# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ###################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2011 by Pascal Wittmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Marked Parts are from Wojciech Muła # and are licensed under BSD and are avaliable at # http://0x80.pl/proj/aspell-python/ ######################################################################## # INSTALLTION # After copying this file into your python plugin directory, start weechat # load the script and follow futher instructions calling # /help correction_completion # You can find these instructions as markdown on # https://github.com/pSub/weechat-correction-completion/blob/master/README.md # too. # Changelog: # 2020-01-10 -- Version 0.4.0 # - Transition to Python 3 # # 2012-10-18 -- Version 0.3.0 # - incorrect words have a higher priority (typo completion) # - the following characters are removed from the typo: , . ; : ? ! ) ( \ / " ^ # # 2011-06-01 -- Version 0.2.2 # - fixed a memory leak, thanks to FlashCode # - documentation updates # # 2011-03-19 -- Version 0.2.1 # - fixed bug that resulted in a crash of weechat # # 2011-03-18 -- Version 0.2.0 # - fixed out of bounds bug # - apply config changes without reloading # - improved performance # # 2011-02-19 -- Version 0.1.0 # - frist working version import re try: import ctypes import ctypes.util except ImportError: print("This script depends on ctypes") try: import weechat as w except ImportError: print("This script must be run under WeeChat.") print("Get WeeChat now at: http://www.weechat.org/") SCRIPT_NAME = "correction_completion" SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "Pascal Wittmann " SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.4.0" SCRIPT_LICENSE = "GPL3" SCRIPT_DESC = "Provides a completion for 's/typo/correct'" SCRIPT_COMMAND = "correction_completion" # Default Options # Your can use all aspell options listed on # http://aspell.net/man-html/The-Options.html settings = { 'lang' : 'en', } # The Bunch Class is from # http://code.activestate.com/recipes/52308/ class Bunch: def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds) def completion(data, completion_item, buffer, completion): if state.used == True: return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK else: state.used = True # Current cursor position pos = w.buffer_get_integer(buffer, 'input_pos') # Current input string input = w.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'input') fst = input.find("s/") snd = input.find("/", fst + 2) # Check for typo or suggestion completion if pos > 2 and fst >= 0 and fst < pos: if snd >= 0 and snd < pos: complete_replacement(pos, input, buffer) else: complete_typo(pos, input, buffer) state.used = False return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK def complete_typo(pos, input, buffer): # Assume that typo changes when doing a completion state.curRepl = -1 # Get the text of the current buffer list = [] infolist = w.infolist_get('buffer_lines', buffer, '') while w.infolist_next(infolist): list.append(strip_symbols(w.infolist_string(infolist, 'message'))) w.infolist_free(infolist) # Generate a list of words text = (' '.join(list)).split(' ') # Remove duplicate elements text = unify(text) # Split words in correct and incorrect ones good = [word for word in text if spellcheck(word) == True] bad = [word for word in text if spellcheck(word) == False] # Sort by alphabet and length good.sort(key=lambda item: (item, len(item))) bad.sort(key=lambda item: (item, len(item))) # Place incorrcet ones in front of correct ones text = bad + good i = iter(text) # Get index of last occurence of "s/" befor cursor position n = input.rfind("s/", 0, pos) # Get substring and search the replacement substr = input[n+2:pos] replace = search((lambda word : word.startswith(substr)), i) # If no replacement found, display substring if replace == "": replace = substr # If substring perfectly matched take next replacement if replace == substr: try: replace = next(i) except StopIteration: replace = substr changeInput(substr, replace, input, pos, buffer) def complete_replacement(pos, input, buffer): # Start Positions n = input.rfind("s/", 0, pos) m = input.rfind("/", n + 2, pos) repl = input[m + 1 : pos] typo = input[n + 2 : m] # Only query new suggestions, when typo changed if state.curRepl == -1 or typo != state.curTypo: state.suggestions = suggest(typo) state.curTypo = typo if len(state.suggestions) == 0: return # Start at begining when reached end of suggestions if state.curRepl == len(state.suggestions) - 1: state.curRepl = -1 # Take next suggestion state.curRepl += 1 # Put suggestion into the input changeInput(repl, state.suggestions[state.curRepl], input, pos, buffer) def changeInput(search, replace, input, pos, buffer): # Put the replacement into the input n = len(search) input = '%s%s%s' %(input[:pos-n], replace, input[pos:]) w.buffer_set(buffer, 'input', input) w.buffer_set(buffer, 'input_pos', str(pos - n + len(replace))) def strip_symbols(string): return re_remove_chars.sub('', w.string_remove_color(string, '')) def search(p, i): # Search for item matching the predicate p while True: try: item = next(i) if p(item): return item except StopIteration: return "" def unify(list): # Remove duplicate elements from a list checked = [] for e in list: if e not in checked: checked.append(e) return checked # Parts are from Wojciech Muła def suggest(word): if type(word) is str: suggestions = aspell.aspell_speller_suggest( speller, word.encode(), len(word)) elements = aspell.aspell_word_list_elements(suggestions) list = [] while True: wordptr = aspell.aspell_string_enumeration_next(elements) if not wordptr: break; else: word = ctypes.c_char_p(wordptr) list.append(word.value.decode('UTF-8')) aspell.delete_aspell_string_enumeration(elements) return list else: raise TypeError("String expected") def spellcheck(word): if type(word) is str: return aspell.aspell_speller_check( speller, word, len(word)) else: raise TypeError("String expected") def load_config(data = "", option = "", value = ""): global speller config = aspell.new_aspell_config() for option, default in settings.items(): if not w.config_is_set_plugin(option): w.config_set_plugin(option, default) value = w.config_get_plugin(option) if not aspell.aspell_config_replace( config, option.encode(), value.encode()): raise Exception("Failed to replace config entry") # Error checking is from Wojciech Muła possible_error = aspell.new_aspell_speller(config) aspell.delete_aspell_config(config) if aspell.aspell_error_number(possible_error) != 0: aspell.delete_aspell_can_have_error(possible_error) raise Exception("Couldn't create speller") speller = aspell.to_aspell_speller(possible_error) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK if w.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, "", ""): # Saving the current completion state state = Bunch(used = False, curTypo = '', curRepl = -1, suggestions = []) # Use ctypes to access the apsell library aspell = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('aspell')) speller = 0 # Regex to remove unwanted characters re_remove_chars = re.compile('[,.;:?!\)\(\\\/\"\^]') # Load configuration load_config() template = 'correction_completion' # Register completion hook w.hook_completion(template, "Completes after 's/' with words from buffer", 'completion', '') # Register hook to update config when option is changed with /set w.hook_config("plugins.var.python." + SCRIPT_NAME + ".*", "load_config", "") # Register help command w.hook_command(SCRIPT_COMMAND, SCRIPT_DESC, "", """Usage: If you want to correct yourself, you often do this using the expression 's/typo/correct'. This plugin allows you to complete the first part (the typo) by pressing *Tab*. The words from the actual buffer are used to complet this part. If the word can be perfectly matched the next word in alphabetical order is shown. The second part (the correction) can also be completed. Just press *Tab* after the slash and the best correction for the typo is fetched from aspell. If you press *Tab* again, it shows the next suggestion. The language used for suggestions can be set with the option plugins.var.python.correction_completion.lang The aspell language pack must be installed for this language. Setup: Add the template %%(%(completion)s) to the default completion template. The best way to set the template is to use the iset-plugin¹, because you can see there the current value before changing it. Of course you can also use the standard /set-command e.g. /set weechat.completion.default_template "%%(nicks)|%%(irc_channels)|%%(%(completion)s)" Footnotes: ¹ http://weechat.org/scripts/source/stable/iset.pl/ """ %dict(completion=template), '', '', '')