WeeChat DevCenter

Tag - capability

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Monday, December 24 2012

Backlog for irc protocol in relay

Backlog has been added for irc protocol in relay plugin.

The relay plugin now supports server capability "server-time", to include the messages time as tag (not in the message itself).

5 new options have been added:

  • relay.irc.backlog_max_minutes
  • relay.irc.backlog_max_number
  • relay.irc.backlog_since_last_disconnect
  • relay.irc.backlog_tags
  • relay.irc.backlog_time_format

Enjoy, and merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 27 2012

Tags in IRC messages

Tags in IRC messages are now supported (in development version, planned for version 0.4.0), following this specification: http://ircv3.atheme.org/specification/message-tags-3.2.

The tag "time" is now read and is used to set the time for the message displayed.

The "znc" IRC bouncer is using this tag with the capability "znc.in/server-time-iso" (name should change in the next release). For example if you are using a server called "znc" in WeeChat, you can do:

/set irc.server.znc.capabilities "znc.in/server-time-iso"

Note: with znc 1.0, the server capability was "znc.in/server-time". With znc git > 1.0, the capability is "znc.in/server-time-iso".

Some info about capability "server-time": https://github.com/atheme/ircv3-specifications/blob/master/extensions/server-time-3.2.