Perl plugin, with auto-load
when private window is created (another user is talking), WeeChat does not switch to this window
highlight when our nick is written in a channel/private window
catch ctrl-C (ignored)
debug messages can be enabled via ./configure --enbale-debug option
./configure script to build WeeChat
nicks are now correctly sorted (op, halfop, voice, other)
fix problem with "353" IRC message (nicklist)
fix problem when nick is truncated by server
fix crash when entering text without any server connection
fix crash when /set command is executed
fix display bug (text was blinking when scrolling)
french translation
new IRC command: /stats, /service, /squit, /motd, /lusers, /links, /time, /trace, /admin, /info, /servlist, /squery, /who, /whowas, /die, /summon, /users, /wallops, /userhost, /ison, /ctcp ping
code cleanup
add commands /rehash and /restart
and command and auto-join channels when connected to server
new commands for alias: /alias, /unalias (new section in config file)
config is now saved automatically when quitting WeeChat, add /save command
new commands for servers: /server, /connect, /disconnect
add autoconnect flag for each server in config file
add "look_set_title" option in config file
term window title is modified with WeeChat name and version
fix nicklist display bug
fix crash when sending command which can only be received
CTCP version returns more info (about OS)
ncurses GUI with color output
channel windows, with nicklist (position: top, bottom, left or right)
private windows
IRC commands: away, ctcp, deop, devoice, invite, join, kick, kill, list, me, mode, msg, names, nick, notice, op, oper, part, ping, pong, quit, quote, topic, version, voice, whois
WeeChat commands: clear, help, set (partial)
many config options
log file (~/.weechat/weechat.log)
nicklist can be moved on top, bottom, left or right of window