import weechat, re SCRIPT_NAME = "glitter" SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "" SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.1" SCRIPT_LICENSE = "GPL3" SCRIPT_DESC = "Replaces ***text*** you write with rainbow text" if weechat.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, "", ""): weechat.hook_command_run("/input return", "command_run_input", "") glitter_pat = re.compile("\*\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*\*") def glitter_it(match): lut = ("13","4","8","9","11","12") # len=6 text = return "".join(["\03"+lut[i%6]+text[i] for i in range(len(text))]) + "\03" def command_run_input(data, buffer, command): if command == "/input return": input = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'input') if input.startswith('/set '): # Skip modification of settings return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK input = glitter_pat.sub(glitter_it, input) weechat.buffer_set(buffer, 'input', input) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK