WeeChat DevCenter

Tag - hotlist

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Monday, April 11 2011

Count of messages in hotlist

Count of messages (by priority) has been added to hotlist.

New options:

  • /set weechat.look.hotlist_buffer_separator (default: ", ")
  • /set weechat.look.hotlist_count_max (default: 2)
  • /set weechat.look.hotlist_count_min_msg (default: 2)
  • /set weechat.color.status_count_msg (default: "brown")
  • /set weechat.color.status_count_private (default: "green")
  • /set weechat.color.status_count_highlight (default: "magenta")
  • /set weechat.color.status_count_other (default: "default")

Example with default config:

Count of messages in hotlist

(2 highlights and 5 messages on #test, 1 highlight and 1 private message from FlashCode)

Thursday, December 2 2010

Max hotlist level for some nicks

It is now possible to set max hotlist level for some nicks, per buffer, or per group of buffers (like IRC servers).

A new buffer property "hotlist_max_level_nicks" has been added. It can be set easily with script buffer_autoset.py, see /help autosetbuffer for example.

Possible levels are (default is -1):

  • -1: no hotlist changes for nick
  • 0: low priority (like join/part messages)
  • 1: message
  • 2: private
  • 3: highlight (in fact useless, since it's default max for all messages)

If you have already opened buffer, then script option will not apply immediately to buffers. Then you can use /buffer command to manually set this property on a buffer, for example, to disable highlights from "joe" and "mike" on current buffer:

/buffer set hotlist_max_level_nicks_add joe:2,mike:2