# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Author: Gosuke Miyashita Homepage: https://github.com/mizzy/weechat-plugins/ Version: 1.3 License: MIT License This plugin is for pushing notifications to im.kayac.com. See: http://im.kayac.com/ This plugin is based on notifo_notify.py. See: http://www.weechat.org/scripts/source/stable/notifo_notify.py/ Original license is: Author: SAEKI Yoshiyasu Homepage: http://bitbucket.org/laclefyoshi/weechat/ Version: 1.0 License: MIT License This plugin requires "notifo" in your iPod touch/iPhone See here: http://notifo.com/ """ import weechat import urllib import hashlib ## registration weechat.register("im_kayac_com_notify", "Gosuke Miyashita", "1.3", "MIT License", "im_kayac_com_notify: Push notification to iPod touch/iPhone with im.kayac.com", "", "") ## settings script_options = { "username": "", "password": "", "secretkey": "", } if weechat.config_get_plugin("username") == "": weechat.prnt("", weechat.prefix("error") + "im_kayac_com_notify: Please set option: username") weechat.prnt("", "im_kayac_com_notify: /set plugins.var.python.im_kayac_com_notify.username STRING") if weechat.config_get_plugin("password") == "" and weechat.config_get_plugin("secretkey") == "": weechat.prnt("", weechat.prefix("error") + "im_kayac_com_notify: Please set option: password or secretkey") weechat.prnt("", "im_kayac_com_notify: /set plugins.var.python.im_kayac_com_notify.[password|secretkey] STRING") ## functions def postIm(message, handler=None, label=None, title=None, buffer_name=None, prefix=None): USERNAME = weechat.config_get_plugin("username") PASSWORD = weechat.config_get_plugin("password") SECRETKEY = weechat.config_get_plugin("secretkey") if USERNAME != "": url = "http://im.kayac.com/api/post/" + USERNAME opt_dict = { "message": "[%s][%s] - %s\n%s %s" % (label, buffer_name, title, prefix, message), } if PASSWORD != "": opt_dict["password"] = PASSWORD elif SECRETKEY != "": opt_dict["sig"] = hashlib.sha1(opt_dict["message"] + SECRETKEY).hexdigest() else: return opt = urllib.urlencode(opt_dict) cmd = "python -c 'from urllib2 import Request, urlopen; urlopen(Request(\"%s\", \"%s\"))'" % (url, opt) weechat.hook_process(cmd, 10000, "hook_process_cb", "") def hook_process_cb(data, command, rc, stdout, stderr): return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def print_callback(data, buffer, date, tags, displayed, highlight, prefix, message): buffer_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "name") if int(highlight): postIm(message, label="weechat", title="Highlight", buffer_name=buffer_name, prefix=prefix) elif "notify_private" in tags.split(','): postIm(message, label="weechat", title="Private Message", buffer_name=buffer_name, prefix=prefix) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK weechat.hook_print("", "", "", 1, "print_callback", "");