ( 'off', 'add shorten url next to the original url (only in IRC messages) ' '(useful for urlserver behind relay/irc)'), 'url_min_length': ( '0', 'minimum length for an URL to be shortened (0 = shorten all URLs, ' '-1 = detect length based on shorten URL)'), 'urls_amount': ( '100', 'number of URLs to keep in memory (and in file when script is not ' 'loaded)'), 'buffer_short_name': ( 'off', 'use buffer short name on dedicated buffer'), 'debug': ( 'off', 'print some debug messages'), } urlserver_settings = {} def base62_encode(number): """Encode a number in base62 (all digits + a-z + A-Z).""" base62chars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters l = [] while number > 0: remainder = number % 62 number = number // 62 l.insert(0, base62chars[remainder]) return ''.join(l) or '0' def base62_decode(str_value): """Decode a base62 string (all digits + a-z + A-Z) to a number.""" base62chars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters return sum([base62chars.index(char) * (62 ** (len(str_value) - index - 1)) for index, char in enumerate(str_value)]) def base64_decode(s): if sys.version_info >= (3,): # python 3.x return base64.b64decode(s.encode('utf-8')) else: # python 2.x return base64.b64decode(s) def urlserver_get_base_url(): """ Return url with port number if != default port for the protocol, including prefix path. """ global urlserver_settings scheme = urlserver_settings['http_scheme_display'] hostname = (urlserver_settings['http_hostname_display'] or urlserver_settings['http_hostname'] or socket.getfqdn()) # If the built-in HTTP server isn't running, default to port from settings port = urlserver_settings['http_port'] if len(urlserver_settings['http_port_display']) > 0: port = urlserver_settings['http_port_display'] elif urlserver['socket']: port = urlserver['socket'].getsockname()[1] # Don't add :port if the port matches the default port for the protocol prefixed_port = ':%s' % port if scheme == "http" and prefixed_port == ':80': prefixed_port = '' elif scheme == "https" and prefixed_port == ':443': prefixed_port = '' prefix = '' if urlserver_settings['http_url_prefix']: prefix = '%s/' % urlserver_settings['http_url_prefix'] return '%s://%s%s/%s' % (scheme, hostname, prefixed_port, prefix) def urlserver_short_url(number, full=True): """Return short URL with number.""" return '%s%s' % (urlserver_get_base_url() if full else '', base62_encode(number)) def urlserver_server_reply(conn, code, extra_header, message, mimetype='text/html'): """Send a HTTP reply to client.""" global urlserver_settings if extra_header: extra_header += '\r\n' s = 'HTTP/1.1 %s\r\n' \ '%s' \ 'Content-Type: %s\r\n' \ 'Content-Length: %d\r\n' \ '\r\n' \ % (code, extra_header, mimetype, len(message)) msg = None if sys.version_info >= (3,): # python 3.x if type(message) is bytes: msg = s.encode('utf-8') + message else: msg = s.encode('utf-8') + message.encode('utf-8') else: # python 2.x msg = s + message if urlserver_settings['debug'] == 'on': weechat.prnt('', 'urlserver: sending %d bytes' % len(msg)) conn.sendall(msg) def urlserver_server_reply_auth_required(conn): """Reply a 401 (authorization required).""" urlserver_server_reply(conn, '401 Authorization required', 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="%s"' % SCRIPT_NAME, '') def urlserver_server_favicon(): """Return favicon for HTML page.""" s = ('iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACAAAAAgCAYAAABzenr0AAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+g' 'vaeTAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAB3RJTUUH3QUTDCsWY4ZjDAAAAC5p' 'VFh0Q29tbWVudAAAAAAAQnkgRmxhc2hDb2RlIC0gaHR0cDovL3dlZWNoYXQub3Jn' 'L3IAZSEAAAZJSURBVFjD7ZZdbFTHFcf/M/fueteLP8A2/oSExsVASECCIIgctaIG' 'oURVmzyEipJWSYUsFRGliJS3qEkElVqpapWHSrxEqVopbaVGrRKJtiRYlps6ttMH' 'YmwIKcaO7cXE3vXdj/s1M+f04e6u1vVWfaxUMVejO/fO3HN+5z/nzgxwv9wv/+Mi' '/lPHxq3NyM6tlh9jR14/3BBvqqsPApXwC2FMhdoOfRVTobZVoONambhIWgm2kSBb' 'JEgiYQQljOCEBie14IQB1Wk2CcWc1NrkeMJ53a7l/Ge513C28RUAwJMXjz7X0rvp' '64iL3UZwtwE3GCKhmKDBMEzQTFBM0MZAkUFoTNQuV4ruoSGw0SAi0Gf522Yy/8ua' 'AGcbX0HnrvYtT7068KdUZ8MeRUboslEiKDKAiSoTIAxDcCSngICEKF2otMrPEgKC' 'mJEORuHohZoAOwd6O77y/ccvN3Y37Aq1gRSAEACEgJRlBxJSMKQBJDiqzBBEADOE' 'YUAzQxFBE7M2kUTakPB1wNP59wH4NQEOfXvfWy1bN+5SWlfYpRCwbIniF66Xnly6' 'ExTDTBgoX4Xa1b52w0AXla9dY8gjIp+YfGPYq7p7ZMjXRD75xqebxSkAvA7g0Il9' 'Rx7Y23204lwKCI7EzN7OLP7x9Ls/Va76PYAMIKgOD1Hnw49x994D6Orfh9+dfUIL' 'EeX20xcvx1Tg2ssz16xceibu5u4lQi+fAtHMIj7UALAO4OCze85YlgTBAkkBJgCC' 'QSCMX5p4W7nq0gu/mQvSkyPnN7R2dwkh6yFkSgiZElI0Pnb8/M8B/AFATNrx0aZN' 'HX3NXb110rJsacUhpMBvf9D/DIB31gE8de5wnQnNB3/71YTt5nzXzft5z/FzRcdz' 'jDLu3Nj8+wDcyxe+9cjRc29esOJJAFz53s+tBOnp0U4AOPTd1x5vbN+6U1qxZOWf' 'lxbmrw3Nupm7d8rv1gD8+Y1JowN1KdXW8NaW3f1o375DdGxvlU1dPfLXg7vvlcft' 'GDj5op1IgcmsUa+wspBe+GR4BADaHto7IKSVXKsvY+aj9/4OYLImwFdPX/xR+5f3' '9QMiLgTqAZGEEPWh61iJDRuf9QvZEQCpzp0HT0ZzU7WiCYH01Og4gNknTv0kUZdq' 'OiaFBa5SyM3e83JLsx8AULUAmtu27TmfbGyxmbnKsMTSzbFbKiiGAHDwuVdPJBra' 'EmSoHBQYABNh7O0LfwGwOvePob6eR5/cH3gGoFI/MzKfz99NT304Ug1eAdjzjZdO' '1Td32TpQiPwzmAAixYuTYx8bFU4BkG1f6j/u5TRADOaSd2EjPTV0C4xxAGjvGxg0' 'KgXl6SpAxuL18XEA87UAxJZHnz5dzAQgKiMDzEDoOv78J0NXABR3HTu3Hdz8iJdV' '4HL0xJCWxLX3fnEVwA0AaNi8/3tuJgQxlcZECkxfeeOvAArrAHr7Tx2RsY5ud1VV' 'OWcwS6zMTc866U8/AsB1iS0HQy+2Wfk6UokAFgLFzI1cdn5yCEDw4P7BZ0CtjcVV' 'VVIJgLCwujBxR3nO2JrfpgQgWx742jd9R9tcFTkzQ4gYbg1fGgIwGw3fdDIoSBAZ' 'gLmUhwJLn45OM6lhAGjqPPIdd1WBKepnMAQkZj9+cxjAzX9fd+xtB15qJtN82HMM' 'eE30Atpf0sszw1cB5AF0W7FtA5HxaBwRQMbVy7evjgGwW7YdP2Z06wE3G+URU5QA' 'oX83WF0YvgIgWAcQuuFuUo19nlOKqgqAqd7e3Du4HyK2ktzw4POhmwKTrkTGBDBZ' 'dkffj8907oifYQZUkRCyiRQoTWNheeIWg0dq7Tu2tHqOhm4CZHQl88v0zMCmnlMv' 'M9PLTICbDSqZXz0GLEAUVpKSq/vJcHHl+iiYPq8JQGZjq+soMFFJ2pKBUuYylRKO' 'q+DK87/GIYNJRFNTbhPDmFzgF24MAdA1AfxC7h0mf5DZirJ6jaPICJUyntgApECs' 'NEgpIq3A2mcmn8l4zMUsmVyWKbvClFkmk/7CmM8W2Vy/Gh1XeD1A4ARXtH/tBDj1' 'Q+YNfeBYnCgMwfkiUT7P5GSZcsvMzhJT4R4zrQBmGawyxF6GzbJD5p8OkHcB+KVl' 'NixFTNX7wH87lMYB9ABoKe8tAFYBFKsM8/1z/P3yf1f+BRr3PuAGLe5KAAAAAElF' 'TkSuQmCC') return base64_decode(s) def urlserver_server_reply_list(conn, sort='-time'): """Send list of URLs as HTML page to client.""" global urlserver, urlserver_settings content = '
\n\n' if not sort.startswith('-'): sort = '+%s' % sort if sort[1:] == 'time': urls = sorted(urlserver['urls'].items()) else: idx = ['time', 'nick', 'buffer'].index(sort[1:]) urls = sorted(urlserver['urls'].items(), key=lambda url: url[1][idx].lower()) if sort.startswith('-'): urls.reverse() sortkey = { '-': ('', '↑'), '+': ('-', '↓') } content += ' ' for column, defaultsort in (('time', '-'), ('nick', ''), ('buffer', '')): if sort[1:] == column: content += ('' % ( column, sortkey[sort[0]][0], column, column.capitalize(), sortkey[sort[0]][1])) else: content += ('' % ( column, defaultsort, column, column.capitalize())) content += '' content += '\n' for key, item in urls: content += ' ' url = item[3] obj = '' message = (html.escape(item[4].replace(url, '\x01\x02\x03\x04')) .split('\t', 1)) message[0] = '%s' % message[0] message[1] = '%s' % message[1] strjoin = (' %s ' % urlserver_settings['http_prefix_suffix'] .replace(' ', ' ')) target = '' if urlserver_settings['http_open_in_new_page'] == 'on': target = ' target=_blank' message = strjoin.join(message).replace( '\x01\x02\x03\x04', '%s' '' % ( urlserver_short_url(key, False), url, target, url)) if urlserver_settings['http_embed_image'] == 'on' and \ url.lower().endswith(('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.bmp', '.svg')): obj = ('
%s' '
' % (url, url, url)) elif urlserver_settings['http_embed_youtube'] == 'on' and \ 'youtube.com/' in url: m = re.search('v=([\w\d]+)', url) if m: yid = m.group(1) try: size = (urlserver_settings['http_embed_youtube_size'] .split('*')) width = int(size[0]) height = int(size[1]) except: width = 480 height = 350 obj = ('
' '
' % (yid, width, height, yid)) content += ('
' '' '\n' % (message, obj) content += '
' '%s %s' '%sURLs
%s%s%s' % ( item[0], item[1], item[2])) content += '%s%s
' if len(urlserver_settings['http_css_url']) > 0: css = ('' % urlserver_settings['http_css_url']) else: css = ('\n' % ( urlserver_settings['http_bg_color'], urlserver_settings['http_fg_color'])) html_code = ('\n' '\n' '%s\n' '\n' '%s\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '\n%s\n\n' '' % ( urlserver_settings['http_title'], css, urlserver_get_base_url(), content)) urlserver_server_reply(conn, '200 OK', '', html_code) def urlserver_check_auth(data): """Check user/password to access a page/URL.""" global urlserver_settings if not urlserver_settings['http_auth']: return True http_auth = weechat.string_eval_expression( urlserver_settings['http_auth'], {}, {}, {}) auth = re.search('^Authorization: Basic (\S+)$', data, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE) if auth and (base64_decode(auth.group(1)).decode('utf-8') == http_auth): return True return False def urlserver_server_fd_cb(data, fd): """Callback for server socket.""" global urlserver, urlserver_settings if not urlserver['socket']: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK conn, addr = urlserver['socket'].accept() if urlserver_settings['debug'] == 'on': weechat.prnt('', 'urlserver: connection from %s' % str(addr)) if urlserver_settings['http_allowed_ips'] and \ not re.match(urlserver_settings['http_allowed_ips'], addr[0]): if urlserver_settings['debug'] == 'on': weechat.prnt('', 'urlserver: IP not allowed') conn.close() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK data = None try: conn.settimeout(0.3) data = conn.recv(4096).decode('utf-8') data = data.replace('\r\n', '\n') except: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK replysent = False sort = '-time' referer = re.search('^Referer:', data, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE) m = re.search('^GET /(.*) HTTP/.*$', data, re.MULTILINE) if m: url = m.group(1) if urlserver_settings['debug'] == 'on': weechat.prnt('', 'urlserver: %s' % m.group(0)) if 'favicon.' in url: urlserver_server_reply(conn, '200 OK', '', urlserver_server_favicon(), mimetype='image/x-icon') replysent = True else: # check if prefix is ok (if prefix defined in settings) prefixok = True if urlserver_settings['http_url_prefix']: if url.startswith(urlserver_settings['http_url_prefix']): url = url[len(urlserver_settings['http_url_prefix']):] if url.startswith('/'): url = url[1:] else: prefixok = False # prefix ok, go on with url if prefixok: if url.startswith('sort='): # sort asked for list of urls sort = url[5:] url = '' if url: # short url, read base62 key and redirect to page number = -1 try: number = base62_decode(url) except: pass if number >= 0 and number in urlserver['urls']: authok = ( urlserver_settings['http_auth_redirect'] != 'on' or urlserver_check_auth(data) ) if authok: # if we have a referer in request, use meta for # redirection (so that referer is not sent) # otherwise, we can make redirection with HTTP 302 if referer: urlserver_server_reply( conn, '200 OK', '', '\n' '' % urlserver['urls'][number][3]) else: conn.sendall( 'HTTP/1.1 302\r\n' 'Location: {}\r\n\r\n' .format(urlserver['urls'][number][3]) .encode('utf-8')) else: urlserver_server_reply_auth_required(conn) replysent = True else: # page with list of urls if urlserver_check_auth(data): urlserver_server_reply_list(conn, sort) else: urlserver_server_reply_auth_required(conn) replysent = True else: if urlserver_settings['debug'] == 'on': weechat.prnt('', 'urlserver: prefix missing') if not replysent: urlserver_server_reply(conn, '404 Not found', '', '\n' 'Page not found\n' '

Page not found

\n' '') conn.close() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def urlserver_server_status(): """Display status of server.""" global urlserver if urlserver['socket']: weechat.prnt('', 'URL server listening on %s' % str(urlserver['socket'].getsockname())) else: weechat.prnt('', 'URL server not running') def urlserver_server_start(): """Start mini HTTP server.""" global urlserver, urlserver_settings if urlserver['socket']: weechat.prnt('', 'URL server already running') return port = 0 try: port = int(urlserver_settings['http_port']) except: port = 0 urlserver['socket'] = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) urlserver['socket'].setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) try: urlserver['socket'].bind((urlserver_settings['http_hostname'] or socket.getfqdn(), port)) except Exception as e: weechat.prnt('', '%sBind error: %s' % (weechat.prefix('error'), e)) urlserver['socket'] = None urlserver_server_status() return urlserver['socket'].listen(5) urlserver['hook_fd'] = weechat.hook_fd(urlserver['socket'].fileno(), 1, 0, 0, 'urlserver_server_fd_cb', '') urlserver_server_status() def urlserver_server_stop(): """Stop mini HTTP server.""" global urlserver if urlserver['socket'] or urlserver['hook_fd']: if urlserver['socket']: urlserver['socket'].close() urlserver['socket'] = None if urlserver['hook_fd']: weechat.unhook(urlserver['hook_fd']) urlserver['hook_fd'] = None weechat.prnt('', 'URL server stopped') def urlserver_server_restart(): """Restart mini HTTP server.""" urlserver_server_stop() urlserver_server_start() def urlserver_display_url_detail(key, return_url=False): global urlserver url = urlserver['urls'][key] nick = url[1] if nick: nick += ' @ ' if return_url: return urlserver_short_url(key) else: weechat.prnt_date_tags( urlserver['buffer'], 0, 'notify_none', '%s, %s%s%s%s: %s%s%s -> %s' % ( url[0], nick, weechat.color('chat_buffer'), url[2], weechat.color('reset'), weechat.color(urlserver_settings['color']), urlserver_short_url(key), weechat.color('reset'), url[3])) def urlserver_buffer_input_cb(data, buffer, input_data): if input_data in ('q', 'Q'): weechat.buffer_close(buffer) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def urlserver_buffer_close_cb(data, buffer): global urlserver urlserver['buffer'] = '' return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def urlserver_open_buffer(): global urlserver, urlserver_settings if not urlserver['buffer']: urlserver['buffer'] = weechat.buffer_new( SCRIPT_BUFFER, 'urlserver_buffer_input_cb', '', 'urlserver_buffer_close_cb', '') if urlserver['buffer']: weechat.buffer_set(urlserver['buffer'], 'title', 'urlserver') weechat.buffer_set(urlserver['buffer'], 'localvar_set_no_log', '1') weechat.buffer_set(urlserver['buffer'], 'time_for_each_line', '0') weechat.buffer_set(urlserver['buffer'], 'print_hooks_enabled', '0') weechat.buffer_clear(urlserver['buffer']) keys = sorted(urlserver['urls']) for key in keys: urlserver_display_url_detail(key) weechat.buffer_set(urlserver['buffer'], 'display', '1') def urlserver_cmd_cb(data, buffer, args): """The /urlserver command.""" global urlserver if args == 'start': urlserver_server_start() elif args == 'restart': urlserver_server_restart() elif args == 'stop': urlserver_server_stop() elif args == 'status': urlserver_server_status() elif args == 'clear': urlserver['urls'] = {} urlserver['number'] = 0 weechat.prnt('', 'urlserver: list cleared') else: urlserver_open_buffer() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def urlserver_update_urllist(buffer_full_name, buffer_short_name, tags, prefix, message, nick=None): """Update urls list and return a list of short urls for message.""" global urlserver, urlserver_settings # skip ignored buffers if urlserver_settings['msg_ignore_buffers'] and \ buffer_full_name in (urlserver_settings['msg_ignore_buffers'] .split(',')): return None listtags = [] if tags: listtags = tags.split(',') # skip ignored tags if urlserver_settings['msg_ignore_tags']: for itag in urlserver_settings['msg_ignore_tags'].split(','): for tag in listtags: if tag.startswith(itag): return None # exit if a required tag is missing if urlserver_settings['msg_require_tags']: for rtag in urlserver_settings['msg_require_tags'].split(','): tagfound = False for tag in listtags: if tag.startswith(rtag): tagfound = True break if not tagfound: return None # ignore message is matching the "msg_ignore_regex" if urlserver_settings['msg_ignore_regex']: if re.search(urlserver_settings['msg_ignore_regex'], prefix + '\t' + message): return None # extract nick from tags if not nick: nick = '' for tag in listtags: if tag.startswith('nick_'): nick = tag[5:] break # get URL min length min_length = 0 try: min_length = int(urlserver_settings['url_min_length']) # Detect the minimum length based on shorten url length if min_length == -1: min_length = len(urlserver_short_url(urlserver['number'])) + 1 except: min_length = 0 # shorten URL(s) in message urls_short = [] for match in urlserver['regex'].finditer(message): url = match.group('url') trailer = match.group('trailer') # Heuristics for dealing with valid URI characters used as URI # delimiters. if url[-1] == ',': # Does the URL contain other commas? If so, don't strip. # Is the URL followed by a space? If not, don't strip. if trailer == ' ' and url[:-1].count(',') == 0: url = url[:-1] elif url[-1] == '.': # Strip if the URL is followed by whitespace *or* nothing. # Nothing seems to use a . at the end, and it's a natural # sentence terminator. if trailer is None or trailer == ' ': url = url[:-1] elif url[-1] == ')' or url[-1] == ']': # Tough one. First check whether the URL is followed by # a space or end of line. if trailer is None or trailer == ' ': closer = url[-1] if closer == ')': opener = '(' elif closer == ']': opener = '[' # Check if the brackets would be balanced inside the URL. opening = url.count(opener) closing = url.count(closer) if opening < closing: match_start, match_end = match.span('url') # Is the URL *immediately* preceded by an opener? prior = message[:match_start] if prior and prior[-1] == opener: url = url[:-1] else: after = message[match_end:] # Are brackets outside of the URL unbalanced? opening = prior.count(opener) + after.count(opener) closing = prior.count(closer) + after.count(closer) if opening > closing: url = url[:-1] elif url[-1] == "'": # Another doozy. Can't really work with balance because of # contractions such as "can't". # So let's simply check for enclosing, but only if there's not # another delimiter. if trailer is None or trailer == ' ': match_start = match.start('url') if match_start > 0 and message[match_start - 1] == "'": url = url[:-1] # End heuristics if len(url) >= min_length: if urlserver_settings['msg_ignore_dup_urls'] == 'on': same_urls = [key for key, value in urlserver['urls'].items() if value[3] == url] if same_urls: continue number = urlserver['number'] # don't save urls already shortened if not url.startswith(urlserver_get_base_url()): urlserver['urls'][number] = ( datetime.datetime.now().strftime( urlserver_settings['http_time_format']), nick, buffer_short_name, url, '%s\t%s' % (prefix, message)) urls_short.append(urlserver_short_url(number)) if urlserver['buffer']: urlserver_display_url_detail(number) urlserver['number'] += 1 # remove old URLs if we have reach max list size urls_amount = 50 try: urls_amount = int(urlserver_settings['urls_amount']) if urls_amount <= 0: urls_amount = 50 except: urls_amount = 50 while len(urlserver['urls']) > urls_amount: keys = sorted(urlserver['urls']) del urlserver['urls'][keys[0]] return urls_short def urlserver_print_cb(data, buffer, time, tags, displayed, highlight, prefix, message): """ Callback for message printed in buffer: display short URLs after message. """ global urlserver, urlserver_settings if not displayed and urlserver_settings['msg_filtered'] != 'on': return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if urlserver_settings['display_urls'] == 'on': buffer_full_name = '%s.%s' % ( weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'plugin'), weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'name')) if urlserver_settings['buffer_short_name'] == 'on': buffer_short_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'short_name') else: buffer_short_name = buffer_full_name urls_short = urlserver_update_urllist(buffer_full_name, buffer_short_name, tags, prefix, message) if urls_short: if urlserver_settings['separators'] and \ len(urlserver_settings['separators']) == 3: separator = ' %s ' % (urlserver_settings['separators'][1]) urls_string = separator.join(urls_short) urls_string = '%s %s %s' % ( urlserver_settings['separators'][0], urls_string, urlserver_settings['separators'][2]) else: urls_string = ' | '.join(urls_short) urls_string = '[ ' + urls_string + ' ]' weechat.prnt_date_tags( buffer, 0, 'no_log,notify_none', '%s%s' % (weechat.color(urlserver_settings['color']), urls_string)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def urlserver_modifier_irc_cb(data, modifier, modifier_data, string): """Modifier for IRC message: add short URLs at the end of IRC message.""" global urlserver, urlserver_settings if urlserver_settings['display_urls_in_msg'] != 'on': return string msg = weechat.info_get_hashtable( 'irc_message_parse', {'message': string, 'server': modifier_data}) if 'nick' not in msg or 'channel' not in msg or 'arguments' not in msg: return string try: message = msg['arguments'].split(' ', 1)[1] if message.startswith(':'): message = message[1:] except: return string info_name = '%s,%s' % (modifier_data, msg['channel']) if weechat.info_get('irc_is_channel', info_name) == '1': name = msg['channel'] else: name = msg['nick'] buffer_full_name = 'irc.%s.%s' % (modifier_data, name) if urlserver_settings['buffer_short_name'] == 'on': buffer_short_name = name else: buffer_short_name = buffer_full_name urls_short = urlserver_update_urllist(buffer_full_name, buffer_short_name, None, msg['nick'], message, msg['nick']) if urls_short: if urlserver_settings['separators'] and \ len(urlserver_settings['separators']) == 3: separator = ' %s ' % (urlserver_settings['separators'][1]) urls_string = separator.join(urls_short) urls_string = '%s %s %s' % ( urlserver_settings['separators'][0], urls_string, urlserver_settings['separators'][2]) else: urls_string = ' | '.join(urls_short) urls_string = '[ ' + urls_string + ' ]' if urlserver_settings['color_in_msg']: urls_string = '\x03%s%s' % (urlserver_settings['color_in_msg'], urls_string) string = "%s %s" % (string, urls_string) return string def urlserver_config_cb(data, option, value): """Called when a script option is changed.""" global urlserver_settings pos = option.rfind('.') if pos > 0: name = option[pos+1:] if name in urlserver_settings: if name == 'http_allowed_ips': urlserver_settings[name] = re.compile(value) else: urlserver_settings[name] = value if name in ('http_hostname', 'http_port'): # don't restart if autostart is disabled and server isn't # already running if urlserver_settings['http_autostart'] == 'on' or \ urlserver['socket']: urlserver_server_restart() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def urlserver_filename(): """Return name of file used to store list of urls.""" options = { 'directory': 'data', } return weechat.string_eval_path_home('%h/urlserver_list.txt', {}, {}, options) def urlserver_read_urls(): """Read file with URLs.""" global urlserver filename = urlserver_filename() if os.path.isfile(filename): urlserver['number'] = 0 try: urlserver['urls'] = ast.literal_eval(open(filename, 'r').read()) keys = sorted(urlserver['urls']) if keys: urlserver['number'] = keys[-1] + 1 else: urlserver['number'] = 0 except: weechat.prnt('', '%surlserver: error reading file "%s"' % ( weechat.prefix('error'), filename)) def urlserver_write_urls(): """Write file with URLs.""" global urlserver keys = sorted(urlserver['urls']) content = '{\n%s\n}\n' % '\n'.join([ ' %d: %s,' % (key, str(urlserver['urls'][key])) for key in keys ]) open(urlserver_filename(), 'w').write(content) def urlserver_end(): """Script unloaded (oh no, why?)""" urlserver_server_stop() urlserver_write_urls() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if __name__ == '__main__' and import_ok: if weechat.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, 'urlserver_end', ''): # set default settings version = weechat.info_get('version_number', '') or 0 for option, value in urlserver_settings_default.items(): if weechat.config_is_set_plugin(option): urlserver_settings[option] = weechat.config_get_plugin(option) else: weechat.config_set_plugin(option, value[0]) urlserver_settings[option] = value[0] if int(version) >= 0x00030500: weechat.config_set_desc_plugin( option, '%s (default: "%s")' % (value[1], value[0])) # detect config changes weechat.hook_config('plugins.var.python.%s.*' % SCRIPT_NAME, 'urlserver_config_cb', '') # add command weechat.hook_command( SCRIPT_COMMAND, SCRIPT_DESC, 'start|restart|stop|status || clear', ' start: start server\n' 'restart: restart server\n' ' stop: stop server\n' ' status: display status of server\n' ' clear: remove all URLs from list\n\n' 'Without argument, this command opens new buffer with list of ' 'URLs.\n\n' 'Initial setup:\n' ' - by default, script will listen on a random free port, ' 'you can force a port with:\n' ' /set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_port "1234"\n' ' - you can force an IP or custom hostname with:\n' ' /set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_hostname ' '""\n' ' - it is strongly recommended to restrict IPs allowed and/or ' 'use auth, for example:\n' ' /set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_allowed_ips ' '"^(|192.160.*)$"\n' ' /set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_auth ' '"user:password"\n' ' - if you do not like the default HTML formatting, you can ' 'override the CSS:\n' ' /set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_css_url ' '"http://example.com/sample.css"\n' ' See https://raw.github.com/FiXato/weechat_scripts/master/' 'urlserver/sample.css\n' ' - don\'t like the built-in HTTP server to start automatically? ' 'Disable it:\n' ' /set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_autostart "off"\n' ' - have external port 80 or 443 (https) forwarded to your ' 'internal server port? Remove :port with:\n' ' /set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_port_display "80" ' 'or "443" respectively\n' '\n' 'Tip: use URL without key at the end to display list of all URLs ' 'in your browser.', 'start|restart|stop|status|clear', 'urlserver_cmd_cb', '') if urlserver_settings['http_autostart'] == 'on': # start mini HTTP server urlserver_server_start() # load urls from file urlserver_read_urls() # catch URLs in buffers weechat.hook_print('', '', '://', 1, 'urlserver_print_cb', '') # modify URLS in irc messages (for relay) weechat.hook_modifier('irc_in2_privmsg', 'urlserver_modifier_irc_cb', '') weechat.hook_modifier('irc_in2_notice', 'urlserver_modifier_irc_cb', '') # search buffer urlserver['buffer'] = weechat.buffer_search('python', SCRIPT_BUFFER)