# coding: utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2012 by nesthib # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This script generates a file containing a formatted list of highlights to be # used by an external program like conky. # # 2021-05-04, Sébastien Helleu # 0.3: add compatibility with WeeChat >= 3.2 (XDG directories) # 2014-05-10, Sébastien Helleu # 0.2: change hook_print callback argument type of displayed/highlight # (WeeChat >= 1.0) # 2012-03-07: nesthib # 0.1: initial release try: import weechat as w except Exception: print("This script must be run under WeeChat.") print("Get WeeChat now at: http://www.weechat.org/") quit() import re, os from collections import Counter name = "hl2file" author = "nesthib " version = "0.3" license = "GPL" description = "Generates a file with highlights for external programs like conky" shutdown_function = "shutdown" charset = "" w.register(name, author, version, license, description, shutdown_function, charset) settings = { 'output_file': '%h/highlights.txt', 'output_active_buffer': '%h/active_buffer.txt', #'ignore_chans': 'server', 'output_format': '%{buffer}: %{nick} (%{message})', 'summarize_by_buffer': 'off', 'short_buffer_names': 'on', 'clear_visited_buffers': 'on', } for opt, val in settings.iteritems(): if not w.config_is_set_plugin(opt): w.config_set_plugin(opt, val) highlights = [] regex_tags = re.compile('%\{[^\{\}]+\}') def bufname(buffer): buffer_name = w.buffer_get_string(buffer , 'name') if w.config_get_plugin('short_buffer_names') == 'on': buffer_name = buffer_name.partition('.')[2] return buffer_name def write(my_file, content): if my_file == "": return options = { 'directory': 'data', } my_file = w.string_eval_path_home(my_file, {}, {}, options) try: f = open(my_file, 'w') except IOError: w.prnt('', 'Error: %s is unable to open "%s", please select an appropriate location' % (name, my_file)) else: f.writelines(content) f.close() def my_print_cb(data, buffer, date, tags, displayed, highlight, prefix, message): global highlights if w.config_get_plugin('clear_visited_buffers') == 'on': if buffer == w.window_get_pointer(w.current_window(), 'buffer'): return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK if int(highlight): infos = {'buffer' : buffer, 'date' : date, 'tags' : str.split(tags, ','), 'nick' : prefix, 'message' : message, } highlights.append(infos) write_file() return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK def write_file(): global highlights filename = w.config_get_plugin('output_file') if w.config_get_plugin('summarize_by_buffer') == 'on': items = Counter([ bufname(item['buffer']) for item in highlights ]) output_lines = [ '%s (%s)\n' % (item, items[item]) for item in items ] else: output_regex = w.config_get_plugin('output_format') tags = regex_tags.findall(output_regex) output_lines = [] for infos in highlights: output_string = output_regex+'\n' for tag in tags: item = tag.lstrip('%{').rstrip('}') if item in infos.keys(): if item == 'buffer': new_string = bufname(infos[item]) else: new_string = infos[item] output_string = output_string.replace(tag, new_string) output_lines.append(output_string) write(filename, output_lines) def clear_file_cb(data, buffer, args): global highlights highlights = [] write_file() return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK def buffer_switch_cb(data, signal, signal_data): global highlights if w.config_get_plugin('clear_visited_buffers') == 'on': buffer = w.window_get_pointer(w.current_window(), 'buffer') write(w.config_get_plugin('output_active_buffer'), bufname(buffer)) highlights = [ item for item in highlights if item['buffer'] != buffer ] write_file() return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK def shutdown(): options = { 'directory': 'data', } for my_file in ['output_file', 'output_active_buffer']: filename = w.string_eval_path_home(my_file, {}, {}, options) if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK ### OPTIONS ### invertdict = lambda d: dict(zip(d.itervalues(), d.keys())) booleans = {'on': True, 'off': False} boolean_options = ['summarize_by_buffer', 'short_buffer_name', 'clear_visited_buffers'] options = {} for option in settings.keys(): if option in boolean_options : options[option] = booleans[w.config_get_plugin(option)] else: options[option] = w.config_get_plugin(option) def my_config_cb(data, option, value): global options for boolean_option in boolean_options : if option.endswith(boolean_option): if value in booleans.keys(): options[boolean_option] = booleans[w.config_get_plugin(boolean_option)] else: w.prnt('', 'Error: "%s" is not a boolean, please use "on" or "off"' % w.config_get_plugin(boolean_option)) w.config_set_plugin(boolean_option, invertdict(booleans)[options[boolean_option]]) write_file() return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK for option in settings.keys(): w.hook_config("plugins.var.python.%s.%s" % (name, option), "my_config_cb", "") ### HOOKS ### w.hook_command("hl2file_clear", "", "", "", "", "clear_file_cb", "") w.hook_signal("buffer_switch","buffer_switch_cb","") w.hook_signal("window_switch","buffer_switch_cb","") w.hook_print("", "", "", 1, "my_print_cb", "")