# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ============================================================================= # shell.py (c) March 2006, 2009 by Kolter # # Licence : GPL v2 # Description : running shell commands in WeeChat # Syntax : try /help shell to get some help on this script # Precond : needs weechat >= 0.3.0 to run # # # ### changelog ### # # * version 0.8, 2013-07-27, Sebastien Helleu : # - don't remove empty lines in output of command # * version 0.7, 2012-11-26, Sebastien Helleu : # - use hashtable for command arguments (for WeeChat >= 0.4.0) # * version 0.6, 2012-11-21, Sebastien Helleu : # - call shell in hook_process (WeeChat >= does not call shell any more) # * version 0.5, 2011-10-01, Sebastien Helleu : # - add shell buffer # * version 0.4, 2009-05-02, Sebastien Helleu : # - sync with last API changes # * version 0.3, 2009-03-06, Sebastien Helleu : # - use of hook_process to run background process # - add option -t to kill process after seconds # - show process running, kill it with -kill # * version 0.2, 2009-01-31, Sebastien Helleu : # - conversion to WeeChat 0.3.0+ # * version 0.1, 2006-03-13, Kolter : # - first release # # ============================================================================= import weechat, os, datetime SCRIPT_NAME = 'shell' SCRIPT_AUTHOR = 'Kolter' SCRIPT_VERSION = '0.8' SCRIPT_LICENSE = 'GPL2' SCRIPT_DESC = 'Run shell commands in WeeChat' SHELL_CMD = 'shell' SHELL_PREFIX = '[shell] ' cmd_hook_process = '' cmd_command = '' cmd_start_time = None cmd_buffer = '' cmd_shell_buffer = '' cmd_stdout = '' cmd_stderr = '' cmd_send_to_buffer = '' cmd_timeout = 0 if weechat.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, '', ''): weechat.hook_command( SHELL_CMD, 'Running shell commands in WeeChat', '[-o|-n] [-t seconds] || -show || -kill', ' -o: send output to current buffer (simulate user entry ' 'with command output - dangerous, be careful when using this option)\n' ' -n: display output in a new empty buffer\n' '-t seconds: auto-kill process after timeout (seconds) if process ' 'is still running\n' ' command: shell command or builtin like cd, getenv, setenv, unsetenv\n' ' -show: show running process\n' ' -kill: kill running process', '-o|-n|-t|cd|getenv|setenv|unsetenv|-show||-kill -o|-n|-t|cd|getenv|setenv|unsetenv', 'shell_cmd', '') def shell_init(): """Initialize some variables.""" global cmd_hook_process, cmd_command, cmd_start_time, cmd_buffer, cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr cmd_hook_process = '' cmd_command = '' cmd_start_time = None cmd_buffer = '' cmd_stdout = '' cmd_stderr = '' def shell_set_title(): """Set title on shell buffer (with working directory).""" global cmd_shell_buffer if cmd_shell_buffer: weechat.buffer_set(cmd_shell_buffer, 'title', '%s.py %s | "q": close buffer | Working dir: %s' % (SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_VERSION, os.getcwd())) def shell_process_cb(data, command, rc, stdout, stderr): """Callback for hook_process().""" global cmd_hook_process, cmd_buffer, cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr, cmd_send_to_buffer cmd_stdout += stdout cmd_stderr += stderr if int(rc) >= 0: if cmd_stdout: lines = cmd_stdout.rstrip().split('\n') if cmd_send_to_buffer == 'current': for line in lines: weechat.command(cmd_buffer, '%s' % line) else: weechat.prnt(cmd_buffer, '') if cmd_send_to_buffer != 'new': weechat.prnt(cmd_buffer, '%sCommand "%s" (rc %d), stdout:' % (SHELL_PREFIX, data, int(rc))) for line in lines: weechat.prnt(cmd_buffer, ' \t%s' % line) if cmd_stderr: lines = cmd_stderr.rstrip().split('\n') if cmd_send_to_buffer == 'current': for line in lines: weechat.command(cmd_buffer, '%s' % line) else: weechat.prnt(cmd_buffer, '') if cmd_send_to_buffer != 'new': weechat.prnt(cmd_buffer, '%s%sCommand "%s" (rc %d), stderr:' % (weechat.prefix('error'), SHELL_PREFIX, data, int(rc))) for line in lines: weechat.prnt(cmd_buffer, '%s%s' % (weechat.prefix('error'), line)) cmd_hook_process = '' shell_set_title() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def shell_show_process(buffer): """Show running process.""" global cmd_command, cmd_start_time if cmd_hook_process: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%sprocess running: "%s" (started on %s)' % (SHELL_PREFIX, cmd_command, cmd_start_time.ctime())) else: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%sno process running' % SHELL_PREFIX) def shell_kill_process(buffer): """Kill running process.""" global cmd_hook_process, cmd_command if cmd_hook_process: weechat.unhook(cmd_hook_process) weechat.prnt(buffer, '%sprocess killed (command "%s")' % (SHELL_PREFIX, cmd_command)) shell_init() else: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%sno process running' % SHELL_PREFIX) def shell_chdir(buffer, directory): """Change working directory.""" if not directory: if os.environ.has_key('HOME'): directory = os.environ['HOME'] try: os.chdir(directory) except: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%san error occured while running command "cd %s"' % (SHELL_PREFIX, directory)) else: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%schdir to "%s" ok, new path: %s' % (SHELL_PREFIX, directory, os.getcwd())) shell_set_title() def shell_getenv(buffer, var): """Get environment variable.""" global cmd_send_to_buffer var = var.strip() if not var: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%swrong syntax, try "getenv VAR"' % (SHELL_PREFIX)) return value = os.getenv(var) if value == None: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%s$%s is not set' % (SHELL_PREFIX, var)) else: if cmd_send_to_buffer == 'current': weechat.command(buffer, '$%s=%s' % (var, os.getenv(var))) else: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%s$%s=%s' % (SHELL_PREFIX, var, os.getenv(var))) def shell_setenv(buffer, expr): """Set an environment variable.""" global cmd_send_to_buffer expr = expr.strip() lexpr = expr.split('=') if (len(lexpr) < 2): weechat.prnt(buffer, '%swrong syntax, try "setenv VAR=VALUE"' % (SHELL_PREFIX)) return os.environ[lexpr[0].strip()] = '='.join(lexpr[1:]) if cmd_send_to_buffer != 'current': weechat.prnt(buffer, '%s$%s is now set to "%s"' % (SHELL_PREFIX, lexpr[0], '='.join(lexpr[1:]))) def shell_unsetenv(buffer, var): """Remove environment variable.""" var = var.strip() if not var: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%swrong syntax, try "unsetenv VAR"' % (SHELL_PREFIX)) return if os.environ.has_key(var): del os.environ[var] weechat.prnt(buffer, '%s$%s is now unset' % (SHELL_PREFIX, var)) else: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%s$%s is not set' % (SHELL_PREFIX, var)) def shell_exec(buffer, command): """Execute a command.""" global cmd_hook_process, cmd_command, cmd_start_time, cmd_buffer global cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr, cmd_send_to_buffer, cmd_timeout if cmd_hook_process: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%sanother process is running! (use "/%s -kill" to kill it)' % (SHELL_PREFIX, SHELL_CMD)) return if cmd_send_to_buffer == 'new': weechat.prnt(buffer, '-->\t%s%s$ %s%s' % (weechat.color('chat_buffer'), os.getcwd(), weechat.color('reset'), command)) weechat.prnt(buffer, '') args = command.split(' ') if args[0] == 'cd': shell_chdir(buffer, ' '.join(args[1:])) elif args[0] == 'getenv': shell_getenv (buffer, ' '.join(args[1:])) elif args[0] == 'setenv': shell_setenv (buffer, ' '.join(args[1:])) elif args[0] == 'unsetenv': shell_unsetenv (buffer, ' '.join(args[1:])) else: shell_init() cmd_command = command cmd_start_time = datetime.datetime.now() cmd_buffer = buffer version = weechat.info_get("version_number", "") or 0 if int(version) >= 0x00040000: cmd_hook_process = weechat.hook_process_hashtable('sh', { 'arg1': '-c', 'arg2': command }, cmd_timeout * 1000, 'shell_process_cb', command) else: cmd_hook_process = weechat.hook_process("sh -c '%s'" % command, cmd_timeout * 1000, 'shell_process_cb', command) def shell_input_buffer(data, buffer, input): """Input callback on shell buffer.""" global cmd_send_to_buffer if input in ('q', 'Q'): weechat.buffer_close(buffer) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK cmd_send_to_buffer = 'new' weechat.prnt(buffer, '') command = weechat.string_input_for_buffer(input) shell_exec(buffer, command) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def shell_close_buffer(data, buffer): """Close callback on shell buffer.""" global cmd_shell_buffer cmd_shell_buffer = '' return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def shell_new_buffer(): """Create shell buffer.""" global cmd_shell_buffer cmd_shell_buffer = weechat.buffer_search('python', 'shell') if not cmd_shell_buffer: cmd_shell_buffer = weechat.buffer_new('shell', 'shell_input_buffer', '', 'shell_close_buffer', '') if cmd_shell_buffer: shell_set_title() weechat.buffer_set(cmd_shell_buffer, 'localvar_set_no_log', '1') weechat.buffer_set(cmd_shell_buffer, 'time_for_each_line', '0') weechat.buffer_set(cmd_shell_buffer, 'input_get_unknown_commands', '1') weechat.buffer_set(cmd_shell_buffer, 'display', '1') return cmd_shell_buffer def shell_cmd(data, buffer, args): """Callback for /shell command.""" global cmd_send_to_buffer, cmd_timeout largs = args.split(' ') # strip spaces while '' in largs: largs.remove('') while ' ' in largs: largs.remove(' ') cmdbuf = buffer if len(largs) == 0: shell_new_buffer() else: if largs[0] == '-show': shell_show_process(cmdbuf) elif largs[0] == '-kill': shell_kill_process(cmdbuf) else: cmd_send_to_buffer = '' cmd_timeout = 0 while largs: if largs[0] == '-o': cmd_send_to_buffer = 'current' largs = largs[1:] continue if largs[0] == '-n': cmd_send_to_buffer = 'new' cmdbuf = shell_new_buffer() largs = largs[1:] continue if largs[0] == '-t' and len(largs) > 2: cmd_timeout = int(largs[1]) largs = largs[2:] continue break if len(largs) > 0: shell_exec(cmdbuf, ' '.join(largs)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK