add "C"lear option on IRC raw buffer
IRC raw buffer now uses join/part prefix with color to display messages
add send of "quit" message to server when using /disconnect
fix "wallops" command when received, now displayed by WeeChat (bug #17441)
fix /wallops command (now many words are correctly sent)
fix command 348 (channel exception list, received by /mode #chan e)
add missing modes (channel & user), now all modes are allowed (bug #16606)
add "%m" for completion with self nick (on current server)
add missing IRC commands (310, 326, 329, 338)
fix DCC restore after /upgrade (order is now correctly saved)
fix away after server disconnection (now away is set again when reconnecting) (bug #16359)
fix DCC file connection problem (connection from receiver to sender)
improve DCC speed (up to x5 on LAN) by forking for DCC files and a new option "dcc_fast_send" (does not wait for ACK) (task #5758)
fix crash when purging DCC with high number of DCC (> window size)
fix completion for command handlers (now empty completion_template means nick completion, "-" string means no completion at all)
fix nick alignment problem when look_nickmode is off
add generic function for incoming numeric IRC commands (bug #16611)
fix crash when doing "/part something" on a server buffer (bug #17201)
charsets are now checked when set by /charset command
add "look_save_on_exit" option (patch from Emanuele Giaquinta)
fix crash on DCC buffer under Darwin 8 (bug #17115)
add configure option for doc XSL prefix (bug #16991)
fix bug with spaces in script names (bug #16957)
fix random crash when "MODE #chan -l" is received
fix bug in IRC parser (random crash with malformed IRC messages)
fix refresh bugs when terminal is resized: too many refreshs, display bug with split windows
case ignored for channel names in charset options (bug #16858)
fix crash when setting look_one_server_buffer to ON (bug #16932)
add new functions in plugin/script API: get window info, get buffer info, get buffer content
add polish, russian and czech quickstart guide
fix display bug with special char (bug #16732)
add color encoding for some commands like /me
add aspell plugin
rename plugins names (remove "lib" prefix in name)
fix crash when closing DCC/raw buffer if 2 are open (bug #16808)
fix crashes with DCC chat remove/purge on DCC view (bug #16775)
fix bug with connection to bnc (bug #16760)
command /save now writes plugins options (~/.weechat/plugins.rc)
fix crash with "register" function in plugin scripts (bug #16701)
fix random crash at exit (/quit or /upgrade) with split windows
fix /squery command (message sent to server, now ok with # args > 2)
fix /alias command (with an alias name, display content)
improve lua plugin detection (bug #16574)
add backtrace when WeeChat crashes, log file automatically renamed
add lock for log file (~/.weechat/weechat.log), only one WeeChat process can use this file (bug #16382)
fix crash with malformed UTF-8 strings
fix crash with ncurses color when too many colors defined in ncurses (bug #16556)
add new key to find previous completion (shift-tab by default)
fix bug with long outgoing IRC messages (> 512 bytes) (bug #16358)
fix Ruby crash when handler does not return OK or KO (bug #16552)
fix UTF-8 display bug with chars using more than one cell on screen (bug #16356)
fix display bug with DCC file size when > 1 Gb
fix refresh bug (deadlock in curses) when terminal is resized (bug #16542)
fix nicklist sort bug
add russian translations (thanks to Pavel Shevchuk)
add german doc (thanks to Frank Zacharias)
add missing IRC commands (006, 007, 290, 292, 310, 379, 437, 974)
fix crash when multiple pv have same name: now it’s forbidden and pv buffer is not renamed (when a nick changes) if another exists with same name (bug #16369)
command /clear [-all] now clears hotlist
fix crash after /upgrade if a line in history is empty (bug #16379)
fix many crashes with DCC chat (bug #16416)
add new option to customize input prompt
add nick modes
fix commands 332, 333 (/topic now ok when channel is not opened)
remove color encoding and charset conversion for commands (only allowed in text sent to channel/private)
add hostnames associeted to nicks (available for /ban completion)
add "+p" mode for channels, fix mode display in status bar
add nick alignment options
fix /names command: now displays result when not on a channel
fix refresh bug (too many refresh) when terminal is resized
fix nicklist display bugs when on top or bottom of chat window
add keyboard handler to plugin API
improve script plugin loader
add hostname/IP option for connection to server
fix --disable-plugins option in configure script
add /setp command (set plugin options)
fix high CPU usage when running under a screen that has been killed
aliases are executed before WeeChat/IRC commands, add /builtin command
add /cycle command, /part command does close buffer any more (use /buffer close (or alias /close) to part and close buffer
improve Ruby plugin
fix /set command when internal server name contains one or many dots
fix get_info plugin API function when no server at all is opened
fix display bug when top of buffer is displayed and first line is removed (according to "history_max_lines" setting)
fix /mode command output
improve alias completion (now uses target command for completion)
fix completion problem in private with nicks
add missing IRC command (487)
add inactivity time, available for plugins via get_info("inactivity")
add special names for plugin message handlers: weechat_pv, weechat_highlight, weechat_ctcp, weechat_dcc
script plugins now load scripts in WeeChat system share directory
/msg command does not open any buffer any more
fix crash when using global history (when older entry is removed)
add IRC raw data buffer (new key: alt-J + alt-R)
fix display bug with /kill command
add new plugins functions: add_timer_handler, remove_timer_handler, remove_infobar
plugin messages handlers now called when message is ignored (by /ignore)
new behaviour for messages ignored by a message handler: now WeeChat executes standard handler, treating message as "ignored"
many commands allowed for aliases
many commands allowed when connecting to server
add Lua script plugin
add functions in plugins API: get_server_info, free_server_info, get_channel_info, free_channel_info, get_nick_info, free_nick_info
add option "look_nick_complete_first" (patch from Gwenn)
add option "look_open_near_server" (patch from Gwenn)
fix bug with /upgrade and servers buffer
fix bug with "get_dcc_info" plugin interface function
add new scroll keys for a few lines up/down (default: meta-pgup/pgdn) (patch from Pistos)
add new option "irc_away_check_max_nicks" to disable away check on channels with high number of nicks (patch from Gwenn)
add new command line argument for setting WeeChat homedir (-d or --dir) (patch from Gwenn)
fix bug with charset in infobar highlights
fix bug with buffer detection in plugins/scripts commands
fix bug with /history command
add option "irc_show_away_once", to show away message only once in pv
add partial hungarian translation
fix msg command (now allowed in private buffer with "*" as target)
remove "irc_default_msg_away" setting, for RFC 2812 conformity (/away command wihtout argument only removes away status), new values for "irc_display_away" (off, local, channel)
fix refresh bug with Solaris when term size is changed
replace Texinfo doc by XML Docbook
add color for window separators (when split)
add completion system for plugins/scripts commands
fix plugins autoload
add charset by server and channel, new command: /charset
add Ruby script plugin
add /upgrade command
add ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for DCC files
/nick command is now allowed when not connected to server
add server/channel arg to /buffer command for jumping to buffer
fix display bug in chat window when a message length equals to window width
add new keys for scrolling to previous/next highlight: alt-P / alt-N
add "read marker": an indicator for first unread line in a server or channel buffer (new key alt-U to scroll to marker)
new window maganement: custom size for windows, auto resize when terminal is resized
fix infinite loop when resizing term to small size
add /history command
new color management system, IRC colors are now correctly displayed and can be removed by new options irc_colors_receive and irc_colors_send
fix scroll problem when one line is bigger than screen size
add setting for having one server buffer for all servers (look_one_server_buffer)
add setting for ignoring some chars when completing nicks
fix IRC message parser bug
signal SIGPIPE is now ignored
add partial match for highlights
add dcc_own_ip and dcc_port_range settings
full UTF-8 support, auto-detection of UTF-8 usage (locale)
add "Day changed to [date]" message when day changes
new plugin interface, rewritten from scratch: now loads dynamic C library, and perl/python are script plugins
log options (for server/channel/private) can now be set while WeeChat is running
add channel modes +e and +f
add some missing IRC commands, fix command 367
add colors for input buffer and current channel of status bar
add online help for config options (with /set full_option_name)
enhanced "smart" hotlist, with names (new options: look_hotlist_names_{count|level|length})
add /ame command (send CTCP action to all channels of all connected servers)
add setting "irc_notice_as_pv" to see notices as pv
add nicks colors in setup file
fix DCC bug: delete failed file only if really empty (on disk)
fix IRC message parser bug
fix scroll problem (screen moving when scrolling and new line displayed)
fix infinite loop when scrolling back and displaying long lines
fix crash when closing a buffer used by more than one window
add some missing IRC commands
fix DCC display bug (now decodes string according to charset)
add /ignore and /unignore commands
fix bug with strings comparison (str[n]casecmp) and some locales (like turkish), now using ASCII comparison (thanks to roktas)
signal SIGQUIT is now ignored
fix refresh bug when one line is bigger than screen size
fix look_nicklist_min_size and look_nicklist_max_size options
fix refresh bug when changing channel modes
jump to next server now saves current channel buffer for each server
add keys ctrl-up/ctrl-down to call previous/next command in global history (common to all buffers)
join and part/quit prefixes (arrows) now displayed with different colors
add "irc_highlight" setting, to get highlight with any word
fix auto-rejoin for channels with key
fix /ctcp command (now any command/data allowed)
add /amsg command (send text to all channels of all connected servers)
fix SIGSEGV handler (now write a core file by aborting program)
fix statusbar & infobar background refresh problem with some systems
add color for private in hotlist (different than color for highlight)
add DCC resume and timeout
add function for Perl/Python to get DCC list
fix FIFO pipe (command now authorized on a buffer not connected to an IRC server)
topic completion now decodes UTF-8 string
fix bug with IRC URL on command line (irc://)
new keyboard management: keys are setup in config file, add new command /key, add some new default keys, alt-K key is used to grab key (useful for /key command)
add seconds in infobar time (optional thanks to new setting)
fix some curses refreshs
add auto-prefix with "#" for channels (if no prefix found), with /join command
proxy support (http, socks4, socks5) with authentification (http, socks5) and ipv6 support (client to proxy)
add completion for config option (with /set command)
commands from users outside channel now authorized (if special user or channel without "n" flag)
add IPv6 support
kill command now received and displayed
add SSL support
channel notify levels are saved in config file (new option "server_notify_levels" for server sections)
part message now accepts %v (replaced by WeeChat version), like quit message
errors while loading perl scripts are now displayed in server buffer (instead of current buffer)
in python scripts, all messages written in stdin and stderr are redirected in server buffer
fix a filename error while loading a python script manually
fix plugins "print" and "prnt" functions: now ok for writing on server buffers
fix color problem with new libcurses version
fix crash when using alt-S or alt-X on DCC buffer (alt-D)
fix startup crash when config file (~/.weechat/weechat.rc) is not found
improve Perl/Python libs detection for ./configure script
add Python plugin support, improve Perl interface (and now Perl/Python libraries are checked by configure script)
add nicklist scroll keys (alt+{home/end/pgup/pgdn} or F11/F12)
add transfer rate for DCC files
add "-all" option for /nick command
buffers timestamp can now be changed (new option in config file)
WeeChat now ok under *BSD and Mac OS X
fix nicklist sort
fix crash when purging old DCC
fix crash with 64-bits arch (like AMD64) when converting UTF-8
add missing IRC commands (307, 341, 485, 671)
add nicks count for channel buffers
add FIFO pipe for remote control
add crash dump when WeeChat receives SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault)
add new display engine: doesn’t cut words at end of lines
add DCC send and DCC chat
add /halfop & /dehalfop commands, fix halfop display bug in nicklist
add /ban, /unban and /kickban commands
add spanish translation
add --irc-commands and --weechat-commands command line options
connection to IRC server is now made by child process (non blocking)
add support for UnrealIrcd ("~" for chan owner, "&" for chan admin)
new key for window switch (now: F5/F6=switch buffer, F7/F8=switch window)
on server buffer, only server messages are logged
improve /help command output
plugins messages are logged with new config option (log_plugin_msg)
fix /kick command
fix /invite command (and now invite requests are displayed)
fix /buffer close command (now ok when disconnected from server)
fix display bugs when many windows are opened
improve /window command: now split and merge are ok
away nicks are now displayed with another color (new option: "irc_away_check")
add away indicator in status bar
add lag indicator (and auto-disconnect after a delay if important lag)
improve completion: now completes commands arguments (IRC and internal), when only one completion matches, completion mechanism is stoped (to complete command arg for example)
improve /set command: empty strings are allowed, new colors, server options can be changed while WeeChat is running
add default away/part/quit messages in config file
new [irc] section in config file, move option "look_display_away" to "irc_display_away"
server messages & errors are all prefixed (by 3 chars, like "-@-")
add new options for charset (UTF-8 support): look_charset_decode, look_charset_encode and look_charset_internal
fix many memory leaks
fix colors bug: remove "gray" color (replaced by "default"), colors are ok when terminal has white (or light) background
fix crash when resizing terminal to small size
fix crash when multiple servers and big messages received from server
fix crash when closing some private buffers
fix crash when unknown section with option(s) in config file
fix /op, /deop, /voice, /devoice (now ok with many nicks)
fix /me command (now ok without parameter)
fix /away command (now ok if not away)
logs are now disabled by default (server/channel/private)
auto-reconnection to server (new options: server_autoreconnect (on/off), server_autoreconnect_delay (in seconds))
fix major bug when socket is closed by server (100% CPU usage), and disconnections are now ok (all channels are "closed", history is still visible, and buffer will be used again if reconnection to server)
option "look_remove_colors_from_msgs" is now working
fix display of nick mode changes
new command "/buffer close" (close any server/channel/private buffer)
fix /notice command (and display when received from server)
new keys: ctrl+A (=home), ctrl+E (=end), ctrl+W (= ctrl+Backspace), alt-S (switch to server buffer), alt-X (switch to first channel of next server)
add new config option: "server_command_delay" (delay in seconds after startup command for each server)
fix /kick command: now ok with many words as reason
nickserv passwords hidden (new config option: log_hide_nickserv_pwd on/off)
auto-rejoin channels when kicked (new config option: server_autorejoin on/off)
add IRC::command function for Perl scripts
fix bug when adding alias with same name as other
/buffer command developed (buffers list, move and notify)
logging buffers to disk (server/channel/private according to user prefs)
add config option "look_display_away" to announce away in channels
fix crash when resizing terminal to very small size
"-MORE-" message is now erased when switching to another buffer
DCC file receive ok (alt-D for DCC view)
/query command now reopens private buffer if already opened
add key for redrawing terminal (ctrl-L)
add key for clearing hotlist (alt-R)
new "col_status_delimiters" config option
add command /buffer , buffers ordered by number, auto-jump to active buffers (alt-A), jump to buffers by number (alt-number)
add command /window, split terminal horizontally/vertically
unique color for each nick (based on nickname)
action messages are now considered as messages, not crappy joins/parts
fix display bug when nicklist is displayed at bottom of screen
add history limit (text buffer and commands)
replace --enable-debug with --with-debug option for ./configure, which is now integer: 1 = compiler debug flag, 2 = same 1 with verbose debug messages in WeeChat (default: 0 = no debug)
improve channel highlight (priority to message vs join/part)
fix bug when opened private win and remote user changes his nick
add command /query (starts private conversation)
add IRC messages 476, 477
/mode command is now ok and channel flags are displayed in status bar
fix display bug (text was blinking when scrolling)
CTCP Version reply is now in english only and doesn’t show host (security reason)
/set command to modify config options when WeeChat is running
fix look_nicklist config option, now enables/disables nicklist
secure code to prevent buffer overflows and memory leaks
fix QUIT IRC command: now sent to all connected servers (not only current)
URL command line parameter to connect to server(s)
new Perl script function to display message in info bar ("IRC::print_infobar")
info bar highlight notifications
add info bar timestamp in config ("look_infobar_timestamp")
add info bar (optional, "look_infobar" to enable it, "on" by default)
fix crash with /oper command
for default config file, nick is now based on un*x username (thanks to Witukind)
fix crash when config file cannot be written
add -c (or --config) command line parameter to see config file options
highlight action messages
Perl plugin, with auto-load
when private window is created (another user is talking), WeeChat does not switch to this window
highlight when our nick is written in a channel/private window
catch ctrl-C (ignored)
debug messages can be enabled via ./configure --enbale-debug option
./configure script to build WeeChat
nicks are now correctly sorted (op, halfop, voice, other)
fix problem with "353" IRC message (nicklist)
fix problem when nick is truncated by server
fix crash when entering text without any server connection
fix crash when /set command is executed
fix display bug (text was blinking when scrolling)
french translation
new IRC command: /stats, /service, /squit, /motd, /lusers, /links, /time, /trace, /admin, /info, /servlist, /squery, /who, /whowas, /die, /summon, /users, /wallops, /userhost, /ison, /ctcp ping
code cleanup
add commands /rehash and /restart
and command and auto-join channels when connected to server
new commands for alias: /alias, /unalias (new section in config file)
config is now saved automatically when quitting WeeChat, add /save command
new commands for servers: /server, /connect, /disconnect
add autoconnect flag for each server in config file
add "look_set_title" option in config file
term window title is modified with WeeChat name and version
fix nicklist display bug
fix crash when sending command which can only be received
CTCP version returns more info (about OS)
ncurses GUI with color output
channel windows, with nicklist (position: top, bottom, left or right)
private windows
IRC commands: away, ctcp, deop, devoice, invite, join, kick, kill, list, me, mode, msg, names, nick, notice, op, oper, part, ping, pong, quit, quote, topic, version, voice, whois
WeeChat commands: clear, help, set (partial)
many config options
log file (~/.weechat/weechat.log)
nicklist can be moved on top, bottom, left or right of window