""" :Author: P Hargrave :What it does: Allows control of an mpd server from within weechat. Also provides the 'now playing' (np) command to publish currently playing track information into the current buffer. :Usage: /mpc * When called with no command 'np' is assumed /mpc *Arguments may be comma or space separated. :Configuration: ==============|========================================== Variable name | Description [Default Value] ==============|========================================== format.........This is a string that will be used to show the 'now playing' banner. Use `$` to precede any variable name. Several keys are already avaialable just from the mpd.MPDClient() `currentsong` command. (So set verbose=1 then do a `mpc currentsong` to see all the keys) As a convenience the following are also available: $title_or_file, $length_min, $length_sec, $pct, $pos_min, $pos_sec, $bitrate host...........The host where your mpd runs ["localhost"] password.......The password used to connect to mpd [""] port...........The port to connect to mpd (usually 6600) verbose........If set then lots more will be printed ch_pause.......These are just inserted in the short_status ch_play template displayed whenever an action is ch_stop performed. autoswitch.....If set automatically switch to created buffers (e.g. playlist) To restore the default value of any config variable just /unset and reload the plugin. :Requires: python-mpd: Python MPD client library http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/ClientLib:python-mpd :Etc...: This script was originally devised while hacking mpdnp.py script by Henning Hasemann. Since there is basically nothing left of the original and all the controls are new I decided 'mpc' was more appropriate now. All the commands are those available from the mpd.py MPDClient object, mostly I have done little to wrap these for weechat, but a few common ones can show some basic information in the current buffer (e.g. when you pause/play/stop). Unfortunately these functions are not documented afaik and so I can't even be sure of the arguments or types, so the user may need to do some experimenting ;) Released under GPL license. 2013-01-03, Sebastien Helleu : version 0.3: fix buffer used to print message (use buffer in command callback, not current buffer) """ import weechat as wc from mpd import MPDClient, CommandError from string import Template from os.path import basename, splitext from operator import itemgetter DEFAULT_FMT = \ "/me is listening to: $artist - $title_or_file ($length_min:$length_sec)" wc.register("mpc", "Perry Hargrave", "0.3", "GPL", "mpc for weechat", "", "") DEFAULT_CONFIG = { "host" : "localhost", "port" : "6600", "format" : DEFAULT_FMT, "password" : "", "verbose" : "1", "debug" : "0", "ch_pause" : "||", "ch_play" : ">>", "ch_stop" : "--", "shortstats": "MPC : $state : $artist : $title", "playinfo" : "$pos: $artist : $title : $album : $track : $time", "autoswitch": "0", } class __MPC(object): _mpdc = None _host = DEFAULT_CONFIG['host'] _port = DEFAULT_CONFIG['port'] verbose = bool(int(DEFAULT_CONFIG['verbose'])) debug = bool(int(DEFAULT_CONFIG['debug'])) # Switch automatically to created buffers autoswitch = bool(int(DEFAULT_CONFIG['autoswitch'])) # State symbols state_chars = { 'pause':DEFAULT_CONFIG['ch_pause'], 'play':DEFAULT_CONFIG['ch_play'], 'stop':DEFAULT_CONFIG['ch_stop'], } def __init__(self, wc_buffer=None): object.__init__(self) self._mpdc = MPDClient() self._commands = self._mpdc._commands self.wcb = wc_buffer self.verbose = bool(int((wc.config_get_plugin("verbose")))) self.debug = bool(int((wc.config_get_plugin("debug")))) self.autoswitch = bool(int((wc.config_get_plugin("autoswitch")))) for k, v in self.state_chars.iteritems(): self.state_chars[k] = wc.config_get_plugin('ch_' + k) self._commands['np'] = None @property def shortstats(self): return wc.config_get_plugin("shortstats") def __getattribute__(self, attr): try: return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) except AttributeError: return self._mpdc.__getattr__(attr) def _get_status(self, key): return self._mpdc.status()[key] def _print_current(f): """Do `f`, then prints the short_status in the buffer. """ def pf(self, *args, **kwargs): robj = f(self, *args, **kwargs) if not self.verbose: return robj # Show the status in the current buffer csong = self._mpdc.currentsong() csong.update({'state':self.state_chars[self._get_status('state')]}) wc.prnt(self.wcb or wc.current_buffer(), Template(self.shortstats).safe_substitute(csong)) return robj return pf def connect(self): self._host = wc.config_get_plugin("host") self._port = int(wc.config_get_plugin("port")) self._mpdc.connect(host=self._host, port=self._port) pw = wc.config_get_plugin("password") if len(pw) > 0: self._mpdc.password(pw) if self.debug: wc.prnt(self.wcb or wc.current_buffer(), 'mpc debug: Connected') def currentsong(self): ds = self._mpdc.currentsong() itime = int(ds['time']) ipos = int(ds['pos']) pct = int(100 * (ipos / itime)) ds.update({ "title_or_file" : ds['title'] or splitext(basename(ds['file']))[0], "pos_sec" : "%02d" % (ipos / 60), "pos_min" : str(ipos / 60), "length_sec" : "%02d" % (itime % 60), "length_min" : str(itime / 60), "pct" : "%2.0f" % pct, "bitrate" : self._get_status('bitrate') + "kbps", }) return ds def np(self): """Pushes result of np template substitution to current buffer. """ ds = self.currentsong() if len(ds) == 0: wc.prnt(self.wcb or wc.current_buffer(), "MPC: ERROR: mpd is stopped") return wc.command(self.wcb or wc.current_buffer(), Template(wc.config_get_plugin("format")).safe_substitute(ds)) @_print_current def next(self): self._mpdc.next() @_print_current def pause(self): self._mpdc.pause() @_print_current def play(self, *args): self._mpdc.play() def playlist(self, *args): def ifn( b, s, d): wc.prnt(b, Template(s).safe_substitute(d)) def cfn(): wc.prnt(None, "mpc closing playlist buffer") new_buf = wc.buffer_new('mpc: playlist', "ifn", "", "cfn", "") wc.buffer_set(new_buf, "localvar_set_no_log", "1") pl = self._mpdc.playlist() for line in pl: wc.prnt(new_buf, line) wc.buffer_set(new_buf, "display", "1") return pl def playlistinfo(self, sortkey='pos'): """Shows playlist information sorted by key """ new_buf = wc.buffer_search("", "mpc: playlist") if len(new_buf) == 0: new_buf = wc.buffer_new('mpc: playlist', "", "", "", "") pl = self._mpdc.playlistinfo() try: # Numerical sort spl = sorted(pl, cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(int(x), int(y)), key=itemgetter(sortkey)) except ValueError: # Alpha sort lcmp = lambda x,y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()) spl = sorted(pl, cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()), key=itemgetter(sortkey)) t = Template(wc.config_get_plugin("playinfo")) for line in spl: wc.prnt(new_buf, t.safe_substitute(line)) return pl @_print_current def previous(self): self._mpdc.previous() def random(self, *args): """Toggles randomness if no argument is given. """ if len(args) == 0: args = [int(not int(self._get_status('random'))),] self._mpdc.random(*args) @_print_current def stop(self, *args): self._mpdc.stop() def set_config(): for k, v in DEFAULT_CONFIG.iteritems(): if not wc.config_get_plugin(k): wc.config_set_plugin(k, v) def control(data, wc_buf, cmd): """MPC-like controls from weechat. """ debug = bool(int((wc.config_get_plugin("debug")))) if len(cmd) < 1: cmd = 'np' mpc = __MPC(wc_buffer=wc_buf) mpc.connect() cmdlist = cmd.split(' ') if len(cmdlist) < 2: cmdlist = cmd.split(',') try: f = mpc.__getattribute__(cmdlist[0]) except AttributeError: wc.prnt(wc_buf, 'MPC: ERROR: Invalid command: %s' %cmdlist[0]) return wc.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR if mpc.debug: wc.prnt(wc_buf, 'mpc debug: f=%s' %f) if mpc.debug: wc.prnt(wc_buf, 'mpc debug: cmdlist=%s' %cmdlist[1:]) # FIXME: catch errors here? robj = f(*cmdlist[1:]) if debug: wc.prnt(wc_buf, 'mpc debug: got: %s' %robj) return wc.WEECHAT_RC_OK set_config() mpc = __MPC() CMD_LIST = mpc._commands.keys() del mpc wc.hook_command("mpc", __doc__, control.__doc__, '| '.join(CMD_LIST[0:]), '|| '.join(CMD_LIST[0:]), "control", "")